Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 731 Something is missing

Chapter 731 Something is missing

Seeing the commercials on TV, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "How many commercials have you invested in? I changed several channels today and watched Yunchi's commercials many times. In addition to this basketball player, there are Deng Yaping and the others The national football players are also in the advertisement.”

"I don't know the details." Yu Dong laughed, "These things are all decided by Jimmy, but from what you say, there should be a lot of them."

"Well, there must be quite a few. I've never seen this kind of advertisement for a sports brand looking for endorsement by a sports star in China. I think the effect is pretty good, and Lu Xi's shot is also good. But you are a bit overqualified, Lu Xi At any rate, he is now one of the best directors of the new generation of directors in China."

"It's a matter of convenience. It's not shabby for a big director to shoot commercials." Yu Dong laughed.

Speaking of Lu Xi, this kid is really good.

Unlike Jia Zhangke, although Lu Xi has his own artistic pursuit in making films, he does not reject commercial films.

After filming "That Mountain, That Man, That Dog" with Huo Jianqi before, Lv Xi made some fame in the industry, but he did not follow the old path and continue to make such movies, instead he made whatever he had.

This time Jimmy approached Lu Xi and asked him to shoot an advertisement, and he agreed without hesitation.

Lu Xi is a generalist, he knows what kind of art form should use what kind of technology, what kind of expression.

Take the commercials currently broadcast on TV as an example. Lu Xi didn't add a lot of his own personal expression in it, and he didn't show off his skills. He just asked Yao Ming to splicing a few close-ups, and then drew a distant view from the close-ups. The commercial is over. up.

However, although Lu Xi didn't use any special techniques, the commercials he shot looked more eye-catching than those broadcast on TV now.

From obeying the way of transformation to operating the mirror, and then from operating the mirror to the optical fiber, Lu Xi's carefulness is hidden.

Before, Yu Dong was worried that Lu Xilai was too talented to shoot commercials, but now it seems that he was really the right one to find him, and it might not be able to get the taste of shooting with other people.

While Yu Dong was pushing the food into his mouth, he frowned and recalled the advertisement just now.

Although this ad looks a bit higher-end than other adverts, Yu Dong always feels that something is missing.

Seeing his expression, Cheng Yanqiu asked, "What's wrong?"

"I feel that this ad is missing something, a little incomplete."

"Is there?" Cheng Yanqiu tilted his head and thought for a while, "It's okay. The biggest shortcoming of this advertisement is that it is simple and not novel enough, but the effect has been achieved. At least the audience will remember it after seeing it."

Yu Dong pondered for a while, then suddenly patted his head, "I know something is wrong."

"Where?" Cheng Yanqiu asked curiously.

"Background music, the background music of this ad is too simple. It's neither innovative nor memorable. After watching it so many times, you probably don't even remember what the background music is."

"Uh... I should remember."

"Hey, it's useless to ask you, you are a professional." Yu Dong smiled, "We should make an exclusive music for the brand, and users will think of the Yunchi brand when they hear this music."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded thoughtfully, "What you said is quite reasonable. Music can indeed enhance the brand's memory. It is best to make a complete song of three to five minutes, which can be filmed into an mtv later. As long as the song If it is still being sung, it will always have a publicity effect.”

"Well, Comrade Cheng Yanqiu, you have made great progress now." Yu Dong laughed, and then said: "Speaking of mtv, has the mv for Xiao Zhou's last album been filmed yet?"

"Not yet, a few have been released one after another, and the response has been pretty good. Xiao Zhou has appeared in these MVs, and this kid is dressed up, and his image is quite good, which is a bit beyond my expectation."

"Well, I'll look for all these MVs later."

"The filming was very good. One was filmed with Lu Xi's help. It felt like a movie. Many viewers said that they wanted to see the mv expanded into a movie or TV series. When I met Lu Xi last time, I even chatted with him. He's done it, but he doesn't seem to have thought about it."

Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "It's understandable. Although the audience is very optimistic about the story in the MV, the MV is still different from the film and television drama. It doesn't mean that the MV is good, but it can be good when it is expanded into a film and television drama. Lu Xi knows this truth. "

In fact, Deep Space Company made an MV for Jay Chou's album, and many people said they couldn't understand it.

Generally, even if the album is very popular, singers don't shoot MVs for every song, and even if they do, they don't spend a lot of money on MVs for every song.

But Deep Space Company has produced MVs for Jay Chou to a point beyond ordinary people's understanding. The songs in the album "Jay Chou" have released eight MVs one after another, and the company has also announced that they will produce all the songs. mv.

The eight MVs that have been released, each one is very well-made, and there is no perfunctory situation at all.

According to an industry insider's estimate, the total shooting cost of the eight MVs that have been released is at least more than 200 million yuan.

This is estimated based on the strong production capabilities of Deep Space Corporation. If it is replaced by other companies or regions, the cost will increase a lot.

The MV matter was explained by Yu Dong himself, because he understands how much a good MV can affect a song.

He also told Yu Yu they that these mvs must not only be filmed, but also actively sent to broadcasting platforms in other countries and regions.

"By the way, how is his preparation for this year's new album going?"

"The recording has already started. I didn't show you the song data last time, but you were writing "Snowman" at the time, and your mind was not on it."

After Cheng Yanqiu mentioned it, Yu Dong remembered that such a thing happened.

It was probably April, but he was working on "The Snowman", so he sent over a copy of the materials, all of which were songs written by Jay Chou.

At that time, Yu Dong also took a rough look at it, but he didn't give any specific opinions.

In fact, the reason why Yu Dong didn't give any specific opinions at that time was because he was really busy at the time, and on the other hand, he thought that the songs on the information were pretty good, no matter how Jay Chou and the others chose, there would be no problem.

"When will it be released?"

"It was originally scheduled for September, but it was later changed to November."

"Well, okay, I remember there is a song called "Dad, I'm Back"?"

"Yes, this song is about domestic violence. The lyrics were written by Xiao Zhou himself. I was shocked when I saw the lyrics. I thought Huimei had suffered domestic violence at home. After asking around, I found out it was Xiao Zhou wrote it after listening to other people's stories." Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "This song has a strong rhythm, and the style of the previous "Bullfighting" is similar, but the emotion is stronger, and the sentence and rhythm are more attractive. I I am very optimistic about this album, it should be more popular than the first album, why did you suddenly mention this song?"

"I just think this song is good and has an attitude. Isn't there a short film competition next year? I plan to open another track and collect an MV for this song. Maybe we can not only harvest a high-quality MV, but also some excellent mv directors."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "This is a way, but I'm afraid that there will not be enough people to participate."

"Don't worry, there won't be any less."


The couple chatted for a while about Jay Chou's new album and asking Jay Chou to write a brand song for Yunchi. Later, Cheng Yanqiu pointed to the cabinet by the door: "You have received some letters during this period, and I have roughly screened them for you. The letters have all been transported to Luoyuan, you can go to see them later, there are still a few letters sent from various units, I put them in the cabinet."

In recent years, Yu Dong has received more and more letters.

At the beginning, there were major newspapers and magazines that could share some of the pressure. Later, more and more readers knew that Yu Dong was in Jinyi, so they stopped sending letters to magazines such as "Science Fiction World" or "Harvest". It was sent directly to Jin Yi.

Normally, Jin Yi would receive one or two hundred letters addressed to Yu Dong every day, and when a new book was released, this number would double.

A few days after "Old Book" before, Jin Yi received more than 300 letters addressed to Yu Dong in one day, setting a record.

These letters will be sent to the reception room first, and then a few days later, after a certain number of letters have been accumulated, Uncle Zhou will bring these letters over in person.

Jin Yi's other writers would also receive letters, but not as many as Yu Dong. Every time Uncle Zhou delivered a letter to Yu Dong, he would send letters from Yu Hua and the others along the way.

After the letter was delivered to his home, Yu Dong would take a look at the address of the letter, put aside the letters sent from the work unit and read them first, and then pick out some of the other letters to read if he had time.

He also wanted to read all the letters sent to him by readers, but he really didn't have time.

Yu Dong thought about hiring someone to read the letters for him before, but he finally dismissed the idea. These letters might contain the sender's secrets, and it would be disrespectful to let others read them.

Yu Dong went to the cabinet and took out the letter from it.

There were not many letters from the unit, only a dozen or so. Yu Dong looked at them and found that they were basically sent from some magazines. There were condolence letters, invitation letters, and even money orders...

Yu Dong's manuscript fees are basically settled by Shenkong Company, and such cases of sending money orders are very rare.

He took it apart and looked, and it turned out that "Girlfriend" reposted one of his essays and remitted the money directly.

Looking at the money order in his hand, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing. It was only 50 yuan, so he couldn't go to the post office.

Putting the money order aside, Yu Dong started to open other letters.

After opening a letter from the Children's Palace in XH District, Shanghai, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. The content of the letter was very simple, it was to express his gratitude to Yu Dong.

Before, Yu Dong wrote a drama script for the students, called "Drizzle Rain", and the theme was related to the education of the children of migrant workers.

When writing the play, Yu Dong's idea was very simple, it was for the students to arrange for themselves to play, but after the students performed, the response was very good, and they went to the theater to perform a few times.

Last winter, the XH District Children's Palace in Shanghai sent a letter, imploring Yu Dong to authorize their drama club so that their students can use "Drizzle" to participate in the competition.

If it was an ordinary competition, in fact, if others wanted to perform "Drizzle", they would not need to ask Yu Dong's opinion at all, they could just go on stage and perform.

However, the XH District Children's Palace participated in the Shanghai Student Art Festival this time, which was not a small scale and involved a lot of things, so the person in charge of the Children's Palace specially wrote a letter to ask for Yu Dong's approval just to be on the safe side.

After receiving this letter at that time, without saying a word, Yu Dong called the number written on the letter and told the other party that he agreed. a credential.

In the letter, the other party told Yu Dong very excitedly that their drama club won the first prize in the [-]th Shanghai Student Art Festival with "Drizzle".

Seeing this result, Yu Dong showed a smile, and then called the Children's Palace in XH District.

The call was connected quickly, and the voice of Tang Shaoyong, director of the Children's Palace, came from the microphone, "Hello, who is it?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Director Tang, I am Yu Dong."

Tang Shaoyong's voice suddenly became very pleasantly surprised, "Teacher Yu, why are you... oh, you must have received the letter I sent you."

"Received." Yu Dong said with a smile: "It's too slow to write a letter for this kind of news. Director Tang, you should give me a call."

"I saw the news saying that you were in the United States, so I didn't call you. Besides, you have so many things to do every day, so calling you is afraid of delaying your work."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Receiving the letter was even more delayed. Well, we'll talk about it later, but I still want to congratulate you for winning the first prize."

"This also depends on the well-written script of "Drizzle" and it is suitable for the children of the drama club to perform. The children all said that this is the most relaxing drama they have ever arranged."

Tang Shaoyong's words are a compliment. "Drizzle" is indeed suitable for students to perform, but it is not easy to line up.

This time the XH District Children's Palace Drama Club was able to win the first prize, mainly due to the performance of the young actors.

"Your Children's Palace is still strong and strong. If I remember correctly, you have won the first prize at the Shanghai Student Cultural Festival before."

"Well, I took it once before, but more than half of the actors have changed. You also know, Mr. Yu, that there are too many uncertainties for student actors. Many students join the clubs of the Children's Palace just for hobbies. Quit. For example... the college entrance examination is about to start, and the drama club will probably have to retire another batch of cadres."

Yu Dong nodded to express his understanding. The greatest pressure faced by student actors is academic pressure. Many students have to give up their hobbies and concentrate on preparing for the exam when they reach the critical moment of exams like the third or third year of junior high school.

Those who can stay for a longer period of time basically rely on this industry to make a living in the future.

Yu Dong comforted with a smile: "There are talented people from generation to generation, Director Tang, don't worry too much."

"Ah." Tang Shaoyong sighed, "I'm fine with everyone else, but if Xiao Ke, the ace of our drama troupe, leaves, the loss will be really heavy. But there is no way, he will be a sophomore soon, He will be in his third year of high school next year, and he is already preparing to take the exam for the directing department of Yanjing Film Academy, I see, since the new semester starts, he will not have much time to come to our drama club."

(End of this chapter)

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