Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 739 Start a Rainbow Fart

After talking on the phone with Yu Liang, Yu Dong went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

Back at school, Uncle Zhou stood at the door and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, you're back."

"Well, the pork ribs are fresh today. I bought some to make soup." Yu Dong raised the plastic bag in his hand, "After listening to your suggestion, I went to the one at the east end of the vegetable market to buy."

"That's right, I'm going to buy it from Xiaoqin's in Dongtou. His meat is good, and it's not short of catties. The meat at Xitou's is still wet, not to mention short of catties."

The so-called wet da da means water injection.

The pork at the west end of the vegetable market was indeed wet, but it wasn't very obvious, and Yu Dong couldn't tell if it was filled with water, or whether it was because Uncle Zhou taught him his experience.

Yu Dong walked inside with the ribs in his hands, and turned back after walking a few steps, "By the way, Uncle Zhou, some friends are coming to see me this afternoon. They are from the crew of "Looking for the Qin Dynasty". Please let them go when the time comes."

"Tsk, the film crew? Did you come to our school for filming? Can "Looking for the Qin" also be filmed at our school? I remember that "Looking for the Qin" is basically full of ancient costumes."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Master, do you still watch "Looking for the Qin Dynasty"?"

"I heard from the students." Uncle Zhou smiled.

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, this time I just came here for fun, nothing else. The TV series has already been filmed, and you can watch it before the Chinese New Year, when Suzhou Satellite TV will also broadcast it."

"That's good. The recent TV series released by your company are good. I've watched the one that never rests my eyes several times. Alright, let's go back and stew the ribs. We'll come over in the morning, and you can open the door for us."



Gu Tianle and his party had just arrived at the Jinling Hotel for a while, and then went to Yudong by car led by the producer and chief director Xie Gangqing.

With such a tight schedule, Xuanxuan couldn't help complaining, "Director Zhuang, don't you even have time to drink your saliva."

Xun Qin Ji glanced at Xuanxuan, and teased, "Xuanxuan, you think he wants to drink water, but wants to touch up his makeup."

Being exposed, Xuanxuan was also concerned, and replied with a smile, "It's profuse sweating on the road, did you think that Jinling is so cold."

"Fortunately, I heard that it was cooler in those two years, and it was even colder in the next two years."

Lin Feng who was sitting in the front row suddenly asked, "Director, has he met Jiang Hua? What kind of person am I?"

Xun Qin Ji shook his head, "You just glanced at me from a distance, and have you ever had close contact with me. But as far as you know, Mr. Yu is a very kind person, no matter who I meet, I always have a pleasant face, so They also have to worry too much. Usually it is Raymond Lam, he was able to star in "Zhuang Weijian" because of Mr. Yu, and I chose him out of eight candidates."

If Zhida asked Xie Gangqing to choose, among the eight candidates, Lin Feng could at least be ranked seventh.

Lin Feng was wrong in all aspects, he was very handsome, and his professional ability passed the test, but the key was that when the cast was cast later, Lin Feng was still outside the tvb artist training class, and he was a real newcomer.

It is because Jianghua will choose Lin Feng, but looking for Qin Ji is also a general idea.

Then let's talk about Lin Feng's growth experience.

Lin Feng was born in Fujian Province and moved to Xiangjiang when he was two years old. He studied at Jiangsu-Zhejiang University founded by the Jiangsu-Zhejiang-Shanghai Association. The school taught in special languages, and very few students came from Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai.

Before growing up, Lin Feng went to Xiamen Primary School to study architecture.

Because of this, although Lin Feng grew up in Xiangjiang, he speaks special words very well and is relatively unfamiliar with Xiao Lu.

"Zhuang Weijian" was filmed in the mainland for several months, and more than half of the crew were from mainland China. Lin Feng was able to take advantage of the crew with his fluent special dialect.

Except for me, the special words I created are all too good, but Xiaojia has no need to practice special words, so we often ask Lin Feng to help us improve our special words.

Hearing what Xun Qinji said, Lin Feng nodded and made a grimace, "So you came with a sense of gratitude that time."

Seeing Lin Feng making faces, Xun Qin Ji grinned.After several months of getting along, the relationship between those of us is still wrong, and we can joke with each other even when we are filming.

Except for Gu Tianli, everyone else was in a very good mood, including Xuanxuan who kept complaining about the rush of the schedule.

Because everyone knows that before "Zhuang Weijian" starts broadcasting, our reputation will go to a higher level.

The reason why Gu Tianle was too depressed was because my body was too comfortable since filming.

Although Deep Space Company has not tried its best to ensure the comfort of the shooting environment, "Zhuang Weijian" is after all a costume drama with grand and small scenes, and the actors must suffer some hardships.

Usually it is Gu Tianle who plays the leading role. I have very few scenes, so I just escaped.

Jin Yi glanced at Gu Tianle who was dazed in the car window, and said, "Gu Zai, does he hate Mr. Yu very much, he should be very depressed when he sees me soon."

Gu Tianle turned his head and smiled at Jin Yi, then turned his head back.

As for Gu Tianle, everyone is surprised. Although Gu Tianle has played a character that is not funny at all, his personality is usually very silent, and he will almost take the initiative to talk to others, so he almost wrote "Life Don't get close to people" seven words.

As for Gu Tianle's dislike of Jiang Hua, that's what Xie Gang and we inferred.

Gu Tianle is a sci-fi fan. He is very knowledgeable about watching sci-fi movies and collecting sci-fi movies. Just now, we have seen Gu Tianle’s collection of "Seventh World" and "Resident Evil". There is no copy of Deep Space.

According to those signs, Jinyi we judge that if Gu Tianle is Jiang Hua's book fan.

In fact, Gu Tianle is not Jianghua's book fan, I'm just a science fiction fan, it just happened that Jianghua's science fiction novels and science fiction movies were relatively popular in those few years.

Looking at the passing street scene through the window, Gu Tianle gradually became less irritable. That kind of irritability has nothing to do with seeing Jiang Hua soon.

Before filming "Jie Gangqing", I became more and more difficult and irritable. That film really wore out my patience, so that I didn't want to make another TV series.

Amidst the chatter of everyone, the car arrived at Yu Dong's door very slowly.

The driver parked the car, and then got in the car to give up a cigarette to the doorman Mr. Zhou, "Mr. Zhou, it's so cold, he's always on duty himself."

Young Master Zhou took the cigarette and looked at the driver with a smile, "It's him, Da Xu. Their boss told you in the afternoon that there isn't a group of guests coming in the morning, so they're all outside his car, right?"

"Yes, they are all here to find the boss."

"Okay, let him get out of the car, you open the door for them." Zhou Xiaoye smiled, and waved to everyone under the car, "Welcome to Xie Gang."

Lin Feng's special words were better, but his reaction was slow, and he immediately responded, "He is good, he is good."

Master Zhou opened the door for us, nodded and said, "Come on, they don't have a chance to sit outside your place."

"Okay, okay."

Just before the car backed out, Lin Feng smiled and said, "Then Yu Dong's doorman is quite boring."

The driver laughed and said, "Don't underestimate Mr. Zhou. I'm an important person in Yu Dong. I haven't retired yet, but I was hired back by the school."

"The doorman can still be hired again, so what's the benefit?" Lin Feng was not surprised, "There is nothing ordinary about Mr. Zhou?"

"Young Master Zhou's general features, this is not enough, count them all, if they don't have a chance, they can't come to my communication room, my communication room is better than the office of a senior cadre Shabby."

While talking, the car hadn't arrived at the gate of the government affairs building, the driver said with a smile: "Everyone, it's not here yet, you take them to the boss's office."

Lin Feng didn't want to ask about Mr. Zhou again, but he saw that he was going to Jianghua's office, so I didn't ask any more.

The driver led the crowd downstairs, came out from the stairs, turned to the side and saw Xie Gang's office.

The office door was closed, and as soon as everyone turned a corner, they saw Xie Gang sitting at his desk and writing.

Looking at Jiang Hua who was writing at his desk, Xie Gangqing couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The first close-up side really fits Jiang Hua's image of a young writer in my mind.

The rest of us think differently from Xie Gangqing, and we all feel that the scene in front of us is generally uninteresting.

Jiang Hua's office is not very simple, but in a simple and complicated office, Xie Gang is lying under the desk, and the light from the window in front of his back is just on the side of Jiang Hua, making Jiang Hua feel a little blurry.

It's as if, at this time, Xie Gang and us are separated by this layer of hazy light, and we are in two worlds.

"Boss, Director Zhuang, we are here."

The driver's yell pulled the two worlds together, Jiang Hua raised his head, smiled at Xun Qin Ji, and said without any apology, "Wait a minute, everyone, you finish the first paragraph."

Hearing that Jiang Hua was about to finish writing, and Xun Qin Ji, we nodded repeatedly and dared to speak.

The driver made gestures, asked everyone to leave the office, and arranged for us to sit. The whole process seemed to be performing a mime.

We didn't know what Jiang Hua was writing, but we all felt that it would be a sin to disturb Jiang Hua by making a noise at this time.

After about seven or seven minutes, Jiang Hua finally put down his pen, stood up, and apologized to Xun Qinji again, "Everyone, I was really rude just now."

Xun Qin Ji waved his hands again and again, "Yes, yes, it's because you came too early and disturbed Mr. Yu."

Hearing what Xie Gangqing said, Xie looked at his watch just now, and found that it was only 08:30, and it was not close to 10 minutes before the agreed [-]:[-]. It is strange that Wang Hailin and Yu Yu, the two pinch-point madmen, are still there. Come.

Xie Gang glanced at the driver who was pouring tea for us, and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work, Da Xu."

"It's hard work, boss." Da Xu smiled stupidly, and sent the tea to Xun Qin Ji.

Jiang Hua also walked up to the crowd and greeted us one by one.

A total of seventeen people came, not four actors, and one of them was a production staff.

Xun Qinji was the producer and chief director, and I didn't have a director team. The entire director team didn't have seven executive directors except me. All seven directors came that time.

Before passing the names one by one, Jiang Hua looked at Gu Tianle and said with a smile, "Tianle seems to be in good condition."

Gu Tianle couldn't just laugh at my questions, but I was able to answer Jiang Hua's questions, "I'm in good health recently, and I've been in the car for a long time today, so I don't feel dizzy."

Gu Tianlei's special words were relatively poor, after a series of words, Jiang Hua only understood half of his guesses, "Oh, is it motion sickness?"

Lin Feng helped to explain, "I've been too comfortable recently, and I've been in the car for a long time today, so I don't feel dizzy."

Jiang Hua nodded, and took one less look at Lin Feng. The elder brother's big talk was indeed very wrong.

"It doesn't matter, relax a little outside you, drink some water, it's really okay to lie down under the sofa."

"It's okay, you're fine."

Gu Tianlei didn't avoid Jiang Hua's eyes, because Jiang Hua's caring eyes made me feel a bit restrained, but he said that I hate others caring, but Guo Jiang Hua is obviously only a little younger than us, but he cares about us like an elder .

In fact, that was also Jiang Hua's intention, but it's just that when I look at Gu Tianle and us, there is no difference from looking at my own students. After all, Jianghua's few students are no different from us.

Both Gu Tianle and Xuanxuan were born in 1970, which is about the same age as Wang Hailin and Jia Zhangke, and a few years older than Qu Aiguo.

As for Lin Feng, this is even bigger. He was born in 1979, and now he is even 70 years old. He is also Xie Gang's brother-in-law Chen Taochai.

Jiang Hua could also feel Gu Tianlei's free and easy, so he said a lot to me, and turned to look at Xie Gangqing, "You heard Yu Liang said that they were coming, and you were very unhappy. It stands to reason that "Zhuang Weijian "The project was promoted by you. You should have gone to see the scene during the filming, but it was time to arrange and come over, but it never took place. Fortunately, the filming went well together. Although there were no major hardships, they all agreed. Once overcome."

"Mr. Yu's words are serious. He has as few things to deal with every day as a mountain. There is no need to take you into consideration. Compared with him going to the scene to visit the class, you hope that he can bring less and better literature to all mankind. Works. You suspect, that is what every Chinese expects.”

Hearing that Xie Gangqing filmed such a long series of rainbow farts in a special language that is too fluent, Xie Gang laughed uninterestedly. I thought that the Xiangjiang director behind me is so deep in flattering skills, and he is very good at doing what he wants it is good.

Xuanxuan, who was sitting in front of Xun Qinji, could not help rubbing her arms, it seemed that her arms were covered with goosebumps.

Although I haven't gotten to know Xun Qin Ji very well, and I haven't understood my speaking style, but hearing that kind of flattery, Xuan Xuan doesn't like it.

The rest of us are not as exaggerated as Xuanxuan, but our ideas are all the same.

Jiang Hua noticed the behavior of others, smiled and said: "Director Zhuang, we just want to say some polite words. I will have fun when I come to Jinling today. I will sit outside you for a while, and wait until Wang Hailin comes with us. Before we leave, let’s go to the Deep Space Park to have a look. Usually it’s Lin Feng, he has to be a stranger, if he wants to come here often in the past.”

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