Chapter 747 Jennifer
After chatting private messages with Yu Dong, Chen Mobai stared at the computer screen for at least 5 minutes.

He pinched his arm.

It hurts, but even if it hurts, Chen Mobai can't be sure that he is not dreaming. Who said that dreams can't hurt?

It was still the thumping notification sound that brought his thoughts back to reality.

He clicked on the button, and it turned out that it was a message from the team leader Jin Kefan.

[Jin Kefan: Chen Mobai, your posts have exploded, why don't you show up? 】

[Chen Mobai: ... Teacher Yu had a private chat with me just now. 】

[Jin Kefan: Ha, I guessed that Teacher Yu had a private chat with you. What did he ask you for? Did he tell you about the writing class? 】

[Chen Mobai: Yes. 】

[Jin Kefan: You guy, can you stop talking like squeezing toothpaste, squeeze out little by little, can you talk more at once, and tell me what Teacher Yu told you. 】

[Chen Mobai: He said that he would let me have time to go to Jinyi on weekends and talk face to face before deciding whether to let me enter the writing class. 】

[Jin Kefan: Really? 】

[Chen Mobai: Really. 】

【Jin Kefan: It is basically stable. This is good news. Let me share it with you. 】

[Chen Mobai: Team leader, don't, it's not decided yet, wait until it's settled. 】

【Jin Kefan: That's fine. I'll talk about it after you've settled down. Tsk tsk, you kid can do it. After this writing class, you might become a great writer.Gou Fugui, don't forget each other. 】

[Chen Mobai: I'm content if I can get in. I don't even dare to think about being a writer or not. 】

[Jin Kefan: You can pull it off, if you really don't think about it, can you drill in with all your heart? 】

[Chen Mobai: Hehe, team leader, don't be so blunt...]

[Jin Kefan: Let’s not talk about it yet, when you come to Jinling on weekends, Daxiong and I will treat you to dinner, let’s talk face to face. 】

[Chen Mobai: Good. 】


Yu Dong wrote the 89-page "Source Code" script in only one week, and then the company's translation team translated it into English after a week, and finally sent it to Jimmy's office on the table.

Looking at the bilingual script in front of him, Jimmy couldn't help feeling emotional. Sure enough, Yu Dong was the most efficient.

Before getting the script, Jimmy had already talked with Yu Dong about the script, and he didn't say much when he learned that Yu Dong appointed Gu Tianle to play the leading role.

Although Jimmy believes that inviting a Chinese to play the male lead will have a certain impact on the movie's box office, he has long been prepared for this situation.

Jimmy followed Yu Dong all the way, and he understood what Yu Dong was thinking. If Yu Dong hadn't been worried that he couldn't take too many steps, this movie would probably be all Chinese.

After chatting, Jimmy also specially researched the actor Gu Tianle.

I have to say that Gu Tianle's appearance is still very good. Although he is Chinese, his facial contours are majestic, and he belongs to the type that is expected to kill.

And Jimmy has always believed that the audience's aesthetics are cultivated.

Looking at the aesthetic trends in recent years, we can find that the aesthetics of audiences all over the world are being guided.

But in order to guarantee the box office of the movie, Jimmy is going to make calculations on the heroine.

It took Jimmy two hours to browse through the script, and he had a general idea of ​​what kind of story "Source Code" was about.

"It still has to be you, Dong."

After reading the script, Jimmy was in a very good mood, because he knew that they were going to release another good movie in deep space.

As for the heroine...

Jimmy pondered, tapped the table with his fingers, and countless actresses passed through his mind.

Finally, Jimmy locked four candidates, namely Sandra Bullock, Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Aniston and Nicole Kidman.

Among the four, Angelina Jolie is the youngest, only 24 years old this year.Although she is young, she doesn't have many works yet, but Jimmy is more optimistic about her future.

As for the other three, needless to say, Jennifer Aniston has gained a large number of audiences around the world because of "Friends". Can make a big contribution to the box office.

The point is that the heroine in "Source Code" has a lot of roles, but the requirements are not high.

In the whole movie, the heroine's scenes definitely crush the heroine's role in most other movies, but the requirements for the heroine are not high, because many scenes of the heroine are repeated, and the things that need to be expressed are also repeated.

For such a role, when casting, of course, more considerations are the actor's box office appeal and her fit with the male lead.

Sandra Bullock is the oldest of the four, and she is not a standard beauty in terms of appearance, but Sandra has a special charm, and she has great strength and box office appeal. The advantages.

As for Nicole Kidman, there is nothing to pick from in every respect.

After deciding on these four candidates, Jimmy asked someone to contact them.

However, the result of the contact was not ideal. Nicole Kidman is very interested in deep space movies, but her schedule has been full in the past two years, and basically there is no way to spare time to make other movies. It takes two years to find her to play the leading role.And it is obviously impossible for Deep Space Corporation to postpone "Source Code" for two years for her.

Sandra Bullock's situation is similar. She has taken on five or six films in the past two years, and the schedule is also very tight.

Angelina Jolie was very interested at first, but when she heard that the actor was Chinese, she declined, but she didn't say it was because of the actor, she only said that her schedule was not good enough.

After a lap, only Jennifer Aniston was both interested and scheduled.

Seeing this situation, Jimmy decided to think it over again. After all, if there is only one candidate, they are too passive.

What Jimmy thought was to find a few more candidates, and ask them to audition together later. After all, there is still a problem involved, that is, the heroine should match the hero Gu Tianle.

But what Jimmy never expected was that after only two days, Jennifer Aniston's agent took the initiative to call Deep Space Company.

Jimmy was looking at the statistics report of the Deep Space Tribe for the previous week when he received a call from Kevin Hoven.

Kevin Hoven is a partner at Creative Artists Agency, but he's one of those independent agents.

He has many artists under him, and has always had business dealings with Deep Space. This time Jimmy decided on four heroine candidates, two of which are under Kevin Hoving, namely Nicole Kidman and Jan Nefer Aniston.

So when he received a call from Kevin Hoven, Jimmy couldn't guess what Kevin Hoven's intention was.

"Kevin, you are such a busy person, why do you have time to call me?" Jimmy said with a smile.

Kevin Hoven smiled and said, "You asked about the actor here, why didn't you reply?"

"It's not that I haven't replied, it's that this matter has to be put on hold for the time being. You know the situation. Most of the actresses I selected can't come." Because he has worked with Kevin Hoven for a long time, Jimmy also I didn't go around with him, "Let's wait a while, I'll take a look at it later."

"Howard, what you said is wrong, isn't Jennifer interested in your movie? You took the initiative to contact her before, didn't you think of letting her act in the first place?"

Jimmy raised his eyebrows. Although Kevin Hoving's tone was a bit complaining, he could tell that Jennifer was very interested in the movie.

In fact, after Kevin Hoven mentioned this matter, Jimmy realized that they wanted to come to participate in the show, otherwise, Kevin Hoven would not have made this call at all.

"Jennifer is of course good, she is now the dream girl of all American men, but Jennifer's salary is not cheap now."

"Nor Nicole or Sandra Bullock."

"But after all, Jennifer's big screen experience is not as good as Nicole Kidman and Sandara Bullock."

Kevin Howen pondered for a while, and said, "Jennifer is a loyal fan of YU, and she is very interested in YU's script...Of course, there is no one in Hollywood who is not interested in YU's script, she wants to read it Script, this should be fine, right?"

"No problem, follow the formal process. I'll have someone deliver the script to Aniston tomorrow." Jimmy said very simply, "After you read the script, let's talk about the rest of the matter."

"You seem to have a lot of confidence in the script."

"Is that weird?" Jimmy laughed.

Kevin Howen couldn't help but nodded, "That's right, there's no way you don't have confidence in YU's script. That's fine, I'll go through the process with you now... how about this, I'll take Jennifer to your company today, After going through the process, read the script."

Jimmy raised his eyebrows and said, "Of course there is no problem. You are welcome to come over anytime."

"Okay, contact me in half an hour."


After hanging up the phone, Jimmy showed a smile, and Kevin Hoven's eagerness was a bit beyond his expectation.

But thinking about it now, Kevin Hoven's eagerness can be traced.

Jennifer Aniston became famous because of "Friends", and has participated in several movies in recent years, but the response was mediocre.

Especially the movie "A Worm at Work" released in February this year. This is a movie with a production cost of 1000 million U.S. dollars, but in the end it only won a box office of [-] million U.S. dollars. In terms of box office alone, it can be said that Failed terribly.

As a result, both Jennifer Aniston and her agent Kevin Howen are a little anxious.

Of course, Jennifer Aniston can rely on "Friends" to keep living on his laurels, and he will make a lot of money in the future anyway, but their goal is more than that.

Kevin Hoven has been looking for opportunities for Jennifer Aniston to create more impressive characters, so that he doesn't have to rely too much on "Friends", and he doesn't have to be afraid of being backlashed by "Friends" in the future.

As a top agent, Kevin Hoven knows that a series of movies or TV series is a double-edged sword for actors.

But at this time, Deep Space suddenly threw an olive branch, and it was still YU's script. Neither Jennifer Aniston nor Kevin Howen wanted to miss this opportunity.

Therefore, when there was no reply from Deep Space, Kevin Hoven took the initiative to call.

For Jimmy, if Jennifer Aniston is more compatible with Gu Tianlei, this is a good opportunity. Many actors under Kevin Hoven have not yet opened the official Deep Space Tribe.

And under such circumstances, Jennifer Aniston's salary can definitely be lowered a bit.


That afternoon, Kevin Hoving took Jennifer Aniston to Deep Space Corporation.

After signing the non-disclosure agreement, Jennifer Aniston and the others got the script of "Source Code".

When receiving the script, Jennifer Aniston took a deep breath, looking very serious.

Kevin Howen told Jimmy on the phone in the morning that Jennifer was a fan of Yu Dong's books. This was not a polite remark. Jennifer had indeed read no less than Dong's novels and collected Yu Dong's autographed books.

Before coming here, Jennifer had heard that the script of this movie was an original script, not an adaptation of a previous novel. That is to say, the story she saw next had not been seen by the public. It feels wonderful.

Jimmy glanced at Jennifer, then at Kevin Hoven, "Do you want to read the script?"

Kevin Hoven shook his head, "No, as long as Jennifer likes it."

Jimmy nodded and pointed to the other side, "Let's go over there and chat while drinking tea."

"it is good."


Jennifer read the script very seriously. Jimmy only spent two hours reading the script, while Jennifer spent more than four hours watching it from two o'clock to six fifteen in the evening.

After she finished reading, she looked up and found that Jimmy and Kevin Hoven were looking at her with smiles.

Jimmy said with a smile: "Well, I have to treat you to dinner tonight."

Kevin Hoven raised his hand, "Don't worry, listen to what Jennifer has to say."

Jennifer looked at the script in his hand, and then said, "This script is very... very good."

She wanted to say it was very good, but before she came, Kevin Howen told her not to be too excited, otherwise it would be difficult to negotiate later.

But how can her thoughts escape Jimmy's eyes, Jimmy basically has them determined.

Jimmy didn't rush to talk about the script, but instead talked about the investment in the movie, "Compared with other sci-fi movies, the scenes of "Source Code" are relatively ordinary, but our company's investment in this movie is not small at all."

"How many?" Kevin Hoven asked, he was more concerned about this.

Jimmy held out three fingers, "About 3000 million dollars."

Kevin Howen raised his eyebrows. He hadn't read the script, so he didn't know how big or small the complaint was. He could only turn his attention to Jennifer.

Jennifer nodded towards Kevin Hoving, who immediately understood that this investment is very considerable.

(End of this chapter)

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