Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 744 2 Teachers and Brothers

Chapter 744

Seeing how energetic Yu Hua and the others looked, Yu Dong couldn't help curling his lips. It seemed that they weren't tired enough.

Turning around and returning home, Yu Dong smiled and said to Cheng Yanqiu, "Yu Hua and the others are back, and they are chatting with everyone downstairs right now."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "I've heard it all. They seem to have complaints about you coming back first."

"They blamed me for coming back first, so there are fewer players."

"Haha, didn't Director Shao fill in your vacancy?"

"Well, boy who spreads wealth, anyone is welcome." Yu Dong smiled, rolled up his sleeves and walked to the kitchen, "I'm going to cook."


Before Yu Dong had finished his breakfast, Bi Feiyu came to the door.

"Fu Jing calls you to come home for lunch at noon."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Tell me earlier, I won't make breakfast. You know I'll eat at your house at noon, so I won't have breakfast."

Bi Feiyu rolled her eyes at Yu Dong, then looked at Cheng Yanqiu, "Is Teacher Cheng doing well recently?"

"It's okay, thanks to Sister Jing and Sister Hong who usually come to talk to me, staying at home is not boring."

"Talking is not enough. If you have time, you can go shopping and exercise more. Life lies in exercise. This guy also said that he will come back to accompany you. I think he has been writing a lot recently. "Perfect World" is at home. Did you write it?"

"His writing doesn't affect me." Cheng Yanqiu smiled.

She actually likes to watch Yu Dong write at his desk, and sometimes she can read it for an hour or two, but this is too nasty for her to say out of her heart.

Bi Feiyu nodded, "Well, let's go home for dinner at noon. If you have nothing to do in the morning, go there early."

"it is good."

Just as Bi Feiyu left, Yu Hua came over again and told them to have dinner tonight.

Yu Hua was much more straightforward than Bi Feiyu. Before anyone entered the house, she stood at the door and poked her head in. "Mr. Cheng, Yuanwai, have dinner at my house tonight."

"Ang." Yu Dong responded.

Hearing Yu Dong's response, Yu Hua turned around with her hands behind her back and left.


After Yu Hua and the others came back, the school became more lively, and Yu Dong and his wife usually had more meals to eat.

In fact, it's not considered a meal, because every time Yu Dong and the others go to eat, they have to bring some ingredients.

Ever since Cheng Yanqiu became pregnant, their family had never cut off their meat, egg and milk, except for what their parents collected for them, and friends sent them, among which Feng Ming's family contributed the most.

Feng Ming's hometown is in the countryside, and he has raised a lot of livestock in the past few years. Feng Ming often returns to the countryside to bring some chicken, duck and fish eggs to Yu Dong and the others.

There are many chickens and ducks that cannot be eaten, so they can only be kept in the shade of the tree in front of the teacher's apartment. When they meet everyone for dinner, Yu Dong and the others will bring some ingredients over.

In fact, it was the same when Wu Aiyuan gave birth to Feng Changdi before, as long as one of them was pregnant, the food of their group would be improved.

It wasn't until two days before the start of school that the pace of Yu Dong's dinner party slowed down. Except for Yu Hua and his few idlers, everyone else had to start busy with work.


"Old Wang, why do I feel that there are so many male students in our acting major this year?"

Next to the performance professional welcome booth, Deng Wei, Wang Yang, and Zhao Di looked around, looking for the beauties in the crowd.

But to their disappointment, there are very few female students majoring in acting this year, and even fewer are beautiful, far inferior to those in the music department.

Wang Yang squinted at the sun in the sky, then squinted at Zhao Di and Deng Wei beside him, curled his lips helplessly.

He was reading a book in the dormitory, but was dragged out by Deng Yan and his two students.

"Let's go back quickly. If you don't help welcome the new students here, you will definitely be criticized if you are seen by Director Bi."

Hearing Director Bi's words, Deng Wei shrank his neck, and then said with a stiff neck, "Can't we just stand here?"

Although Deng Yu said this very strongly, he rubbed his hands and walked towards the booth, "Let's go, help the students."

The three walked to the side of the booth and greeted He Yu, the professional counselor responsible for accepting new students, "Mr. He, we are here to help welcome new students."

When He Yu saw Deng Yu and Zhao Di, his mouth curled up unconsciously.These two boys are well-known troublemakers in the 98 acting major. They change their ways to do things every day, and get troubled by the director and director every day. They are frequent visitors to the office.

Wang Yang is a good boy, so he doesn't know how to get along with these two monkey spirits.

"No, there are more boys in the acting major this year, so I don't really need help."

Deng Wei laughed and said, "What about boys and girls? Mr. He, we don't engage in gender discrimination. Regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, we will send it the same. And the freshmen who have just entered college are not well developed. I just saw a few boys , those with thin arms and thin legs are not as good as girls."

As soon as he finished speaking, two tall and thin men came with bags.

These two were tall and mature-looking, especially the one walking in front, who had a social atmosphere and didn't look like a student at all.

"Teacher, the two of us are freshmen majoring in acting. My name is Jin Dong, and his name is Li Guangjie."

Zhao Di raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "Hey, these two elementary school boys are quite anxious."

His voice was very low, but Li Guangjie still heard him.

Li Guangjie has a fiery temper, and of course he couldn't help it when he heard this, and immediately widened his eyes at Zhao Dang, "Be careful what you say."

Zhao Di immediately responded, widening his eyes and staring at Li Guangjie, "Do you know how to respect seniors?"

Jin Dong didn't hear Zhao Dang's words, but when he saw Li Guangjie and Zhao Dang's conflict, he quickly came over to stop them, and said with a smile, "Several classmates, several classmates, we will all be classmates from now on, so discuss things carefully."

As soon as Li Guangjie pulled Jin Dongpa away, he was about to go up and grab Zhao Di's collar, but Zhao Da, not to be outdone, had already pushed it out with both hands.

Just when the scene was about to escalate, He Yu slammed the table and said sharply, "If you don't want to quit school, stop."

Hearing He Yu's yell, Zhao Du reacted quickly, quickly changed direction with his outstretched hands, and patted Li Guangjie's shoulder, "Little Junior Brother, I'm just kidding you, why are you so ignorant. Come on, come on." , let senior brother carry your luggage for you, in our big family of Jinyi, we must be friendly and help each other..."

Li Guangjie had never seen such a shameless person, his hands stopped in mid-air when he was going to grab Zhao Di's collar, he was at a loss what to do.

Jin Dong went over at the right time and pulled Li Guangjie away, "Thank you brother, let's take the luggage by ourselves."

"That's impossible, I said I'm going to carry your luggage for you, you can't let senior brother say that."

As he said that, Zhao Di went to grab Li Guangjie's luggage, and the two got into an argument because of the luggage.

He Yu was about to say a few more words to them, but he heard someone shouting not far away, "Senior Sister Hu Jing!"

The sound of "Senior Sister Hu Jing" immediately diverted the attractiveness of all the freshmen around, and everyone looked towards the school gate, only to see five or six well-dressed girls walking in from the outside on high heels.

In addition to Hu Jing, there are Yan Danchen, Mei Ting and others.

These girls have been a beautiful landscape of the school since their freshman year, and now as the fame of a few of them has increased, this landscape has become more and more beautiful.

Li Guangjie stared blankly at Hu Jing and the others, he forgot to use his hands, and the luggage was snatched by Zhao Di.

Zhao Di, who snatched the luggage, looked at Li Guangjie's dumbfounded face, and said with a smile: "Look at you who have never seen the world, we usually see these senior sisters every day...not to mention those senior brothers and sisters, even Teacher Yu Dong We see each other every day."

Jin Dong seemed to be more interested in Dong, he asked with a smile, "Brother, can we see Teacher Yu Dong every day at school?"

"It's not every day..."

Seeing Jin Dong with such a mature face calling himself Senior Brother, Zhao Du was really not used to it, "Ahem, anyway, I can often see him, and the first grade also has literature literacy class, and you will see Bi Fei at that time." Teacher Yu, Teacher Yu Dong, and sometimes Teacher Yu Hua and the others will also make guest appearances. Anyway, in Jinyi, it is very easy to meet writers."

After Hu Jing and the others walked over here, He Yu went through the admission procedures for Jin Dong and Li Guangjie, and then Zhao Di and Deng Wei sent them to the dormitory to collect supplies.

It can be considered that they don't know each other, and the few people quickly became acquainted.

Walking halfway, Zhao Du said with a smile, "You two juniors, let's be honest, you two seem to be mature, don't you think your living conditions are better now and you are growing fast?"

Jin Dong said with a smile, "Brother, it's not that I'm premature. I'm not young. I'm 24 this year."

Deng Wei was taken aback, "24? Three years older than me."

"Four years older than me." Zhao Da looked at Wang Yang again, "Two years older than Old Wang."

No wonder the two were surprised. Although there is no age limit for Jinyi admissions, there are generally no older freshmen in the acting major. On the one hand, older students are unwilling to take the exam, and on the other hand, it is difficult for older students to pass the exam.

Jin Dong didn't mind discussing his age. He said with a smile, "I worked for many years before I was admitted to our school. I originally wanted to take the Chinese Opera because it was close to home, but the Chinese Opera only accepts students under the age of 22. students, so I can only come to Jinyi. Of course, I didn’t say that Jinyi is not good, if my home is closer to Jinling, Jinyi will definitely be the first choice.”

Probably because he felt that what he said earlier was not very pleasing, Jin Dong finally made up for himself.

Deng Wei laughed and said, "Before you, it seems that Brother Zu Feng was the oldest student in our major."

Wang Yang nodded: "Well, brother Zu Feng should have been 23 or 22 years old when he entered school. Now it seems that you have set a record, Jin Dong, and that is the oldest freshman in our acting major."

Deng Wei laughed, and then looked at Li Guangjie next to him: "Not necessarily, maybe Guangjie is even older."

Hearing this, Li Guangjie couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "I just turned eighteen this year."


Looking at Li Guangjie's face, Deng Wei didn't believe him, but it was Li Guangjie who showed his ID card to prove his innocence.

Seeing Li Guangjie's ID card, Deng Wei couldn't help but sighed, "Jie, with your face standing next to Director Yu, we can't even tell who is the teacher, you or him."

Li Guangjie curled his lips, "Is that an exaggeration?"

Zhao Du smiled and said, "You were born in 81, and Director Yu was born in 68 years. There is a difference of 11 years in between, but you look six or seven years old, and Teacher Yu looks five or six years younger. Don't say anything else. Judging by the condition of your skin, you are definitely not as good as Teacher Yu, if Teacher Yu's face is made of tofu skin, then your face is like yuba, you understand the difference between the two."

Li Guangjie touched the acne pit on his face, and said with a smile, "The hormones were too strong before."

Deng Yu put his arms around Li Guangjie's shoulders, and comforted him: "It's okay, Jie, you still have an advantage when shooting TV with your face. advantage."

It was fine if he didn't comfort him, but it was even more uncomfortable to comfort Li Guangjie like this.


After helping Li Guangjie and the others to carry their luggage, Deng Wei and the others chatted in the dormitory for a while, and the few of them were chatting and having a good time. Zhao Du proposed to go out and find a restaurant to have a dinner at night to welcome the two juniors.

This proposal came out and was immediately passed unanimously.

When the five people got up to leave the dormitory, they met two people at the door.

Zhao Di was about to swear and swear, when he suddenly saw someone coming, he immediately called out with a cowardly expression: "Teacher Yu."

Seeing Zhao Di and the others, Yu Dong asked strangely, "Why are you here?"

Deng Wei explained with a smile: "A few of us came to help welcome the new students. Didn't we just bring Jin Dong and the others to receive supplies?"

Yu Dong smiled, and looked at Jin Dong and Li Guangjie again, "Helping new classmates is a good thing, but as a senior, you have to set a good example for your juniors. The best thing is that you can help more with your studies."

Jin Dong and Li Guangjie hadn't met the real Yu Dong yet, and Yu Dong was standing in front of them at this time, making them feel like they were dreaming, and they just stared blankly at Yu Dong, not knowing what to call someone.

They didn't call people, and Yu Dong didn't care. He introduced the person next to him: "This is Yu Bo, who is also a freshman in the acting department this year. Let's get acquainted."

"Hi, I'm Jin Dong."

"Hi, I'm Li Guangjie."

Yu Bo took the initiative to shake hands with Jin Dong and Li Guangjie, and then greeted Deng Wei and the others.

After they got to know each other, Yu Dong smiled and said to Bo: "In the future, you will live in the same dormitory with Li Guangjie and Jin Dong, and you will be a little older... Oh, Jin Dong is also from 76, right?"

Jin Dong didn't expect Yu Dong to remember his birth year, he was flattered, "Yes, Teacher Yu."

"Well, Yu Bo is also in 76. The two of you are a bit older, and you should take care of Guang Jie more often. He has just grown up."

Now it was Li Guangjie's turn to be surprised, he didn't expect Yu Dong to pay attention to him.

Deng Wei and the others are not too surprised about this, because everyone knows that Mr. Yu has a special feature, that is, he has a particularly good memory, and he seems to remember everything very clearly.

The students in their class before had not met Yu Dong twice, but Yu Dong remembered them clearly.

Compared with this matter, they were more curious about Yu Bo's origin. After all, Yu Bo was brought here by Yu Dong himself. Deng Wei and the others had never heard of such a precedent.

(End of this chapter)

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