Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 741 There is another play

The area of ​​the sci-fi themed pavilion was larger than Gu Tianle and his team had imagined. When you came out of the elevator and looked ahead, you couldn't even see where the end was.

Even with such a large area, the theme hall is still full of people, one can imagine how many people there must be here.

Wang Hailin smiled and said, "Now the number of tourists visiting the Deep Space Park can reach five figures every day."

Zhuang Weijian was taken aback by this number, "So many?"

He is not surprised to reach tens of thousands occasionally, but it exceeds his imagination to reach tens of thousands every day. Such a flow of tourists is difficult even for some well-known scenic spots.

Over 500 every day, plus some outbreaks of holidays, the annual number of visitors should be able to reach [-] million or even more.

For comparison, the number of visitors to Xiangjiang broke a record in 1996, and the annual number of visitors was only 300 million, less than three times that of the Deep Space Park.

Of course, such a data comparison does not mean that the tourism industry in the Deep Space Park can be as high as one-third of that of Xiangjiang. After all, the locations and forms of the two places are different.

The passenger flow of the deep space park this year is much more than last year, which is a double increase.

There are several reasons for this. Compared with last year, the content of the park is richer this year, and there are more venues that can be visited. In addition to the theme building, tourists can also go to the nearby music hall and game hall... although some will open later The venues are not perfect, and the content is relatively lacking, but it can also attract some tourists.

In addition, the transportation is also more developed. In the past six months, seven bus lines that can reach the surrounding areas of the Deep Space Park have been opened.

And as the Deep Space Company has more and more products that need to spend money, people have more and more opportunities to earn points, and there is no need to deliberately consume to obtain points.

For example, more and more movie theaters across the country are now cooperating with Deep Space Corporation, and audiences can earn points as long as they watch designated movies.

Some time ago, Yunchi Shoes was known by people because of those overwhelming advertisements. After learning that Yunchi Shoes had a relationship with Shenkong Company, some people proposed to ask Shenkong Company to include Yunchi Shoes as well. In the point plan, in this way, everyone can get points when buying Yunchi shoes.

Shoes are not the same as movie tickets or books. They are daily necessities. People can not read books or watch movies, but they have to wear shoes.

This matter has not been settled yet. Although the bosses of the two companies are the same, the business relationship between the two companies is not that simple.However, the two sides are negotiating recently, and there is still hope for the follow-up.

In addition, in addition to finding ways for everyone to have more ways to earn points, Deep Space Corporation is also trying to make it easier for them to consume points.

Although the Starry Sky Card is in full swing, unless one is in Jinling, the experience will not be particularly obvious.

In other cities, if cardholders want to consume points, they need to find those designated bookstores and Internet cafes, and they can only be used during the event period.

This is because the domestic network is not developed enough, and the point model of the star card is not perfect enough.

With the improvement of technology, Deep Space Company is ready to open cooperation with more bookstores, so that cardholders in other cities can exchange points for products under Deep Space Company anytime, anywhere.

The current cooperation model between Deep Space Corporation and these bookstores is actually very simple. First of all, if a company wants to join the Deep Space Points Program, it needs to submit a written application to Deep Space Corporation.

After receiving the application submitted by the bookstore, Deep Space Company will send people to the bookstore for on-the-spot inspections to determine whether the bookstore is eligible to join the star card point plan.

If the bookstore passes the inspection, Deep Space Company will provide the bookstore with a computer and a system for free. In the future, as long as the bookstore purchases books by Deep Space authors through Deep Space channels, it will be able to earn corresponding points.

These points are transferred to the bookstore account by Deep Space Company at one time. After getting these points, the bookstore can freely distribute them to readers who go to the bookstore to buy books.

In theory, bookstores can give these points to anyone they want, but according to the regulations of Deep Space Corporation, when readers buy books under Deep Space, the bookstore must transfer the points to them, otherwise readers can complain.

If it is verified that the situation is true, Deep Space will punish the bookstore that violated the regulations, and even cancel the cooperation qualification.

Of course, there will also be a situation in this mode. The bookstore has obtained the points of the deep space dial-in account in advance, and these points are basically inexhaustible, because not everyone who comes to buy books has a star card .

This part of the users who do not hold the star card, but bought the books of the deep space, the points they should have earned will be left in the bookstore.

In some bookstores, this kind of situation is relatively rare, and in some bookstores, it is more.

There are several situations how bookstores deal with these points. Some bookstores will use these points to run activities, and take out the books in the bookstore for readers to buy. As long as you buy these books, you can get a lot of points. This is tantamount to indirect Realize.

Other bookstores won't be so troublesome, they will directly sell these points to the outside world.

As long as something can be transferred, there is room for buying and selling.

Although the Deep Space Company stipulates that star points cannot be traded privately, some people will still do this, especially bookstores. They will take out the excess points and sell them to customers at a discount.

Regarding this situation, Deep Space is also turning a blind eye and turning a blind eye, as long as the bookstore does not go too far, it will not care.

Of course, in Jinling, it is not easy for bookstores to accumulate points, because the popularity of star cards in Jinling is relatively high, and most people will take the initiative to ask the bookstore for points when they go to the bookstore to buy books.

These points flow from the bookstore account to the customer, and then quickly flow back to Deep Space Corporation itself.

It now takes forty points to enter the Deep Space Park, which is ten points higher than at the beginning.

The passenger flow of 500 million passengers a year, converted into points, is close to [-] million.

Spending one yuan can get one point, which means that tourists who enter the deep space park spend at least [-] million yuan on the products of the deep space company every year.

Of course, if all the [-] million RMB were purchased for books, Deep Space would not actually make much money.

Most of the money from selling books is earned by bookstores, booksellers, and publishing houses, and some are earned by authors, while Deep Space only earns some money from authors.

Only when everyone buys movie tickets, buys peripheral products, and spends money in places like the Deep Space Internet Cafe, will Deep Space Corporation make a lot of money.

But no matter whether it makes money or not, the passenger flow of the Deep Space Park has already started, and it has become a landmark building in Jinling.

Seeing Zhuang Weijian's surprised look, Wang Hailin said with a smile, "When the subway opens in the future, the city will develop better, and the passenger flow of the Deep Space Park will rise to a higher level. Now in Jinling, one When it comes to cultural activities, the first thing people think of is the Deep Space Park, and the Children’s Palace, Cultural Palace, and Grand Theater have to stand aside.”

Zhuang Weijian and the others did not doubt Wang Hailin's words, after all, the bustling tourists in front of them were real and could not be faked.

They just couldn't help but sigh, the impact of Deep Space Corporation on Jinling is really great.

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, and said, "Okay, let's go to see other special areas. Let the theater show a movie later, let's go and experience it together."

"Okay!" Zhuang Weijian rubbed his hands. He had long heard that the movie hall in the deep space theme building was very shocking. On the way here, he was thinking about going in and feeling it.


Until around six o'clock, Yu Dong led Gu Tianle and the others out of the Deep Space Building, a group of people still had unsatisfactory expressions on their faces.

In the past two hours, Yu Dong led them to not even finish a sci-fi science-themed museum.

They spent more than 3 minutes watching "Resident Evil 40" in the theater, and spent the rest of the time visiting various science fiction zones.

Looking back at the theme building, Zhuang Weijian said with a smile, "Just now I was still hesitating whether to go back tomorrow, but now I don't hesitate anymore. I plan to come back tomorrow and visit all the other areas I haven't been to."

Lin Feng nodded in agreement: "Well, I actually wanted to go to the game area all the time today."

"If you want to play games, you can go to the newly opened game hall this year. It is richer and more enjoyable than the game area in the theme building." Yu Dong smiled, and then looked at the man who was holding a box of Tianwen Gu Tianle, "Tianle, do you want to put your things in the car first, it's not convenient to carry them when you eat."

"No, it's very convenient." Gu Tianle held the box and refused to let go, "I'll study it when I eat later."

"If you like Tianwen, you can go to the scene when "The Martian" was filming. Now that the road has been repaired, the shooting time is coming soon."

Gu Tianle raised his eyebrows, as if he was very interested in Dong's proposal, but he hesitated and didn't respond immediately, but Xuan Xuan who was at the side said, "Mr. Maybe there will be a cameo role at that time.”

Chong Wai Kin said, ""The Martian" was filmed by Spielberg, the background should have been changed to the United States, and Koo Jai can't make a cameo."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Although the main background has been changed to the United States, there are still many Chinese scenes. It's just that the main roles have already been decided, and Tianle can only be a cameo if he wants to play a cameo."

The others were about to feel sorry, but Gu Tianle suddenly nodded seriously, "It's okay to play tricks, it doesn't matter if you don't have lines or don't show your face."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, "Okay, I'll talk to them later and arrange it for you."

Immediately afterwards, Yu Dong said: "Actually, our company has another play, and the characters in it are quite suitable for you."

As soon as these words came out, the others including Gu Tianle were stunned. Everyone was walking towards the cafeteria, but now they all stopped.

Zhuang Weijian and the others looked at Gu Tianle, wanting to see how he would respond, but Gu Tianle became ponderous, and after a while, he asked, "Is it science fiction?"

Before Dong could answer, Gu Tianle asked again, "Is it a movie?"

Ever since filming "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", Gu Tianlei has had a strong resistance to making TV series. Now he only thinks about making movies, and he doesn't want to make TV series anymore.

"It's indeed a sci-fi movie, but it's not the same as "The Martian". It's a movie about time loops, and the scenes are not too big." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"Can I read the script?"

"No." Yu Dong shook his head.

"Ah?" Gu Tianle looked at Yu Dong in surprise. He didn't expect that Yu Dong wanted him to take over the play, but he didn't even show him the script, let alone read all the scripts, just read a little.

Yu Dong explained with a smile: "It's not that I don't want to show it to you, it's that the script hasn't been written yet."


Everyone was surprised this time.

Looking at the bewildered crowd, Yu Dong walked forward with a smile, "Go to dinner first, if you are interested, I will write the script in the next few days and show it to you when the time comes."

Zhuang Weijian looked in Yu Dong's direction, and then looked at Wang Hailin next to him, "Director Wang, what does Mr. Yu mean?"

Wang Hailin said with a smile, "The meaning of Mr. Yu's words is very clear. He has a movie script in his mind, but he hasn't written it yet. He plans to write it in the next two days."

"I know...but..."

Zhuang Weijian didn't know what to say, of course he could understand Yu Dong's meaning, but the question is: is this reasonable?
As a senior choreographer, Chong Weijian is very familiar with the creative process.

He has come into contact with many screenwriters himself. Although the creative habits of each screenwriter are different, they are essentially the same.

Screenwriting is generally divided into original and adapted, and whether it is original or adapted, it usually takes a period of preparation and thinking.

There is no one like Yu Dong who said that the company has a plan before he even started writing the script, and even invited Gu Tianle to participate.

Creation is not like pooping, I feel my stomach, and when I run to the toilet, I take off my pants and it comes out.

"Don't think about it, if you are like ordinary people, can Teacher Yu still be so prolific? Let's go, I'm hungry after walking with you for so long, and today I will show you the level of the deep space cafeteria."

Hearing Wang Hailin's words, Zhuang Weijian couldn't help but nodded, yes, if he was like an ordinary person, it would be impossible for Mr. Yu to have such a creative frequency.

If there are creators with high frequency, Ni Kuang, a fellow of Zhuang Weijian, is notoriously prolific. It is said that it only takes three or four days to write a script during the peak period. The scripts written so far are estimated to be several There are hundreds of copies.

In terms of quantity, there must be a big gap between Yu Dong and Ni Kuang.

But in Zhuang Weijian's view, Ni Kuang and Yu Dong are not in the same world, and their works are completely incomparable.

Ni Kuang has indeed written many classic scripts, but most of them are industrial products with serious homogenization, and the standard cannot be guaranteed at all. Those who can compare with Yu Dong are just too fast.

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