Chapter 748

Even if the remuneration of the actors is pure remuneration, it is definitely a lot to invest 3000 million US dollars in the filming of "Source Code", after all, this movie does not use many actors.

Deep Space wants to support Gu Tianle, but this is Gu Tianle's first film in Hollywood, so it is definitely impossible to give him too high a salary.

As for Jennifer, Jimmy is confident that he can keep the pay down.

Kevin Hoven thought for a while, then asked again: "Who are you going to entrust the movie to shoot this time?"

Jimmy shook his head, "It hasn't been decided yet."

Kevin Hoven blinked, a little disappointed. If Jimmy could invite a big director to shoot, he would now make up his mind to win the role of the heroine to Jennifer.Different directors may have different results.

Probably to see what Kevin Hoven was thinking, Jimmy smiled and said, "Kevin, what I want to tell you is that you are here today just to read the script. As for the specific cooperation matters, we can't decide. If Jennifer Decided to play the female lead, I will find time to arrange an audition, Jennifer needs to act opposite the male lead."

"Is it time to audition when the director has not been decided yet?"

"Don't worry, as long as it's decided, it won't be affected by whoever the director is."

Kevin Hoven nodded to express his understanding: "I understand, how about it, you can arrange an audition for us first, and we will talk about the rest later."

"No problem." Jimmy smiled.

In fact, Kevin Hoven also wants to see the audition situation. After all, the actor is a Chinese, and they don’t even know the actor’s appearance. If the actor is bad, or Jennifer and this actor If acting is not suitable at all, then they will definitely hesitate.


Jimmy invited Kevin Hoven and Jennifer Aniston to have dinner, and contacted Yu Dong after the end.

On the phone, Jimmy told Yu Dong about the casting in recent days.

After listening, Yu Dong pondered: "As far as I know, Jennifer is America's sweetheart, very popular with male audiences, and she has an official partner in Friends, now let her and Gu Tianle play the hero and heroine, will it be okay? Arouse the dissatisfaction of her fans?"

Jimmy laughed and said: "I didn't expect you to pay attention to American sweethearts. As for whether Gu Tianleo and her acting as the heroine and heroine will cause some people's dissatisfaction, that's for sure. But what does it matter? No matter how dissatisfied they are , will also buy tickets to go to the cinema to buy tickets to watch movies, and will help us promote the movie for free. Since you want to praise Gu Tianlei, you can't worry that he will be under pressure."

"That's right. I'm thinking too much. You can discuss this matter. I don't have any requirements for casting."

In fact, among the four candidates listed by Jimmy, Yu Dong's favorite is Sandra Bullock, but there is nothing he can do if he doesn't have a schedule.

As for Angelina Jolie, even if she agreed, Yu Dong probably wouldn't choose her. Her image is not suitable for "Source Code".

"Let Gu Tianle and Jennifer try it out first, and see how it works. In addition, the investment in this movie may not be as good as our other previous projects."

Yu Dong nodded, "I'm mentally prepared for this. It's okay. Even if we can't get investment, let's pay more money ourselves. Didn't we get a lot of money from Amazon? There should be plenty in the account."

"It is still very ample for the time being, but our company has invested too much money in the past two years, and the risk is still quite high. But it is precisely because our company has spent too much money in the past two years, so cashing out from the stock market did not cause too much trouble. Great response, they all think we are really short of money.”

In fact, deep space is really short of money at this point.

This is the disadvantage of not being listed, and it is easy to lack money.

But even if there is a lack of money, Yu Dong and Jimmy are not worried, because the company has too many guarantees in the future.

Among other things, if there are any special circumstances in the future, Yu Dong's personal account also has a lot of money, which is definitely enough for the company's emergency.

Over the years, the company's stall has continued to grow, and the cash in the account has remained constant, neither too much nor too little.

However, the money in Yu Dong's personal account is increasing every year. After so many years, even if it is not as much as reported in the news, it is basically the same.

Jimmy is staring at Yu Dong's account every day, thinking about spending the money.

The two invested in Yunfan shoes together, but they didn't spend much, and the money in Yu Dong's account was not much less.

Some time ago, Jimmy has been researching the LCD industry.

After a long period of research, Jimmy came to a conclusion that the LCD industry is very good and certainly has unlimited prospects in the future, but it is not suitable for them to invest.

The assets of the liquid crystal display industry are too heavy, which will take up too much capital of Deep Space Company, with high risks and low profits.

So Jimmy finally decided to give up the LCD industry.

Yu Dong knew this too.

Yu Dong is more optimistic about the LCD display industry than Jimmy, but Yu Dong doesn't understand technology, so he has no advantage in entering this industry, and he is likely to fall into it.

If the money in Shen Kong’s hands is too much to spend, Yu Dong doesn’t mind spending some money on it. Even if he can’t make money, it can boost the domestic technology industry and at least provide employment for the Chinese people.

After giving up the LCD screen, Jimmy took a fancy to the mobile phone industry.

In fact, even if Deep Space was involved in the mobile phone industry before, it not only had a strategic partnership with Motorola, but also held a little bit of shares in Motorola and Apple.

However, starting in July this year, Deep Space Corporation began to gradually sell off the shares of these two companies, and now Deep Space Corporation no longer has their shares.

And Jimmy aimed at China's domestic mobile phone market.

In the past two years, domestic mobile phones have developed well, and the annual sales of the leading sales of Bird mobile phones have exceeded one million.

Although it is not comparable to the mobile phones of foreign brands such as Motorola, its development momentum also makes Jimmy very excited.

Bird mobile phones do not have too high technical content, and the current sales volume is mainly due to marketing methods. In this regard, Deep Space Company can be said to completely crush Bird Company.

The point is that a mobile phone company that focuses on the domestic market does not seem to need a particularly high investment, and now is a good time to enter the market.

Jimmy hasn't told Yu Dong about this, because he hasn't thought about it himself.


Just as Yu Dong hung up Jimmy's phone and was about to go back to have breakfast, the phone behind him rang again, and he turned around and picked it up helplessly.


"Is it Teacher Yu?" There was a young girl on the other end of the phone, her voice sounded a little surprised, "I'm an employee of Alpha, and I want to find Teacher Cheng Yanqiu Cheng."

"Oh." Yu Dong nodded, then turned to look at Cheng Yanqiu, "I'm looking for you, Alpha's colleague."

Cheng Yanqiu wiped his mouth, and came to answer the phone with a big belly.

After talking to the other end of the phone for a few words, Cheng Yanqiu hung up the phone, and then said to Dong, "Ask me about the title song."

"What title song?"

"The title song of Xiao Zhou's new album "Fantasy"."

Yu Dong was a little surprised: "The album will be released in November, and the title song hasn't been decided yet?"

"It's okay, it's still nearly two months away, and the first wave of title songs is usually released one to one and a half months in advance. Now that it's settled, it can be released in a week. The process is not complicated."

"So that's the case. What is the title song of "Fantasy"?"

"The company wants to use "Love in BC" as the first wave of the main song, I feel good, what do you think?"

""Love in B.C." is good, it's good as the main song, but if it's the first wave of the main title, I think it can be changed to another song."

Cheng Yanqiu blinked, "Which song should I change?"

""Nunchaku" or "Dad, I'm Back", the first title song of "Fantasy", will be played globally this time, "Love in BC" is good, but not as good as "Nunchaku" The two songs with "Dad, I'm Back" are distinctive."

Cheng Yanqiu thought for a while, and said: "If you want to consider the market, it's better to separate each country and region. In Europe and the United States, "Dad, I'm Back" or "Nunchuck" is the main focus. Neon is based on "Ninja" or " "William's Castle" is the main theme, while Korea and Southeast Asia can use "Simple Love" and "Quiet" as the main theme."

Hearing Cheng Yanqiu divide the title song so specifically, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing and said: "If that's the case, then I think it's better to make a title song for Shanghai alone."

Cheng Yanqiu immediately understood Yu Dong's meaning, "You mean "Shanghai 1943"? Don't say it, it's really okay."

"Just kidding with you, you still take it seriously."


In the end, Cheng Yanqiu did not divide the title songs so finely, but unified the whole world. There are three waves of title songs in total. The first wave is "Dad, I'm Back", the second wave is "Nunchuck", and the third wave Bo's title song is "Love in BC".

Starting from September 25th, each wave of title songs will be separated by two weeks.

The reason why the three waves of title songs are released is also because Cheng Yanqiu has confidence in Jay Chou's album.

Each of the twelve songs in the new album has the potential to become the main song, so even if three songs are released in advance, it will only increase the buying enthusiasm of subsequent listeners.

To sum it up in one sentence, that is, the songs are self-willed and confident.


On Saturday, September 25, Hakohn went to the Werewolf Killing Club early in the morning.

Hakohn is a loyal fan of werewolf killing games, but usually he is busy with work and has no time to go to the werewolf killing club to meet people face to face.

After holding back for five days, he didn't even wait for the club to officially open before going there.

The manager of the club, Charles, was not surprised to see Hakohn at all, and said with a smile, "I knew you would come early, so I came early on purpose, but I didn't expect it to be earlier than you. What do you want to drink?"

"A glass of mocha." Hakohn smiled, "Are there any group activities today?"

"Two companies have made reservations for group activities, and the rest are for individual guests. What game do you want to play today?" Charles said while making coffee for Hakohn.

"It depends, don't worry."

"There's no rush now." Charles turned on the TV hanging above the counter again, "No other guests will come over until at least nine o'clock."

"Don't worry." Hakohn said no rush again.

Charles nodded, adjusted the TV, and continued to make coffee.

Hackon sat in front of the counter, boredly watching the TV hanging on the counter, which was showing a morning music program at the moment.

In fact, this kind of program is not divided into morning or noon, basically it is a cycle all day long.

"Why don't you play the videotape of the game today?"

Under normal circumstances, the TV in front of the counter would play high-end game videos recorded by the club, or some videos related to werewolf killings. Today, it suddenly played a music program, which made Hakohn feel a little strange.

"The boss ordered." Shire shrugged, "Always play videos, it's good for a change, don't you like listening to music?"

"I'll listen to it once in a while."

The host on the TV was introducing a singer from China, Hakohn raised his eyebrows because of this, he has not heard Chinese songs... Oh, that’s not right, he had heard YU singing before, but it was only limited to this.

Although YU is from China, Hakohn's impression of China is still poor and chaotic. He thinks that China can produce a YU is definitely an exception, so he is not optimistic about the Chinese singer on TV.

After a few minutes of intro, the official song began to play on TV.

Hackon turned his eyes away and concentrated on dealing with the mocha that Charles made for him.

He had just taken a sip of mocha when he suddenly heard a burst of nervous cello accompanied by drums coming from the TV. The melody and matching gave people a very special feeling.

Hakohn looked up at the screen again. There was no mv for this song, and the screen only had the name of the song and the name of the artist.

The title of the song is "Dad, I'm Back", and the title of the song is Jay Chou.

Then the title of the song flashed, and two lines of subtitles appeared on the screen, one line in English and one line in Chinese. After the subtitles became clear, a human voice came.

"I've heard that usually wars are followed by peace..."

"Why do you see my father beating my mother all the time..."

When he heard the first two sentences, Hakoen was stunned. Is this what Chinese songs are like?

It is indeed very different from European and American songs, but it is completely different from the kind of song Hakohn imagined.

The first two sentences sound like rap, but they don't look like rap. Hakohn doesn't know much about rap songs, but he can tell that this song is very different from ordinary rap songs.

But there is one thing in common with Eminem's rap songs, that is, they have a very strong sense of rhythm, and their sentences are very powerful.

Even if Hackon doesn't read the English subtitles, he can feel the strong accusation in the song from the rhythm and melody.

Especially when he heard the phrase "Ni Zuo Kai" in the middle of the song, Hakoen felt his scalp numb. He didn't understand Chinese, but he could feel that the pronunciation of the three words "Ni Zuo Kai" was different from other lyrics , must have done some special processing, judging from the results, this processing is very effective.

 Thank you [Needle Pricking Fast] Big Brother for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Love is Loneliness] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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