The reason why this activity of finding clues to obtain the collector's edition books was not publicized in advance is also because there are not many sets of books for readers.

Yu Dong calculated that if all the symbols were discovered, a total of more than 600 sets of books would need to be distributed.

At first glance, it sounds like a lot, but compared to Dong's reader base, it is already pitifully small.

It is certainly not Yu Dong's first creation to plant small foreshadowing and Easter eggs in the book to interact with readers. Many books have done this before.

But a book with so many interactions like "The Da Vinci Code" appeared this time. When Jimmy saw these clues related to semiotics, he said that it was not like a novel, but a game.

Of course, to make this game interesting enough, the premise is that the author has a lot of readers, otherwise, such a big game cannot be supported at all.

Because of Caitlin's precedent, others began to frantically look for things related to symbols in "The Da Vinci Code", trying to find clues to obtain the collector's edition of the book.In any case, at least it proves that the news of finding easter eggs in the novel to exchange for the collection of books is accurate.

But the problem is that there are too many things related to symbols in "The Da Vinci Code". Useful, which is useless.

There is another problem, if you calm down, you will find that this book is really fascinating.

Hathaway got the book and followed her cousin to the rest area on the first floor. After each ordered a cup of coffee, she began to read the new book, hoping to find clues as soon as possible.

But after reading it for a while, she put aside the matter of finding clues to obtain the book, because the novel is so interesting.

From the very beginning, the novel is full of suspense. The curator of the Louvre died suddenly, and an American semiotics expert who was on a business trip in Paris was involved in the incident because he made an appointment with the curator.

The Curator's death was the work of a mysterious organization that appears to be targeting the Keystone - the engraved place where the Order's greatest secrets are kept.

Through the perspective of the male lead, Hathaway discovered many things related to semiotics, such as the Eiffel Tower standing in Paris, the necklace hanging around the neck of the house, and the artworks in the Louvre... as if everything in life It's all about semiotics.

In just a few small chapters, Hathaway was brought into the story.

Just as she was about to continue looking down, she suddenly heard a low cry from Caitlin next to her.

Hathaway frowned, turned to Caitlin, "What's wrong with you?"

"Look at this."


Seeing Caitlin like this, Hathaway also became curious and looked around.

What Kaitlyn was holding was "Curse", which was different from the normal version of "Curse". There was also a folded 4K paper inside. This 4K paper contained an article written in lowercase letters.

This is an essay called "Summer" that Yu Dong wrote casually in lower case on the way to write "Curse".

This essay is very casual, and only writes some of Yu Dong's immediate feelings, without a deep theme, nor a strong emotional output.

Of course Hathaway couldn't understand these words, but there was a page in the book that introduced this essay.

"This is YU's Chinese calligraphy. It is beautifully written, and this article is also beautifully written. The sun is blocked by the shade of the trees. Only when the breeze blows and stirs the leaves, can it sneak in through the gaps. I just touched it. It reached the corner of the dreamer's clothes, and was brushed away by the leaves..."

"It's really beautiful." Hathaway nodded and asked again, "But, do you know Chinese calligraphy? You don't even know Chinese characters, right?"

Caitlin said solemnly, "Actually, I appreciate calligraphy, and it is more advantageous to not know Chinese characters."

Hathaway asked puzzled, "What's the point?"

"You think, calligraphy is also a kind of art. Appreciating it depends on aesthetics and feeling. If you know these characters, you will definitely be distracted by the meaning of the characters themselves. But if you don't know these Chinese characters, you will concentrate on appreciating the structure of the font itself. The beauty. Don’t you think, these characters look like pretty villains?”

Hathaway felt that there was something wrong with what Caitlin said, but she didn't know how to refute it.

But what Caitlin said is right, that is, these words really give people a very handsome feeling.

Looking at the 4K paper in her hand, Caitlin said with emotion: "Unfortunately, it would be nice if this was the original manuscript."

Hathaway twitched the corners of her mouth, "How dare you think, if this is the original manuscript..."

She wanted to say that if this was the original manuscript, it must be worth a lot of money, but she felt a little vulgar when she said it, so she didn't say it.

Moreover, this kind of thing is not easy to value, because YU did not have such serious calligraphy works before.

In addition, the value of YU's calligraphy works must not only depend on his own fame, but also on his calligraphy level. As for YU's calligraphy level, Hathaway and the others have no way of knowing.

But anyway, this set of collector's edition books surprised Kaitlyn.

Looking at the collector's edition books in Caitlin's hands, Hathaway felt sour in her heart. The main reason is that this set of books is not for sale at all, and she couldn't buy it even if she wanted to.

"By the way, is the new book good?" Caitlin asked.

Speaking of the new book, Hathaway rolled her eyes, "I was interrupted by you just after reading it. And what you asked is very strange, is the new book good... Are there any good books by YU?"


Is the new book good?
After Kirk logged into the deep space tribe, he saw a popular tribe.

This tribe was posted by the well-known movie star Kim Carrey. The content is-if you haven't watched "The Da Vinci Code", I suggest you exit the website now.

When he saw this tribe for the first time, Cork looked confused. What does this mean?The reason why he turned on the computer and logged into the Deep Space Tribe when he came back from get off work was because he wanted to know what everyone said about the new book, why did Jim Carrey let them quit?

Soon, Kirk understood what Jim Carrey meant.

In the current deep space tribe, almost everyone is discussing "The Da Vinci Code". As long as there is a discussion, there will inevitably be spoilers. spoilers.

The reason why everyone is so frantically discussing "The Da Vinci Code" is because this is YU's new book, which is very good-looking, and because there are rumors that the new book contains clues to obtain the collector's edition.

[Fundt: How did this news come out? 】

[Aquilia: It was reported at the book signing at the Little Bear Bookstore today that more than one person said that they had seen a collection of books. 】

[Shakira Lala: I was at the scene, and a girl got a collection of books on the spot. 】

【Xilin: Did you get it on the spot?So fast?Are the clues easy to find?What clue is she looking for? 】

【Hunter: I heard that she asked YU directly for it, and YU also said that this symbol has already been used and is invalid. 】

[Wild Hog Rider: It seems that the focus is still on symbols. Which of you discovered any new symbols? 】

[The Lion King Simba: Even if you find out, who can tell you? 】

[Wild Hog Rider: Is there any symbol that has been used that is invalid? At least give us a reference. 】

[Oversized shirt: Just now I saw someone shared a symbol, his name is "Boa Constrictor", you can look for it. 】


According to the instructions of the netizens, Kok found the homepage of the netizen named Python, and saw the symbol for obtaining books shared by him.

The netizen named Boa constrictor discovered that there are two references to the rose line in the novel, the letters behind it are the abbreviation of the Deep Space Tribe, and the rose line is preceded by two words: guider and apple.

Therefore, he had an association, thinking that the words guide and apple should be clues to the answer, and the clues are in the deep space tribe.

He tried to enter Guider and Apple in the search box, and was pleasantly surprised to find that when he searched for Guider, the official account was listed first.

This account was created five days ago, and only one tribe was posted, and it was also posted five days ago. The content is: Please tell me the answer.

He tried to post the apple in the comment area again, and not long after, the "guide" contacted him and told him that he had obtained a collection of books.

After reading the series of operations described by "Python", the people of Cork are all stupid. Isn't this clue too difficult to find?
Although watching the replay of the python, I feel that it is quite easy for him to do it, but Kirk knows that it is not easy to find such clues in a book.

Even if ordinary readers realize that the "rose line" has a guiding function, they will not notice that the initials of the words following the two "rose lines" separated by a long distance are the same as the abbreviation of the deep space tribe.

Kirk also went to the "Guide" account. This account still only had that tribe, but the comments below were not limited to the one posted by the python, but had grown to thousands.

Netizens frantically posted comments on this tribe, most of which were words or sentences extracted from "The Da Vinci Code".

They want to try their luck to see if they can meet the code.

Of course, in addition to discussing the clues of collecting books, many netizens are also discussing the plot of the new book and the dazzling semiotic content.

Kirk is not a person who resists spoilers. Instead, he looks at the spoilers from netizens with relish.

Through the spoilers from netizens, Kok discovered that this book is essentially a detective novel. Starting from the death of the curator of the Louvre, the protagonist peeled off the cocoons and followed the clues to find the ultimate secret step by step.

The biggest difference between this book and other detective novels is that it is filled with a lot of religious and semiotic content, and these contents are very subversive.

In "The Da Vinci Code", Jesus is an ordinary human being, and he married Mary Magdalene and gave birth to his daughter Sarah.

To be honest, when he first saw this spoiler, Kirk was terrified, but after thinking that this is just a novel, he felt calmer.

But when he turned off the computer and opened the new book, he was terrified again, because he found that the subversive content in "The Da Vinci Code" was so orderly, giving people a feeling that it was true.

The main character is always able to come up with some seemingly very strong evidence to prove his point.

"YU really dares to write."

Koch believes that even in the relatively open American religious circles, some subversive content in "The Da Vinci Code" will be resisted.


Facts have proved that Corker was right to worry.

"The Da Vinci Code" was a big hit when it first came out, but it also caused a lot of controversy. Some religious people criticized many contents of the novel.

The United States is better. The day after the novel was put on the shelves in Russia, a very sensational thing happened.

A religious group, about [-] or [-] people, stood in front of a bookstore in Moscow holding a banner, which said: If you buy a book, you betray Jesus.

However, "The Da Vinci Code" did not sell less in Russia, and it still took the top spot on the national book sales list that week, far ahead of the second list.

What's more interesting is that among the top ten of the week's list, including "The Da Vinci Code", a total of seven are Yu Dong's, and one is the Russian version of "If It's True", which was released last month. .

Faced with such a slap in the face, the dz sect was also very speechless. They even threatened to burn all "Da Vinci Code".

They said it and they did it.

A group bought a total of 47 copies of "The Da Vinci Code", burned them on the street, and were quickly taken away by the local police.

On the same day, a famous Russian newspaper published a photo of the scene where the group burned "The Da Vinci Code", but the title of the picture is very ironic: "The sales of "Da Vinci Code" in Russia increased by 47.

For some social protests, Deep Space Corporation did not make any positive response, but publicly thanked the three authors of "Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" for providing ideas for "The Da Vinci Code".

Although Deep Space Corporation didn't make it clear, the meaning is obvious.

Didn't you say that "The Da Vinci Code" subverted the tradition? Why don't you go and see "Holy Grail and Holy Blood", the content in it is even more subversive.

For example, the marriage between Jesus and Magdalene was mentioned as early as in "Holy Blood and Holy Grail".

And the author of "Holy Blood and the Holy Grail" also rushed into the battlefield very excitedly, fighting with those who opposed "The Da Vinci Code".

Those who protested against "The Da Vinci Code" were reluctant to let go of "The Da Vinci Code", and at the same time had to deal with the attacks of the three authors of "Holy Blood and the Holy Grail". The scene became very chaotic for a while.

In the midst of this chaotic battle, the sales of "The Da Vinci Code" gradually increased, and the popularity showed no sign of fading.

In addition, careful readers have discovered that "The Holy Grail and Holy Blood", which has been published for nearly 20 years, suddenly changed its cover and appeared in bookstores in large numbers, and quietly squeezed into the recent bestseller list.

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