Chapter 743
"Boss, are you going to write a script for him?" Yu Yu looked even more surprised.

However, his surprise was different from Zhuang Weijian's. Compared with Yu Dong's creative speed, Yu Yu was even more surprised that Dong would write a script specifically for Gu Tianlei.

Gu Tianle is not bad, since he acted in "The Legend of Condor Heroes", he has been widely concerned by the public, and the next few years have been smooth sailing, and he has filmed many TV series.

But Gu Tianlei doesn't have any special advantages other than his appearance. He doesn't have a high degree of education, he has a criminal record, and his acting skills are quite satisfactory, not outstanding.

Based on his understanding of Dong, Yu Dong prefers to choose actors who have their own ideas and better acting skills when choosing actors, and he doesn't pay too much attention to the appearance of actors.

So Yu Donghui wrote a script for Gu Tianle, which surprised Yu Yu very much.

Seeing that Yu Liang was so confused, Yu Dong didn't give too much explanation, but just said with a smile, "It just happened that I thought of a script these two days, and today I met Gu Tianle, and I think he is quite suitable, and it is not special. Write a script for him."

"Oh, so." Yu Yu nodded, "But there is one thing to say, Gu Tianlei is really good-looking, even though he is tanned now, but he is still very good-looking, among other things, he got a lot of money in the showbiz because of his looks." It won't be too bad. Boss, are you going to publish the script directly this time, or the novel first?"

"Create a script, I don't have the energy to write a novel right now."

"Okay, I'll report to Mr. Ji later." Jimmy told Yu Liang earlier that as long as there is a work from Yu Dong's side, he must report to him.

Speaking of Jimmy, Yu Dong asked with a smile, "Jimmy has fallen in love recently, and he rarely calls me when he looks at me."

Talking about gossip, the margin is also very exciting, "It seems to be, but he is quite low-key, and avoids people on the phone. We all know that he has a girlfriend, but we have never seen what his girlfriend looks like. "

Yu Dong nodded and smiled, "Very good, this shows that he is still serious about this relationship. It is right to protect the woman. Jimmy is also a public figure now, and his relationship will definitely attract the attention of those reporters. It is not a good thing if the media pays too much attention to his girlfriend."

Although Yu Dong's brilliance is very strong, as the helm of the Deep Space Corporation, Jimmy is also a popular fried chicken in the business world, and his photos frequently appear on the front page covers of major business newspapers.

Some media have disclosed that Jimmy now has an annual salary of 2000 million US dollars alone.

As for how many shares Jimmy holds in Deep Space America and whether he has other income, these media are not sure.However, it is conservatively estimated that Jimmy's net worth is at least a few hundred million dollars. If he holds a large share in Deep Space America, this number will be many times higher.

In the eyes of the public, Jimmy is a young and promising rich man—yes, although Jimmy is already in his forties, he is indeed very young compared to the wealth he owns.

The main reason is that Jimmy is not bad looking, so he is quite outstanding among the rich.

For such a young rich man, if there is a woman with him, it will inevitably arouse the speculation of others, thinking that women are Tujimi's property.

So Jimmy's reluctance to reveal his girlfriend's identity is indeed to protect her.

Regarding Jimmy's gossip, the two of them didn't have a deep chat. Yu Dong looked at the time and said with a smile, "You don't have anything else to do here, do you?"

The margin shook his head, "Not for the time being."

"Well, then I'll go back first."


When Yu Dong got home, Cheng Yanqiu had already fallen asleep on the sofa.

Because her stomach is getting bigger and bigger, sleeping on the bed is more uncomfortable, so Cheng Yanqiu likes to lie on the sofa more often.

The doctor told them that it is not good to lie on the sofa for a long time, because the sofa is relatively soft, pregnant women are suitable for sleeping on a harder bed, but Cheng Yanqiu still likes to sit on the sofa, there is no way, Yu Dong can only replace the sofa at home with a harder material Yes, lying on it is similar to a bed.

Walking over to tuck his wife in the quilt, Yu Dong went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a shower, Yu Dong went to the study, where he was going to write out the outline of the script that he had promised to Gu Tianle today.

Seeing that Gu Tianle liked sci-fi so much today, Yu Dong searched in his brain for any sci-fi movies suitable for Gu Tianle. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally thought of a movie - Source Code.

A pilot who died in the line of duty, but his brain was not dead, was sent by the sci-fi personnel into the source code created by the memory of the history teacher who died in the train explosion 8 minutes before his death, and went back to 8 minutes before the train explosion to find clues about the suspect who planted the bomb. , so as to prevent another larger explosion.

"Source Code" is not a "hardcore" science fiction story, and it is fundamentally different from stories such as "Deep Space".

In the whole story of "Source Code", there is not too much elaboration on the so-called source code, only a vague concept.

Watching such a movie, if you stick to the sci-fi setting, you will undoubtedly make yourself uncomfortable.

Compared with less rigorous sci-fi settings, the story of "Source Code" is brisk and attractive, and it is a very good movie.

As a sci-fi movie, the cost of "Source Code" is not too high. In the whole movie, most of the scenes are inside the train, basically looping those 8 minutes, over and over again.

The young Gu Tianlei's acting skills are not outstanding, and the movie "Source Code" does not need much "explosive" acting skills.

The story of "Source Code" is very simple, but for Gu Tianle to play it, a little adaptation is needed.

Yu Dong, who picked up the pen, was also thinking about how to adapt the script.

At the beginning, Yu Dong really wanted to put the background of the story in China, and then shoot directly in China later.

But after thinking about it, I decided to give up this option.

Since it is going to be a sci-fi movie, the market it is facing is definitely not just domestic, the movie must be tested globally.

And Yu Dong doesn't think that a sci-fi movie with all Chinese actors will be a big hit at the box office in Europe and America.

Deep Space has done a lot in the past few years, but it has not been able to turn the situation around to this point.

So after much deliberation, Yu Dong decided to have a "Sino-US co-production" and set the background of the story in the United States. The male protagonist and some actors are Chinese, and other passers-by and female protagonists are all European and American actors.

Step by step, let European and American audiences gradually adapt to more and more Chinese people appearing on the screen.

Yu Dong did not follow the setting that the protagonist is a pilot, but set the protagonist as a genius scientist. He originally participated in the research of "source code", but his body died but his brain did not die due to an experimental accident.

Because when studying the source code, I referred to the brain wave frequency of the protagonist, so the brain wave of the protagonist is more consistent with the source code.

As for the rest of the story, Yu Dong didn't make too many changes, and basically followed the rhythm of the original movie.

However, Yu Dong felt that although the original film was short and sharp, with a fast pace, it did not dig into some details, so Yu Dong extended the story a little bit.

He predicted that according to his script, the entire film should take about 10 minutes longer than the original "Project Source".

After rough outline was finished, it was past twelve o'clock, Yu Dong closed the book, and then went to the other side of the sofa to lie down.

The new sofa is very big, more than enough to sleep their family of three.


Yu Dong had a dream that Jimmy married his girlfriend, but their wedding was Chinese style.

Jimmy was wearing a bright red dress and walked from one end of the red carpet with his new wife on his arm. A beam of light shot from the bride's back, making it impossible to see her face clearly.

Just as Yu Dong stretched his head out to see the bride's face clearly, he suddenly heard the sound of gongs and drums.

Yu Dong sat up halfway on the sofa, still a little confused. He thought that the sound of gongs and drums he heard just now came from a dream, but at this moment he heard another sound of gongs and drums outside.

The sound of gongs and drums was not loud, whether it was far or near, Yu Dongdong judged that he should be coming from the government building, next to the football field.

Cheng Yanqiu next to him also woke up leisurely, she glanced at Yu Dong, and asked, "What time is it?"

Yu Dong looked up at the quartz clock on the wall, "It's already seven fifty."

"I've slept for so long." Cheng Yanqiu rubbed his head, then looked outside again, "Is there someone beating gongs and drums outside? Who's doing business today?"

"I don't know." Yu Dong shook his head.

When the two were wondering, they heard the sound of gongs and drums getting closer and closer to their apartment building, and when they were almost downstairs, they stopped again.

Then Yu Dong heard Feng Ming shouting at the top of his voice, "Welcome some Wenqu stars back to their nest."

"We didn't march and fight, why did we go back to court?"

"Back to the nest, the nest of the bird's nest."

"You old Feng, you say we are birds!"

Hearing the voices of Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, Yu Dong suddenly realized, "Those idiots are back."

Yu Hua and the others came back today, Yu Dong knew about it, but he didn't remember it.

Besides, they came back when they came back, how could there be such a big battle, they were beating gongs and drums.

"I gonna go see."

Wearing pajamas and slippers, Yu Dong walked outside the house. Looking down the corridor, he saw Uncle Zhou leading two young men from the reception room, one holding a gong and the other holding a drum, lined up next to Yu Hua and the others. both sides.

"Uncle Zhou, why are you still beating the gongs and drums?" Yu Dong asked.

Everyone looked up at Yu Dong, and Uncle Zhou explained with a smile, "Principal Wu heard that they were coming back this morning, so he specially told us to welcome them. I thought this welcome is nothing more than the sound of firecrackers and the sound of gongs and drums." , The firecrackers can't come, but the gongs and drums can be arranged... Teacher Yu, I was disturbing you to sleep, but I was afraid of disturbing everyone, so we didn't knock it when we got to the front."

Bi Feiyu laughed and said, "Just don't disturb Teacher Cheng. As for some people, they don't deserve to sleep!"

Yu Hua followed up with a strange expression: "Oh? Old Bi, who are you referring to when you say these people? The one who won't be talking about is the black-hearted capitalist who ran back early and abandoned us abroad to do hard work for him."

"Don't dare, grandpa Yuan, we assholes, it's our honor to work for grandpa Yuan, do you still have complaints?"

"Don't dare, dare not, it's too late for me to be happy." Yu Hua pointed to her face, "Look at me, isn't there a happy smile on my face?"

Yu Dong was upstairs listening to the two singing together, his eyes rolled up to the sky.

Liu Changmin also looked down from the upstairs, and said with a smile: "During the time you guys are abroad, we can see you on the news every day. I heard that the signing scene is very popular. I Two days ago, I learned a new idiom on the Deep Space Network called 'New York paper is expensive'."

"That's right." He Yu stuck his head out from the other side, "Jinling TV Station also has a special program. They sent reporters to the United States to interview you, right?"

Yu Hua nodded, "What reporter? It's Shao Tianjun, the deputy director of Jinling TV Station. Didn't the member of the Yangtse Evening News know him well? After he left, we signed and took pictures with him during the day, and we gathered together at night. Let's play cards together. This guy is not good at cards, and after losing, he lost all his travel expenses, so we brought him back."

Wang Xiaobo said with a smile, "It's not that exaggerated, but it's not enough. We just added a few dozen yuan to him."

Hearing that it was Shao Tianjun who was going, Yu Dong curled his lips. He also played cards with Shao Tianjun once. Old Shao's poker skills cannot be described as "not good", it is simply bad, the kind of bad that is so bad.

Bi Feiyu likes to count cards when playing cards, and he is very good at counting. He often counts the cards in everyone's hands clearly.And Shao Tianjun is completely another extreme, he doesn't count any cards.

Among other things, he couldn't even count the four ghosts.

But Lao Shao loves to play again. After a long time, Lao Shao has a nickname, called Sancai Boy.

Because Yu Hua and the others came back, the teaching and staff apartment suddenly became lively, and many teachers came out to chat with them.

Yu Hua and the others were not in a hurry to go home, they just stood downstairs chatting with everyone with their heads held high.

When Yu Haiguo, Feng Changdi and the others ran to find their father, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu hugged their sons in their arms again, and sat down at the card playing table downstairs, chatting leisurely with the others. Get up.

Just for a while, it seemed like a tea party was held in the staff apartment. Everyone was upstairs and downstairs, on different floors, each put down what they were doing, and chatted relaxedly and enthusiastically.

For most people, this was not like a tea party, but more like watching a performance, and Yu Hua and the others downstairs were the guests of the show.

The happiness index of the teaching staff of Jinyi is very high. On the one hand, the accommodation conditions are good. On the other hand, the teaching staff living in the teaching staff’s apartment can always hear Yu Dong and the others chatting. These few people, just say something Everything is very interesting.

If they were asked to choose between the sketches of the Spring Festival Gala and chatting with Yu Dong and his group of writers, they would probably reluctantly choose the latter.

 Thank you [Bin Gejiayou] for the 100 tip
  Thanks for the 100 rewards from [彳走远]
  Thank you [Needle sticks so fast] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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