Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 72 I feel like I've seen it before

Chapter 72 I feel like I've seen it before

"Wang Yu, go to dinner."

"You go first, I'll go out in a while."

In the editorial department of "Harvest", Wang Yu buried her head on her desk, sifting through a pile of letters.

It has been half a year since Wang Yu joined the magazine, and the work in the past six months is completely different from what he thought before he came.Before he arrived at the magazine, all he thought about was the stories between editors and writers, and he fantasized about being able to achieve mutual success with writers just like those well-known editors.

But after he came, he discovered that his daily job, in addition to reviewing the messy manuscripts, was to help others do manuscript verification.

Well-known writers have other editorial contacts, and he has nothing to do with drafting, and he can't find a good writer for drafting. When they come and go, others will let him do some chores as a matter of course.

Later, he didn't give up, so he turned over the magazine's past materials, screened some potential writers, and then put down his face and wrote to make an appointment.

Most of the letters sent to us are in vain, and the other ones are either rejected, or the manuscripts submitted are not satisfactory.

But he never gave up. If he didn't answer one letter, he would write two letters. If he didn't answer two letters, he would write three letters. He believed that his efforts would pay off sooner or later.

In fact, it is somewhat rewarding.

In the next issue of the magazine, there is a manuscript of his own independent contract. The quality is acceptable, and the editor-in-chief adopts it.

This can be regarded as giving Wang Yu a little confidence, making him believe that he is on the right path.

After flipping through it for a while, he found a thick letter with the sender Yu Dong on the envelope.

Yu Dong... Wang Yu had some impressions, as if he had written two letters of invitation to him, the last one should have been more than a week ago.

Thinking of this, Wang Yu's interest in the letter dropped a little.

Think about it, I just sent the letter more than a week ago, and now the reply is coming. I am afraid that the time in between is only enough for the letters to come and go. How can the other party have time to write the manuscript?

In this way, it is either a manuscript or a perfunctory work.

Needless to say, the latter cannot be hoped for.As for the former, I am afraid there is not much hope, because generally the manuscripts of such non-famous writers have been screened by other magazines.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party has just finished writing an article, just in time to send the letter, but this possibility is really slim.

With the mentality of taking a casual look, Wang Yu opened the envelope.

After seeing the title of the work "Death of a Widow", Wang Yu's expectations were lowered.In the past few years, domestic newspapers and periodicals have often published articles about the death of so-and-so. It seems that bringing a "death" can trigger the reader effect and sell well.

If you are some news editors, you may still be interested when you see such a title, but for "Harvest", this name is somewhat drifting.

But when he finished reading the novel in one breath, he realized that the underestimation of the title of the work was entirely his prejudice.

This "Death of a Widow" is definitely a masterpiece. Let's not talk about its structure setting, just the complete narration technique and a lot of repeated narration used in the novel embedded in it, it makes people's eyes shine. .

The second is the collision between sets, realism and new historicism, which is equally addicting.

This is not a completely innovative work, let alone very experimental, but it still finds another way to play the narrative method to the extreme.

Aside from the narrative method, this novel uses a unique perspective to show the local rural culture and even the style of the entire Chinese society at that time in a limited space, and depicts the tragic fate of the little people in a special period.

Of course, Li Xuelian's tragic fate cannot be entirely attributed to the social environment, but the most important thing is the inferiority of human nature.

The last scene of scolding Li Xuelian left the deepest impression on Wang Yu.

Everyone in the village knows that Li Xuelian is not a so-called "slut", especially those men, they know better than anyone else, because many of them have tried to have some unspeakable relationship with Li Xuelian, but none of them succeeded. I know that Li Xuelian is a strong woman.

But they unanimously launched the most vicious insults at her, even physical destruction.

Because only by proving Li Xuelian is a slut, can they justly deceive others and deceive themselves: it is not that we are bad, but that she seduced us.

It seems that it is precisely such a staunch Li Xuelian that he will be treated like this.

The women also knew that Li Xuelian was not a slut, and even more aware of their man's sweet guts, but they did not let Li Xuelian go, because they thought from the root that their man was greedy for Li Xuelian's body was Li Xuelian's fault.

In addition, the women's abuse was also mixed with jealousy. They hoped that they would be liked by the men in the whole village like Li Xuelian, but they didn't want a woman like Li Xuelian in the village instead of themselves.

Wang Yu rubbed his eyes, surprises, surprises... all kinds of emotions came to his heart, and he was even moved by himself.

Look, my efforts are not in vain.

"Wang Yu, haven't you been down for dinner?"

The colleagues who went out to eat just now have returned, and they are a little curious when they see Wang Yu still at the workstation.

Have a meal?

What else to eat?

Wang Yu ran into the editor-in-chief's office directly with the manuscript.

Unfortunately, the editor-in-chief is not there.

He turned back to the deputy editor's office.

Fortunately, the deputy editor is here.

Because of his excitement, Wang Yu walked in without even knocking on the door.

Deputy Programmer Yongxing was about to light a cigarette when he saw Wang Yu running in excitedly.

"Editor-in-chief Cheng, I found a good manuscript."

Cheng Yongxing pulled the cigarette from his lips and put it back into the cigarette case.

Seeing Wang Yu's excited expression, Cheng Yongxing sighed silently, Wang Yu was crazy for thinking about the manuscript, and he was so complacent.

Maybe he really found a good manuscript, but how many good manuscripts they encountered in "Harvest"?

"Let's take a look."

Wang Yu took two steps forward and handed the manuscript to Cheng Yongxing: "This is definitely the best manuscript in the near future, editor-in-chief, trust me."

"Well, I'll take a look first." Cheng Yongxing took the manuscript and noticed the strong and powerful writing on the paper at first glance, and couldn't help but praise: "The word is good."

Wang Yu stood aside and wanted to say that although the words were good and the content was better, he still didn't say it.

Cheng Yongxing's speed in reading manuscripts is very fast, which is tempered by years of editing work.

After reading it, he breathed a sigh of relief, took out the cigarette that he hadn't lit just now, lit it again, and took a slow puff.

Wang Yu is not exaggerating, this novel is indeed a rare masterpiece.But still the same sentence, the editor of "Harvest" has read any good articles, and this article will not shock the world.

Yongxing can understand Wang Yu without going through the process. This guy has been suffering for too long recently, and he is naturally excited after finally receiving a good manuscript.

Seeing Wang Yu waiting for his reply with glowing eyes, he smiled and said, "It's pretty good, you can contact the author for the manuscript."

"Okay." After receiving the reply, Wang Yu almost jumped up, but he didn't delay, and immediately ran to reply without even taking the manuscript.

After seeing Wang Yu leaving, Cheng Yongxing flipped through the manuscript again, and saw the signature "Yu Dong" on the last page, he always felt like he had seen it somewhere.

 Thanks for the 100 reward of [Yilianyoumengdi No Sleep] boss
  Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Little Flying Cat 001] for your 1500 reward
  Thank you [Book Friend 20171029095907915] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thanks to everyone who voted and read
  Good luck to all readers

(End of this chapter)

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