Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 734 Promoting the Olympic bid

Chapter 734 Promoting the Olympic bid

"Then your deep space Chinese website will be like this in the future? Make money by making money from physical books and film and television adaptations?" Zhao Changtian asked.

Yu Dong glanced at Zhao Changtian with a smile, "Mr. Zhao, you are quite concerned about this matter."

Zhao Changtian said with a smile: "It's not good if you don't pay attention. The industry is changing with each passing day. Although the development of "Sprout" has been good in the past two years, we still have to look farther, otherwise we may be abandoned by the times."

Hearing what Zhao Changtian said, Wang Anyi joked, "Old Zhao, is your sense of crisis too strong? I don't think the development of Deep Space Chinese Network has a great impact on your "Sprouting"."

"Actually, I don't know how the impact will be. It's just that Yu Dong always sees farther than us. When I seize the opportunity, of course I want to ask him for advice. I have thought about it myself before. Although the deep space Chinese website relies on copyright operation I can indeed make money, but I always feel that the model is not right, I just don’t know where the problem lies.”

Yu Dong didn't expect Zhao Changtian to think about these things when he was free. He said with a smile, "This copyright operation model is only beneficial to top writers, and doesn't care about middle and lower-level authors."

"Yes!" Zhao Changtian clapped his hands, "That's what it means. Although I'm not sure how big the film and television adaptation market will be in the future, I think that no matter how it develops, the film and television adaptation market will be far from being able to take care of all writers. Those who don't What should the writers who are taken into account do? Writing hard, but in the end there is no benefit."

"Yes." Cheng Yongxing took over, "Even if it is a physical submission, you can't vote for "People's Literature" and "Harvest", but you can also vote for "Flower City" and "Contemporary", and you can't vote for "Yanjing Literature" and "Shanghai Literature" It's also a choice, again and again, and some local literary publications."

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, that's the reason, so after the website is stabilized, the model will change."

"how to change?"

It was Zhao Changtian who asked again, and Yu Dong found out that he really cared about it.

Of course, Zhao Changtian cared so much about the Deep Space Chinese Network. Apart from being interested in the future of the industry as he said, it might also have something to do with Zhao Yan. After all, Zhao Yan basically relies on the Deep Space Chinese Network for his food now.

If the deep space Chinese website can continue to go on, Zhao Yan will be able to achieve better development.

"I won't go into details about the specific changes. You will know in two years. The development plan of the Deep Space Chinese Network has already been finalized, but it is not yet time to move forward."

Speaking of Deep Space Chinese Website, Yu Dong said a few more words, "After autumn, the Dongdong Tribe will be officially opened, and you "Harvest" and "Shanghai Literature" can register official accounts on it."

"Is this different from the official account of Deep Space Chinese Network?" Cheng Yongxing asked.

Yu Dong shook his head and said, "It's not the same. The Dongdong Tribe is the same as the Deep Space Tribe launched in the United States, except that the Dongdong Tribe does not need to register an account, and can log in directly with the Dongdong account. Air Chinese website, Dongdong Tribe is more suitable for account management.”

Although Yu Dong called it Dongdong Tribe, its full name is Tribe. It can log in directly with Dongdong account. It sounds a bit like QQ space, but it is different from QQ space. Weibo registered with qq account.

It's just that the tribe hasn't limited the number of words for each tribe yet.

After all, Zhao Yan is a young man, and he surfs the Internet every day, so he is quite familiar with the recent development of the Internet.

The news of the deep space tribe's development and growth in Europe and the United States has spread to China for a long time, and it has been talked about by Chinese netizens.

He smiled and said: "The tribe is really suitable for running an official account. Now in Europe and the United States, basically anyone who is a celebrity will join the Deep Space tribe. Except for those film and television stars, some organization officials and even some government officials are in the deep space tribe. The Deep Space Tribe has accounts. Some accounts are well managed and even have millions of followers.”

Wang Anyi was surprised, "I heard in the group that they said that the Deep Space Tribe was launched in Europe and the United States, but I didn't expect it to develop so well."

The group she was talking about was the Dongdong group that Yu Hua had set up before. It was full of writers and editors. Except for Yu Dong, everyone else was in it.

Yu Dong was also there before, but because he couldn't get used to Yu Hua's discussion of playing cards and having dinner every day, he said, "I suggest that you people should think more about the Chinese literary world and don't think about playing cards every day", so Yu Hua I was kicked out of the group chat, and I haven't added it yet.

"Yu Dong, do you have an account on it?" Wang Yu asked curiously.

Before Dong could open his mouth, Zhao Yan helped to answer, "Yes, and Mr. Yu has a lot of followers, I heard it has exceeded 50."

Ge Fei smiled and said, "You are not good as a boss, everyone has over a million followers, and you only have over 50."

Zhao Yan helped explain again, "That's because Mr. Yu has only posted one tribe so far, and it hasn't been officially promoted, so the popularity is not high. If Mr. Yu can post more tribes, I believe the number of followers will soon increase. came up."

Seeing Zhao Yan busy explaining to Yu Dong, Zhao Changtian couldn't help but roll his eyes. Zhao Yan's admiration for Dong really made him jealous.


Because he had to leave the next morning, Yu Dong didn't drink, and everyone chatted until eight or nine o'clock before going back to their residences.

The next morning, Yu Dong got up early, and before he had finished his breakfast, he received a call from Yu Yu.

"Boss, when are you going back to Jinling?"

Yu Dong took a sip of soy milk, put the buns he had just eaten into it, and then said, "I'll be leaving in a while, what's the rush?"

Yu Liang smiled and said, "It's not an urgent matter, but it's not a small matter. I want to contact you as soon as possible. Just now, Vice Chairman Liu of the Olympic Bidding Committee called me, to the effect that we want our company to cooperate with Yanjing The film studio cooperated to shoot a group of promotional films for the Olympic bid. In addition, according to Chairman Liu, it seems that he wants Zhang Yimou to be the director of the promotional film."

Hearing Yu Yu's words, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. He forgot that he was bidding for the Olympic Games recently, and he did read about it on the news some time ago.

The reason why I forgot is because Yu Dong didn't pay much attention to the Olympic bid.

For others, whether they can successfully bid for the Olympic Games is a critical moment, but Yu Dong has been through it once and knows the result, so he is not worried.

He also thought about whether there would be any accidents if he did it again, but after a comprehensive analysis, the success of the Olympic bid should not be affected.

Furthermore, even if it will be affected, Yu Dong's appearance will also have a positive impact on the Olympic bid.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "The Olympic bid is a major national event. It is a good thing that our company can do our part. How about this? We will set up an Olympic bid assistance team in the company in the near future to connect with Yanjing Studio."

"Boss, it's a good thing to help bid for the Olympic Games, but according to Chairman Liu, our company is assisting Yanjing Studio behind the scenes."

Yu Dong immediately understood what it meant. The Olympic bid committee probably felt that Deep Space was a private company and had some concerns.And it is Yanjing's Olympic bid, of course they want Yanjing's production unit to do this.

"Now is not the time to think about personal gains and losses. It's just a set of promotional films. It's not difficult for us. We cooperate with Yanjing Studio, and we try our best to meet their needs. Don't think about getting famous. .”

"I understand this. As long as we accept this job, we will definitely do it well." Yu Yu said.

Yu Dong nodded, and asked again: "Where is the Olympic bid now? Is it urgent?"

"Actually, it's not too urgent, and it's not even confirmed yet. In April, the International Olympic Committee just accepted Yanjing's application for the Olympic Games, and the candidate cities will not be confirmed until this time next year. The promotional film for the Olympic bid should be shot after the candidates are confirmed. Until the middle of next year, the Olympic Organizing Committee will announce the final result."

"That is to say, if Yanjing is not among the candidate cities by this time next year, there is no need to shoot this promotional film for the Olympic bid."

"That's what it means, but judging from the situation, it should be no problem for Yanjing to become a candidate city. Otherwise, the Olympic Bidding Committee wouldn't have contacted us so early to prepare a promotional film for the Olympic bid."

"Okay, I understand. I don't need to go back to this matter. You can contact the Olympic Bidding Committee. The principle is, assist as much as you can, and be satisfied as much as you can. As for them wanting Zhang Yimou to guide, we don't have to worry about it That’s right, let them contact Zhang Yimou by themselves. This matter will not officially start until the second half of next year, and Lao Mouzi will almost be done with his work by then.”

"Okay, I know what to do. I'll screen the members of the Olympic bid assistance team in a while. By the way, there is one more thing."

"whats the matter?"

"Chairman Liu asked some things about you abroad, such as book sales and popularity. These things are supposed to be transparent. If Chairman Liu wants to know, he can just check it out, which is better than what I told him. Detailed. I always feel that the reason why he said this is to imply something to me, boss, do you think they want you to..."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "There is no need to guess wildly about this kind of thing. Whether it is a hint or not, we will know later. Let's just wait. If the Olympic Bidding Committee really needs my personal help to do something, within the scope of my ability Guilt, I am naturally obliged. But before that, we don't have to take the initiative to mention this matter."

"oh, I understand now."


After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong started to deal with the breakfast in front of him again.

Although Yu Yu didn't finish his sentence, Yu Dong knew what his guess was. It was nothing more than that the Olympic Bidding Committee might intend to let Yu Donglai be the Olympic bid ambassador.

This guess is not unfounded. Chairman Liu's remarks should not have been said casually, and it may be to inoculate the deep space side.

And Yu Dong himself is indeed suitable to serve as the Olympic bid ambassador.

There are many considerations in choosing an Olympic bid ambassador, the most important of which is of course international influence.

The duty of the Olympic bid ambassadors is to use their influence and relationships in the world to help the Olympic bid committee win the competition.

From this point of view, Yu Dong is definitely the most suitable candidate for the Olympic bid ambassador.

Although Yu Dong doesn't think his help is needed for this Olympic bid, but if the Olympic bid committee really finds him, he will definitely do everything he can to make this Olympic bid a success.


When we returned to Jinling, it was already afternoon.

As soon as he got off the car, Yu Dong heard Yu Haiguo's voice, "Uncle Dong is back."

Yu Dong looked up and saw Yu Haiguo, Feng Changdi and a few other kids gathered around the stone table under the tree shade in front of the apartment building.

That stone table is usually used by Yu Hua and the others to play cards, but during this time, Yu Hua and the others are still doing promotional work in the United States, and it is difficult for Liu Changmin and the others to get a table together, so they use less.

"Haiguo, what are you guys doing?"

Yu Haiguo squatted on the stone bench, tilted his head and looked at Yu Dong, "Uncle Dong, we are bored."

Seeing his angry look, Yu Dong sneered, "You brat."

Yu Haiguo is going to elementary school in autumn, and elementary school is different from kindergarten, if he doesn't study hard, he will really be beaten.

This kid probably knows that his good days are numbered. During this period of time, he doesn't go home every day, just wandering around in the school, and sometimes wants to run outside the school. He was given away by Uncle Zhou and Xiao Fang with their collars several times. return.

Sometimes Yu Dong felt that Yu Hua and the others were big-hearted, so he really felt relieved that Haiguo would run around, but Feng Ming and the others were even more big-hearted, who dared to let Yu Haiguo run around with Feng Changdi.

In addition to Feng Changdi, there are several other children who are five or six years old, only a little younger than Yu Haiguo.Their group is headed by Yu Haiguo, and they are all boys.

It's not because they don't want to play with girls, it's mainly because the girls in the yard are on average older than these boys and they don't want to take them to play.

"Uncle Dong, Uncle Dong, Brother Haiguo said he would take us out..."

Before Feng Changdi finished speaking, Yu Haiguo covered his mouth, "Woooooo..."

Yu Dong curled his lips and smiled, "Haiguo, do you want to take your younger brothers out to play secretly?"

"No, I told them not to run around." Yu Haiguo quibbled, while changing the subject, "Uncle Dong, my Aunt Qiu is bored to death at home alone, you should go back soon."

Yu Dong looked up at the direction of his home upstairs, and then said to Yu Haiguo, "I'll go up and put down my things first, you guys wait for me here, I'll come down later, and tell you a story."

"tell a story!"

The children got excited all of a sudden, Feng Changdi puffed up his little hands and shouted, "Uncle Dong's storytelling is the best, much better than my father's."

Feng Ming just stuck out his head to say hello to Yu Dong, when he heard his son's words, his face immediately turned violent: "Don't come back for dinner tonight, boy."

Feng Changdi shrank his neck, and said a very bold sentence in a very cowardly tone, "I'm going to eat at Uncle Dong's."

This strange appearance directly made his father laugh. Feng Ming ignored Feng Changdi and turned to look at Yu Dong, "Old Yu, you are back."

"Well, I'm back."

Yu Dong replied while going upstairs, "I'll go back and put away my things first, and I'll come out later and tell them some stories."

"You really want to tell them a story."

"As soon as a word is spoken, it is difficult for a horse to chase."

(End of this chapter)

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