Chapter 745 Writing Class

After leaving east, Deng Yu and the others surrounded Yu Bo and looked at Yu Bo with strange eyes.

"Your surname is Yu, so why not?" Deng Wei asked.

Yu Bo nodded blankly, "Well, what's the matter, brother?"

Deng Wei raised his eyebrows at Bo, "What is your relationship with our teacher Yu? Is he your brother?"

Yu Bo quickly waved his hands: "No, no, I have nothing to do with Teacher Yu."

Zhao Fu curled his lips to express his disbelief, "You were sent here by Teacher Yu himself. Who would be treated like this for a freshman? I haven't heard that Teacher Yu has a younger brother. Are you his cousin or something?"

"Really not." Yu Bo shook his head.

Seeing that Yu Bo didn't admit it, Deng Wei and the others didn't break the casserole to ask the end, but they all thought that Yu Bo had something to do with Yu Dong.

Not only because of the name, not only because Yu Dong personally brought Yu Bo to the dormitory, but also because Yu Bo's eyebrows and eyes are a little like Yu Dong's.

In fact, there are not many resemblances, but just a little bit of resemblance is enough to make Deng Wei and the others daydream.

Zhao Di put his arms around Yu Bo's shoulders with a smile, "Xiao Bo, before you came, we made an appointment to have dinner together, and you just happened to be with us."

Of course, Yu Bo didn't want to miss such a good opportunity to build a good relationship with his classmates. He quickly said, "I'll put my luggage down first."

"We'll help you."

Helping Yu Bo put his luggage, Zhao Du looked at the environment inside the dormitory again, and couldn't help but enviously said: "You guys are so lucky this year, all of you live in a four-person room."

Jin Yi's dormitory conditions have been improving over the past ten years, from the initial 12-person room to eight-person room, from eight-person room to six-person room, and now it has become a four-person room.

As long as the room is not smaller, the comfort of four people living in one room is far better than that of 12 people. Although there is still no independent bathroom, the new dormitory has a large balcony and a very large activity area.

"It's always better every year. Maybe the future juniors and juniors will be able to live in single rooms."

"Unless our school moves, the four-person room is the limit," Wang Yang said.

"It's meaningless to talk about it. What happens in the future has nothing to do with us. Even if the younger brothers and younger sisters live in four rooms by themselves in the future, we can't care about it." Deng Wei smiled and looked at the remaining empty bed, "The roommate doesn't care. Quantity is more about quality. It seems that the three of you are all good now, so it depends on this one. If this one is..."

Before Deng Yu finished speaking, a tall figure rushed into the dormitory from outside.

Several people turned their heads to look at the person coming, all showing a surprised expression.

Zhao Di couldn't help calling out in a low voice: "Foreigner!"

That's right, the visitor was a foreigner, with blond hair and blue eyes, one head taller than Yu Bo and Jin Dong.

The foreigner was carrying a black backpack, dragged a suitcase in his left hand, and held a piece of paper in his right hand. He looked like a freshman entering school.

Seeing that Zhao Di and the others were surprised, the foreigner laughed, showing two dimples, and said in quite standard Mandarin, "Hi, I'm Bi Donghua."

This name startled Deng Wei and others.

"What, what's your name?" Li Guangjie exaggeratedly exclaimed, "Which country are you from?"

Bi Donghua smiled and said, "I'm from America."

Deng Wei and the others looked at each other, and Wang Yang asked, "Are you a freshman in the acting department?"

"Of course, and I live here, the note given to me by the counselor, 302, I compared it carefully, and there should be no mistake."

Li Guangjie and the other three freshmen looked at Bi Donghua with some resistance. Although they did not discriminate against Americans, they always felt a little uncomfortable when they thought of living in the same room with an American.

There will be no problem in communication. This Bi Donghua's Chinese level is quite high, at least his spoken language is very good.

Deng Yu and the others were more curious about Bi Donghua, after all, their acting department had never accepted foreign students before.

Jinyi has always had regulations for recruiting foreign students. Over the past few years, foreign students have been taking the exam at Jinyi, but Jinyi has not confiscated any of them. I don’t know why it will accept it this year.

And I heard from Bi Donghua that he is not the only foreign student accepted by Jinyi this year, there is also a girl from the UK who went to the welcome booth with him just now.

"Is it beautiful, is it beautiful?" Zhao Du asked hurriedly.

Bi Donghua smiled and said, "I think it's not bad. Of course, our aesthetics may not be the same."

Deng Di asked, "Do you know Xiaowanzi?"

"Well, of course I know, I still have the pendant of the little play." Bi Donghua took out a Motorola mobile phone from his pocket, and there was a small play pendant that came with the phone.

"Then do you think Xiaowanzi looks good?"

"Of course." Bi Donghua nodded, "Toys are also very popular in the United States."

Deng Wei smiled, "Then there is no difference in our aesthetics. We all think that Senior Sister Hu Jing is beautiful. By the way, Bi Donghua... why is it so strange to call you this name? Who gave you your name? of?"

"I came up with this name myself. In fact, I have been learning Chinese for about six or seven years. When I first started learning Chinese, my Chinese teacher gave me a Chinese name called Tang Long. Later, after learning Chinese for a few years, I changed my name again, because I like "The Martian", so I gave myself this name." Bi Donghua explained the origin of his Chinese name with a smile.

"Then do you know the origin of the name Bi Donghua?" Deng Wei asked again.

"Of course I know, don't underestimate me. Bi Donghua is the fusion of the names of Bi Feiyu, Yu Dong, and Yu Hua."

Zhao Di rolled his eyes, "Then you still dare to take this name."

Bi Donghua laughed: "What is this? In Chinese schools in the United States, you can often see Chinese names like Li Bai and Bai Juyi. My Bi Donghua is already very low-key. I have a classmate whose Chinese name is Ying Zheng."

Deng Yu couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "It's awesome."

Bi Donghua said solemnly: "Well, yes, there are also people called this."


When Deng Yu and the others took a few freshmen out to play, Yu Dong was holding their first meeting after the official establishment of the writing center in Room [-], the exclusive conference room of the writing center in the complex building.

After three requests and three resignations, Yu Dong finally couldn't stand Wu Changxin's soft and hard ideas, and agreed to take the post of director of the writing center.

After the establishment of the writing center, in addition to the original writers in residence, Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu, and Hu Changqing also entered it. In addition, the school also invited Gu Qian and Han Dong, and the total number of members is almost two. counted.

Yu Dong also invited Su Tong, but Su Tong couldn't come because of the work of the magazine.

Because it was the first meeting, everyone was very serious.

Yu Dong sat in the first place, looked at the writers in front of him, and said with a smile, "After the establishment of the writing center, it is fundamentally different from the previous writer-in-residence system. The biggest difference is that the burden on you has become heavier. .Our tasks include the following categories, academic research, literary creation, launching or participating in domestic and foreign literary exchange activities, training young writers..."

Yu Hua raised her hand and said, "Director Yu, I probably won't be needed for this academic research."

Yu Dong glanced at Yu Hua, "It depends on your personal wishes. If you want to devote yourself to academic research, the center will naturally welcome you."

Yu Hua waved his hands repeatedly, "Let me do something else."

Like Yu Hua, Yu Dongbai continued, "After October, the center will open a 'writing class'. The first writing class will last for half a year, and students will be recruited from various universities in Jinling. The follow-up depends on the results of the first phase. If the results are not bad, expand the scope of enrollment and extend the opening hours."

Han Dong frowned and said, "I think the proposal of the writing class is not bad, but isn't six months a bit short? What effect can we see in this amount of time?"

Yu Hua said with a smile: "If it is done well, we will definitely see the effect in six months. When we were in Lu Xun College of Literature, everyone could feel the change after half a month. Writing is something, although it is very difficult. You need to read a lot, but sometimes you also pay attention to an epiphany. Maybe after staying with mature writers for a long time, you will encounter this opportunity for epiphany.”

In fact, Yu Hua said it more modestly. It should be said that close contact with the master is of great benefit to those new writers or literature lovers.

Han Dong said again: "Then how should this effect be quantified? It can't be all based on feeling, right? Or do we have to take an exam on these students and give them a score? Or see if they have published works during this period, How many points are included in "Zhongshan" and "Harvest", and how many points are included in "Yanjing Literature" and "Flower City"?"

"This thing can't be quantified, we just rely on our feelings." Yu Dong took out a form and handed it to Bi Feiyu next to him, "Please pass this form on, it is the next plan of our center, the writing I mentioned just now The class is in it. Whether the writing class is effective or not, after the end of the first period, a meeting will be held, and everyone will discuss and make a decision. The first period of the writing class accepts a total of 26 people, and everyone here has one Nomination quota, as long as it is a student you recommend, the center will accept it except for special circumstances. And the students you recommend may not be college students in Jinling City, or even students."

"Need to push one?" Gu Qian asked while holding the form.

"Of course not, this quota is for you, you can use it or not. This quota is for the first period, and it is not certain whether you will be given the quota later." Yu Dong took out another piece of paper and continued, " The writing class lasts for six months, during which Deep Space Corporation and Jinyi will provide them with free board and lodging, and will also give them a small amount of subsidies, and the time is basically different from the normal college students’ class time.”

"Is their study place also in Jinyi?"

"The teaching place is divided into two places, one is the Jinyi complex where we are now, and the other is the literature hall in the park of Deep Space. Deep Space Company will open up a dedicated space in the literature hall for writing classes. "

"That's pretty good." Bi Feiyu nodded and said with a smile, "If this was more than ten years ago, I would have wanted to come and see it. The conditions are better than the Lu Xun Academy of Arts back then."

"Well, in terms of hardware alone, it must be better than ours. As for the faculty..." Yu Hua looked around and said, "We're actually not bad."

In terms of qualifications, people from the Jinyi Writing Center are definitely not comparable to those teachers of Yu Hua and the others back then, even Wang Zengqi and the others combined.

But in terms of overall strength, it is actually not worse than before.

Gu Qian scratched his head, "I also think this writing class is pretty good, but I really can't think of who to recommend. You know, apart from you, I don't know many people in the literary circle."

Hearing Gu Qian's words, everyone nodded secretly.

Gu Qian is indeed a fringe figure in the literary circle. He rarely attends literary activities, and there are not many people who are engaged in literature among the people he usually associates with.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "If you keep this quota, you will definitely need it."

Gu Qian didn't take it seriously and said: "I don't think it will be needed."

Yu Dong didn't say anything more, just smiled, and then told them about the writing center's plan for the next six months.

In addition to the writing class, the most important thing in the plan is three literary activities, including two domestic ones and one international one.

Yu Dong held the meeting very quickly, and he also knew that it was impossible to implement everything in the first meeting, so he dismissed the meeting after notifying everything that should be notified.

After the meeting was over, Yu Dong asked someone to notify the official opening of the Jinyi Writing Center on Deep Space Online, and at the same time announced the specific information about the enrollment of the first "Writing Class".

When Chen Mobai saw the post, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening. After graduation, he found a job in a state-run bookstore. He thought it would be nice to be accompanied by the fragrance of books every day, but in fact this job was surprisingly boring. And there is no way to settle down and read a book.

Every day I hang around in the unit until I get off work, and I only come back to life at night.

Normally, after dinner, he would surf the Internet for about two hours, read books for two or three hours, and then go to bed.

"Golden Arts Writing Center officially opened today..."

Looking at the title of the official post, Chen Mobai regained his spirits and continued to read.

It turned out that Jinyi opened a writing center, and now it is about to enroll students.

The conditions of the writing class were very good. Chen Mobai became more and more excited when he watched it, but he suddenly faltered after seeing it, because the announcement said that the writing class only recruited college students from Jinling City.

Not only is Chen Mobai not from Jinling, he has also graduated from university and has become a social person.


Chen Mobai sighed for a long time, turned to the bottom again, and looked at the comments of netizens.

[Da Vinci's Lockbox: The director of the writing center is Yu Dong. If I hadn't graduated, I would also like to go. 】

[Zhou Youlie County: Why, why didn't it start last year, I have already graduated this year. 】

[Signal light: Does it have to be a student? 】

[Searcher: Not necessarily, but non-Jinling City college students need to be recommended by members of the writing center, theoretically there are nine places. 】

[Put the pot under the sun: Isn't this more difficult?Which of the members is a character we can get? 】

【Jin Mailang: Who is this Gu Qian? Why haven't I heard of it before? 】

[Boss Hongsheng: A very small writer, I have known Mr. Yu Dong and the others for a long time, and he showed up at the annual meeting before. 】

[Wind over chicken feathers: I know this Gu Qian, he lives here. 】

[The sun is under the pot: true or false, can you recommend it for me. 】

[Qian Kelong: Yes, I want to see it too. 】

(End of this chapter)

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