Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 722 More than just ideas to win

Tim Ross, the actor who played the leading role in "Lie to Me", is certainly not an unknown person. "Sea Pianist" did not get much box office, but it was loved by the majority of movie fans, and it also made Tim Ross famous. rise.

Not long after Katlin's tribe was posted, she received many comments from netizens.

[You haven't watched "Sea Pianist", have you? 】

[Even if you haven't seen "The Pianist on the Sea", you should have read "Pulp Fiction", right? 】

[Tim Ross, 1900 ah. 】

[Tim Ross, as soon as I saw him, I thought of the song "Jinghong" written by Yu's wife. 】


Seeing the replies from netizens, Katlin was a little confused. It's not that she has never seen Tim Ross. She even watched the movie "The Pianist on the Sea" twice, but she didn't recognize "Don't Be Right" at all. The uncle in I Lie turned out to be 1900.

In fact, I don't blame Katrin. In order to make himself more suitable for the protagonist of "Lie to Me", Tim Roth gained [-] pounds, and at the same time, he hasn't shaved for more than a month, trying to make himself look a little more vicissitudes.

So, Tim Roth in "Lie to Me" looks very different from "The Pianist on the Sea".

"Don't Lie to Me" became popular in the deep space tribe on the first day of its broadcast. Whether it is a star or an ordinary person, everyone seems to be discussing this TV series.

What's even more outrageous is that on the morning of the second day after the premiere of the TV series, Nick, who is famous for publishing "Tribal Raiders", also deeply analyzed the first episode of "Don't Lie to Me" in his new column "Nick Story", for netizens They described the professional terms mentioned in the TV series and their main sources.

Although the column "Nick's Story" has only been opened for a short time, it is very popular among netizens. Nick, who has tens of thousands of fans, will update "Nick's Story" every three days to share some interesting science with netizens. matter.

And the reason why he was able to give such a professional analysis so quickly this time is not because he has done a lot of research in the field of micro-expressions, but because he had already obtained the deep space company to give him a lot of research before the TV series started broadcasting. manuscripts and materials.

After Nick got the manuscript and materials, he revised the manuscript according to his own style and sent it out.

Yes, Nick is also from Deep Space Corporation.

Just over a week ago, Nick signed with Deep Space Company and officially became an "artist" under Deep Space Company.

Deep Space has never tried to cultivate this type of "artist" before, so it is also in the exploration stage. While assisting Nick, it also gives him creative freedom, and does not force him to post everything.

In fact, apart from Nick, there are also some other ordinary netizens who have shown their talents and attracted the attention of many netizens. However, Nick started relatively early, and with the support of Deep Space Corporation, it will definitely take some time to develop.

But for the time being, no matter how well ordinary people develop, there is no way to shake the status of stars in the deep space tribe.

Although the Deep Space Tribe has given ordinary people a chance to show themselves anytime and anywhere, after all, the Deep Space Tribe only has text form, so the way for ordinary people to show their talents is relatively simple.

Because of this, apart from Deep Space signing Nick, no other company would sign this kind of ordinary people as "artists" to cultivate.

Of course, Deep Space Corporation wasn't prepared to let Nick go out of his way in the first place.

Signing Nick is more for experimentation and exploration. As the Internet becomes more and more developed, ordinary people have more and more opportunities to show themselves. At that time, ordinary people may have the opportunity to surpass stars.

By that time, with these experiences, Deep Space Corporation will naturally be able to seize the opportunity.

Moreover, Nick's development has been very satisfying. He now has tens of thousands of fans, which can be regarded as some appeal.

Now there are a lot of live fans, although you only have tens of thousands of fans, but after his tribe came out, he received thousands of replies that day, and these replies are all decent, there is no such thing as a robot reply.


It stands to reason that Yudong's itinerary this summer should be very intensive.

He has a lot of things to do, he wants to attend the Galaxy Awards Ceremony, he also wants to go to the Grinzaner Carver Literature Award, "The Da Vinci Code" is on sale, he will hold a few signings as usual, "Pounding "Heartbeat" started filming...

But Cheng Yanqiu is getting older now, and it's very inconvenient to move around. It's not easy to go with him, and he can't go for too long, so the company asked the company to complete all his formation within half a month.

From July 26th to July [-]th, within half a month, Yu Dong will solve most of the work matters.

Yu Dong's first stop was Rongcheng. After attending the Galaxy Awards ceremony in Rongcheng, he went to Yanjing and participated in the three-school exchange meeting of his alma mater, Yanjing Normal University.

The so-called three-school exchange meeting refers to Yenching Normal University, Sun Yat-sen University, and Jinling Academy of Art.

Putting these three schools together for a three-school exchange meeting always gave people an awkward feeling, but when Jinyi's representative was Yu Dong, everyone felt that it was reasonable.

The exchange meeting did not have any important content, and its theme was related to literature. Yan Normal University and Sun Yat-sen University have also recruited writers-in-residence in recent years, and they have accepted many powerful writers.

It's just that the writers-in-residence of Yan Normal University and Sun Yat-sen University are slightly inferior in front of Jinyi's writers' team.

Jin Yi is currently preparing for a writing center. Tong Qingbing from Yan Normal University heard about this, and he also became interested, so he organized such an exchange meeting, mainly to find out about Jin Yi's situation.

At the exchange meeting, the representatives of the two schools were unanimously asking about the Jinyi Writing Center. Yu Dong said everything he knew, but Tong Qingbing seemed not satisfied. After the meeting ended, he pulled Yu Dong aside, " I heard that Principal Wu wants to promote you as the director of the writing center?"

Yu Dong nodded: "Principal Wu mentioned this to me before, but I declined, mainly because I'm busy with work now, and I'm afraid that if I take over the post of Director of the Writing Center, I'll just ignore my head."

Tong Qingbing laughed loudly and said, "Yu Dong, I'm going to criticize you now. How can young people be afraid of taking on the burden? President Wu asked you to be the director of this writing center. Everyone knows the reason. Now you are popular in the literary world. ..."

Before Tong Qingbing finished speaking, Yu Dong hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Teacher Tong, I dare not say this. I am a mere junior, and it is not enough to follow the seniors to ask questions. How can I dare to say anything."

Tong Qingbing pointed at Yu Dong with his finger, "You boy... you are still so hypocritical with me. According to your age, you are a junior, but there is a limit to seniority. With your current works, is there anyone else who will press on you? Let me tell you the truth, if you are not the director of the writing center at Jinyi, you can consider being the honorary chairman of the writing center in our school."

Yu Dong twitched the corners of his mouth, "Teacher Tong, isn't this nonsense? If I reject the post of director of the writing center at Jinyi, and then go to Yan Normal University to name myself, won't Lao Wu point my nose and scold me when I go back? "

"If you're worried about him scolding you, just come back. The Chinese Department is currently busy with academic affairs, and you're also putting a lot of burden on your teacher."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "I don't have the ability to share the burden now, but I have a strong ability to make troubles. As far as my current level is concerned, when I go back to school, I will teach the students, and the students will teach me?"

Tong Qingbing shook his head with a smile. He proposed to let Yu Dong return to Yan Normal University to teach, it was a joke, because he knew that Yu Dong could not come back.

If it was a few years ago, Tong Qingbing might still have hoped to get Yu Dong back.

But as Jin Yi has developed better and better over the years, the possibility of Yu Dong returning to Yanjing has become less and less.

The headquarters of Deep Space China is in Jinling, and Yu Dong's wife is from Jinling. With all these factors together, it is impossible for Yu Dong to leave Jinling.

As for whether Yu Dong's teaching level is competent, Tong Qingbing is not worried at all. Tong Qingbing has read the papers that Yu Dong published before, so teaching an undergraduate is naturally a no-brainer.

After chatting about the writing center, Tong Qingbing suddenly lowered his voice, "I heard a news that next year the Contradictory Literature Award from 95 to 98 will be awarded."

Yu Dong looked at Tong Qingbing in surprise, not understanding why it was necessary to speak in a low voice.

Although the Mao Dun Literature Award is stipulated to be judged every three years, in fact it has not been implemented in place, and the time of each edition is different.

The first session spanned four years, the second session spanned three years, the third session spanned four years, and the fourth session spanned six years.

Moreover, the awarding time is uncertain. Last year, the Mao Dun Literature Award only awarded the trophies from 89 to 94.

Just because each award is uncertain, it seems normal no matter when the Mao Dun Literature Award will be awarded.Besides, everyone knows that the Contradictory Literature Award will be judged. After all, the award is to call for works, and the deadline was just a while ago.

It's just that everyone doesn't know when the award ceremony will be held.

Seeing that Yu Dong didn't care, Tong Qingbing said again, "I heard that you might win an award."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Why did Tong Qingbing suddenly mention this? Where did he hear the news?

Yu Dong knew about the first half of the Contradictory Literature Award.

The period from the end of February to the end of April is the time to collect entries, and then more than 20 candidate works will be screened out in August.

It's July now, that is to say, the jury has not even selected the candidates. Where did the news about Tong Qingbing come from?
"Ahem, Teacher Tong, did you make a mistake?"

Tong Qingbing laughed, "I just heard that you may win the award. As for the final result, no one knows. In fact, this year's judges are still beneficial to you. Liu Baiyu, who is not very good with you This time you are not on the list of judges. Among the three deputy directors, Deng Youmei and Zhang Jiong have always appreciated your works."

The Mao Dun Literary Award is now in its fifth year, and the director of the jury for these five terms, except for the vacancy in the third, Ba Jin has been the director of the other four.

Mr. Ba Jin is bedridden now, and the position of director of the judging committee is purely nominal, so the deputy director has great power. According to Tong Qingbing, two of the three deputy directors are optimistic about Yu Dong's works. It is good to say that nature is good.

It's just that Yu Dong felt that this matter was a bit illusory.

The Mao Dun Literature Award has been awarded for so many times, and there have been about twenty winners, but none of the winners has ever been younger than 40 years old.

And Yu Dong will only be 32 years old next year, how can the jury advance the award age so much?
Moreover, this kind of news came out so early, which always gave people a very uneasy feeling. He even suspected that the person who released the news was his enemy and wanted to mess with him on purpose.

Maybe some enemy thought it was not easy to step on Yu Dong, so he changed his tactics and decided to use one move to kill him.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Awards are like floating clouds to me. I am lucky to get them, but my life is lost. I dare not force them."

Tong Qingbing nodded with a smile, "You have a good mentality. No matter what, you should deal with it with a normal heart. However, I have made a reservation with you. If you can win the Contradiction Literature Award, then the first lecture after the award must be at our Yan Normal University opened."

"Should I mention this specifically? As long as the school has a request, I will naturally respond positively."

"Well, then it's settled, and no matter when you win the Mao Dun Literature Award, the first lecture after winning must be held at Yan Normal University. I hope this lecture won't make me wait too long."

Yu Dong said bluntly: "I hope too."

Tong Qingbing laughed, "That's plausible, too modest looks fake."


After the exchange meeting, Yu Dong took a tour of Yanjing, met all the relatives and friends he could see, and then directly set off for the United States.

After arriving in New York, Yu Dong was not alone. Yu Hua and the others had arrived in the United States earlier.

Yu Hua and the others are now on missions, and they have a certain amount of publicity missions every year, such as how many signings are held in Europe and the United States, how many times they make appearances, and so on.

This year is no surprise.

Although Yu Hua has no new work recently, she still needs to cooperate with the promotion.

When Yu Dong saw Yu Hua and the others in the hotel, these people were studying the Deep Space Tribe.

Before coming, Jimmy had prepared accounts of the Deep Space Tribe for them, all of which were official accounts, the ones that had been verified.

Deep space tribes can use Chinese user names, and they can also use Chinese to post tribes, but in the current deep space tribes, almost no one does this.

Even some Chinese people post tribes in English, unless they post something more private and don't want too many people to understand it.

So Yu Hua spent a long time on the Deep Space Tribe and didn't get any clues, but Bi Feiyu and Wang Xiaobo both speak good English, and they have already studied it thoroughly.

As a former computer expert, Wang Xiaobo praised the Deep Space Tribe, "I always thought that the Deep Space Company wins with ideas, but now it seems that your company's technology is also very strong, and the Deep Space Tribe does everything well. Very good, there are many places, and other companies may have to spend a lot of effort to imitate."

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