Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 732 Boy, what's your name?

Chapter 732 Boy, what's your name?
Hearing that Tang Shaoyong attached so much importance to this student named Xiao Ke, Yu Dong became interested. Tang Shaoyong and his children's palace are very strong in literature and art, and they are also well-known in Shanghai.

Since Tang Shaoyong is so optimistic about it, it shows that Xiao Ke is really excellent.

"This little Ke's ambition is to be a director?"

"Well, this kid really likes to think about these things, but in my opinion, he should learn acting to be more reliable. Xiao Ke is also half a person in the film and television industry. He entered the industry very early. When he was in kindergarten, he was hired by Shanghai Radio and Television Station. Selected by the art troupe, and a few years ago, he was also the host of the "Sunshine Boys" column of Education Channel..."

Tang Shaoyong seems to want to promote Xiao Ke on purpose, and he can't stop talking about Xiao Ke's resume.

Yu Dong couldn't help being speechless when he heard Xiao Ke's resume. If it was true what Tang Shaoyong said, this Xiao Ke was indeed talented.

But Yu Dong thought about it for a long time, and he only thought of Xiao Ke, a musician, and his age was not right.

Maybe this little Ke didn't go the way of the film and television industry in the end, or maybe he left, but in the end he disappeared from everyone.

But no matter what, Yu Dong, as the deputy director of Jinyi Drama Department, couldn't help asking, "Is this little Ke interested in applying for our school?"

The reason why Tang Shaoyong took the trouble to introduce Yu Dong how good Xiao Ke is is actually to bring the topic to this.

Before Xiao Ke talked with Tang Shaoyong about taking the college entrance examination, Tang Shaoyong suggested to Xiao Ke that he should choose between Shanghai Opera and Jinling Academy of Art.

There are two reasons for choosing the play. First, it is close to home. In the future, you don’t need to travel far to go to school, and you can take care of your family. Second, Xiao Ke is a child star in Shanghai. Everyone knows Xiao Ke. If Xiao Ke passed away, he would definitely receive special care.

As for Jinyi, its development is no worse than that of the previous drama. The most important thing is that Jinyi is now backed by the Deep Space Company, and its job is guaranteed after graduation.

It has only been a few years since Jinyi's acting major has been opened, and some students have already become famous. It goes without saying that Hu Jing, Chen Hao, and Qin Yi are famous all over the world, and there are also Liu Ye and Zu Feng. Zhong also got a movie when he was in school and performed well.

In addition, compared to Yanjing, Jinling is closer to Shanghai, and Yu Dong himself is from Shanghai and a fellow townsman.

But after Tang Shaoyong made a suggestion, Xiao Ke himself was a little moved and made some considerations, but after all, there is still a year and a half before the exam, so Xiao Ke is not in a hurry to make a decision.

"This kid has some ideas, but he's only in his second year of high school, so he hasn't settled on anything yet... Teacher Yu is interested in him?"

Yu Dong laughed, "Director Tang, how can I not be interested if you praise that kid so much. Whether he can come to Jinyi or not, I just want to see if this kid is as good as you said."

"That's fine, how about I send you a copy of his video material? Can you take a look?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Don't bother, I'm going back to Shanghai next week, and then I'll go to your Children's Palace."

"You want to come over?" Tang Shaoyong said in surprise, "That's kind, I'll arrange..."

Yu Dong quickly interrupted: "I'll just go over and have a look, don't make too much noise, if it's convenient for that child, just call him over, if not, just show me the video."

Tang Shaoyong said with a guaranteed ticket, "Teacher Yu, don't worry, it's absolutely convenient. When will you come, I will call his house and tell you in a while."

"Next Wednesday, I have something to do in the morning. In the afternoon... I will arrive at your Children's Palace before three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Okay, okay, I've made a note, then Teacher Yu, we'll just sweep the couch and wait."

"Well, see you soon."


After Yu Dong hung up the phone, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "Why are you talking about recruiting students while chatting?"

"It was Director Tang who said that there was a good kid there, and he bragged about it, so I became a little interested. It happens that I will go back to Hongxing Elementary School next Wednesday, and I will meet that kid by the way. If it is really good, I will recruit him." Jin Yi is here."

"That's right, I almost forgot that you have to go to Hongxing Elementary School next week. Unfortunately, it's not convenient for me to go this year. Then you can help me say hello to Teacher Tian and the others."

"It's okay, I'll take you to meet them when I return to Shanghai for the Chinese New Year this year."

In fact, Cheng Yanqiu's due date is two months away, so it's not impossible to go to Shanghai, but for safety's sake, Yu Dong still doesn't plan to take her back.

Yu Dong has not been back to Hongxing Primary School for a long time. In the first half of the year, Tian Weizhang called and told Yu Dong that the school has changed a lot now, and a new teaching building has been built this year, saying that he wants Yu Dong to go and have a look. .

In the past few years, Deep Space Corporation has given some assistance to Hongxing Primary School, but not much, at least the new building of the school is not supported by Deep Space.

It's just that since Yu Dong went back to school that time, the reputation of Hongxing Primary School has increased. Not only the media has paid more attention to the school, but the local education department has also noticed.

Hongxing Primary School is different from those rural primary schools. Although the geographical location is not as good as it is now, it still has great potential for development. In addition, Yu Dong came out of this primary school, so the education department is naturally willing to invest in the school.


On the third day after Yu Dong came back, the major domestic newspapers began to report on his Grizzana Carver Literary Award in Italy.

Now the news about Yu Dong is not only seen in major literary newspapers, but also frequently appears in social and entertainment news.

The first reaction of many people after seeing this news is: What kind of award is this Grinzaner Carver Literature Award?

Some people also know about the Grinzaner Carver Literary Award, basically because Yu Hua just won this award last year.

Under normal circumstances, if a Chinese writer wins a foreign literary award, the reaction of Chinese readers must be: Wow, this writer is amazing.

Therefore, once a certain writer wins a certain foreign literary award, no matter whether the award is valuable or not, it will be used for marketing. After all, the effect is really good.

But for Yu Dong to win the Grinzaner Carver Award this time, the first reaction of many readers was not that Yu Dong won the Foreign Literature Award, but that Yu Dong went to receive the award in person. This award must have gold content.

In fact, Yu Dong has won quite a few literature-related awards, and there are always a few every year, but those awards are not worth much, and Yu Dong simply doesn't bother to go.

Many awards are especially willing to award these awards to writers like Yu Dong, because they can attract traffic, even if Yu Dong does not participate, when others introduce Yu Dong in the future, including their awards is also a form of publicity.


In the following week, the news of the award was overwhelming.

How much?

Yu Dongdan was on the bookshelf in the lobby of the Children's Palace, and saw this news on the covers of two newspapers.

Looking at the newspapers on the bookshelf, Yu Dong, who was wearing sunglasses, smiled and shook his head. He even wondered if he had spent money to run the business.

It is two o'clock in the afternoon, and there is still an hour before the time agreed between Yu Dong and Tang Shaoyong.

In the morning, he went to Hongxing Primary School. The development of the school is indeed much better than before. There are more and more books in the library, and the equipment is getting better and better. With a new teaching building and a new plastic playground, the students in the school are also better Much more than before.

I had a meal with the teachers at school, and Yu Dong didn't take much rest, so he came directly to the Children's Palace in XH District.

In addition to sunglasses, he also wore a peaked cap.

Many children and parents who come and go in the Children's Palace will be attracted by Yu Dong's outfit, and can't help but take a second look, but no one recognizes it as Donglai.

On the one hand, Yu Dong's hat and glasses are really hard to recognize, on the other hand, not many people in Shanghai have seen Yu Dong's face.

Many people in Shanghai know that there is such a famous person as Yu Dong in Shanghai, but they only hear his name but don't see him.

Unlike in Jinling, many people there have seen real Yu Dong up close.

Because it was still early before the appointed time, Yu Dong was not in a hurry to find Tang Shaoyong, but wandered around the Children's Palace instead.

The venue of the Children's Palace in XH District is a small three-story building. This small building was originally the former residence of flour king Rong Desheng. This building does not look luxurious, but the style is simple and practical. It is also suitable for office.

In the scorching summer, the Children's Palace was very lively. There were no classes in the summer school, and many students were arranged by their parents to come to the Children's Palace, either to improve their academic level, or to develop their hobbies.

Yu Dong wandered around the Children's Palace for a while, seeing that it was already 02:30, he was about to ask someone for the location of the director's office, when he was suddenly attracted by a tall and thin student.

This student is about sixteen or seventeen years old, basically about the same height as Yu Dong, with long hair.

Although there are students of all grades who come to the Children's Palace, those who are this tall stand out.

Yu Dong was attracted by the student's thin and tall figure at first sight, and then felt that the other person's appearance was a little familiar.

The student was walking towards Yu Dong with a backpack on his back. After he approached, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. This kid looked a lot like the actor Hu Ge.

Thinking that Hu Ge is from Shanghai, Yu Dong felt that it was not a coincidence. The young man in front of him should be Hu Ge, but now Hu Ge is thinner and has not fully grown.

Hu Ge was wearing a rustic white polo shirt with flowers, the bottom half of which was tucked into a pair of dark blue wide-leg jeans, and a cheap black belt was tied around his waist.

After getting closer, Hu Ge also took a look at Yu Dong, after all, Yu Dong's clothes were more prominent than him.

The two were about to pass each other, when Yu Dong suddenly said, "Student, do you know how to get to Director Tang Shaoyong's office?"

"Office of the Director?"

Hu Ge was obviously stunned for a moment. He didn't answer immediately, but looked at Yu Dong seriously again, with a trace of doubt and disbelief flashing in his eyes, "I, I..."

Yu Dong suddenly laughed, "You don't know?"

Hu Ge said quickly, "I know, I know, I'm going there too."

Hearing Hu Ge say that he was also going to the director's office, Yu Dong narrowed his eyes behind the sunglasses, "Student, what's your name?"

"My name is Hu...Ke."

Hu Ke...

Yu Dong suddenly understood that Xiao Ke whom Tang Shaoyong had introduced for a long time was actually Hu Ge.

Hu Ke should be Hu Ge's original name, but he changed his name after his debut. This kind of thing is really normal in the entertainment industry, and Hu Ge's name is changed relatively rarely, at least it sounds similar.

Judging by Hu Ge's expression, he should have recognized himself.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "In this case, you should lead the way, and we will meet Director Tang together."

"Okay, okay..."

After the initial nervousness and excitement, Hu Ge quickly adjusted his emotions. After all, he is also a child actor, and he is also a TV host. He has seen big scenes.

As he walked, he also introduced to Yu Dong, "Director Tang's office is on the second floor. After going up, turn right and it is the fourth office. Director Tang told me that you came at three o'clock, but you didn't expect to come. So early."

"I said come before three o'clock."

Yu Dong looked at Hu Ge walking in front of him with a smile, Tang Shaoyong was right, Hu Ge is already quite a celebrity nowadays.

It should be because he often hosts shows and participates in performances. Although Hu Ge is only a teenager, his voice is very expressive.

Many boys were still changing their voices in their sophomore year of high school, but Hu Ge's voice pressure has been relatively stable.

Needless to say about his appearance, he is a standard handsome guy.

Moreover, Hu Ge was very polite. Although he was leading the way, he kept his body sideways and kept at least half of his face facing Yu Dong at all times.

"When Director Tang told me that you wanted to see me, I really couldn't believe it."

"I heard Director Tang talk about you, so I'm curious about you. You also participated in "Drizzle" a while ago?"

"Yes, I'm playing Chen Wenming."

"Well, the role of a good baby fits your image quite well. However, Chen Wenming had an emotional outburst in the later stage, which tested the actor's skill. When we were rehearsing at school, the role of Chen Wenming was generally played by Liu Ye. Of... have you heard of that mountain, that person, that dog?"

Hu Ge nodded: "Fortunately, I saw it."

"Liu Ye is the actor who plays the son, and he is also thin and tall."

"He should be taller than me. I felt taller when I watched the movie."

"You're still young, and there's still room for improvement. Don't you say 23 made a sudden move?"

Hu Ge grinned. He also felt that he could still grow taller, after all, he was not yet seventeen.

While talking, the two walked to the door of the director's office.

The office door was not closed, and Tang Shaoyong fidgeted in the office, helping the cup on the coffee table and adjusting the position of the chair.

Suddenly seeing Hu Ge coming with a man wearing sunglasses, Tang Shaoyong's face flashed with surprise, "This..."

Yu Dong took off his sunglasses with a smile, and walked over to hold Tang Shaoyong's hand, "Director Tang, we have been friends for a long time, and we finally meet today."

(End of this chapter)

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