Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 726 Easter Eggs and Collector's Edition

In fact, there are differences between Yudong and Jimmy in the way of treating their artists.

Jimmy believes that there is no need to pay too much attention to the private life of the artist, as long as their work is done well. To put it bluntly, the artist and the company are a cooperative relationship.

If there is a problem in the artist's life, the company will settle it if it can, and throw them away if it can't.

Because in Jimmy's view, non-creative artists are not rare, they are everywhere, and if one is gone, many can be cultivated at any time.

But Yu Dong doesn't think so. He feels that artists are tempted too much, and if they are not managed well, problems will easily arise.

Once the frequency of artists' problems increases, it will not only lose their company, but also the entire industry.

Since Deep Space Corporation wants to be the leader in the domestic entertainment industry, it must also take responsibility while making money, and strive to maintain a healthy ecology for the entire industry.

The two discussed this issue, but they quickly reached a consensus, and the consensus was to listen to Yu Dong.

Of course, Jimmy also analyzed the disadvantages of treating artists like this with Yu Dong.

He told Yu Dong that there may be no problem with such strict management of artists now, because the artists have not lived a good life yet.

But after a long time, some artists may feel dissatisfied. After all, the company's management of them will reduce their income.

Take Hu Jing as an example, she is very popular now, and her income is also very good, but if Deep Space Company does not restrict her from accepting events and advertisements, then her income will definitely increase significantly.

Some time ago, Deep Space Company just rejected an underwear advertisement for Hu Jing. The underwear company was established in China and it was only established this year. million in endorsement fees.

This was 1999, an era when many actors were paid less than five figures. It took half a day to shoot an advertisement and you could get 500 million. One can imagine how tempting this is.

It's not just about the advertisement, the Deep Space Company also restricted Hu Jing from acting.After she became popular, many crews approached her to film, but they were basically rejected by Deep Space Company.

If Hu Jing's mind got a little hot, he might terminate the contract with Shen Kong directly.

Hu Jing did not terminate the contract with Shen Kong because of this matter. First, because Yu Dong was her teacher, the relationship was far from the ordinary relationship between a boss and an artist. Second, because she was not stupid and knew to listen to the company's arrangements, although It will lose the small profits in front of it, but the future development will definitely not be bad.

But it will be difficult for other artists to encounter such things in the future. Not everyone can resist the temptation of millions.

That's what Jimmy was worried about. He was worried that Yu Dong's management would be too strict and the artists would be forced away.

But Yu Dong didn't particularly care about this, there were many artists in this world, and Deep Space didn't care about the coming and going of a few artists at all.

Instead of relaxing them and letting them sink, it is better to let them leave as soon as possible. To be more realistic, even if these people blow up mines in the future and negative news is everywhere, as long as it does not affect Deep Space Company.


Wednesday, July 21.

"If you find a writer who puts signings on Wednesdays instead of weekends, then you should know that this writer is not ordinary."

At the entrance of Little Bear Bookstore, Kaitlyn was tiptoeing into the bookstore while smiling and sharing experience with her cousin Hathaway.

Hathaway smiled and said, "Isn't the long line at the door enough to explain? Caitlin, did you hear what they said just now? There are easter eggs in the new book "The Da Vinci Code."

"What easter egg?" Kaitlyn asked without looking back while her attention was still in the bookstore.

"I didn't say anything about it. I just said that if you find this easter egg, you can get a set of collector's edition books with the easter egg."

"A set of collector's edition books?" Kaitlyn looked back at Hathaway, "What do you mean?"

Hathaway shook her head, "I don't know, you should have heard what the two boys said when they walked past."

Caitlin curled her lips, "I didn't pay attention, but the news about the easter eggs should be unreliable. This kind of thing is usually done for publicity, but the official has not disclosed any information, it must be fake."

"Is it?"

"Of course, if you don't let more people know, then the publicity will be useless." Kaitlyn said with great certainty, "Hathaway, you are still young and don't know much about these things. I will follow the activities of Deep Space Corporation." I've done it many times, and I understand all their routines."


Hathaway nodded, expressing her belief in Caitlin's words.

Kaitlyn is not bragging, she has been chasing the activities of Deep Space Corporation all the time, even YU's signing event, she has participated in it for the third time.

Deep Space Corporation always has some very interesting publicity methods, but they are always the same, and Caitlin can still understand the rules.

Caitlin believes that it is impossible for Deep Space Corporation to conduct activities secretly. Even if it is sneaky, it is pretending to be sneaky. Unlike this, the signings have already started, and everyone does not know the content of the event.

But soon, Caitlin doubted her own judgment.

Because after the queue entered the bookstore, she saw a set of books on the front shelf.

There are a lot of books in this set, the covers are uniform and exquisite, and the names on the spine are clearly visible. These are all YU's novels.

Caitlin roughly counted, there are a total of [-] books in it, not all of Yu Dong's works are covered, but they are basically the same.

And Caitlin also noticed that the two books "Old Books" and "The Crowd" were put together, and there was a purple horizontal bar at the bottom of the spine of the two books, which was not found in other books.

Does this mean that the officials regard these two books as related works?After all, the room in "Old Book" has been mentioned many times in "The Crowd".

Hathaway also saw this set of books, and she pointed to one of them and said, "It seems that there are some relatively large papers in "The Crowd", which have been folded."

Caitlin nodded, and she saw it too.

The original version of "The Crowd" didn't have this kind of paper, she remembered it clearly.

These papers should be unique to the collector's edition. They may be the manuscripts of some authors, or other works of the attached authors, such as paintings, which are generally related to the works.

Caitlin frowned, and the Collector's Edition appeared. Does it mean that what Hathaway just said might be true?

But why didn't Deep Space Corporation do publicity in advance?

That's not right, if the Deep Space Company didn't make publicity in advance, how did the two boys know the news just now?
Caitlin couldn't figure it out at all. What exactly is Deep Space's strategy this time?
But no matter what Deep Space's strategy is this time, Caitlin is very interested in that set of books.

A bookstore employee happened to pass by, and Caitlin stopped him quickly, "Hi, may I ask if the set of books on the shelf is for sale?"

With a polite smile on his face, the staff member shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, ma'am, this set of YU personal collection books is not for sale. If you want to get it, you need to go through a special way."

"Excuse me, what is the special channel?"

"Sorry, actually I don't know, what I can tell you is that you need to explore everything by yourself. Please remember the theme of the new book."

After the staff left, Caitlin stared at the books on the shelf in a daze.

A boy with a peaked cap in front of her laughed, "The theme of the new book is semiotics. If nothing else, YU should have buried clues in the novel. Only by cracking the clues can we get this collection of books."

A bald man in front also said, "I don't think every copy of "The Da Vinci Code" contains clues, otherwise, the collector's edition is not enough to give away."

Caitlin looked at the bald man and couldn't help but nodded. She agreed with the bald man that not every "Da Vinci Code" contained clues.

Once this kind of clue is discovered, it will spread quickly, which means that as long as a small number of people solve the riddle, everyone will know the answer, and then everyone can use the answer to get the book, which is obviously unrealistic.

"I hope this puzzle can be a little more difficult," said the boy in the peaked cap.

He's clearly very confident in his puzzle-solving abilities.

Hathaway pouted, "I wish the puzzle could be simpler, so that everyone can get a collection of books."

"If everyone has it, can the Collector's Edition still be called the Collector's Edition?" said the boy in the peaked cap.

Although the boy in the peaked cap said this bluntly, it did make sense.

The price of the collector's edition is relatively high, and most people are not willing to buy it. Rare things are more expensive. If fewer people buy, the collector's edition will have more value as a collection.

Besides, this collection of YU’s collections is not only of high quality, but also a large number, with [-] copies. If everyone distributes a set of so many books, Deep Space Company will go bankrupt tomorrow.

Everyone was discussing various possibilities, but the new book hadn't been handed yet, and there was no clue at all, so they could only guess wildly.

When Caitlin and the others reached the second floor, they found that the people in front kept flipping through the "Da Vinci Code" they had just arrived in their hands.

At the signing event, you pay the money on the first floor, pick up the book on the second floor, and then sign the book on the third floor.

In the past new book signings, some people would eagerly read the book in advance, but there is only one reason for the large-scale advance reading like today, that is, they want to find clues from "The Da Vinci Code" and get it earlier. Collector's edition books.

Caitlin was not immune either, and started frantically flipping through the book after getting it.

"Hathaway, look too. There are two of us. This is our advantage. I look back from the front, and you look forward from the back."

Although Hathaway felt that this was a bit stupid, she still did it.

It's just that their actions are destined to be fruitless, not only the two of them, but none of the other people present found clues from the book.

"Go ahead, ma'am, and give me the book."

When they arrived at the signing table, a staff member took their books, opened the title page and handed it to Yu Dong. This was to reduce the time interval and improve the signing efficiency.

After Caitlin handed the book to the staff, she kept staring at the top of YU's head, her mind was full of how to get the collector's edition.

When Caitlin was in a daze, Yu Dong looked up at her, "Hello, do you want..."

"I want a collector's edition."

After blurting out, Caitlin covered her mouth in a panic. She stared at YU with wide eyes, and couldn't believe that she said this directly.

Although she really thought about asking YU where the clue was, she didn't expect to say it out loud.

Yu Dong also looked at Caitlin in surprise, and suddenly smiled, and then waved to the staff next to him, "Go get this lady a collection of books."

"Really?" Kaitlyn exclaimed in surprise, "Just give it to me?"

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Well, it belongs to you."

Soon, the staff delivered a set of collector's edition books.

Caitlin took the set of books with difficulty, and thanked Yu Dong repeatedly: "Thank you, Yu, thank you very much."

In fact, Caitlin is still in a daze until now, she doesn't understand why YU gave her a collection of books, is it because she asked for it?
This should be impossible...

Hathaway also felt that this was impossible, but when it was her turn, she couldn't help but cautiously followed Yu Dong and said, "YU, I want a collection of books."

After finishing speaking, Hathaway looked at Yu Dong expectantly, hoping that she would be as lucky as her cousin.

But the goddess of luck did not come, Yu Dong smiled and shook his head and said, "Sorry, this symbol is no longer valid."

Yu Dong's words aroused the discussion of the following readers.

According to what this said, Caitlin was able to obtain a set of collector's edition books because she triggered a certain symbol, but this symbol seemed to only be able to be triggered once, and it would be invalid after being triggered.

Someone ran to Caitlin and asked, "What symbol did you find?"

But Caitlin just shook her head blankly, "I don't know."


Looking at Caitlin surrounded by readers, Yu Dong pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled. In fact, when he set up this symbol, he thought that it might be accidentally triggered by someone.

This symbol is very simple. In "The Da Vinci Code", there is a chapter that mentions an "hourglass" symbol, followed by a sentence called "The best way to find the answer to a question is to ask the person who asked the question" , and the collar of Yu Dong's clothes today is in the shape of an hourglass.

As long as someone asks Yu Dong for clues in person, or directly asks for a collection of books, this symbol will be triggered and a set of books will be obtained.

But this symbol can only be used once, and it will not work if someone finds out later.

There are many symbols in "The Da Vinci Code", some appear directly, and some are hidden in the text by Yu Dong. Some of these symbols represent one set of books, and some represent several sets of books. As long as readers understand these new information and find where the symbols are, there is hope for a collector's edition set.

Yu Dong didn’t hide these symbols in the book for this activity, but after finishing writing, he found a lot of things hidden, so he had a whim and decided to create such an activity to stimulate readers’ interest in studying this book .

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