In the end, the bet between Yu Dong and Yu Hua was completed, and both parties were very confident about this bet.

In Yu Dong’s opinion, it’s not too difficult to get Bi Feiyu’s account to have 100 million followers two years later. At that time, the number of users of the Deep Space Tribe started with tens of millions.

In the eyes of Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua, 100 million is really an unattainable number, not to mention his Bi Feiyu account, even for those celebrities, it is not easy to break through 100 million in two years things.

If Wang Xiaobo were here, he would definitely not make this bet with Yu Dong.

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu are good writers, but they don't know much about the Internet, and their vision is not as good as that of ordinary netizens.

But Wang Xiaobo is different. After all, Wang Xiaobo studies mathematics and has a lot of research on computers, so his acumen on the Internet is better than Yu Dong's. It's just that he lacks the advantage of Yu Dong's rebirth.

When playing cards yesterday, Wang Xiaobo half-jokingly said that the Deep Space Tribe might have more than [-] million users someday.

At that time, neither Bi Feiyu nor Yu Hua took these words to heart, and thought that Wang Xiaobo was just joking, but Yu Dong knew that Wang Xiaobo's words were carefully considered.

From the very beginning, Deep Space Tribes has an advantage over other websites because it takes care of various languages ​​very carefully.

This can be regarded as a lesson learned from icq.

ICQ has too little consideration for other Yudong, resulting in poor development in other regions.

After talking about the bet, Yu Dong asked Yu Hua, "Did you sign a sale today?"

"Yes, yes." Yu Hua nodded.

Yu Dong looked at the watch on the wall, "It's almost eight o'clock, why don't you leave yet?"

"Just about to leave, why don't you come here to call you? Didn't you say that you are going to the Little Bear Bookstore today?"

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "I'm going in the afternoon. I made an appointment with Gong Youli's father and daughter at three o'clock. What are you doing so early?"

Yu Hua grabbed Yu Dongge's arm directly, "Anyway, you're free this morning, let's go there together, staying in the hotel is boring."

"Not boring at all..."

Yu Dong's protest was ineffective, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu dragged him out of the room, and then the three went to find Wang Xiaobo and went to the Little Bear Bookstore together.


Looking at the long queue at the entrance of Little Bear Bookstore, Yu Dong couldn't help feeling secretly that the promotion of Yu Hua and the others in the past few years has been very effective, and he can intuitively feel it from the scene of the signing event. There are many more people at the sales fair than before.

In fact, in the United States, Yu Hua's popularity is not very high. He is more popular in several European countries, such as France, Italy, Spain and other countries.

The car stopped at the door, and several people went down together.

Readers lining up at the door cheered when they saw them together.

The readers came to participate in Yu Hua's book signing, and now I have met four people. This kind of buy one get three free is really wonderful.

Amidst the cheers of the readers, the four of them entered the bookstore, Yu Hua was led to the signing table by the staff, and Yu Dong and the others went to the rest area on the fourth floor.

As soon as he sat down, Bi Feiyu took out a deck of poker and said that he wanted to play Fight the Landlord, that is, two-on-one.

Wang Xiaobo looked at the surrounding bookshelves, and said with a smile, "Isn't it good to play cards in a bookstore? This should be a paradise for gaining knowledge, not a carnival for gamblers."

What he said was awe-inspiring, but he had already taken the poker from Bi Feiyu and skillfully shuffled the cards.

Bi Feiyu justified their behavior with a smile, "If you don't have a lottery, it's not gambling, it's a puzzle game at best."

Wang Xiaobo joked: "Old Bi, you are so smart, it must be because you usually play puzzle games."

"That's natural. Playing puzzle games is better than drinking every day."

"I haven't had a drink for a long time." Wang Xiaobo muttered.

Wang Xiaobo loved to drink, and he drank unrestrainedly. The reason why he went back to Jinyi at that time was because of his illness, and he almost saw Hades.

At that time, the doctor told him not to drink alcohol, and he listened to it. He did not drink alcohol for a long time after going to Jinyi.

But as soon as his body got better, his old problems broke out.

Last winter, when Liu Xinwu came to Jinling, the two drank another bottle of wine.

Later, Yu Dong and the others discovered that the two were drunk, and one bottle was already clean, so the two gathered some peanuts and braised pork and drank it.

Seeing Wang Xiaobo's drunk appearance, Yu Dong and the others surrounded Liu Xinwu and criticized him.

Liu Xinwu was older than Yu Dong and the others, but he had nothing to say when they criticized him because of this matter. In fact, he was also deceived by Wang Xiaobo.

Since then, Yu Dong and the others have always brought this matter up to spur Wang Xiaobo.


Before the first round of cards was drawn, Jimmy brought a slightly bald middle-aged man over.

Jimmy smiled and said, "I know what you are doing, this card must have been brought by Teacher Bi."

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "Jimmy knows me too."

After saying hello, Jimmy introduced the middle-aged man next to them, "This is Mr. Tim O'Reilly, the founder of O'Reilly Media. He heard that Yu Dong was here yesterday and said he wanted to meet. We are I rushed over from the hotel, when we passed by, I heard that you all came to the bookstore."

"That fellow Yu Hua insisted on dragging us here."

"I knew that was the case." Jimmy nodded with a smile, and then introduced the three of them to Tim O'Reilly in English.

O'Reilly shook hands with Yu Dong and the others, and then said with a smile, "Actually, I know all three of you, and I've seen all of your works."

Jimmy laughed, "By the way, I forgot to introduce. Mr. O'Reilly is not only a talented businessman, but also a writer who specializes in writing technical articles. However, he majored in classics at Harvard University and read a lot. "

Hearing this, Yu Dong and the three of them nodded.

There is no such thing as classics in China, but the domestic ancient literature and ancient literature professional tutors are somewhat similar to the classics major, and they all involve the study of ancient literature.

Generally speaking, the scope of classics is wider, not only designing literary documents but also involving theology, philosophy, academic history, art history...

Bi Feiyu first looked at Yu Dong, and then at Wang Xiaobo.

He found it very interesting.

Tim O'Reilly graduated from Harvard University with a major in classics, but eventually became the founder of a media company, researching things on the Internet every day.

Yu Dong's experience is similar to Tim O'Reilly's. He graduated from the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University. While becoming a well-known writer, he is also the boss of a large comprehensive company.

Wang Xiaobo is completely opposite to the two. Wang Xiaobo studied mathematics, taught accounting in the university, and also learned computers through mathematics.

Tim O'Reilly glanced at the undrawn cards on the table and said with a smile, "Didn't disturb your game?"

Bi Feiyu shook his head, "No, you guys came just in time."

He took out another deck of cards from his pocket, "Now we can play poker."

"Whipped egg?"

"It's a very popular game in China. There are four people in total, divided into two groups. Two people sitting opposite each other form a group..."

Jimmy simply explained the way of smashing eggs to O'Reilly, and the latter showed a great interest in this way of playing, and quickly joined in.

The four played cards, Jimmy watched, and the five began to chat casually.

O'Reilly said while drawing cards, "Mr. Wang's novel is very interesting. I especially like the article "A Special Pig". Not only is the pig in the article very special, but the author is also a very special person." .There doesn’t seem to be much protest in this article, but it’s everywhere…”

Speaking of Wang Xiaobo's works, O'Reilly talked eloquently. After talking about "A Maverick Pig", he talked about "The Golden Age". After talking about Wang Xiaobo's works, he talked about Bi Feiyu's works. Rain, and finally talk about Yu Dong.

"... I took the liberty of asking Jimmy to give me a copy of "The Da Vinci Code" in advance, but he refused, but I will still go to the bookstore to buy a copy on the day it goes on sale."

It has to be said that O'Reilly does have knowledge of their work, and that's not a polite remark.

These words made the three of them have a good impression of him.

In fact, Yu Dong has heard the name of Tim O'Reilly. It is said that he has made very important contributions to the development of Internet technology, but Yu Dong is not clear about the specific contributions.

Oles is very interested in Deep Space Tribes. He thinks Deep Space Tribes is the best website in recent years, and he is also No.16 user of Deep Space Tribes. He often shares some technical articles on the website.

Nick was the first person to publish the "Deep Space Tribe Operation Guide" online, which attracted a lot of fans, but Nick's guides and strategies are quick-finished products, and the quality is not particularly high.

And the person who really taught people how to play Deep Space Tribes had to be O'Reilly. For this reason, he specially posted a very long article, telling people how to get a good experience in Deep Space Tribes.

In addition to making suggestions to users, he also makes suggestions to the website from time to time, so the relationship between O'Reilly and Jimmy is getting better and better.

He was very interested in hearing that Yu Dong came over this time, because he had heard from Jimmy that most of the deep space tribes were actually Yu Dong's idea.

After chatting about literature, O'Reilly shifted the topic to the Internet, "Deep Space Tribe will be a good springboard. I believe that it won't be long before people spend more time on it than ICQ. Since America Online took over ICQ After that, their development went into a misunderstanding, always thinking of using more functions to attract users. But the problem is that so many functions are not what users want, and it will make the software very heavy. Such a This software, let alone in developing countries, even in the United States, will eventually be abandoned by users.”

What O'Reilly said was basically the same as what Yu Dong and Jimmy had analyzed before.

In fact, AOL is also aware of this, but they still introduce new features to attract users, not because they are stupid, but because this trick is really useful and can help them attract customers.

As for whether these customers will abandon it because the software is too complicated in the future, AOL doesn't fact, it's not that it doesn't care, but there is no good way, because users just want new features.

Zhang said he wanted this, and Li said he wanted that. In order to satisfy more users, he worked hard to develop new functions, so as to ensure a continuous influx of new users and more ways for them to make money.

Dongdong will definitely add functions gradually in the future, but in order to increase user stickiness and let them choose Dongdong between icq and Dongdong, some other means are needed.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "ICQ has no conflict with the Deep Space Tribe. If it weren't for Dongdong, I really hope to cooperate with them."

The reason why Dongdong was mentioned was that Yu Dong wanted to hear O'Reilly chat about Dongdong.

However, O'Reilly did not follow Yu Dong's words. Instead, he said a completely irrelevant thing, "The current Internet connectivity is not strong enough, and the efficiency is not enough. If we can develop a People accessing the service of a certain website will greatly improve efficiency.”

Yu Dong was confused by what he said, and he didn't know what it meant, but Wang Xiaobo raised his eyebrows and said, "This idea is quite good, but if you want to develop this kind of service, what you need to solve is how to calculate and process the huge data. The program is decomposed into countless small programs, and then the results are processed and analyzed by a system composed of some servers and returned to third-party customers."

Yu Dong understands this a little bit, isn't this similar to cloud services?
O'Reilly was very surprised when he heard Wang Xiaobo's words, "Mr. Wang, I didn't expect you to be so knowledgeable about computer technology."

Wang Xiaobo waved his hands with a smile, and said very modestly, "I'm just usually interested, so I learned more about it."

Jimmy laughed, "Tim, he's not simply interested. His level is very high. In China, the software he uses is written by himself."

O'Reilly gave a thumbs up, "That's really impressive."

In fact, when it comes to computing technology, O'Reilly is not as good as Wang Xiaobo. He focuses on Internet issues that are large and generally do not involve underlying technologies.

Yu Dong asked, "Is it difficult to realize this kind of service?"

Wang Xiaobo nodded, "Of course there are difficulties, fact, I can't say. After all, I don't know much about the current development of network technology. Why don't you go back and ask the engineers of the company, and the answers they gave more useful than mine."

Jimmy smiled and said: "I have already asked. It is not difficult to develop this kind of service. What is difficult is the subsequent operation and maintenance, which requires a lot of investment. In addition, the investment of these funds is likely to be temporary. Half will not be rewarded."

Yu Dong glanced at Jimmy, and suddenly understood why he brought O'Reilly here, and said these words.

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