Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 738 Start a Rainbow Fart

After talking on the phone with Yu Liang, Yu Dong went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Back at school, Uncle Zhou stood at the door and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, you're back."

"Well, the pork ribs are fresh today. I bought some to make soup." Yu Dong raised the plastic bag in his hand, "After listening to your suggestion, I went to the one at the east end of the vegetable market to buy."

"That's right, I'm going to buy it from Xiaoqin's in Dongtou. His meat is good, and it's not short of catties. The meat at Xitou's is still wet, not to mention short of catties."

The so-called wet da da means water injection.

The pork at the west end of the vegetable market was indeed wet, but it wasn't very obvious, and Yu Dong couldn't tell if it was filled with water, or whether it was because Uncle Zhou taught him his experience.

Yu Dong walked inside with the ribs in his hands, and turned back after walking a few steps, "By the way, Uncle Zhou, some friends are coming to see me this afternoon. They are from the crew of "Looking for the Qin Dynasty". Please let them go when the time comes."

"Tsk, the film crew? Did you come to our school for filming? Can "Looking for the Qin" also be filmed at our school? I remember that "Looking for the Qin" is basically full of ancient costumes."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Master, do you still watch "Looking for the Qin Dynasty"?"

"I heard from the students." Uncle Zhou smiled.

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, this time I just came here for fun, nothing else. The TV series has already been filmed, and you can watch it before the Chinese New Year, when Suzhou Satellite TV will also broadcast it."

"That's good. The recent TV series released by your company are good. I've watched the one that never rests my eyes several times. It's alright, go back and cook the ribs. They will come over in the afternoon, and I will open the door for them."



Not long after Gu Tianle and his party arrived at Jinling Hotel, they went to Jinyi by car under the leadership of producer and chief director Zhuang Weijian.

With such a tight schedule, Xuanxuan couldn't help complaining, "Director Zhuang, we don't even have time to drink."

Zhuang Weijian glanced at Xuanxuan, and joked, "Xuanxuan, I think you don't want to drink water, but you want to touch up your makeup."

Xuanxuan didn't care about being exposed, she smiled and replied, "I sweated a lot on the road, I didn't expect Jinling to be so hot."

"Fortunately, I heard that the past two years have been cooler, and the previous two years were even hotter."

Lin Feng who was sitting in the back row suddenly asked, "Director, have you met Yu Dong? What kind of person is he?"

Zhuang Weijian shook his head, "I just glanced at him from a distance, and I haven't had close contact with him. But as far as I know, Mr. Yu is a very kind person. No matter who he meets, he always has a pleasant face, so You don't have to worry too much. Especially Lin Feng, you were able to star in "Looking for the Qin Dynasty" because of Mr. Yu, he was the one who chose you among the six candidates."

If Zhuang Weijian were to choose, among the six candidates, Lin Feng could only be ranked second at most.

Lin Feng is very good in all aspects, he looks very handsome, and his professional ability is also good, but the key is that when he was casting before, Lin Feng was still in the tvb artist training class, he was a real newcomer.

However, Zhuang Weijian was not particularly surprised that Yu Dong would choose Lin Feng.

This is about Lin Feng's growth experience.

Lin Feng was born in Fujian Province and moved to Xiangjiang when he was two years old. However, he attended the Jiangsu and Zhejiang Primary School established by the Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai Association. This school uses Mandarin to teach, and many students also came from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

After growing up, Lin Feng went to Xiamen University to study architecture.

Because of this, although Lin Feng grew up in Xiangjiang, he can speak Mandarin very well and is familiar with mainland China.

"Looking for the Qin Dynasty" was filmed in the mainland for several months, and more than half of the crew were mainlanders. Lin Feng was able to enjoy the crew with his fluent Mandarin.

Except for him, the other main creators are not good at Mandarin, but everyone needs to practice Mandarin, so they often ask Lin Feng to help them improve their Mandarin.

Hearing Zhuang Weijian's words, Lin Feng nodded and made a grimace, "So I came here this time with a feeling of gratitude."

Seeing Lin Feng making faces, Zhuang Weijian grinned.After several months of getting along, the relationship between these people is not bad, and they can joke with each other when they are not filming.

Except for Gu Tianle, everyone else is in a very good mood, including Xuanxuan who has been complaining about the hasty schedule.

Because everyone knows that after "Looking for Qin Ji" starts broadcasting, their fame will rise to a higher level.

The reason why Gu Tianle was not very happy was because his body was not very comfortable since filming.

Although Deep Space Company has tried its best to ensure the comfort of the shooting environment, "Looking for Qin Ji" is also a grand costume drama after all, and the actors must suffer some hardships.

Especially Gu Tianle, who plays the leading role, has so many roles that he can't escape.

Jiang Hua glanced at Gu Tianle, who was stunned outside the car window, and said, "Gu Zai, don't you like Mr. Yu very much, you should be very happy to see him soon."

Gu Tianle turned his head and smiled at Jiang Hua, then turned his head away again.

For Gu Tianle, everyone is not surprised. Although Gu Tianle has played a lot of funny characters, his personality is usually very silent, and he hardly takes the initiative to talk to others. He almost writes "Don't be strangers" on his face. Nearly" four words.

As for Gu Tianlei's liking for Yu Dong, this was inferred by Jiang Hua and the others.

Gu Tianle is a sci-fi fan. He likes to watch sci-fi movies and collect sci-fi movies. Jiang Hua and the others have seen Gu Tianle collect "Second World" and "Resident Evil". "Deep space".

Based on these signs, Jiang Hua and the others concluded that Gu Tianle must be Yu Dong's book fan.

In fact, Gu Tianle is not Yu Dong's book fan, he is just a sci-fi fan, but it just so happens that Yu Dong's sci-fi novels and sci-fi movies have become more popular in recent years.

Looking at the street scene passing by outside the window, Gu Tianle gradually became a little irritable. This annoyance had nothing to do with the upcoming meeting with Yu Dong.

Since filming "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", he has become more and more irritable. This drama has worn out all his patience, so that he no longer wants to make TV dramas.

Amidst the chatter of the crowd, the car quickly arrived at Jin Yi's door.

The driver stopped the car, then got out of the car and gave a cigarette to the doorman, Uncle Zhou, "Uncle Zhou, you are always on duty in such a hot day."

Uncle Zhou took the cigarette and looked at the driver with a smile, "It's you, Xiao Xu, your boss told me in the morning that a group of guests are coming in the afternoon, are they all in your car?"

"Yes, they are all here to find the boss."

"Okay, get in the car, I'll open the door for you." Uncle Zhou smiled and waved to everyone in the car, "Welcome to Jinyi."

Lin Feng's Mandarin is better, and his response is quick. He immediately responded, "Hello, hello."

Uncle Zhou opened the door for them, nodded and said, "Come on, come and sit with me if you have a chance."

"Okay, okay."

After the car got into Jinyi, Lin Feng smiled and said, "This Jinyi's doorman is quite interesting."

The driver laughed and said, "Don't underestimate Uncle Zhou, he is an important figure in Jinyi. He has already retired, but he was rehired by the school."

"The doorman can still be hired again, so powerful?" Lin Feng was a little surprised, "What's so special about Uncle Zhou this week?"

"There are so many special things about Uncle Zhou. You can't count them all. If you have a chance, you can go to his messenger room. His messenger room is even more luxurious than the offices of general department-level cadres. "

While speaking, the car had arrived at the gate of the government affairs building, and the driver smiled and said, "Everyone, we've arrived. I'll take you to the boss's office."

Lin Feng wanted to ask about Uncle Zhou again, but seeing that he was going to Yu Dong's office, he stopped asking.

The driver led the crowd upstairs, came out from the stairs, turned to the side and saw Yu Dong's office.

The office door was left open, and as soon as they turned a corner, they saw Yu Dong who was sitting behind the desk and writing.

Looking at Yu Dong who was writing at his desk, Zhuang Weijian couldn't help feeling that this first close-up was really in line with Yu Dong's image of a great writer in his mind.

The others thought similarly to Zhuang Weijian, and they all felt that the scene in front of them was very artistic.

Yu Dong's office is not very luxurious, but it is a simple office. Yu Dong is lying on the desk, and the light coming in from the window behind him is just on the side of Dong, making Yu Dong's whole person a little blurry.

It was as if, at this time, Yu Dong and them were separated by the blurred light, and they were in two worlds.

"Boss, Director Zhuang and the others are here."

The driver's yell brought the two worlds together. Yu Dong raised his head, smiled at Zhuang Weijian and the others, and said apologetically, "Wait a minute, everyone, I'll finish the last paragraph."

Hearing that Yu Dong was about to finish writing, Zhuang Weijian and the others nodded repeatedly, but did not dare to speak.

The driver made gestures, invited everyone into the office, and arranged for them to sit down. The whole process seemed to be performing a mime.

They didn't know what Yu Dong was writing, but they all felt that it would be a sin if they disturbed Yu Dong by making noise at this time.

After about four or five minutes, Yu Dong finally put down his pen, stood up, and apologized to Zhuang Weijian and the others again, "Everyone, I was really rude just now."

Zhuang Weijian waved his hands again and again, "No, no, we came too early and disturbed Mr. Yu."

Hearing what Zhuang Weijian said, Yu Dong looked at his watch and found that it was only 03:30, and there were still nearly 10 minutes before the agreed [-]:[-]. not coming.

Yu Dong glanced at the driver who was pouring tea for them, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Xiao Xu."

"It's not hard, boss." Xiao Xu smiled stupidly, and delivered the tea to Zhuang Weijian and the others.

Yu Dong also walked up to the crowd and greeted them one by one.

A total of fifteen people came, eight of them were actors, and the other seven were production staff.

Zhuang Weijian is the producer and chief director, and he has a director group under him. Besides him, there are four executive directors in the whole director group. This time, all five directors are here.

After going through the names one by one, Yu Dong looked at Gu Tianle and said with a smile, "Tianle, you don't seem to be in good condition."

When other people asked, Gu Tianle could laugh it off, but when Yu Dong asked, he naturally had to answer, "Recently, my health is not in good condition, and I have been in the car for a long time today, so I feel a little dizzy."

Gu Tianlei's Mandarin is relatively poor, and Yu Dong only understood half of his guesses after speaking a series of words, "Oh, is it motion sickness?"

Lin Feng helped to explain, "He's not feeling well recently, and he's been in the car for a long time today, so he's a little dizzy."

Yu Dong nodded, and took another look at Lin Feng. This kid's Mandarin is really good.

"It's okay, relax here with me, drink some water, if you can't do it, you can lie down on the sofa."

"It's okay, I'm fine."

Gu Tianle avoided Yu Dong's eyes, because Yu Dong's caring eyes made him feel a little uncomfortable. It's not that he hates others caring, but Yu Dongming is only a little older than them, but caring about them feels like a elder.

In fact, it wasn't Yu Dong's intention, it's just that he looked at Gu Tianle and the others just like looking at his own students. After all, many of Yu Dong's students were about the same age as them.

Both Gu Tianle and Xuanxuan were born in 1970, about the same age as Wang Hailin and Jia Zhangke, and a few years younger than Qu Aiguo.

As for Lin Feng, he is even younger. He was born in 1979 and is not even 20 years old now, which is about the same age as Yu Dong's brother-in-law Chen Tao.

Yu Dong could also feel Gu Tianle's restraint, so he didn't say much to him, and turned his head to look at Zhuang Weijian, "I was very happy when I heard Yu Liang said that you were coming. I promoted the project, and I should have gone to the scene to see it during the filming, but the time could not be arranged, and it has not been able to take place. Fortunately, the filming went smoothly, although there were some small hardships, you all overcame them one by one .”

"Mr. Yu's words are serious. You have to deal with as many things as mountains every day. There is no need to take us into consideration. Compared with you going to the scene to visit the class, I hope you can bring more and better literary works to all mankind. .I believe this is what every Chinese expects.”

Hearing that Zhuang Weijian filmed such a long series of rainbow farts in not-so-fluent Mandarin, Yu Dong laughed with interest. He didn't expect that the Xiangjiang director in front of him was so good at flattering, and he was very good at doing what he wanted. it is good.

Xuanxuan, who was sitting behind Zhuang Wei's gym, couldn't help rubbing her arms, it seemed that her arms were covered with goosebumps.

Although she was already very familiar with Zhuang Weijian and understood his speaking style, Xuanxuan couldn't bear to hear this kind of flattery.

The performances of the others were not as exaggerated as Xuanxuan's, but their ideas were similar.

Yu Dong noticed other people's performance, smiled and said: "Director Zhuang, let's stop talking about being polite. Come to Jinling today to have fun. Sit with me for a while, and wait until Wang Hailin and Yu Liang come." Afterwards, let's go to the Deep Space Park to see. Especially Lin Feng, you have to get familiar with it well, and you must come here often in the future."

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