Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 723 Be good, bet so big?

Of course, the deep space wins with ideas, but the technical research has not been left behind. Every year, the deep space company invests a very high amount of money in technical research.

The main deep airdrop fund has a little advantage over other companies in terms of technology, that is, they can grasp the general direction.

The most important thing in technical research is not to overcome a certain technical problem, but to grasp the general direction. Once the direction is wrong, it is useless to invest more money.As long as the direction is right, the rest is persistence.

But it is also because of continuous investment in technology optimization, so until now, several IT products under the Deep Space Company have not yet achieved profitability, especially the Deep Space Computer, which relies on blood transfusions from the parent company every year.

Fortunately, the shareholding structure of Deep Space Company is simple, and Yu Dong and Jimmy can have the final say, otherwise, they would have been losing money, and the shareholders would have jumped.

However, although there is no profit, these products are still helpful to the main business of Deep Space Company.

Take the launch of "Don't Lie to Me" this time as an example, the Deep Space Tribe has definitely played a big role in publicity, and as the number of users gradually increases, this boosting effect will become greater and greater.

For a company like Deep Space Company, which relies on cultural products for profit, to have a website like Deep Space Tribe is naturally even more powerful.

Yu Dong looked at Wang Xiaobo, "Has your account released clan?"

"Not yet, I'm researching it. And this website is not easy to use in China, so it doesn't make sense to post one or two articles." Wang Xiaobo said.

"It doesn't matter, if you want to post it, you can post it. If you want to, if it is inconvenient in China, you can send what you want to post to the company, and then let the company post it for you."

Yu Hua curled her lips and said, "That's boring. This thing is fun. It's fun because I can post it whenever I want, and I can see the replies from netizens. It's like publishing an article by handing it over to the company."

"In the future, a similar one will be launched in China, and you can play it in China."

In fact, Yu Dong wanted them to hand over their accounts to the company for hosting, not for them to play, but to use the Deep Space Tribe as a promotional channel.

They are more bubbling on it, which can also help them promote themselves.Relying on going to Europe and the United States to hold two signings every year, the publicity is obviously not enough.

"Member, do you have an account?" Bi Feiyu turned his head to the side and asked.

"I have." Yu Dong nodded.

"I searched just now, but I couldn't find you."

When Bi Feiyu was researching the Deep Space Tribe just now, he tried to search for Yu Dong’s account, but he couldn’t find it no matter whether it was in Chinese or English. A search for “Yu Dong” or “YU” would bring up some accounts that looked similar. of.

Some high imitation numbers have even reached the point of confusing the real ones. There are "Qiandong" and "Qiandong" in Chinese, "Yu", "yu" and "Yμ" in English, and some Chinese and English ones, such as "YU Yudong", " Yu Dong YU", "YU Dong", "Yu DONG".

However, it is also very simple to identify whether they are Yu Dong's account. You only need to check whether they have official certification. As long as they are celebrities, they all have official certification, and Yu Dong's account is definitely no exception.

"My account was set up a long time ago, but it has not been activated. As long as it is not activated, others will not be able to search for me."

"Is there still such an operation?" Bi Feiyu was surprised, "I thought that after the account was created, it could be searched."

"Then do you want to activate it now?" Yu Hua asked.

Yu Dong nodded, "Yes, just take advantage of these two days to post two tribes to attract people."

Hearing that Yu Dong wanted to activate his account, Bi Feiyu moved away and handed the computer to Yu Dong, "Come on."

Yu Dong walked over and sat down, and said with a smile while logging into his account, "Shall we compare, who can get more followers on Deep Space Tribe?"

Hearing this, Yu Hua yelled shamelessly, "Aren't you kidding? Who can have as many followers as you? If you have to compare, you have to wipe out a zero."

Bi Feiyu nodded and agreed with Yu Hua's proposal, "Well, it is indeed fairer to erase a zero."

"You two are too cowardly, you don't even have the confidence." Yu Dong turned his head and glanced at Wang Xiaobo, "What about you, Xiaobo, do you want to compare?"

Wang Xiaobo propped his chin and muttered, "It's really inappropriate to wipe out one zero, or else two zeros should be wiped out."

"It's boring." Yu Dong rolled his eyes and began to activate the account seriously.

Account activation is very simple, log in to the account background, and then enter an activation code.

Yu Hua stretched her head to look at the screen and saw that Yu Dong's user name was "Yu Dong" with two abbreviated Chinese characters, so she said curiously, "I thought you would use YU, but I didn't expect you to use Chinese characters too. Don't worry about using Chinese characters. Can't your friends find you?"

"Can't find me?"

Yu Dong suddenly showed a strange smile, "I'll show you a magical thing in a while."

"A magical thing?" Yu Hua scratched her head, a little confused.

After Yu Dong activated his account, he immediately logged out of his account, and then said to Yu Hua, "Log in to your account."

"What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd!"

Yu Hua muttered, and ran over to log in to her account, "Then what?"

"Then." Yu Dong smiled and clicked on the search box, entered "YU", and clicked the search button.

The search page suddenly picked up a lot of users, but the one at the top was "Yu Dong", Yu Dong with the authentication symbol.

Yu Hua and the others stared blankly, "Can you still play like this?"

Yu Dong smiled, "This is more than that."

Then he demonstrated the search for "Y", "Yu", "Yu" and other characters related to him. The first search results were "Yu Dong".

Bi Feiyu sighed, "It's still that we don't know enough."

In fact, the question that Yu Hua just mentioned, Yu Dong and the others hadn’t considered it before. Using “YU” is definitely easier for people to find than “Yu Dong”, but later they decided to use Chinese characters, but they just did a little research on the search. article.

As long as someone searches for characters related to Yu Dong, the first one that pops up is Yu Dong's account. In addition to the name, it also includes some book titles.

In this way, he is not afraid that others will not find him.

Yu Hua twitched the corner of her mouth, moved the mouse and clicked on Yu Dong's account, "Let me be your first follower..."

Before he finished speaking, the screen came to Yu Dong's homepage. Seeing the scene on Yu Dong's homepage, they were all dumbfounded.

It was an account that had just been activated, and it didn't have a single follower just now. In just a few minutes, there were more than 100 followers.

"This is fake." Yu Hua shouted, "Is it a fake fan given to you by the government?"

Wang Xiaobo smiled and said, "Whether it's a fake fan or not, you can find out if you log in to his account, and see if anyone finds him in private messages."

Yu Hua nodded, "Yes, that's right, log into your account quickly."

Yu Dong had no choice but to manipulate the mouse to log into his account again.

As soon as he logged in to his account, everyone saw a 99+ symbol in the private message in the upper right corner. Only a few minutes later, his private message exploded.

Clicking on the private message, netizens sent him various messages, but the topics were all the same, they were concerned about whether he was Yu Dong himself.

【Locke: Are you YU? 】

[Flying house: Why did you pop up when you searched for YU? 】

[YUer: My God, it's you, it's really you, these two Chinese characters are exactly the same as the signature. 】

[Sniper: Look, who did I find? 】

[Havana: Is this the account I just applied for?There is not a single tribe in it, but there is official certification. 】

【Chris 123: YU, hello. 】


When they read private messages, the number of private messages and the number of followers are still increasing.

Regarding this, Yu Hua said, "It's enviable."

Bi Feiyu was more concerned about how many followers Yu Dong could gain. He pushed Yu Dong away, occupied the chair, and kept refreshing the page.

Every time he refreshes, the number of followers will increase.

Originally, they thought it would be enough for him to swipe for a while, but what Yu Dong and the others did not expect was that it would take several minutes for Bi Feiyu to swipe like this.

Seeing him repeating the refreshing action, Yu Dong said with a corner of his mouth, "Aren't you bored like this?"

Bi Feiyu said without looking back, "It's not boring, it's not boring at all. Once you refresh it, the number will increase a little. It's so fun."

Yu Hua pulled out two decks of cards from nowhere, "Let's play cards."

Hearing that a game of cards was about to be played, Bi Feiyu reluctantly put down the mouse and turned around, "Come on, let's start the game first."

Soon, a table of cards was set up like this, but Bi Feiyu would still find time to turn around and refresh the page, and kept reporting the results.

"Hehe, it's increased by thirty."

"It's increased by another fifty, and it's over a thousand soon."

"Hey, why is the rise getting faster and faster, now it's more than 100, and it's already over a thousand."

"Another sixty, when will it exceed ten thousand?"

"More than one thousand and one hundred, not far from ten thousand."


The number of Yu Dong's fans continued to increase, and the rate of increase was getting faster and faster. Of course, it wasn't just due to the search box.

In the beginning, the part of fans who discovered Yu Dong did find him through search, but many of the fans who came later were attracted by others.

After many fans followed Yu Dong, they would post a blog post, sharing their joy of discovering and following Yu Dong, and it spread quickly.

Later, some celebrities also saw these tribes, and came to pay attention to Yu Dong, and some even helped post a tribe to promote Yu Dong's entry.

Before that, many netizens were very strange.

Everyone knows that Yu Dong has a very close relationship with Shenkong. He is not only the "top brand" of Shenkong, but also very likely to be a shareholder of Shenkong.

It stands to reason that Yu Dong should come out to support the deep space tribe as soon as possible.

But netizens searched for a long time, but they couldn't find Yu Dong's account.

Now seeing Yu Dong's account, netizens still feel quite strange. When Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston settled in the Deep Space Tribe, the website posted a small notice.

But when YU settled in, he was so silent and there was no movement at all, which is unreasonable.

But even though there is no official announcement, Yu Dong's speed of gaining fans is not slow at all.

By the time Dong and the others finished their poker game, his account already had close to [-] fans, and this account hadn't posted a single tribe yet.

After the poker table was cleaned up, Yu Dong ran to the computer and edited the first tribe of the account.

[The new book "The Da Vinci Code" will be officially released on July 21, and I will hold a signing event at the Little Bear Bookstore. 】

Yu Hua glanced at Yu Dong's tribe, "If you send Chinese characters directly, aren't you afraid that these foreigners won't understand?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "Not afraid."

He is really not afraid, because soon someone translated this Chinese tribe into English and put it in the comment area.

Not only in English, this tribe has also been translated into other languages ​​by some enthusiastic netizens. You can basically find translations in any language in the comment area.

It's just that the translations of other language versions are relatively low, and it may take a little effort to find them.

Yudong's tribe is not news.

The new book "The Da Vinci Code" has been warming up a long time ago. Last month, the release date and the signing event schedule of Bear Bookstore were confirmed. The official account of Deep Space Company also announced the relevant tribes.

However, after Yu Dong's tribe was posted, it was quickly on the hot search list, and then it soared all the way, and it entered the top few hot searches that night. The title of the hot search was: YU appeared to promote the new book.

What followed was a skyrocketing increase in account fans.

Many people saw this trending search, only to realize that YU has already settled in the deep space tribe.


Yu Dong didn't pay attention to how much his fan count had increased. After playing cards with Yu Hua and the others, he went to sleep.

In order to quickly reverse the jet lag, he has been carrying it all day without sleeping.

When he woke up the next day, it was Bi Feiyu who told him about the number of fans.

"Guess, how many fans do you have?"

Afterwards, it didn't mean Dong responded, Bi Feiyu stretched out his thumb and index finger, and said very excitedly, "Eighty thousand! And it's still going up."

In later generations, Yu Dong, who was used to hearing the tens of millions of fans of celebrities, did not react at all when he heard the number of [-].In later generations, there are no millions of fans, and even the threshold of Internet celebrity is not enough.

Of course, Bi Feiyu is not unreasonable to be so excited.

Now, the entire Deep Space Tribe has just over 300 million users, and most of the stars only have a dozen or 20 followers. Yu Dong has [-] followers in less than a day, which is already a very fast growth rate.

Seeing Bi Feiyu's excited face, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Instead of following my account all the time, you might as well look at your own account and post some blog posts, and you will soon attract many fans."

Bi Feiyu waved his hand, "[-] fans, I don't even dare to think about it, I will be satisfied if I wipe a zero."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and looked at him, "Old Bi, let's make a bet."

"What bet?" Bi Feiyu asked.

"Just bet on whether the number of fans on your account can break through one million."

Bi Feiyu took a deep breath, "Break a million, I think you are crazy."

Just when Yu Hua came over, he poked his head and asked, "What's crazy, who's crazy?"

"I said that Yuanwai was crazy, and he wanted to bet with me on whether I could break 100 million fans."

Yu Hua nodded, and said in a serious manner, "It's really crazy, it's not serious."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Don't talk nonsense, do you dare to bet?"

"Gambling, of course betting, but what kind of prizes are you betting on? You can't just gamble."

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Whoever loses will not be allowed to eat cucumbers from the vegetable garden for a whole summer, and must pick two fresh cucumbers every morning, wash them and send them to the opponent's house."

Yu Hua called out, "Hey, is it such a big bet?"

"Just say whether to gamble or not."

Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua looked at each other, and then nodded together, "Gambling, why not bet, but there must be a deadline, otherwise when will we win or lose?"

"I won't bet with you for too long, just two years. If Feiyu's fans are less than 100 million after two years, I will lose."

"Okay." Yu Hua nodded, "But you can't play tricks, I heard that the background of this thing can be controlled, don't let the company's technical staff change his fan count to 100 million in the end."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "Did you underestimate people?"

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