Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 721 Don't Lie To Me

Hearing that Xia Tian has a new book to read, the Nolan brothers are very happy.

In fact, they are looking forward to "The Da Vinci Code", because Yu Dong revealed in front of reporters before that this book has something to do with semiotics and "Holy Blood and the Holy Grail".

These suspenseful and mysterious novels are the brothers' favorite.

Christopher Nolan picked up the teacup in front of him, took a sip, and then asked, "I heard that "Golden Dreamland" is being filmed?"

Yu Dong nodded and said with a smile, "You are quite well informed. That's right, the filming of this movie is about to start. If you have time, you can go to the scene to see it and give your opinions."

Christopher smiled and waved his hands, "No, no, we learned from it in the past. YU, do you have any other works that you are adapting?"

"The adaptation of the novel... In addition to "Golden Dreamland", there is also "The Martian". You should all know about it."

Christopher nodded, "Well, I have heard about the filming of "The Martian", and I heard that the filming location of this film is in China?"

"That's right, it is indeed in China. If you have the opportunity, you can also visit the crew of "The Martian". I believe Steven will welcome you very much."

"Aside from these two, is there anything else?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "There is no adaptation of the novel for the time being. However, the scripts I wrote should be launched one after another this year."

"I heard that "Pirates of the Caribbean" is a collaboration with Disney." Jonathan said, "They plan to use this movie to promote the pirate theme park. Last time I saw Johnny Depp's makeup photos, I feel... ...uh, very flirtatious."

"Well, "Pirates of the Caribbean" is one, and there are several others that will be promoted soon."

Yu Dong has really written a lot of scripts in the past two years, in addition to "Pirates of the Caribbean" written for Disney, "Time and Space Traveler", which sold at a high price at that time, as well as "Horror Cruise" and "Heartbeat".

"Well, I believe that as long as you write the script, it will definitely bring surprises. However, I think your other novels are also very suitable for adaptation, especially "Deep Space" and "The Last City."

Yu Dong glanced at Christopher with interest, and he could hear the meaning of the young man's words.

Dare to feel that this young man also came up with the idea of ​​his novel.

This is not uncommon. After all, Yu Dong's novels are very popular in the film and television industry. The "Deep Space" and "The Last City" mentioned by Christopher have also been favored by many directors.

For these two novels, Deep Space Company received no less than ten quotations, but Deep Space Company did not rush to agree, because Deep Space Company attaches great importance to the development of its own IP and will consider various factors .

Especially like the novel "Deep Space", you can know how important it is to Deep Space Corporation just by looking at the name of the novel, so Deep Space Corporation attaches great importance to the film and television adaptation of this novel.

Spielberg was considered for "Deep Space" before, but this matter has never been finalized.

On the one hand, Spielberg is currently busy with "The Martian", on the other hand, "Deep Space" is very difficult to shoot and takes a lot of time, and Spielberg can't take care of it now.

Now that Christopher Nolan is interested in "Deep Space" and "The Last City", Yu Dong said with a smile: "What are your own thoughts on the film and television adaptation of these two novels?"

Christopher said with a smile: "I think it is enough to express what the novel expresses in the movie. If it is filmed, "The Last City" may be technically simpler. As long as the props are designed cleverly, It can show very good effects. But "Deep Space" is different. In addition to film technology, some physical techniques also need to be learned and understood by producers. I specially watched Gene Thorpe's "Deep Space" before. A Brief History, that book gave me a deeper understanding of the HTC of Deep Space."

Yu Dong smiled and had to say that Christopher was indeed prepared.

"A Brief History of Deep Space" is not an ordinary book. After all, it is a popular science book. No matter how popular it is, it is not as interesting as a novel. Christopher still needs a little patience to finish this book.

It seems that Christopher is indeed interested in "Deep Space".

However, although Christopher is young, he has a very calm look in what he does and says. He obviously wants to adapt "Deep Space" and "The Last City", but the way he shows it makes people feel that he is not very interested .

On the contrary, Jonathan, who was sitting aside, was full of anticipation.

Under Jonathan's expectant eyes, Yu Dong coughed lightly, "Since you are interested, you can also write down your ideas and make a script outline. If it is suitable, you can also direct these two films." .”

"Really?" Jonathan exclaimed excitedly, "Can you give us these two movies?"

Yu Dong smiled and nodded: "If the script is suitable, my novel can be adapted by anyone, regardless of whether the person is a man or a woman, how old he is, or whether he has experience or not. Moreover, Deep Space Company has always been very willing to give young people We often use some young directors.”

Both brothers nodded. They agreed with Yu Dong's words. Deep Space Company is really willing to give young people a chance.

Let’s not talk about it, let’s talk about the "Butterfly Effect" released last year. In deep space, the young director Doug Liman was used.

Jonathan rubbed his hands, looking very motivated, "YU, don't worry, I will work hard on the script after I go back, and try to make a script that satisfies you."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Then we will wait and see."


Unsurprisingly, "Antfly" finally won the International Short Film Award in the Deep Space Short Film Contest.

And it will also be included in the short film collection by Deep Space Corporation together with several other award-winning short films for sale.

And in the end, "The Ant" also won the most popular foreign short film award.

As Bi Feiyu said, as a foreign language film, "Antfly" still has advantages. It is short and has no lines, so it is easy for the audience to understand.

When Yu Dong got the news that "Antfly" had won the best foreign language short film, he was watching a TV series with his father-in-law and the others in Luoyuan.

The TV series "Never Close My Eyes", which is currently on the air, is also produced by Deep Space Company.

In fact, it is already a replay now, and they have already watched the finale.

"Never Close My Eyes" is a very tragic TV series, basically from the beginning to the end, the main character is abused back and forth, and in the finale he was killed with a single shot.

Even after watching it for the second time, Chen Yuqing and Qin Fang still couldn't help wiping their tears.

"Why is it so miserable, this screenwriter is too good at it."

"Yeah, what is the screenwriter thinking now? It seems that if you don't kill a few good people, you can't write a script."

"This is still an adaptation of a novel."

"The novel is estimated to be so miserable."

Hearing what they said, Cheng Liye couldn't help but glance at his son-in-law.

When it comes to writing people to death, his son-in-law is an expert. In Yu Dong's novels, there are no immortals.

Yu Dong had been staring at the screen without any objection, how could he have any objection to this topic?Among these writers, who doesn't have a few "unjust souls" in their writings?
Cheng Liye changed the subject and said, "Your company will have a lot of TV dramas this year, right?"

Hearing that the topic was changed, Yu Dong heaved a sigh of relief, and responded with a smile, "Yes, Dad, there will be more in the second half of the year, one after another, so we can guarantee a continuous schedule."

Chen Yuqing turned her head, "It can't all be such a tragic TV series."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "No, Mom, there are all types of these TV dramas, some make people cry, some make people laugh."

"That's good. Although this TV series is good-looking, it is too easy to make people cry. If you watch this kind of TV series every day, your eyes will be blinded from crying."

Qin Fang also nodded and said: "That's right, that's right, make more happy TV dramas, Yanqiu is about to give birth, show her some happy ones, it's good for the child."

"What my mother-in-law said is right. This is also a kind of prenatal education, so that children can be happy every day in the mother's womb, and they will definitely be happy every day when they come out." Chen Yuqing smiled, "Looking back more Let Luoluo take a look at Xiaowanzi, it can guarantee a good mood."

After "Don't Talk to Strangers", "Love Through Time and Space", "Oolong Breaks Through Love" and "Xingyue Love Song", the appearance of "Never Close My Eyes" directly pushed the reputation of Deep Space Company to a very high level. Terrifying heights.

Before the filming of this TV series started, people in the industry agreed that it would be popular.

First of all, its original author and screenwriter is Hai Yan. He became popular with "A Romantic Affair" two years ago, and the original novel of "Never Close My Eyes" was also a novel invited by the National Narcotics Control Commission.

Secondly, its producer is Deep Space Company, and now the brand of Deep Space is very useful in the TV drama market.

So before the TV series was filmed, many TV stations had already rushed to talk to Shenkong, and the TV series had already been sold out before the filming was completed.

"Never Close My Eyes" was finally broadcast simultaneously in the prime-time slots of eight satellite TV stations, with a record rating of 6.2, which can be described as an empty market for thousands of people.

It is generally believed in the industry that since last year, domestic TV dramas have ushered in a golden age.

And in this golden age, Deep Space Corporation is definitely the most eye-catching star.

With the relaxation of policies, more and more private film and television companies have been established one after another, and there are naturally more and more TV dramas, but no other company has ever achieved such dazzling results as Deep Space Company.

Nowadays, these companies are inquiring about how the TV series of Deep Space Company are determined every day, and strive to prevent the TV series produced by their own companies from colliding with the TV series of Deep Space Company.

But the problem is that there are too many TV series of Deep Space Company. From the second half of this year, TV series of Deep Space Company will appear in almost every period.

But even though the Deep Space Company is so strong, the number of private film and television companies is still increasing. This is because the domestic film and television market is constantly expanding, and it can not only support a Deep Space Company, but also support them.

In addition, while Deep Space has "occupied" the domestic market, it has also opened up overseas markets for domestic TV dramas.

Especially in Southeast Asia, in addition to several TV dramas of Deep Space Company that are killing people in Southeast Asia, other domestic TV dramas are also very popular in Southeast Asia.

Moreover, in order to compete for the market, domestic private film and television companies are also very introverted. Although they are still unable to meet the production standards of Deep Space Corporation, they all use the production standards of Deep Space Corporation as the standard and constantly improve their production standards.

In addition, there are still many film and television companies who can't beat it, so they choose to join, and cooperate with Deep Space Company.

Among them, Zhao Baogang's company has the best cooperation. Their company has a close relationship with Deep Space Corporation. "Never Close My Eyes" is the cooperation between the two companies.


While "Never Close My Eyes" is currently being screened in China, a new TV series is also launched in the United States.

"Don't Lie to Me", this is the first real TV series produced by Deep Space America. Before that, they only produced a series of unit dramas.

In order to attract more viewers to watch the new drama "Lie to Me", NBC put it after the finale of the fifth season of "Friends", starting at 09:30.

This really worked. After watching "Friends" excitedly, the audience couldn't fall asleep, and then started watching the new drama "Lie to Me".

And regardless of the "Friends" bonus, "Don't Lie to Me" itself has long attracted the attention of many viewers.

As early as two weeks before the TV series started, at least [-] stars on the Deep Space Tribe posted news, either directly or euphemistically mentioned the TV series "Don't Lie to Me".

Katrin chose to turn on the TV to watch "Don't Lie to Me" at 09:30 because she saw a tribe posted by her favorite actor Will Smith.

At first, she was just curious about the TV series recommended by her idol, but after a few minutes of the TV series, she was attracted by the rhythm of the TV series.

The main reason is that the subject matter of this TV series is something she has never watched before, and within a few minutes, she became interested in the study of micro-expressions.

The male protagonist is so powerful, he can judge the actor's heart through those micro-expressions that are difficult to detect. In Katrin's view, this is simply a mind-reading technique.

Can micro-expression research really do this?

Katrin was skeptical, but the filming of the TV series was decent, and she felt that what happened in it was achievable.

Moreover, some of the tricks for judging lies in the TV series are really useful, such as the flashback method. Katrin tried it herself. There is really no way for a liar to accurately flashback a thing.

This kind of special professional drama made Katlin feel refreshed, and the actor who played the leading role made her feel very good.

So at the end of the first episode, Katrin landed on the Deep Space Tribe and sent a tribal message: Who played the leading role in "Don't Lie to Me"?

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