Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 736 It's Better To Write It Out

When Yu Dong came home, Cheng Yanqiu was resting on the sofa.

He didn't want to disturb his wife, he closed the door gently, put down his backpack, and turned his head again, but Cheng Yanqiu had already woken up in a daze.

"You're back." Cheng Yanqiu rubbed his eyes, "What time is it?"

Yu Dong looked up at the quartz clock on the wall, "It's almost four o'clock."

"I slept for more than two hours."

Cheng Yanqiu was a little surprised. She was sitting on the sofa reading a book and fell asleep in a daze. She didn't expect that more than two hours passed after she fell asleep.

Yu Dong walked over with a smile, touched his wife's stomach, "Shall I peel an apple for you to eat?"

"Well, let's cut one." Cheng Yanqiu nodded, then pointed to his belly, "It's not that I want to eat, but the little guy wants to eat."

"I just asked him."


Before Dong finished peeling an apple, Yu Haiguo ran up, stood outside the door and shouted, "Uncle Dong, Uncle Dong."

Seeing Yu Haiguo, Cheng Yanqiu smiled and waved, "Haiguo, come in and eat an apple."

Yu Haiguo shook his head, "No, Aunt Qiu, I'll ask Uncle Dong to tell us a story."

"Tell a story?" Cheng Yanqiu asked in surprise.

Yu Dong explained with a smile: "I just saw him bring Chang Di and the others downstairs, so I told them to tell a story, Hai Guo, you go down first, I'll be there in a while."

"Well, Uncle Dong, you have to come here quickly."

After Yu Haiguo left, Cheng Yanqiu asked curiously, "What story do you want to tell them?"

"I don't know yet."

Cheng Yanqiu couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "I don't even know what story to tell, so you just let them?"

"I saw that they were going to run out, and I wanted to stabilize them. Besides, I couldn't even tell a story."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "Then you have to be prepared, this kid Haiguo has very high requirements for stories, and his father often despises him when he tells stories to him."

"Don't worry, I still have confidence in dealing with these boys." Yu Dong handed the peeled apple to Cheng Yanqiu, "I'll cook after I finish telling them the story."

"I'll go and listen too."

Cheng Yanqiu stood up with his thighs, but it was very difficult, so Yu Dong quickly went to help him.

When the couple went downstairs, they found that Feng Ming had also moved a bench to sit underneath.

"Old Feng, why are you here?"

Feng Ming pursed his lips and said, "Isn't this being disgusted by my son, come down and study."

Cheng Yanqiu chuckled, "Mr. Feng, you really want to study. I heard from Aiyuan that you told Chang Di about Liaozhai before. What did you think?"

Feng Ming argued: "Didn't I also grow up listening to Liao Zhai when I was young?"

In fact, what Feng Ming said is true. The stories that people of their generation have heard since they were young are completely different from the stories that children listen to today. Liaozhai definitely accounts for the largest proportion.

Especially in the countryside, there is a big tree at the head of every village. In the evening, young and old gather under the big tree to enjoy the shade, shaking cattail fans, chatting and gossiping.

The content of the chat is either gossip around, or some anecdotes, and most of these anecdotes are based on Liaozhai.

"What story are you going to tell them today?" Feng Ming asked again.

"How about talking about Liaozhai? How about Painted Skin?"

"I think it's okay. It's better to scare some of them so that they dare not listen to the story in the future."

Yu Dong thought for a while, then said, "How about telling a story about Yu Xiaoguo?"

"Yu Xiaoguo, me?" Yu Haiguo pointed to himself and asked in surprise.

"You are Yu Haiguo." Yu Dong smiled, "But Yu Xiaoguo is just like you, very boring at home, thinking about going out to play every day."

"I don't have every day..."

"Yu Xiaoguo is older than all of you. She is already in primary school. She has just moved to a strange town with her parents. This town is a bit strange. She lives next door to them... This morning, she thought Let mother play with her, but mother has to be busy with work, let her go to read books or TV by herself..."

Listening to the beginning of the story, Feng Ming couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Isn't this story a portrayal of Yu Haiguo and the others? Could it be that this story was made up by Yu Dong when he saw Yu Haiguo and his children?

Yu Dong didn't know what Feng Ming was thinking, and continued to tell the story.

Because Yu Xiaoguo's parents are busy with work, they don't have time to play with Yu Xiaoguo. She is tired of playing with the toys at home, and there are also boring programs on TV that only adults love to watch.

She was so bored that she opened her mind to a special door in the house.

It was a useless door, because it led nowhere, behind a solid wall.

There was a room on the other side of the wall. This room was originally connected to the side where Yu Xiaoguo and the others lived, but the owner later separated the room and rented it out.

The door was opened, but not closed,

On the other side of the door is actually another world. In this world, Yu Xiaoguo found another mother and another father. This mother would cook delicious food for her and play with her patiently.

Not only that, but the parents here will let her go out to play, whatever she wants.

Hearing this, Yu Haiguo sighed enviously, "That's great."

He spoke not only of his own heart, but of other children as well.

What children want is of course simple. Parents can play with them, give them delicious food, and don't restrict their freedom. They just want to play as crazy as they want.

The parents in that world were a little different, with whiter skin and two button eyes. Apart from the parents, other things in that world were also very different, revealing weirdness everywhere, but even so, the children still felt Fun.

The children have no fear of this kind of magic and weirdness, but are very curious.

Seeing Yu Haiguo's reaction, Yu Dong pursed his lips and smiled. The children really liked this story.

This story is not his original, but the novella "Caroline" by the famous fantasy literature master Neil Gaiman.

This novel was later adapted into the movie "Caroline and the Secret Door", which is translated into Chinese as "Ghost Mother".

Yu Dong also remembered this story just now when he saw Yu Haiguo and the others getting together to discuss running out.

In the story of "Caroline", the little protagonist Caroline's situation is similar to that of Yu Haiguo and the others. Because of work reasons, their parents cannot accompany them all the time, nor can they take them out to play.

The difference is that there is a magical door in Caroline's house, behind which there is a mirror world.

The "mom and dad" here are simply perfect parents. They care about everything in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and they are meticulous. As long as it is what Caroline wants, they will try their best to satisfy it.

But even so perfect, when "mother" asked Caroline to stay, she still turned her head and returned to her original home.

It's just that when she went back, she found that her original parents had disappeared.

In order to save her parents, Caroline bravely went back to fight the "ghost mother".

The ending is satisfactory, but the process is full of horror and suspense. As a children's story, what "Caroline" wants to express seems a bit too complicated.

But the beauty of this story is that even children who can't penetrate the deep meaning can appreciate the excitement of the story.It can be said that this story is not only for children, but also for adults.

Because it was just telling a story, Yu Dong didn't show too many details, but just told the general outline of the story, so it didn't take too long.

Otherwise, it will not work at all without a few hours.

After the story was told, the children applauded excitedly one by one, applauding and shouting for Yu Xiaoguo who successfully rescued his parents.

In their view, everything Yu Xiaoguo experienced was an adventure for a brave man, full of excitement and thrills, as interesting as Shuke Beta.

On the other hand, Feng Ming fell into deep thought.

For the same story, what children see is completely different from what adults see.

Feng Ming saw Yu Xiaoguo's bravery, and also saw Yu Xiaoguo's loneliness.

Naturally, he is not a perfect father, and he usually loses patience with his son, so he blames himself somewhat after hearing the story.

Yu Dong glanced at Feng Ming, probably understood what he was thinking, and said with a smile, "Children, I tell you this story to tell you that no matter how much your parents love you, they can't be perfect. I also know , although your parents can't play with you all the time, you still love them, if one day someone tells you to leave your parents, you definitely don't want to..."

Under normal circumstances, after Yu Dong told a story, he would not give this kind of preaching, but today is an exception, because the children are too young, and a few words of preaching to them can deepen their understanding.

There are many things to be expressed in the story of "Caroline", and one of the more important points is courage, but Yu Dong did not point out this point to the children because he can feel that the children have already experienced it. To the courage that the story wants to express, and to be inspired by this courage.

After a story was told, Yu Haiguo and the others still had more to say, "Uncle Dong, Uncle Dong, tell me one more, tell me another."

Yu Dong looked at his watch, and it was already five o'clock. He waved his hand and said, "I won't talk today, Uncle Dong has to go back to cook."

"Ah—" the children were a little disappointed.

Feng Ming said with a smile: "How about you say one more thing, don't cook at night, I'll ask Teacher Wu to cook more."

Yu Dong shook his head and smiled, "No, our family now has a special nutrition package, tell them a story."

Feng Ming rubbed his hands, "That's fine, I'll tell them something."

As soon as Feng Ming wanted to tell a story, Yu Haiguo immediately said, "Uncle Feng, I seem to have heard my mother call me home for dinner."

After finishing speaking, Yu Haiguo ran away. The point is, this kid didn't go upstairs, but ran towards the playground.

Yu Haiguo, the "big brother", ran away, and the other younger brothers also ran away. Feng Changdi shrank his neck and glanced at his father. Seeing that Feng Ming had nothing to say, he also chased Yu Haiguo and ran away.

Seeing the children running away in a hurry, Yu Dong couldn't help teasing Feng Ming, "This is called Teacher Feng's storytelling—they leave at once!"

"They don't listen, so I don't have to say it." Feng Ming pouted, and asked again: "Where did the story just now come from? Why haven't I heard it before? Could it be that you made it up now?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "You should just take it as a fresh compilation."

"That's you, I don't believe what other people say. This story is very good, don't you consider writing it into a novel? I think it will look better if it is written into a novel. When I heard you just now, I always felt that some details were missing. open."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Oh, you still listened."

"Didn't I come here with a learning attitude? Of course I listened to it. If you write the story into a novel later, remember to tell me and tell Chang Di well."

"Okay, let me think about it."


Yu Dong gave this story to Yu Haiguo and the others just because it was more suitable for the occasion, and he didn't think about writing a book.

But now that the story is finished, it seems to be a matter of course to get the book out. After all, the novel is not long, and if it is really necessary to write it, it can be done in a few days at most.

Yu Dong happens to have nothing to write right now, so taking some time to write this novel will not delay things.

And he was thinking about a question on the way back today, if the Olympic Bidding Committee contacted him later and asked him to be the ambassador for the Olympic bid, then his account in the Deep Space Tribe might become an important channel to promote the Olympic Games.

That being the case, before that, he'd better manage this account and increase the number of fans.

For Dong, it is of course easy to increase the number of fans. He only needs to post a few more tribes, and then ask the company to send him a few waves of push.

But in this way, the quality of fans may not be satisfactory.

If you want to continue to increase the popularity of your account, the best way is to be able to continuously publish interesting content, otherwise, it will be useless to have more fans.

For example, in the era of the explosion of the Internet, some celebrities did have many fans, and most of these fans were real people, but when they posted their status, there were not many interactions among fans.

From the perspective of fans, oh, this person is very good, I have followed, but the content posted has always been boring, next time I brush it, I will just pass it by and don't care.

In order to avoid this problem, Yu Dong had to post some useful content.

He was still thinking about what to post before, but now, the problem has been solved.

He can write the novel "Caroline", give it to Jimmy to translate into other language versions, and then publish it in multiple languages ​​in the Deep Space Tribe.

This story is not long, but it can be divided into many sections, and a little bit of serialization every day can last for a long time.

Putting the novel in the Deep Space Tribe for free serialization, Yu Dong will definitely lose a lot of royalties, but he doesn't care about the money, and the invisible income that this can bring him is much better than publishing the book directly.

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