Yu Dong has worked with Jimmy for so many years, so he knows Jimmy very well.

Jimmy must have heard Tim O'Reilly talk about this service, and he is very interested in this service. The reason why he brought O'Reilly here was to mention this matter in front of Dong. On the one hand, I also want to see his opinion.

Yu Dong understands Jimmy, but not O'Reilly.

As a reborn person, Yu Dong understands how good the prospect of cloud services is. Since O'Reilly realized this so early, why didn't he do it himself, but told Jimmy directly?
In fact, Yu Dong was puzzled because he still didn't know enough about the Internet to understand what cloud services really meant.

Cloud computing is nice, but not necessary for most Internet providers.

The development of this thing requires basic conditions, and it costs money and time. The average company has no internal motivation to do this at all.

But Deep Space is different. Among other things, for Amazon of Deep Space Holdings, cloud computing is a very important thing that can even get stuck.

E-commerce is a business with strong seasonality. Generally, website traffic will skyrocket during certain periods, such as the famous Black Friday shopping festival.

On days like Black Friday, website traffic soars, which is much more than usual. It is necessary for the server to be able to expand elastically, which not only prevents crashes during skyrocketing, but also prevents normal waste.

In addition, the e-commerce platform involves a large number of product SKUs, and various product information and historical transaction information must be stored somewhere, so a large amount of storage space is required.

In addition, e-commerce is a trading platform, dealing with money, the structure must be stable, and there are many third-party sellers, so the scalability and compatibility of the platform are also very important.

These requirements are not mandatory for Yahoo and Google, only Amazon must pay attention to them.

O'Reilly is very smart. He knows that even if others can understand that this kind of third-party access service will be promising in the future, they will not put too much thought on it. Only Amazon, they must solve the above problems, Cloud services are the best solution to those problems.

As for what O'Reilly wants, he just thinks that if it is of little use to others, but very useful to Deep Space Corporation, it can be exchanged for the cooperation of Deep Space Corporation.

O'Reilly Media's main business is e-book business, which is highly compatible with Deep Space Corporation's business.

It can even be said that the business of O'Reilly Media is wrapped in the arms of Deep Space Corporation.

The reason for saying this is that Deep Space Corporation has mastered the front end of e-books as well as the back end.

The front end of the so-called e-book is the work itself.First of all, there must be books, and then there are e-books. Deep Space Company now has a large number of well-known authors and the copyrights of their books. If O’Reilly wants to make these books, he must contact Deep Space Company. deal with.

The books under the banner of Deep Space really made O'Reilly flustered. Let alone the three writers, YU, JK Rowling and George Martin, the sales of their three books have reached a very impressive level. .

If the e-book copyrights of these three people can be obtained, O'Reilly will be able to win half of the best-seller list.

Not to mention, there are writers like Mark Levy, Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, Mogliano, and Clezio under the banner of Deep Space.

Let’s talk about the back end. The book is made into an e-book. The next step is not how to let readers see it, but how to let readers buy it.

And Amazon is now the largest book selling website, they lie directly between O'Reilly Media and readers.

Let me ask, under such circumstances, how could O'Reilly not think of a way to make friends with Deep Space Corporation?

Of course, Yu Dong didn't understand these things.

All he knew was that what O'Reilly proposed was promising.

Glancing at Jimmy, Yu Dong said with a smile, "In this case, let's discuss it later and see if it can be started."

Although Yu Dong knows that the cloud service is very good, how to get this thing and which company to get it is still a problem.

Jimmy nodded. He understood Yu Dong's meaning. After all, this is the company's business secret, so it's not appropriate to talk openly like this.

O'Reilly also changed the topic very interestingly, and chatted with Yu Dong and the others about the two games released by Deep Space this year, "Lianliankan" and "Xiaoxiaole".

"My 15-year-old nephew is an avid fan of deep space games. When I heard about this from her mother, I was very surprised. Because before that, my impression of deep space mainly stayed in novels, movies and Amazon. Above, I didn't expect your game to have reached this point."

Jimmy said with a smile: "We just happened to make a few popular games."

O'Reilly, who was drawing cards, turned his head and looked at Jimmy, and said with a smile: "Jimmy, have you spent too long with your Chinese friends, so you have learned their humility? Make a popular It may be luck, but if you make several games in a row, it must be your strength. I also play "Xiaoxiaole" and "Lianliankan", which are really suitable for people of all ages. Play a game when you are free , can kill time, but also improve intelligence. I used to click Minesweeper when I was free, but now it has become "Xiaoxiaole" or "Lianliankan".

O'Reilly's words are a compliment, but they can also say how popular these two games are now.

"Xiao Xiao Le" has occupied the first place in the PC game sales list for a long time, and "Lianliankan" is closely behind.

Some game reviewers wrote articles describing the speed of the spread of these two games, saying that they were like viruses that quickly entered thousands of households.

Anyone, as long as they usually play on the computer, whether they like these two games or not, they will try to open them on the computer, because it is too easy to get started, and they don’t cost money just to open them.

In O'Reilly's view, the reason why "Xiaxiaole" and "Lianliankan" are so popular is not only because the games are fun, but also because of the strategy of Deep Space Corporation.

Deep Space Corporation adopts a play-before-buy model, allowing players to play a game first, and then consider whether to buy it if they find it fun.

And even if you don't buy it, Deep Space Company doesn't directly prevent players from playing the game, but provides a paid download version with more gameplay to attract players to pay.

In the past few months, the two games have been released on more platforms, and sales have gradually increased. Now "Xiao Xiao Le" has sold nearly 300 million pieces.

The reason why it can have such a high sales volume is that the number of downloads of the demo version has exceeded 900 million.

On average, three people try to play, and one person finally chooses to pay.

This is the strategy of Deep Space Corporation, and in O'Reilly's view, this is also the strategy that every Internet company in the future Internet era should use.


O'Reilly stayed at Bear's Bookstore until noon and left after dinner, and Jimmy left with him.

Bi Feiyu was very disappointed to become three people again, because three people couldn't get together to make a fight, and he still prefers fight against the landlord compared to three people fighting the landlord.

Until 02:30 in the afternoon, Gong Youli and his daughter came to the bookstore.

With them, and director Rob Reiner.

A year later, Gong Su'er grew up a bit, but her appearance didn't change much.

The reason why the film "Pounding Heart" has not been finished after such a long time is because the problem of casting has not been resolved.

Rob Reiner said before that if Gong Suer were to play the young heroine, then the range of casting for older heroines would be limited.

Gong Suer is a mixed race, with black hair and brown eyes, and the overall feeling is oriental. There are few such mixed races, let alone find another one who feels similar to Gong Suer.

Rob Reiner has been looking for more than half a year, but he has not found a suitable candidate. He even feels that he has found all the mixed races in the world.

For a while, Rob Reiner decided to give up.

It's not that he gave up filming "Heartbeat", but he gave up looking for an older heroine. He wanted to shoot with the same person.

Now let Gong Suer finish filming the heroine scene when she was a child, and let Gong Suer play the older heroine after a few years when Gong Suer grows up.

Of course, this method can ensure that the actors look harmless, but there are many problems. Who knows what will happen in a few years?
But Heaven paid off, and in the end, Rob Reiner found a girl who was very similar to Gong Suer. She was also a Chinese-American girl. Her Chinese name was Xu Qiulu. She was supposed to come today, but because of something at school, So we didn't come together.

Yu Dong chatted with Gong Suer for a while, and Rob Reiner came up to him with a smile, and said to Yu Dong, "YU, Xueer is doing very well recently, and there must be no problem with the filming. Although she doesn't have many roles, we It will definitely be a good shot."

Rob Reiner came up and said a meaningless nonsense, but Yu Dong knew what Rob Reiner really wanted to say.

Last year at the Amazon bookstore in Chicago, when Yu Dong saw Gong Suer for the first time, he decided to let her play the heroine of "Pounding Heartbeat". It will make it difficult to choose the heroine later.

In order for Rob Reiner to invite Gong Suer to play the role, Yu Dong promised Rob Reiner that if Rob Reiner asked Gong Suer to play the heroine, he would write "Pounding Heartbeat" as a novel.

Now, what Rob Reiner thinks is that Yu Dong can write the novel as soon as possible, preferably before the movie is released, so that the movie box office doesn't have to worry about it.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Reiner, don't worry, before the end of this year, the novel "Pounding Heartbeat" will definitely be written."

Rob Reiner smiled embarrassedly, "Actually, I didn't want to mention this...Of course, it's best if you have a plan, I think your readers must be looking forward to seeing you If they knew that besides "The Da Vinci Code", there is a new book to read this year, they must be very happy."

Hearing this, Yu Dong smiled secretly. "Pounding Heart" will be written this year, but there should not be enough time for publication, and it will definitely be pushed to next year.

But this year he will definitely have more than one book to meet with you. If there is no accident, his book "Li Tide" will definitely be able to meet readers.

No matter how smooth it is, "Snowman" should be able to meet everyone.

Rob Reiner was satisfied when he heard Yu Dong's affirmative answer that he would write the novel "Pounding Heartbeat" this year, so he didn't ask any more questions.

When the last three of them were about to leave, Gong Youli suddenly quietly approached Yu Dong, and asked in a low voice, "Mr. Yu Dong, after this movie, will Deep Space arrange other roles for Su Er? "

Yu Dong glanced at Gong Youli strangely, wondering why he asked such a question suddenly.

Could it be that he was afraid that the Deep Space Company would continue to assign roles to Gong Su'er, which would delay Gong Su'er's studies?
It should not be.

Although Gong Suer's parents signed a brokerage contract with Shenkong Company on her behalf, the contract stipulated relatively few obligations for both parties, and Shenkong Company had no right to force Gong Suer to act.

That being the case, when Gong Youli said this, he probably wanted to win Gong Su'er the next role.

Yu Dong sighed secretly, people will always change. When I heard last year that Gong Su'er was going to act in a play, Gong Youli's performance was very simple. He neither thought about his daughter becoming a big star, nor thought about how much money he would make. .

Only a year later, Gong Youli began to think about these things.

Yu Dong smiled and asked, "You are polite. The company considers that Su'er is young and her studies are more important, so she will not be assigned other roles for the time being."

Gong Youli nodded in disappointment, "I see."

Seeing his reaction, Yu Dong frowned, and reminded again, "Parents' beloved sons have far-reaching plans. After "Pounding Heartbeat" is broadcast, many companies will definitely find you and give you promises. There are many attractive conditions, but I hope you can think more about Su Er's future, and don't agree easily. Let Su Er act in "Pounding Heart", I hope this will give her another choice in her life, instead of directly Blocked her other roads, you should understand what I mean."

Gong Youli didn't expect Yu Dong to say this suddenly, and he was stunned when he heard it. After a long while, he nodded awkwardly, "Teacher Yu, I understand."

The reason why Yu Dong said this is because he has seen too many cases of hurting Zhong Yong.

Some people say that it is necessary to become famous early, but it should not be too early. Gong Suer is only seven or eight years old and has a long way to go in life. It would not be a good thing for her to let her join the film and television industry too early.

Yu Dong told Gong Youli that parents' love for their sons is far-reaching, and Shenkong Company also has far-reaching plans for its artists.

Otherwise, Shen Kong would just take Gong Suer out and earn two years of fast money.

There are other artists, those messy activities and messy plays, the artists of Deep Space Company never accept them, even if they have more money.

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