Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 746 1 piece of rough jade

Chapter 746 A Piece of Uncut Jade
Most of the netizens said that they wanted to know about the situation of the writing class, but in fact they just wanted to join in the fun, and they didn't really want to go.

Although the writing class conditions are good, it is not suitable for most people.

Not to mention the students who are in school, only the students in Jinling have this condition.As for those who are already working, it is almost impossible for them to spare six months for off-the-job study.

However, Chen Mobai is interested. He is very dissatisfied with his current life. If he can enter the writing class, he can quit his job at any time and go to the past.

According to the normal enrollment conditions, he is definitely not in the scope, but there is another village, and now he has a glimmer of hope.

As long as he can get a recommendation from a member of the Jinyi Writing Center, he can enter the writing class. Although it is not easy to get recommendations from these members, at least Chen Mobai has a direction to work hard.

Afterwards, Chen Mobai frantically began to write letters. He wrote a letter to all members of the Jinyi Writing Center. Even the doorman wrote.

If the name can be found, write the name on the letter, and if the name cannot be found, write the title directly.

He knew that it was not good for him to spread the net like this, but there was nothing he could do.

In addition to writing letters, he also left messages on the Internet. He left his footprints on Jinyi's official website, Deep Space official website, and the account posts of several members who were exposed.

After the announcement of the recruitment of students in the writing class came out, it attracted the attention of many people. Although there were not many people as crazy as Chen Mobai, many people had the idea of ​​recommending places for members of the writing center.

Yu Hua received a call that night.

The first call was from an old friend of their county cultural center, saying that they hoped that Yu Hua would consider recommending a place to their county cultural center.

Just as the county cultural center hung up, the Jiaxing Federation of Literary and Art Circles called again.

Both the County Cultural Center and the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles were Yu Hua's old units, so it was not good to refuse directly.

Of course, after receiving these two phone calls, Yu Hua also understood that there must be other units or people coming to him later.

For these units, the writing class held by Jinyi Writing Center is very attractive, and it is a perfect gold-plating opportunity.

Whether it is the county cultural center, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, or the Writers Association of various places, there are all kinds of newcomer writers, and these writers especially need such opportunities.

Of course, Yu Hua was not the only one who received the call. Other members of the writing center also received calls from various parties.

Even Gu Qian, a fringe figure in the literary circle, was found and connected to a few phone calls.

After dealing with several units, Gu Qian couldn't help sighing. From the beginning of writing to now, it was the first time he felt so close to the literary circle, and all this was because he held a place in the writing class .

He suddenly remembered Yu Dong's meaningful smile during the meeting. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but now he probably understands the meaning of Yu Dong's sentence "it must be useful".

After thinking about it for a while, Gu Qian called Yu Dong.

Yu Dong was not surprised at all when he received the call, and said with a smile, "Someone asked you for a quota, right? Have you decided who to give it to?"

"It's not good for anyone." Gu Qian muttered in a low voice.

"If you think it's not good to give to anyone, don't give it to anyone. Anyway, the right to dispose of the quota is in your hands. When the writing center was established, I told you that none of you can choose someone." Yu Dong said. He blocked everything Gu Qian wanted to say in his throat.

Gu Qian wanted to tell Yu Dong to take back the quota, and don't let him deal with it anymore. He didn't want to please anyone, and he didn't want to offend anyone.

But the reason why Yu Dong gave each of them one place was because he wanted to tell them that after the establishment of the writing center, they all had responsibilities on their shoulders.

If everyone wants to pick someone up and not offend anyone, how will the writing center develop in the future?

Especially Gu Qian, this guy has a loose temperament. To put it bluntly, he advocates freedom and is happy with the situation, but to put it bluntly, he is lazy.

Yu Dong wanted to cure their laziness.

The other end of the phone didn't speak for a long time, and Yu Dong said again: "You like drinking and playing cards. If anyone wants a place, why not let them play cards and drink with you. If you have fun, give the place to the other party."

"This...not so good, I like to drink and play cards, and I can't joke about the quota. Forget it, let me think about it."

After Gu Qian finished speaking, he hung up the phone, Yu Dong looked at the microphone with a blind tone, smiled and shook his head, "This is Gu Qian."

Yu Hua sat across from him, and said with a smile, "You're talking about playing cards and drinking, so he's not happy. This old Gu still needs to show some face."

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, not like you."

Yu Hua didn't retort, "If Lao Gu doesn't want a quota, why not give it to me, and I'll handle it for him. It just happens to be one for the County Cultural Center and the Jiaxing Federation of Literary and Art Circles."

"If you want it, go tell Lao Gu yourself."

Yu Hua shook her head, "Forget it, why don't you give me your spot."

Yu Dong also shook his head, "I've already been selected for my spot."

"Someone chose?" Yu Hua raised her eyebrows, "Could it be for that kid Xu Zechen? He's your student, so he still has to go to the writer's class? It's not good to eat small stoves every day, so you have to let him go to the cafeteria?"

"He also wants to go. In addition to being able to contact us in the writing class, he can also get in touch with some young writers or writing enthusiasts. This is a good thing for him. But he can't use my quota. Just use the formal recruitment channels to come in, he still has this ability."

Yu Hua nodded in agreement, "That's true. If he applies for the writing class, he will definitely get in. Then who are you going to give this spot to? Do I know him?"

"Maybe you know it, or you don't know it."

"Say a nonsense."

Yu Dong smiled, and asked again: "Who is your quota going to, the Federation of Literary and Art Circles or the Cultural Center?"

"It doesn't have to be given to the two of them. Isn't there still more than a month to go? Let's see when the time comes. Whoever really needs this quota, I will give it to whoever."

"You're pretty centered."

"It's not all about the center, it's also about myself. After all, I recommend the person. If I perform well in the future, I will be proud of myself. If I don't perform well, I will also lose face."

Yu Dong laughed and said, "It seems that I blamed you wrongly, you still have to face."



Since the news of the writing class was announced, Chen Mobai has been writing letters and posting comments on the Internet every day, but it has no effect at all. Instead, it has attracted a lot of criticism. Most people are not very optimistic about him, because they don't think writing You can win a spot for yourself by writing a letter or shouting on the Internet.

Although Chen Mobai has been in the literature section of the website, he has published relatively few works, and the related posts are all essays or short essays. The writing is not bad, but it doesn't make people's eyes shine.

Netizens all believe that to be able to get a recommended spot, one must either have connections and be able to contact those members of the writing center, or have works of their own and impress these members with their works.

The old friends who played with Chen Mobai in the early days were all comforting him.

[Princess Yuezhi: Mo Bai, it's okay, you've tried your best, at least you've done what I dare not do. 】

[Flying to Big Clumsy Bear: Indeed, I don't even have the courage to sign up, but I still admire you. 】

[Jin Kefan: I heard that there will be a lecture at the back of their writing center, which is open to the public, and we can go to see it together. 】

[Flying to the big stupid bear: Mmm. 】

[Liu Jinfa: Yu Da doesn't seem to have been online recently, otherwise he would definitely notice your post. 】

【Jin Kefan: Yes, we were all in a group before. 】

Seeing the comfort of these old friends, Chen Mobai in front of the computer smiled.

In fact, he wasn't very discouraged. He didn't have much hope for this matter. Since he didn't have much hope before, he wouldn't be too disappointed if he didn't respond now.

Princess Yueshi was right, he tried his best, no regrets, everything is fine.

Sighing deeply, Chen Mobai was about to say good night to his friends, and then turn off the computer to sleep, but a reply popped up in the post, and seeing the nickname of the person who replied, Chen Mobai's eyes widened.

【Dong Yudao: It's so late, don't sleep yet. 】

Before Chen Mobai could react, there were several more replies below.

[Princess Yueshi: Is this the real boss coming? 】

[Liu Jinfa: I'll go. Fortunately, I swiped the page before turning off the computer. 】

[Flying Big Clumsy Bear: I thought Yu Da's vest would be abandoned after it was exposed, but I didn't expect it to be online again. 】


[Dong Yudao: I've been there all the time. I often dive to watch you chatting, but I don't show my face. I know all the bad things you say about me. 】

[Flying Big Stupid Bear: Don't worry Yu Da, I will never speak ill of you, and neither will they. 】

[Spoon 8321: Haha, I’ve been diving too, and I’ve proven that none of them said anything bad about you. 】

[Ma Kai: Good evening, Mr. Yu, it turns out that there are so many people diving in the posts like me. 】

[Dark Fragrance Floating: Haha, I'm also a submarine. 】


Looking at the new replies that kept popping up, Chen Mobai was dumbfounded. He didn't expect that there were so many people diving in the posts. As soon as Teacher Yu Dong showed up, they followed suit.

Of course, in addition to those who originally dived, some people were called over.

It was a rare event for Yu Dong to show up, and many people shared it with their friends as soon as they saw it.

Most of the netizens who hang out on Deep Space Net have Dongdong and Dongdong groups. They threw the news of Yu Dong's exposure into the Dongdong group, and quickly attracted a large number of people to watch the post.

Once there are too many people, the replies in the post will be dense. Every time Chen Mobai refreshes, there will be a bunch of new replies. He has to slowly scroll up to find Yu Dong's replies.

The new netizen also looked confused, only seeing the replies that kept refreshing, and it took a long time to find out where Yu Dong's reply was.

As for the central figure in this incident, Yu Dong himself felt a headache when he saw the constantly refreshing replies.

He expected that his appearance would attract the attention of some netizens, but he didn't expect such a fast speed and such a strong response.

Well now, among the dense replies, he could no longer find the replies from the old members of the "Hunting Yudong Group".

He wanted to put Chen Mobai's matter aside, and interact with other netizens first, so that they would not miss out when they heard the news, but the speed at which the replies came out also left him no room to insert.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong could only choose to only look at the poster, and the whole post became much cleaner in an instant, leaving only Chen Mobai's reply.

Yu Dong clicked on Chen Mobai's profile picture, and sent a private message to Chen Mobai.

【Dong Yudao: Mo Bai, where are you? 】

Chen Mobai was trying to find Yu Dong's reply, when suddenly a private message came, and he quickly opened it.

It turned out to be from Teacher Yu.

Where am I?What's the meaning?
I'm at home?
Chen Mobai shook his head, Teacher Yu definitely didn't want this answer.

[Chen Mobai: I'm in Jiuzi. 】

【Dong Yudao: Oh, it's not far from Jinling. If you have time to come to Jinling this weekend, let's talk about your entry into the writing class. 】

Seeing the content of the private message, Chen Mobai felt like he was dreaming.

For the first time in his life, Chen Mobai felt the feeling of a pie falling from the sky. He was a little dazed by the pie, and he didn't know how to reply to Yu Dong's private message.

After deliberating for a long while, Chen Mobai carefully tapped the keyboard.

[Chen Mobai: Teacher Yu, can I really enter? 】

[Dong Yudao: Whether you can enter or not, we can only confirm when we meet. I have read your articles and some literary reviews. You are talented. 】

Talent... Chen Mobai himself can't believe that he has talent.

He loves literature and writing, but he doesn't feel that he has much talent in literature. If his articles can gain some recognition, it is because of his hard work.

But when Yu Dong said that he was talented, for some reason, he suddenly felt that there was something more in him, as if something really talented was sprouting in his body.

If Yu Dong knew how Chen Mobai was feeling at this time, he would definitely laugh. He didn't fool Chen Mobai or simply to encourage Chen Mobai, but he really thought that Chen Mobai was talented.

First of all, Chen Mobai's reading volume is large enough, which is the foundation of a writer.

Secondly, although Chen Mobai's writing is not mature enough, there are some places with great ideas, but even Chen Mobai himself does not know the personalized content reflected in his articles, let alone highlight and carry forward.

The current Chen Mobai is just a piece of rough jade with a slightly vague shape, as long as the outer layer of impurities is removed, it can be made into a tool.

And people like Chen Mobai are exactly the students that the writing class needs.




ps: It’s been a long time since I asked for a monthly ticket. I set a monthly ticket goal at the end of this month, and there are still two or three hundred tickets left, which is a big chapter for adding more.Now is the double period, and more than 100 votes are needed.grateful

(End of this chapter)

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