Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 737 Recommendation Engine

Like Steven Case, Jimmy is also watching the data report of Deep Space Tribal Network in the office, but Jimmy is in a much better mood than Steven Case.

Although Yu Dong released "Perfect World" on Deep Space Tribe mainly to increase the number of fans of his own account, but after this novel came out, the growth rate of new users of Deep Space Tribe accelerated a bit.

As for the competitor of "Online Tribe", Jimmy actually didn't take it too seriously, because according to the observation of this website during this period of time, he found that Steven Case was still a person who didn't have a long-term vision.

In the projects America Online has taken over in recent years, profit is always the first priority in development. They only have money in their eyes, and they don't really care about users.

Online tribes imitate deep-space tribes, but only in appearance. Their search technology and recommendation technology cost even less than their art work.

In Deep Space Tribe, users can search for the content they want through the search box. If the website does not have it, content will be recommended to users based on user preferences and popularity.

This function may seem simple, but it is actually not easy, and it cost Deep Space Corporation a lot of technical funds.

And even so, Jimmy is still not satisfied. He feels that the current search technology and recommendation technology of the Deep Space Tribe are not mature enough.

When Yu Dong experienced the search function before, he said that the search function of the website is still very backward. If you want to retain users, you must work hard on it.

And in the long run, recommendation technology will be more pervasive than search technology.

Because of Yu Dong's words, Shenkong has recently been investing in optimizing the recommendation engine.

In fact, the in-depth development of the recommendation engine is not only for the deep space tribe, but also for the layout of the deep space company in the streaming media section in the later stage.

In the past two years of streaming media wars, Deep Space Corporation did not participate. There are two reasons. On the one hand, the current capital of Deep Space Corporation is still unable to fight against Microsoft and RealNetworks in the case of multi-line combat; on the other hand, Jimmy and their judgment on streaming media is that now is not the best time to enter the market.

Of course, although the deep space company has not yet entered the market, technology companies about streaming media decoding have been researching all the time, just to prepare for the development of this section in the future.And the technology that Deep Space Company focuses on has always been the decoding section, in order not to be stuck in the future.


Jimmy turned his attention to the data report in his hand. In addition to the new users and daily activity data of the website, there is also a special set of data, which is the "Report on the Number of Fans of Deep Space Stars".

This data was specially listed by Jimmy, and it contains all the stars who have signed contracts with Deep Space.

This table also does some breakdowns.

Different industries, writers, actors, singers... Different occupations are separated into different tables.

Different nationalities are mainly divided by language, and Chinese stars are also listed separately on a table.

On the list of Chinese celebrities, Hu Jing has the most fans now.

With the role of Xiaowanzi, Hu Jing became the first Chinese artist whose fans exceeded 100 million. Globally, she was also the first batch of artists whose fans exceeded 100 million. The number of fans ranked among the top ten in the world.

Hu Jing can have so many fans, in addition to the support of Deep Space Company, it is mainly due to Motorola. Since Hu Jing opened the Deep Space Tribe, Motorola has spared no effort to help her build momentum.

In order to help Hu Jing break through one million fans, Motorola generously gave away [-] latest mobile phones.

After Hu Jing, Yu Dong ranks second with 89 fans.

However, according to the current trend of increasing fans, it shouldn’t take long for fans to break through to 100 million. I believe it will not be too long before Yu Dong will surpass Hu Jing and become the Chinese star with the most fans, and even surpass all stars and become a fan of the entire website. most people.

After Yu Dong, No.3 has a big gap with Yu Dong. No.3 Qin Yi only has 10,000+ fans.

Although it has not been long since the Deep Space Tribe started, it is good to have 10,000+ fans, but as the No.3 star of Deep Space, this number of fans is really not enough.

Jimmy paid special attention to Jay Chou, who ranked No.18.

Not long after Jay Chou opened the Deep Space Tribe account, there was only one tribe saying hello in the account, and there were only more than 8000 fans.

But it won't take long for Jay Chou's fans to increase.

In order to promote the new album in November, Deep Space Company will vigorously promote Jay Chou in the next period of time, and the account of Deep Space Tribe is naturally the top priority of the promotion.

When Jimmy was thinking about how to promote Jay Chou in the next two months, the phone on the desk suddenly rang.


"Jimmy, it's me."

Jimmy recognized the other party's voice and said with a smile, "Steven, why did you call me suddenly? You should be very busy recently, right?"

Spielberg's film "The Haunting of Ghosts" was just released at the end of last month, and now is a critical period, and there are still many things he needs to be busy with.

In addition, Spielberg also serves as the producer of "Shrek" and the director of "The Martian". The production cycle of "Shrek" is very long, and he has been worrying about it, and "The Martian" is about to start shooting.

"I'm currently preparing my outfit for China, and I'm going to stay in China for a long time this time." Speaking of this, Spielberg suddenly changed the subject: "I read YU's new book "Perfect" last night. "World", very good."

Hearing Spielberg's idea of ​​"Perfect World", Jimmy couldn't help laughing and said: "Steven, "Perfect World" has only serialized the first episode, and the key stories haven't come out yet. Besides, You are so busy now, how can you have time to be busy with other things, when "The Da Vinci Code" came out some time ago, you also called for cooperation."

"Didn't you agree with the "Da Vinci Code" thing? As for "Perfect World", although I only watched the first episode, I think it has the potential to be made into a fantasy movie or an animated movie .If you don’t have time to do it yourself, you can leave it to DreamWorks.” Spielberg said with a smile.

In fact, Spielberg is not sure how the story of "Perfect World" is, but YU's reputation is trustworthy, and he clearly knows that adapting YU's novels is sure to make money.

Of course Jimmy knows what he’s thinking and is willing to cooperate more with him, but Jimmy is more cautious in handling these IPs in the company’s hands, so Spielberg wanted to get the right to adapt “The Da Vinci Code” before, but Jimmy didn’t Agree immediately.

"Let's wait until the serialization of the novel is over." Jimmy smiled and asked again: "Are you planning to go to China now? The road over there hasn't been repaired yet, right?"

"Well, the road will take more than a month to open to traffic, and the construction of the base will take another two months."

"How long does the whole shooting process take?" Jimmy asked.

"Seventy to ninety days, ideally within seventy days, but there are many things that cannot be predicted."

"Well, you must be fully prepared for the filming at Mangya. When the time comes, the Deep Space Congress will send several groups of people to assist you all the way to ensure that there will be no mistakes."

"Well, there will be no problem." Spielberg paused for a moment, then asked suddenly, "Will YU go to the scene when the movie starts?"

Jimmy said with some embarrassment, "Uh...Steven, I'm afraid it's difficult. You know, Cheng is pregnant. When "The Martian" starts, his child should have just been one month old. He may not have time. Of course, I'm sure he wants to go."

Spielberg sighed slightly. If everything was not ready, he would like to push back the shooting time.

In addition to Yu Dong, the original author and screenwriter, Cheng Yanqiu is also the soundtrack director of "The Martian".

Fortunately, the soundtrack of "The Martian" has been made in advance, and the rest can be done later, so it won't delay too much.

Knowing that there is a high probability that Yu Dong will not be there when the movie starts, Spielberg retreated and said, "If he can't come when the movie starts, then he will show up when the movie is released."

Jimmy smiled and accepted the matter, "Steven, don't worry about this matter, even if you can't go to the machine, YU will definitely support the follow-up promotion. You must know that not only you attach great importance to this movie, Our company also placed high hopes on this movie, and we invested real money in it."

Deep Space initially raised a total of $500 million for The Martian, but Spielberg insisted on raising the cost to $2000 million with an additional $500 million.

However, Jimmy did not agree, and only increased the cost to 500 million US dollars. Of the 500 million US dollars, Deep Space Corporation paid nearly half of it.

If "The Martian" fails, the loss of Deep Space Corporation will be relatively heavy.

Of course, the chances of this movie hitting the street are too small.

Not to mention anything else, the original "The Martian" alone can keep the film's box office at a basic level, coupled with the great director Spielberg's name, this film is basically destined to be profitable, the key is to be able to How much do you earn.

"Okay, I'll ask you about "Perfect World" later, but you have to promise me that no matter who you give it to in the end, you will tell me."

Jimmy smiled and said, "I see. I can't remember how many times you said this. Don't worry, I will tell you no matter who the copyright of YU is in the future."

"That's fine."


After hanging up on Spielberg, Jimmy waited until it was getting dark and then called Yu Dong. He briefly talked about the recent situation of the Deep Space Tribe, and also exchanged ideas about Jay Chou's future plans.

On the phone, Yu Dong told Jimmy, don't worry too much about Jay Chou, just push it, and wait until it can't be pushed before stopping.

Jimmy has no objection to this either. After all, it seems that Jay Chou still has great potential, and he won't suffer from pushing him into deep space.

In fact, after Jay Chou's first album became popular, Jimmy was worried that Jay Chou would be poached.Although the contract between Jay Chou and Shenkong was specially signed before, the conditions for Jay Chou were very good, and some bindings were made, but I was afraid that some companies would frantically offer sky-high prices to snatch people away.

But it turned out that Jimmy was too worried. Not only was Jay Chou not poached, he didn't even mention the matter of raising his salary. The company took the initiative to raise his level.


When Yu Dong hung up the phone and was about to do the dishes, the phone rang again just as he got up.

Yu Dong turned to answer the phone again, "Hello?"

The remaining voice came from the other end of the phone, "Boss, why are you answering so quickly?"

"It doesn't mean that Mr. Yu is about to call. I'm waiting beside the phone."

Yu Yue laughed and said, "I'm serious."

"What's the matter with calling? Not just to make fun of me."

"No, isn't the main creator of "Looking for the Qin Dynasty" coming to Jinling today? Boss, do you want to meet?"

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Have you never told me about this before?"

"I didn't arrange for them to come here before. It was Xiao Wang who insisted on dragging them to Jinling to play. I thought, since we are here in Jinling, it's not good if you don't see them."

Yu Dong pondered, "Who are here?"

"Basically all the main personnel have come, plus about fifteen or six others."

"So many?" Yu Dong was a little surprised. He thought there were only five or six people, but he didn't expect there to be so many people.

"Well, yes, Gu Zai, Xuanxuan and other main creative personnel are all here. Xiao Wang invited them to Jinling, and they are quite enthusiastic. The main reason is that most of them have never been to the Deep Space Park, and they have heard of it before. The deep space park is fun, so I just want to play.”

"When will they arrive?" Yu Dong asked.

"I arrived at Jinling Hotel at about three o'clock in the afternoon, and I made an appointment to arrive at Deep Space Company at four o'clock. Boss, when will you take them to find you..."

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Change the time. Come to Jinyilai at 03:30, and then I will go to the park with you at 04:30. Let the cafeteria prepare it, and we will eat in the cafeteria at night."

"Okay, I'll arrange it later."

The canteen in the Deep Space Park is not bad at all, and there is a chef specially invited by the company to serve the boxes of the canteen.

These chefs are not exclusive to high-level executives, but are also open to ordinary employees. When encountering departmental dinners or employee birthdays, they can also book boxes in the cafeteria in advance.

Because it is delicious and affordable, employees are generally willing to treat guests to dinner in the cafeteria, but there are only so many boxes, and usually need to be booked long in advance.

Yu Dong has been emphasizing that employees must be given enough happiness, and food is the most important thing for the people. It can be said that food ranks first in the lives of ordinary people.

If a unit can solve the problem of eating well, then the happiness of employees will definitely be greatly improved.

The canteen in Deep Space not only solves the problem of food and clothing for employees, but also allows employees to have more choices, so that they can choose to eat well when they are full.

Of course, as the boss, Yu Dong also has a little privilege. No matter how many people book a box in the cafeteria, there is always a box reserved for them.

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