Chapter 730 Infinite Power

Regardless of the weight of the award or the identity of the winner, Yu Dong is the absolute protagonist of today's awards ceremony.

After the previous winners came to the stage and finished their acceptance speeches, Sandro, chairman of the award committee, looked at Yu Dong with a smile, "Next, let us welcome Mr. YU, a good friend from China, with warm applause."

Without Rossi's translation, Yu Dong also knew the general meaning of Sandro's words. He smiled and got up and walked to the stage.

After handing over the certificate and medal to Yu Dong, Sandro whispered a few words to Yu Dong, and the translator next to him said to Dong, "YU, Mr. Chairman said that you came here after a long time, I hope you can share more with everyone. How you feel, today's awards ceremony is still a long time away, so you don't have to worry about the length of time."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "I will try my best."

After speaking, Yu Dong walked towards the lecture table.

Yu Dong has long been used to giving speeches without a script, but in order to take care of the translation, he had to write the manuscript in advance and submit it to the award committee for the translators to prepare.

However, the manuscript he handed in is not long, and there will definitely be some extensions today, so it is also a test for the translators.

"Hi everyone, I'm Yu Dong. I'm very glad to be invited to Piedmont, to the Castle of Carver, to meet you all. I would like to thank the award committee for giving me this honor and the book "The Crowd" .When I learned that I won the award, I was eager to know why I was chosen. Up to now, I have not figured out why I was chosen, but I probably figured out another thing, that is, I am interested in I don’t understand my works deeply enough. I think that probably everyone on the award committee and my other readers know my works better than I do.”

"In any case, I am very surprised that the award committee chose "The Crowd". I am sure that when the award committee made this decision, it must have made a lot of determination to present such an important award It's not easy to give an experimental novel about life in a city in an Eastern country."

"The story of "The Crowd" took place in Shanghai, where I grew up. To some extent, the stories in the book are the epitome of what I saw and heard when I was growing up. When I was young, I liked to go to a park only two kilometers away from my home, find a place, watch people coming and going, and observe their words and deeds. It was a kind of lonely moment for me.”

"Thousands of people in this world are connected by an unknown force. A street, a town, a country, people walk through it, or meet by chance, or separate..."

Yu Dong didn't prepare the manuscript, but the whole speech was very smooth. If it wasn't for taking care of the translator, he could speak faster.

Even so, the staff responsible for translating the speech was sweating profusely, because there was a big difference between Yu Dong's speech and the submitted speech, and he needed to translate those extra things in real time.

But the real test is yet to come.

In the first half, although Yu Dong's speech was different from the manuscript, it was not too outrageous, but in the end, it basically had nothing to do with the manuscript, and most of it was Yu Dong's free play.

According to Yu Dong's original manuscript, it would only last more than ten minutes, but Yu Dong directly extended the duration to more than 40 minutes. One can imagine how long Yu Dong's temporary additions are.

For this, Yu Dong could only say sorry to himself, and he could only blame Chairman Sandro for asking him to say more.

The translators were in a hurry, but the chairman, Sandro, looked at Yu Dong who was talking on the stage, but his heart blossomed with joy.

When sending the invitation letter to Yu Dong, Sandro was still worried that Yu Dong would not come, because he knew that Yu Dong did not often participate in activities.

Unexpectedly, Yu Dong not only came, but also gave such a face-saving speech by saying such a long series of acceptance speeches at once.

Turning his head and looking around the hall, Sandro was very satisfied when he saw the reporters behind him who kept taking notes. Since he became the chairman of the award committee, he has always wanted to improve the international reputation of the Grinzaner Carver Literary Award. popularity, and Yu Dong's arrival brought him a big step closer to his goal.

At this moment, Yu Dong's speech was coming to an end.

"I have always believed that novelists have a mission. Those blanks that have been forgotten or are being forgotten are mentioned again, so that the lost words can be reproduced, and the clues can be found in the fragments and fleeting traces of history, and the reconstruction can be reconstructed. Reminiscent of those cobweb-like worlds in people's memory."

"Thank you, my speech is over."


The Grinzaner Carver Literary Award Ceremony is over. If Yu Dong’s speech is excluded, the entire award ceremony takes less than half an hour, which can be described as extremely simple.

After the awards ceremony, Yu Dong dealt with the swarming reporters for a while.

After about 10 minutes, the media reporters left.

The dinner was held in the castle, and the guests who came to the ceremony gathered in twos and threes to chat.

Almost every guest came to say hello to Yu Dong, chatted a few words, congratulated Dong, and mentioned his new book "The Da Vinci Code".

At the end of the dinner, Anita Raha came over suddenly.

She smiled and raised the wine glass in her hand towards Yu Dong, "Congratulations, Yu, your speech is fascinating, and my interest in Shanghai has become stronger."

"Thank you. The speech just now was a bit long. I was worried that you would fall asleep listening to it."

"You are so humble, I got some inspiration from your speech. Especially at the end, you said that the mission of the novelist is to recover the forgotten memory, which reminds me of Proust, his Memories bring back the details of history. You have always been doing the same thing, and you are destined to be as great as Proust."

Yu Dong looked at Anita Raha in front of him with a smile, and became more and more sure that she was Ferrante.

However, Yu Dong didn't bring the topic to Ferrante, but just chatted with Anita for a while, and finally invited her to visit China some time, and Anita readily agreed.


The next day, when Yu was leaving east, Salvatore came to see him off again.

He is more enthusiastic than when we first met. This is because just yesterday, the Deep Space Company approached him and talked about some cooperation matters.

If the opportunity is right, Deep Space Corporation may cooperate with some companies in the Piedmont region.

First of all, they may try something through the Amazon website. If the results are good, they will deepen their cooperation.

In other words, in the near future, Yu Dong is likely to become the God of Wealth in Piedmont, and Salvatore must be more enthusiastic.


It was already the beginning of August when Yu Dong returned to Jinyi.

When we arrived at the school gate, the gate was closed, and the driver was about to honk his horn to let the security guard open the gate. Yu Dong smiled and waved to him, "Old Yuan, no need, I'll go down and have a look."

After getting off the car, Yu Dong walked out of the reception room window and looked inside.

I saw Uncle Zhou and Xiao Fang watching TV.

The condition of Jinyi's communication room has been getting better and better in recent years. Not only is it equipped with air conditioners, the school even allocated funds for them to buy a TV.

It's summer now, and the security guards don't need to stand guard outside. It's normal to sit in the reception room and watch TV.

Yu Dong knocked on the window with a smile, "Uncle Zhou, the door is open."

When Uncle Zhou and Xiao Fang heard the sound of knocking on the window, they hurriedly turned their heads to look. Seeing Yu Dong standing outside the window, they both stood up with smiles on their faces.

Xiao Fang came over first and opened the door of the reception room. Behind him, Uncle Zhou said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, you are back."

"Well, after going out for more than half a month, I finally came back. Uncle Zhou, are you on duty today?"

Uncle Zhou smiled and waved his hands and said, "Xiaofang is on duty today. I came to take a look when I have nothing to do at home. I estimated the time. You will be back soon in the past two days. I saw Teacher Cheng this morning. Come over to the garden."

"Well, I told her to come back today by phone."

Uncle Zhou opened the door and said to Yu Dong with a smile, "I told Xiao Fang just about you, and when I turned around, I saw your real person. So you can't talk about people behind your back, as soon as you talk about you, you will come."

"What are you talking about?" Yu Dong asked.

"As for the advertisement that your company asked Lu Xi to shoot, Xiaofang and I saw it on TV just now. Tsk tsk, it's incredible." Uncle Zhou said shaking his head, "Your company really spends money, and one advertisement took three or four. For the edition, many celebrities were invited, I know Kong Linghui and Liu Guoliang, and I also know Deng Yaping, but I have never seen that tall man. I have seen these advertisements, and I will never forget the Yunchi shoes.”

After hearing the back, Yu Dong understood what Uncle Zhou was talking about.

Jimmy persuaded Yu Dong to pay for the acquisition of Wang Jin's company Yunfan Shoes, and then changed its name to Yunchi.

Some time ago, in order to enhance the brand's popularity, Jimmy prepared to spend money to hire several sports stars to shoot several sets of advertisements and then broadcast them in turn on major TV stations.

Before Yu Dong left, this matter was still going on, and he didn't expect the advertisement to be broadcast on TV so soon.

In the original spokesperson list, there were only three national table tennis players, Liu Guoliang, Kong Linghui, and Deng Yaping. It was Yu Dong who added Yao Ming, who had just passed his birthday, to the list. The tall man mentioned by Uncle Zhou just now refers to Yao Ming.

In fact, the current Yao Ming has already made his mark in the basketball world. He just won the National Men's Basketball League A Most Improved Player Award in May this year.

After a while, he will also participate in the Asian Men's Basketball Championship in Neon with the team.

This is why Jimmy agreed to add Yao Ming to the list.

Now Yao Ming's endorsement fee is not high, but if they can get good results in Nihong, then Yao Ming's reputation will definitely increase a lot, and Yunchi will be earning money by then.

This is also the reason for signing Kong Linghui and Liu Guoliang. Next year is the year of the Olympic Games. At that time, Liu Guoliang and Kong Linghui will most likely represent the country in the Olympic Games. As long as one of them can get good results, then Yunchi's deal will not be a loss. .

Prior to this, there was no domestic sports brand that cooperated closely with sports stars, and Yunchi was the first to set a precedent.

As for the effect, the advertisement has just started to be launched, and it is not clear how it will be for the time being.

However, Yu Dong thinks that there is no problem at all. The cooperation between sports brands and sports stars is a development trend. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Yunchi taking the lead.

After chatting with Uncle Zhou for a few more words, Yu Dong got in the car and went back to the teacher's apartment.

As soon as he got off the car, Yu Dong saw Feng Ming, Liu Changmin and others surrounded by the shade of the trees downstairs in the apartment building.

Hearing the sound of the engine, Feng Ming and the others had already seen this way. Seeing Yu Dong get off the car, He Yu teased, "The members are back from a tour, everyone applauds and welcomes."

Liu Changmin and the others also cooperated, applauding one after another.

"Go! Go! Go."

Yu Dong waved his hands, ignored them at all, and walked upstairs.

Feng Ming laughed loudly from behind: "Send off the staff respectfully, and walk slowly."

Yu Dong quickened his pace and went upstairs. When he reached the door of his house, he was about to knock on the door, but he saw that the door was half-open, leaving a gap.

He smiled, pushed the door open and went in, Cheng Yanqiu sat on the sofa watching TV, as if he didn't hear Yu Dong's return.

But Yu Dong knew that she had heard the movement a long time ago, and she should have opened the door in advance.

The reason why Cheng Yanqiu looked angry was actually because Yu Dong made a slip of the tongue.

Yu Dong called back yesterday and said that he arrived home this morning and had lunch with Cheng Yanqiu, but because of the delay on the way, he missed the lunch.

With a flattering smile on his face, Yu Dong walked to Cheng Yanqiu's side, "Honey, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that I would come back for dinner, but I didn't come back, making you wait for nothing."

Cheng Yanqiu glanced at Yu Dong, "Hmph, I didn't wait for you, you didn't come back, I should eat and drink."

Yu Dong nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, what are you waiting for me? It's okay if I miss a meal at noon, as long as I come back and drink some hot pot water."

Hearing this, Cheng Yanqiu turned his head and asked with concern: "Have you had lunch yet?"

"Aren't you in a hurry to come back, didn't you take care of it?"

"You deserve it." Cheng Yanqiu reproached, then pointed at the dining table, "There's still some food under the dish cover, go and eat it yourself."

"Okay, thank you lady for the meal."

Yu Dong's gag made Cheng Yanqiu finally couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Happy smiling face, no seriousness. Well, I don't blame you, let's go eat quickly."


Yu Dong heated up the food, and just sat down at the dining table to start eating, when he suddenly heard a sentence from the TV: Yun Chi, the power is infinite.

Turning around, I saw Yao Ming holding a basketball and just completing a very exaggerated dunk.

Knowing Yao Ming's height, Yu Dong naturally knew that if he wanted to complete a dunk, he only needed to jump lightly under the basket, but what was shown on TV made people feel like Yao Ming was flying straight up.

The reason for this shot is to reflect the power of the pair of shoes on his feet.

As for the phrase "Yunchi, unlimited power", it is Yunchi's advertising slogan. It sounds a bit straightforward, even a bit earthy, but it is the result of everyone's discussion. Both Jimmy and Yu Dong think that although this advertising slogan is Straightforward, but easy to remember, and in line with product characteristics.

(End of this chapter)

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