Chapter 71 Read on
In Jinling in December, although it hasn't snowed yet, it is so cold that people vomit white fog. This is a kind of weather that is not surprising if it snows any day.

Yu Dong poured a handful of kill water on his face, and instantly woke up a lot.

Compared with tap water, well-killed water has a special charm.In summer, it is icy cold and refreshing.In winter, it looks a little warm and soft again.

After washing, Yu Dong walked back with the basin.

Ruan Xiaohu was still standing at the door. He was wearing a thin black coat. He probably had been waiting outside the door for a long time. He was shivering from the cold. Although he tried his best to control his body, Yu Dong could still see it. He is cold.

"come in."

Entering the room, Yu Dong poured a cup of hot water and handed it to Ruan Xiaohu: "Warm your hands."

Ruan Xiaohu took the enamel tea jar and held it in his hand. He felt a little numb at first, but after a while, the warmth gradually came and moved around his body along his arms.

He left the hotel at around six in the morning and came to Jinyi. The old man in the delivery room heard that he was looking for Yu Dong. He was very enthusiastic and told him the way for a long time.

When he arrived at the door of Yu Dong's dormitory, he saw through the window that Yu Dong was sleeping, so he didn't knock on the door and waited until now.

The body was warm, Ruan Xiaohu couldn't help but look at Yudong's room.The room is not big, the layout is very simple and looks neat.

Looking at this room, Ruan Xiaohu remembered what their boss said: the simpler a person looks, the more things he thinks about in his mind.

According to the boss, Teacher Yu must be the kind of person whose mind is full of things.

He also saw a stack of checkered paper stacked on the table. He was familiar with these checkered papers. It was the kind of paper they stole from Teacher Yu's bag on the train.

"Mr. Yu, are you... writing?" Ruan Xiaohu couldn't help asking. He had been wanting to ask this question for a long time. He always wanted to know if the novel he saw on the train at that time was written by Mr. Yu himself.

Yu Dong smiled and nodded: "Yes, I do like to write something."

Ruan Xiaohu looked at the words on the grid paper, hesitated for a long time, and finally summoned up the courage to ask, "Can I have a look?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "This is a rough draft, so don't read it."

"Oh, good." Ruan Xiaohu lowered his head, he should have expected this answer, because he was too abrupt.

But then I heard Yu Dong say: "After these are published in the magazine, I will send you a sample issue."

"Really?" Ruan Xiaohu sat up straight in surprise.

"Don't be so surprised." Yu Dongchong Ruan Xiaohu waved his hand, then got up and opened his own cabinet, "You came here today to borrow books, I didn't bring many books to Jinling, they are all here. ."

This cabinet was originally used to store clothes, but Yu Dong didn't have much clothes, so he set aside half for books.

There are about fifty or sixty books in the cabinet, thin or thick.

Some of them were brought from Shanghai by him twice, and some were bought after he came to Jinling.

Ruan Xiaohu put down the teacup, walked to the cabinet, looked at the books inside, and saw "Cai Huofu's Short Masterpieces Collection" at a glance.

Since the last time he read this book, he has been looking for it, but he has not seen it in many bookstores.

"Can I read this book?" Ruan Xiaohu asked, pointing to "Cai Huofu's Short Masterpieces".

"Of course you can." Yu Dong made a gesture of courtesy, poured himself a cup of hot water, and said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to like Chekhov quite a bit."


"Oh, it's another translation of Chaihuov. He is a very famous writer in Russia. He has a lot of works. I have a few more copies of this masterpiece collection. "

"Thank you, Teacher Yu." Ruan Xiaohu looked grateful, and then asked nervously, "I've almost finished reading this one, I want to finish it with you, and then borrow another one to read it back, okay? Is it?"

"No problem at all. I don't have anything else to do today. If you have anything you don't understand, you can ask me at any time."

Yu Dong is going to skip half a day of work today and won't go out. He will take the time to transcribe "Closed Loop".If there is still time, start writing "Death of a Widow".

Afterwards, the two of them began to do their own things. Yu Dong was busy copying the manuscript, and Ruan Xiaohu was engrossed in reading Chekhov.

About an hour later, Ruan Xiaohu finished reading "Chai Huofu's Short Stories and Masterpieces".

He stood by the cabinet and read it for a long time, not knowing which book to choose to borrow and read.

Yu Dong saw that he was tangled, and pointed to the book on the far side: "That book of A Tale of Two Cities, if you are interested, you can read it."

"A Tale of Two Cities..." Ruan Xiaohu found it and took it in his hand, "Dickens, I've heard of his Oliver Twist."

"It's all good works." Yu Dong put his hand on the back of the chair and looked at Ruan Xiaohu: "You can borrow the book for as long as you want, but you have to promise me one condition."

"I promise." Ruan Xiaohu said immediately.

Yu Dong laughed, "You don't even know what conditions I want to make, so you agreed?"


"Okay, it's not a strict condition. As long as you return the book, you can attach a post-reading review. There are no specific requirements for this post-reading review. There is no limit to the number of words. You can use it as you like."

"Write a single word?"

Yu Dong laughed even harder, "If you can really express your feelings after reading in one word, there's nothing wrong with it."

"Mr. Yu, is this the homework you gave me?"

Yu Dong noticed that Ruan Xiaohu's eyes lit up when he said "homework".

"Yes, it's homework." Yu Dong nodded.

"Okay, then I promise to complete it." Ruan Xiaohu patted his chest and made a ticket.

Handing in homework... For Ruan Xiaohu, no one has asked him to hand in homework since he dropped out of school. Now Yu Dong asks him to hand in homework, which makes him feel like he is still in school.

He clearly knew that he was not in school, and it was impossible to go back to school, but this feeling fascinated him, so he couldn't wait to make a deal with Yu Dong.

"Mr. Yu, I'll come back to you in a few days."

As if afraid that Yu Dong would go back on it, Ruan Xiaohu said, and then ran out with the book in his arms.

Looking at Ruan Xiaohu's trotting back, Yu Dong suddenly remembered the scene when he "borrowed" "Chai Huofu's Short Masterpieces" from Hu Yueming, perhaps the same as Ruan Xiaohu now.

"I hope he can keep this original intention and keep reading."

Yu Dong muttered something, and then put his mind on the work of transcribing "Closed Loop".

 Thank you [m3m] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 500 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Hundred and Ninety You] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [SHIELDSPIDER] for the 100 reward
  Thanks for the 100 reward of [Carving Time]
  Thank you [Book Friend 160817091132751] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thanks for the 500 reward of [Doom Fat Dragon]
  Thank you [Red Comrade] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Enthusiastic Citizen Mr. Wu] for your 100 reward
  Thank you [Wisdom Teeth] Boss 1500... Forget it, I won't thank you for this, this is my wife, the prodigal wife, half of the money is given to the starting point, why don't you just give me a red envelope.

  ps: Readers, please tell me the truth. Tickets are really required. If you don’t ask for them, you will get more than 400 recommended votes a day.
(End of this chapter)

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