On the way into the cafeteria, Zhuang Weijian was shocked by Yu Dong's creative speed, and at the same time was happy for Gu Tianle.

Recently, Shenkong Company has been discussing with Gu Tianle about signing a contract, and at this time, Yu Dong suddenly asked Gu Tianle about it, which naturally has a special meaning. He just wanted to ask Gu Tianle if he would like to cooperate with Shenkong The company signs.

And Gu Tianlei's answer is also very clear, as long as the script Yu Dong prepares for him is a movie or science fiction, he is willing to sign a contract with Deep Space Company.

Previously, Gu Tianle had never wanted to sign a contract with Shenkong, because he still wanted to be a company.

But bystanders, Zhuang Weijian is very clear that Gu Tianlei's career is now on the rise. If he can get on the big ship of the deep space, his career will definitely be able to reach a higher level. With the current strength of the deep space company, if he really supports Gu Tianlei Tianle, it is not impossible to push him to the world.

Qin Yi from Deep Space Company had just made his debut a few years ago, and his conditions were average in all aspects, but he managed to gain a little fame in Hollywood.If Gu Tianle passed, he would definitely perform better.

As for Gu Tianlei who wanted to start his own company, now is not the time at all, he can wait until his acting career has advanced a bit before starting.

Others are a little envious of Gu Tianle, after all, Shen Kong not only wants to sign Gu Tianle, but also listens to what Yu Dong said, it seems that it also wants to make a tailor-made movie for Gu Tianle.


At dinner in the evening, because it was the first time we met, we hadn't had a drink together before, so Yu Dong wanted to let everyone drink less together.

Unexpectedly, Wang Hailin poked his arm beside him and whispered, "Teacher Yu, there is a Dionysus present at this table today."

Yu Dong looked around, and finally locked his eyes on Jiang Hua. No matter how you look at the people at this table, Jiang Hua looks the most drinkable.

"It's not Teacher Jiang Hua." Wang Hailin shook his head and said.

"Is that Director Zhuang?"

"No." Wang Hai pouted towards Gu Tianle, "It's this one."

Yu Dong looked at Gu Tianle in surprise, "Tianle is a good drinker?"

Gu Tianle smiled and said: "It's okay, I can drink a little less."

Hearing this, Yu Dong understood. Generally speaking, good drinkers always say this.

But even with the mental preparation, Gu Tianle's performance later exceeded Yu Dong's expectations. This guy drank four glasses of wine in two or three glasses.

Although the glass was not completely filled, the four glasses of wine must have weighed more than a catty.

After drinking more than a catty of wine, Gu Tianlei also had a bit of a tongue, but his condition was pretty good, at least his head was quite clear.

But after drinking, the cool energy in Gu Tianle's body disappeared, and he insisted on touching Yu Dong with the fifth glass of wine.

Not to mention, after this guy drank some wine and his tongue got stuck, Yu Dong could understand what he said.

"Yu Sheng, I am too tired from filming "Looking for the Qin Dynasty", so I will never make TV series again. I am very happy that you let me act in a science fiction movie. Come on, I respect you, I am more sincere, and you are more casual. "

After all, Gu Tianle was about to drain the wine in the glass.

Yu Dong felt that Gu Tianle's condition was almost the same, so he quickly took him by the arm and said, "Tianli, let's talk and talk together, enjoy the wine and chat together, wine, let's have a long time, and we will have a chance to drink in the future. This glass of wine, Let me be the master, we all drink together, don’t have to finish the drink, just be casual. I asked my colleagues in the company to prepare a star card for everyone, which is filled with points, and you can spend a good time in Jinling in the next few days Have fun, besides the Deep Space Park, there are many other places in Jinling worth visiting."

Zhuang Weijian, who was already blushing from drinking, clasped his palms together and thanked, "Thank you, Mr. Yu."

Yu Dong smiled and continued, "Half of the staff of "Looking for Qin Ji" are from Xiangjiang, and the main creators are not many mainlanders. The reason for this is not the request of the original author Huang Yi, but my suggestion." It’s not long since Xiangjiang returned to China, and the two sides need more opportunities for communication. I think Deep Space Corporation has the responsibility to act as a bridge between the two sides, speed up the process of re-understanding each other, and make up for some things that were lost before.”

"Not only "Looking for the Qin", but also the movie "Infernal Affairs" that will be released this year. Of course, in the process of cooperation, the two sides learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses. It is also basic for mutual benefit. Besides cooperation in many aspects, I naturally also I hope that the communication between Xiangjiang and the mainland can be influenced by us and become more frequent."

After all, Lin Feng was young and passionate, and when Yu Dong said these simple words, his emotions suddenly became agitated. He clenched his fists and said, "Mr. Yu, don't worry, we will always support you, wait for my arrangement After that, I will be in the Mainland.”

Jiang Hua also echoed: "Yes, we will definitely support the cause of Deep Space Corporation."

Yu Dong nodded: "Okay, let's have a drink together, of course, everyone is free."


After Yu Dong's tugging and tugging, Gu Tianle still didn't drink the fifth glass of wine.

Fortunately, he didn't drink the fifth cup, and he could barely maintain his state. When he left the cafeteria, he still remembered holding the box containing the Tianwen spacecraft model.

After Gu Tianle and the others left, Yu Dong didn't leave because Yu Yu had already talked with Wu Ming about going back to the company.

I also drank some of the rest, but not much, and the condition is still very good.

When Yu Dong arrived at Yu Liang's office, Yu Liang had already poured him hangover tea, "Boss, drink some."

After taking the hangover tea, Yu Dong said with a smile, "It's always been the boss who thinks of ways to make employees work overtime. It's good for you to force them to work overtime, but let me work overtime with you."

Yu Yu blew on the tea leaves, and said with a chuckle, "So, for an active employee like me, boss, you can't even find him with a lantern."

Yu Dong twitched the corners of his mouth and turned his gaze to the French window of the office.

Nowadays, the night in Hexi is much brighter than before, but it is still completely incomparable with that in the main urban area. The main reason is that neither the deep space talent apartment nor the residential buildings planned by the government have been completed yet. Those gathered in the deep space park, whether employees or tourists, have left, and it has become less lively.

The overtime culture of Deep Space Company is not deep. At night, the whole building is almost dark, and Jiang Jie and his side need to be brighter.

"How was your talk with Wu Ming today?" Yu Dong looked away and asked the question directly.

"Very good." Yu Liang smiled and said, "This Wu Ming is a very down-to-earth person. The communication between them has become very simple. Their first choice is the land between Shenkong Talent Apartment and Jinling Olympic Sports Center, and their second choice is a piece of land north of the Olympic Sports Center. I checked these two lands, and the former belongs to the government. The plan is a shopping mall, and the latter has no specific plan, but there is a high probability that that area will be used as a residence in the future.”

"A shopping mall... Isn't that just right? The Eslite Bookstore itself is a shopping mall. If the Eslite Bookstore is to be built, won't the government just save trouble?"

Yu Yu shook his head, "Boss, this matter is not that simple. The government's planning for that land is indeed a shopping mall, but the problem is that in the government's planning, the area of ​​this shopping mall is very large. In addition to a large shopping mall, there are also There are some high-end office buildings with a total area of ​​at least 20 square meters. Eslite Bookstore simply can’t afford such a large land, and they can only ask for a small piece of land.”

Hearing this, Yu Dong pondered.

Indeed, with the scale of Eslite, there is no way to occupy more than 20 square meters of land to build shopping malls.

The government's planning is unified. If Eslite takes a small piece of this large land to build a bookstore and mall, it will be difficult to implement the subsequent planning. The government will definitely not lose the big because of small things.

"What about the land to the north of the Olympic Sports Center? Even if you want to build a residence, you should be able to spare a piece of land for Eslite, right?"

"It should be possible, but according to the subway plan, there are not many places suitable for Eslite bookstores, and if you are not careful, you may break the government's plan."

Yu Dong frowned, "So, what results did you talk about today? I think you are in a good mood. You must have found a more reasonable solution, right?"

Yu Yu showed a smug expression, and said with a smile, "There are some problems in the first two places, so I recommended the third place to him."

"Where is the third place?" Yu Dong asked.

"It is to the southeast of the Olympic Sports Center. For that area, the government has no overall plan, and there is a lot of room for maneuver. You can find a piece of land for Eslite and the others to build a building."

"Southeast..." Yu Dong thought for a while, and probably knew the location Yu Yu mentioned, which should be around the center of the city and district government later.

Not to mention, the place to pick the margin is really not bad.

That place will be next to the subway line in the future, with many office buildings and close to the park, it is indeed suitable for Eslite Bookstore to survive.

"Is this piece of land easy to get?"

The margin said very confidently: "It should be fine."

Yu Dong nodded and said: "Well, you can figure it out. If you really can't do it later, you can also consider the land between the Shenkong Talent Apartment and the Olympic Sports Center. If Shenkong can't afford it, we can intervene a little more."

"Get involved more?" Yu You's eyes lit up, and he looked at Yu Dong, "Boss, tell me in detail how we can get involved."

"Since it is opened next to our talent apartment, we can also consider building this shopping mall ourselves. We will build this shopping mall, and then allocate part of the space to Eslite Bookstore."

"Then Eslite Bookstore will become a tenant again? They probably won't do it."

"Not renting to them, but directly to them."

"Oh, that's okay, but it doesn't seem too good for us to rush into shopping malls. This kind of thing is a typical heavy asset, not to mention taking up funds, and the cycle is still long. Compared with other businesses of our company, there is no advantage at all."

Yu Dong laughed, "Yuan, you just do too many simple businesses, and now you see any business as heavy assets. It's true that this kind of shopping mall is heavy assets, and it's okay to invest a lot, but the benefits are sure. Not a lot. Besides, the investment does not necessarily take up our company’s cash, and we can talk more with the government, and things can still be done.”

Yu Yu frowned and thought for a while, and said, "Actually, there is no way out if we really want to operate. Our company can also get some cash from the bank, so that it will not squeeze our company's own cash flow. When the plan starts, the coverage will be almost the same." At this time, we will first rent out part of the store, collect some rent in advance, and then use the rent to pay back part of the bank’s money. The rest of the money will be paid back slowly after the official opening.”

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, isn't what Yu Yu said is a real estate agent's routine?
It’s not obvious yet, but later on, developers in some places, after getting land from the government, turned around and sold properties, and then used the pre-sale money to build houses.

To put it more positively, this mode of operation has effectively stimulated the vigorous development of real estate, allowing more high-rise buildings to rise, making the city more prosperous.

But in this way of operation, once something happens, it will be beyond redemption. The most important thing is that this kind of thing will be used by some bad guys.

Later, unfinished real estate can be seen everywhere, most of which are after the boss got the advance payment and ran away with the money.

There are also some developer owners who did not flee with the money on purpose, but because of poor management or some changes in the family, the cash flow was interrupted and the house could not be built.

Yu Dong has always been disapproving of borrowing money to do things. Jimmy had persuaded Yu Dong to borrow some money several times before, but Yu Dong did not agree.

It stands to reason that if Deep Space Corporation really wants to allocate money to build a building now, it is completely possible, but the problem is that after the money is taken out, Deep Space Corporation's cash flow is almost cut off, and other things are also difficult. It will be difficult to proceed.

In fact, the proposal of the margin is quite good, so that Deep Space can quickly establish the surrounding business district.

But after thinking about it, Yu Dong still said, "It's okay to borrow money from the bank, but don't fool others with advance payment."

Yu Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled: "I knew you wouldn't completely agree, boss, haha, I'll go to meet you in the next two days to see what's going on with the third piece of land, and if you can take it down, if you can take it down, Personally, I think the third piece of land is more suitable for Eslite Bookstore.”

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, since that's the case, let's do it like this. In addition, you can ask someone to contact Gu Tianlei again tomorrow and ask him to sign a contract with our company."

"Gu Tianle? This guy is still quite difficult to deal with. I'll have someone come and grind him out in the past two days, but it may be difficult to sign him in these two days."

"Haha, I've already convinced him, you just need to find someone to negotiate a contract with him."

Yu Liang looked surprised and said, "Have you convinced him? Boss, how did you do it?"

"It's nothing, just agreeing to write him a movie script."

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