Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 733 Don't Lose Money?

Chapter 733 Don't Lose Money?

After Yu Dong was invited to take a seat, Tang Shaoyong remembered to ask, "Mr. Yu, why did you and Xiao Ke come here together?"

"Just now I was looking for someone to ask for directions, and I happened to ask Hu Ke, so I realized that he is the little Ke you praised so much." Yu Dong laughed.

"So, Xiao Ke and you are really destined." Tang Shaoyong laughed and said, "This kid's image condition is not bad."

"That's right." Yu Dong nodded, then looked at Hu Ge again, "I heard from Director Tang that you are going to apply for the Yanjing Film Academy and study directing?"

Hu Ge rubbed his head embarrassingly, "It's just that I have such an idea. I have considered several schools."

"Including Jin Yi?"

"Well, including Jin Yi."

Yu Dong smiled, "I don't have anything special to do when I return to Shanghai this time. My alma mater, Hongxing Primary School, has just built a building recently. I'll go back and have a look. I just heard Director Tang talk about you, so I'll stop by to meet you. Yes, I would like to invite you to go to your Jinyi school."

Hearing this, both Hu Ge and Tang Shaoyong froze. They didn't expect Yu Dong to be so straightforward.

Moreover, he didn't have much contact with Hu Ke, so he made a decision so quickly.

"I, I..." Although Hu Ke had more experience than his peers, he was still at a loss when suddenly faced with such a life-affecting choice.

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "Xiao Ke, don't worry, I'm just expressing my wishes first. Compared with the three schools of Shangxi, Zhongxi and Yanjing Film Academy, the Jinyi Drama Department started relatively late. It will inevitably make people feel that they are not confident enough.”

Tang Shaoyong said quickly from the side, "No, no, Jin Yi's drama department existed in the 60s, and its history is not short, it's just that it was interrupted for a while."

"Director Tang, in front of our children, let's seek truth from facts. Jinyi did start late in drama. This is Jinyi's disadvantage, but Jinyi also has two advantages. First, Jinyi is comprehensive, whether it is art or music. Relevant majors are very strong. Second, Jinyi’s teaching methods are relatively open, and students have more opportunities to practice.”

Tang Shaoyong smiled, and said that Yu Dong was quite euphemistic, what practice opportunities are more, isn't it because the school has more resources and how many opportunities for students to film?
This is also the main reason why Tang Shaoyong recommended Hu Ke to Jinyi. As a person who has experienced it, Tang Shaoyong knows that in order to make a name for himself in the film and television industry, strength is of course important, and platform cannot be ignored.

As for the first advantage Yu Dong mentioned, it wasn't just a matter of fact.

At first glance, it seems that the strength of other majors in the school has nothing to do with the drama department. In fact, it is not. The literature and art majors are very interoperable, and other majors are also strong, which is also conducive to the comprehensive development of students in school.

For example, as long as the students majored in directing from Jinyi, at least they can draw very beautifully by shot, because when they were in school, the teachers of this major would often ask the teachers of the art department to improve their drawing level.

Another point is more realistic. Going to Jinyi can expand my network of contacts. From the very beginning, my contacts have spread all over the circles of art and music.

Hu Ke may not have thought of this, but Tang Shaoyong knew it very well. Seeing that Hu Ke was silent, he smiled and said, "Mr. Yu is right, didn't your dad want you to learn calligraphy before? There are many teachers who are good at calligraphy, and there is one right in front of you."

Yu Dong said modestly, "I usually like graffiti, calligraphy is not counted, but if Xiao Ke wants to learn, I can introduce the teacher to you."

Before Hu Ge could respond, Tang Shaoyong said again, "Xiao Ke, don't you still want to learn to sing? You already have the qualifications for this when you go to Jinyi. Jinyi's music major is not easy now."

Yu Dong looked at the anxious Tang Shaoyong with a smile on his face, and said in his heart that Director Tang was really good for Hu Ge.

It stands to reason that Yu Dong came to invite him personally, and Jinyi's current conditions are not much worse than those of other schools. The average student must have agreed directly, but Hu Ge still looked hesitant.

Yu Dong didn't understand why Hu Ge reacted like this, but Tang Shaoyong slapped his head and said, "Xiao Ke, I know why you are hesitating. Are you worried about your mother and don't want to go too far?"

"Yeah." Hu Ge nodded slightly.

If it weren't for his mother's affairs, he would not have hesitated between Shanghai Opera, Chinese Opera and Yanjing Film Academy before.

Yu Dong showed a puzzled expression, "What happened to Xiao Ke's mother?"

Tang Shaoyong sighed, and said to Yu Dong, "Xiao Ke's mother was diagnosed with cancer when he was very young, and her health has not been very good these years. He should be worried that he will not be able to come back often after walking too far. It's too busy at home with his father alone. Besides, it's far away, and the round-trip fare is not cheap."

Yu Dong looked at Hu Ge with his head down unexpectedly, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen in Hu Ge's family, because Hu Ge gave people the impression that he was the kind of child who grew up in a good family and lived a happy life.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong said, "Jinling is not very far away. It takes more than four hours by car. You can get there at noon in the morning. You don't have to worry about the travel expenses. Jinyi has many part-time jobs for students, and the salary is not high. , but it shouldn’t be a big problem to pay for the round trip.”

In fact, according to Hu Ge's conditions, after coming to school, he will definitely be able to receive some jobs and earn money by himself.And Jin Yi does not prevent students from filming, so he can also choose to film.

The reason why Yu Dong didn't say this is because he didn't want Hu Ge to have the idea of ​​going to school to make money early from the beginning. This idea is not good for his future development.

Jinyi does not prevent students from taking plays, but it also controls them. It will not let students take too many plays that will affect their studies, nor will they let students take plays that are not of low quality.

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Hu Ge nodded and said, "Teacher Yu, I will definitely think about it seriously."

"Well, don't worry, the exam is still a year and a half away, and you can discuss it with your parents after you go back. No matter what, Jinyi's door will always be open for you."

Although Hu Ge did not immediately agree to go to Jinyi, Yu Dong's goal has been achieved, at least judging from Hu Ge's attitude, he has already moved.

There is still a year and a half to go, and Yu Dong has plenty of ways to get Hu Ge to Jinyi.

In fact, it's good news for Jin Yi that Hu Ge doesn't go too far. No matter what, Jin Yi is much closer than Chinese Opera and Yanjing Film Academy.

There is one Shanghai Theater Academy left, and Jin Yi should be more sure.

Yu Dong still hopes to get Hu Ge away from Jinyi. Hu Ge looks very sunny on the surface, and he has a bright smile on his face without saying a few words, but after getting in touch with him, Yu Dong can feel that there is something about Hu Ge. Far beyond the composure of his peers.

This calmness is more important than talent, it can make Hu Ge go further.


I chatted with Tang Shaoyong and Hu Ge until more than four o'clock, declined Tang Shaoyong's invitation to have dinner together, and Yu Dong got up to say goodbye.

"You came back from such a long distance, why don't you have a meal together?"

"No." Yu Dong smiled, and pushed Tang Shaoyong inside again, "Stop, I'll go by myself."

"Anyway, let me give you a section."

"No need." Yu Dong smiled and put on his hat and sunglasses, "Let me come quietly and leave quietly."

After speaking, Yu Dong walked away quickly.

After walking eastward, Tang Shaoyong looked at the aisle, smiled and said to Hu Ge next to him, "Among the celebrities who have appeared in Shanghai in recent years, this is the most powerful."

Hu Ge secretly nodded in agreement.

In fact, in terms of popularity alone, even if it goes back a few decades, few people can match Yu Dong.

"Think about what Teacher Yu said just now, and talk to your parents when you go back. Anyway, I've told you everything that should be said. There is definitely nothing wrong with choosing Jinyi."

"Well, I know. After I go back, I will discuss it with my parents."

"Okay, there's nothing to do today, you go back first."


Yu Dong didn't go back to Jinling that day, but went to the Shanghai Writers' Association again, met Cheng Yongxing and Wang Anyi, and had dinner with them.

Except for Jin Yucheng and Zhao Lihong who were not there, everyone who was familiar with Yu Dong was basically there. Zhao Changtian, Zhao Yan and his son were also present, and there was a large table.

When the meal was almost finished, Cheng Yongxing said with a smile: "Are you going to stay a few days longer this time?"

"Don't wait, I'll go back tomorrow, and come back when I have time. When you have nothing to do, you can go to Jinling to find me. Yu Hua and the others are here."

Wang Anyi curled his lips, "How can you have such a leisurely life? Now we have to be approved by the leader when we go out. Otherwise, if you hold a cultural event in the deep space and send a letter to invite us to come, you will have a reason to ask for leave."

Yu Dong was surprised, "You are so strict now?"

Zhao Changtian smiled and said: "Don't listen to your elder sister Wang, how can you be so strict, it's nothing more than telling you in advance when you go out, she is used to being loose, so she feels uncomfortable."

Yu Dong probably heard what was going on, probably because the Writers Association had put forward some new requirements for these professional writers, and they were not as free as before, so Wang Anyi complained like this.

Others didn't seem to want to talk about this matter, so Wang Yu pushed his glasses and asked, "Yu Dong, can you publish your new work on "Harvest" recently?"

"That's right." Cheng Yongxing also took over, "You don't have to worry about the length, even if it's a little longer, we can send it to you. Look at you, how long has it been since you sent us a manuscript? Last year your book "Curse" is very suitable for our "Harvest", if I had known about this book earlier, I would have the cheek to let you publish it in our magazine."

Yu Dong smiled, "There is a chance, there is a chance."

The perfunctory tone in his tone was undisguised, which made Cheng Yongxing purse his lips.

It is true that Yu Dong has not published an article in "Harvest" for a long time, or in other words, he has not published a novel in the magazine for a long time.

Nowadays, his novels do not take the step of magazines at all, and are directly published in single volumes, and several volumes are released in multiple languages ​​​​simultaneously.

Of course Cheng Yongxing and the others could understand, knowing that Yu Dong's current novels didn't need to be read through magazines at all, but they still couldn't help asking Yu Dong for a draft.

Seeing them asking for manuscripts, Zhao Changtian also joined in the fun, "Yes, Yu Dong, if you have manuscripts, you must also think about our "Sprouting". Our magazine is also very short of manuscripts now."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "Mr. Zhao, if you want manuscripts for "Sprout", you can ask Zhao Yan. He is now a popular writer on Shenkong Chinese. If he contributes manuscripts to your magazine, the sales will definitely double. "

"It's not that I haven't made an appointment with this kid, but this kid always pushes me back. I've heard him tell me all kinds of reasons."

Ge Fei laughed, "Mr. Zhao, you said that you are also the leader of a society. Why did Zhao Yan reject you? You can't even taste it? Now the deep space Chinese website is developing so well, with more and more readers, and the website provides The welfare benefits are good, how much money can you give him? Father and son, you have to settle accounts clearly, Zhao Yan is not confused, this calculation is still good."

Speaking of the treatment of Deep Space Chinese Website, Cheng Yongxing complained, "It is getting more and more difficult to do the real thing now, and the treatment you Deep Space gives is too high, and the writers are unwilling to post their manuscripts elsewhere."

"Yes, our "Sprout" is also greatly affected."

Yu Dong twitched his lips and ignored them at all.

The continuous development of Deep Space Chinese Network does have an impact on these magazines, but this impact is still very limited at this stage.

Let’s talk about "Harvest" first. The manuscripts received by Deep Space Chinese Network are basically popular novels and attractive essays. Such articles would not have been able to enter a magazine like "Harvest", and the overlap between the two sides is relatively small.

Besides "Sprout", the two sides do have conflicts in terms of content, but there is little overlap in the audience.

The audience of "Sprout" is basically middle school students in school, and middle school students basically don't have time to go online at all. These students still rely on the magazines sold at the school gate for reading.

Moreover, after the novels on Deep Space Chinese Network become popular, the magazine can also choose to pay a sum of money for reprinting.

Wang Yu asked curiously, "You give so many prizes every time you call for essays, but where do you get the money from? I heard that Shenkong is losing money. Could it be that it keeps losing money like this?"

Hearing Wang Yu's question, the others were also more curious and looked at Yu Dong with piercing eyes.

Seeing their curiosity, Yu Dong explained with a smile, "Shenkong is indeed still losing money, but the loss of the website is not as serious as you imagined. The website still has a source of income. For example, Zhao Yan's "The End of the Great Wall" ", after this book gained popularity on the website, it didn't take long for a single edition to be published, and the sales reached hundreds of thousands of copies."

"Part of the money from the sale of these hundreds of thousands of books will be given to Deep Space Chinese Network. If "The End of the Great Wall" can be made into a TV series, movie, or even a game later, Deep Space Chinese Network will also share it. Copyright fee."

"Is this money enough to operate the Deep Space Chinese Website?" Ge Fei expressed doubts, "The operating costs of the Deep Space Chinese Website are quite high. As far as I know, some writers can get some from the website regularly even though they have no achievements." It’s a decent subsidy.”

"For the time being, the profits created by IP derivatives cannot support the operation of Deep Space Chinese Network, but it doesn't matter, the value of these IPs will only increase, and there will be more and more IPs that can be operated, because the market is getting bigger and bigger. Great. In addition, apart from these, Deep Space Chinese Network naturally has other ways to make money.”

Cheng Yongxing said dumbfounded: "This website is probably only your company's ability. If it were replaced by another company, it would not be able to support it long ago."

Yu Dong smiled and said nothing, but what Cheng Yongxing said was right, if other companies continued to invest like this, they would either have been eager to cash in, or couldn't stand it long ago.

 Thank you [Spoon 8321] for the 666 reward
(End of this chapter)

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