The bus that Yu Dong and the others took drove out of Jinyi and slowly headed towards the Deep Space Park.

The speed of the bus was not fast, and there was a black car at the front and back, traveling at the same speed with it not far or near.

Inside these two cars are the security personnel arranged by Jimmy for Yu Dong. When they are in the school, these security personnel are scattered around the school, always paying attention to the movement in the school, and beware of suspicious persons entering.

The reason why these security personnel were arranged was to protect Yu Dong's security and to prevent some entertainment journalists from coming over to secretly take pictures.

This morning, when Yu Dong went out to buy vegetables, several security personnel followed him from afar.

Yu Dong didn't know how many security personnel Jimmy had arranged for the place. He only knew that five or six groups came in, at least a dozen or twenty.

When he called last time, Yu Dong mentioned this matter. He said that Jimmy had arranged too many security personnel, but Jimmy said that with Yu Dong's worth, these security personnel were considered to be few.

Fortunately, these security personnel usually don't hang around in front of Dong, and have little impact on Dong's daily life, so Yu Dong didn't say anything more.

The bus drove into the deep space park and stopped directly at the entrance of the theme building.

Looking at the theme building in front of him, a gleam of light flashed in Gu Tianle's eyes.

This ray of light was captured by Yu Dong. Yu Dong smiled and raised the corners of his mouth. He said that Gu Tianle was a science fiction fan. eyes.

"What museum should we look at first?" Yu Dong asked for everyone's opinions with a smile.

Xuanxuan quickly raised her hand and said, "Let's go to the science fiction themed pavilion."

As soon as she said this, everyone burst into laughter, and looked at Gu Tianle in booing.

Everyone knows that Xuanxuan must have made this proposal because of Gu Tianle, and Xuanxuan herself is not a sci-fi fan.

There have been rumors about Gu Tianle and Xuanxuan's scandal in the newspapers for a long time, and there are new tricks every year.

It is not surprising that there are scandals between them. They are handsome and beautiful, have worked together many times, and have a good personal relationship. Of course, they will attract the attention of entertainment reporters.

But according to Yu Dong's observation, the relationship between the two of them is really good, but they don't look like a couple.

Of course, Gu Tianle doesn't look like a couple with anyone because of Gu Tianle's diabolical appearance.

Because of Gu Tianle and Xuanxuan's booing, everyone also suggested to go to the science fiction themed museum.

Yu Dong nodded, "Then let's go to the Science Fiction Theme Pavilion first."

He led the crowd into the museum, and a group of tourists had recognized them and surrounded them.However, these tourists were very restrained and did not rush forward, they just watched them from a distance.

In fact, people who often come to the Deep Space Park will not have much reaction when they see stars, because the frequency of seeing stars here is too high.

Not to mention the important days like the deep space annual meeting, even in ordinary times, you can see some popular stars in the deep space park.If you are lucky, you can even get a photo with the star and autograph.

Why there are so many tourists in the Deep Space Park? In addition to the well-made content of the park, it is also a big reason to often encounter celebrities.

Some star chasers from well-to-do families can come to the deep space park every day to watch their idols.

"Teacher Yu, is this the crew of "Looking for Qin Ji"?" Someone in the crowd asked with a smile.

Yu Dong nodded generously, "That's right, the TV series is about to air, you all need to support it."

"Definitely, I will buy another TV later on, and put the two TVs on at the same time to ensure that the ratings will increase."

"Then I will thank you on behalf of the TV manufacturer."

Yu Dong smiled, and led Gu Tianle and the others into the elevator.

In the elevator, Zhuang Weijian said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, it seems that you are very familiar with these tourists."

The others also nodded secretly. When Yu Dong was talking to the tourists just now, it felt like a family routine among neighbors, giving people a strong sense of contrast. After all, in their hearts, Yu Dong should be the kind of person who floats The figure in the cloud, on the road just now, two cars cleared the way. He looked like a big man. He didn't expect to be so close to ordinary people.

If Yu Dong's attitude can be faked and put on for show, then the performance of these tourists cannot be faked.Obviously, Yu Dong is not that kind of superior.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "The tourists who usually come to the Deep Space Park are basically the local people of Jinling. To me, they are no different from my neighbors. They have seen me too many times, and it is surprising that they haven't seen you."

While talking, everyone arrived at the science fiction themed pavilion.

The full name of the Science Fiction Theme Pavilion should be the Science Fiction Theme Pavilion. In addition to the science fiction content related to deep space, there are many science popularization areas.

This theme pavilion is the most popular place in the deep space theme building. No one, whether it is a child or a parent, is willing to come here.For children, there are so many interesting things here that make people dazzled. For parents, it is a good thing to bring their children to learn scientific knowledge.

It's still summer vacation, and there are a lot of half-grown children in the Science Fiction Theme Pavilion, which is obviously much more lively than the first floor.

When you get out of the elevator, you can see a huge projection screen as soon as you look up, on which a popular science promotional film produced by Deep Space Corporation is playing.

Due to the limitation of display technology, the effect of this curtain is not particularly good, it looks a bit dark, and the color performance is very average.

The reason why a "screen" is here is to highlight a sense of science fiction. When Yu Dong heard this proposal, he thought it was very good, so he proposed to use a splicing screen to make a large screen, which would have a better effect.

But he overestimated the display technology, even the most advanced manufacturers can't produce what he asked for.

After all, the LCD screen market has just started, and most people don't know enough about LCD screens.

Later, the theme pavilion had to settle for the next best thing, using the most advanced projection equipment.

But it seems that because of Yu Dong's proposal, Jimmy is now more interested in the display screen, and he specifically talked about it in the last phone call.

Of course, Jimmy is cautious about starting a business, because he understands that compared with the "ultra-light assets" of the entertainment industry, business has high risks and a long cycle, and it is easy to drag Deep Space Company into trouble if one is not careful.

Deep Space Corporation has been in business for so many years, and it is not easy to have the current family business. Of course, Jimmy does not want to ruin the future of the company by making random decisions.

But Jimmy has always had an entrepreneurial heart, otherwise he would never have thought of investing in Wang Jin's shoe company.

"Wow, this curtain is beautiful."

As soon as Xuanxuan and the others walked out, they were shocked by the curtain in front of them.

Although Yu Dong thought the effect was mediocre, in Xuanxuan's eyes, the effect was already very good, quite sci-fi.

Below the curtain is a round glass showcase, which contains peripheral products of Deep Space Corporation.

"Let me take you there to have a look. Recently, a new batch of peripherals has been added."

The new merchandise that Yu Dong mentioned is from "The Martian". Although the movie has not yet started shooting, the props in the movie have been designed. In order to create momentum for the movie, these merchandise were released early.

It's nothing special, just some spacecraft and Mars rovers are not fundamentally different from other spacecraft and Mars rovers.

However, the peripherals of "The Martian" are extremely exquisite in workmanship, and everyone standing outside the showcase can feel the shining light on the spacecraft.

At this time, Gu Tianlei was completely attracted by the "Tianwen" in the showcase, and he can't be blamed for this, after all, a one-meter-long spaceship model is really eye-catching.

The Tianwen spacecraft is the round-trip spacecraft in the novel "The Martian" that runs stably on the Earth-Mars orbit all year round.

This spaceship is slender, like a javelin with wings, with a revolving cabin in the middle, and its appearance is not bad among the spaceships.

The model in front of me is indeed very well done. First of all, the size is very good. The general aerospace peripheral model will not be one meter long.

This thing has been around for such a long time, so it is destined to be hard to sell, because the average player's home simply does not have room for such a large model.

In addition to the size, the details of Tianwen are also in place. Gu Tianlei stared at the model for a while, but did not see any flaws, as if the model in front of him was scaled down from a real spaceship, not like It's a toy.

Not only Gu Tianle was fascinated by watching it, but the rest of the crew were also very shocked. Although they were not fans of science fiction, this model was so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

Originally, there were many people standing beside "Tianwen", but when they saw Yu Dong and the others approaching, they stepped aside and formed a circle to look at Yu Dong and the others.

There was a ten-year-old fatty who was also a fan of science fiction, and he was quite courageous. He probably didn't know Yu Dong and the others. Seeing Gu Tianle standing in a daze in front of "Tianwen", he took the initiative to introduce Gu Tianle: "This is Tianwen, the round-trip spacecraft on the ground-fire orbit is designed to provide transportation for humans to and from Mars, and can also serve as a transfer station. The main power of this spacecraft is a plasma engine, which is the so-called ion-type electric thruster. The propellant ionizes into..."

Gu Tianle was originally focused on the spaceship and didn't pay attention to the little fat man's words, but he opened his eyes wide after listening.

He didn't expect this little fat man to be so powerful.

For a senior sci-fi fan, ion engine is certainly not an unfamiliar term, but it is really surprising that this little fat man can explain ion engine so clearly at such a young age.

"You are very powerful." Gu Tianle smiled and praised the little fat man in Gangpu.

Although the accent is very heavy, the little fat man still understood the general meaning, he said with a smile, "But this Tianwen is not a real spacecraft, it appears in a novel."

Hearing what the little fat man said, everyone around laughed. Unexpectedly, the little fat man was quite sober.

"Little friend, if you know so much about Tianwen, do you know which novel Tianwen is from?" A middle-aged man in the crowd asked with a smile.

The little fat man puffed out his chest, "Of course I know, it's "The Martian", and the author Yu Dong is also one of the designers of this 'Tianwen' spaceship."

The surrounding crowd burst into laughter again, making the little fat man a little confused, and even a little unconfident. Could it be that he said something wrong?
The little fat man scratched his head, thinking that he did not remember wrongly, the title of the book is "The Martian", the author is Yu Dong, and he is also one of the designers of Tianwen. Before that, his little friends were there every day chat.

Seeing Xiaopang's bewildered look, Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands to everyone, "Stop teasing him, are you all dumbfounded without seeing him?"

When Xiaopang heard Yu Dong's words, he looked at Yu Dong suspiciously again.

Seeing his puzzled face, everyone chuckled again. In the deep space theme pavilion, it is much more difficult to find someone who doesn't know Yu Dong than to find someone who knows him.

Yu Dong patted the little fat man's shoulder in fear, bent down and asked, "Little friend, did you come here alone?"

The little fat man shook his head, "I came with my dad."

"What about your dad?"

"My dad is playing games in the game area."

Seeing the little fat man say this so calmly, Yu Dong couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth. This little fat man has a good father...

Yu Dong squeezed out a smile and asked again, "Do you like Tianwen?"

"Of course, it's a pity that this model is too big, and I have no place to put it in my room, but I have already written a proposal to Deep Space Company, asking them to make a smaller model to take care of us little players."

Yu Dongrao smiled with interest: "You even wrote a proposal."

"Yes." The little fat man nodded: "It's a long write-up, and they also left their name and address. They said they might write back to me."

"Yes, I'm sure they will reply to your letter."

"Well, I also believe that my classmate has also received a reply from Deep Space before."

Deep Space Corporation will indeed reply to the opinions of tourists, but not everyone can receive it, but there is a certain chance.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Hong Xingtong, Hong who floods the sky, Xing who wears stars and wears the moon, and Tong who speaks without restraint."

Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "Well, I'm good at learning idioms, keep up the good work."

After talking to the little fat man, Yu Dong called Gu Tianle and the others to move forward. They don't have much time today, so they can't spend all of it on the glass display case.

Gu Tianle left reluctantly, and looked back at Tianwen from time to time after walking a long distance.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Don't look at it, I'll give you one later. This is a limited edition, and it hasn't officially gone on sale yet."

"This...thanks a lot." Gu Tianle was not willing to refuse.

Yu Dong smiled, and said to the staff next to him, "Go and ask the mailbox department if you have received Hong Xingtong's letter, and ask them to reply, saying that Tianwen will make a smaller version in the future. In addition , go get a Tianwen and give it to Hong Xingtong, don’t give it to him alone, make sure his father is present.”

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