Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 749 He is Yu's younger brother

Chapter 749 He is Yu's younger brother
Seeing Hakohn staring at the TV in a daze, manager Charles said with a smile, "This new song is not bad."

Huckon glanced at Charles unexpectedly, "Do you know this singer?"

Charles nodded, "Of course, our club will play his songs in the lobby before, but this is the first time to show it on TV."

"Really? I didn't pay much attention to it before." Hackon shook his head, he really didn't notice it before.

"What is the background of this singer?"

"He is from our company, it is said that he is YU's younger brother." Charles said in a low voice.

"Brother?" Hakohn blinked, "I saw his photo just now, he doesn't look like YU at all, although I don't think Asians are good, but the difference between them is too big, YU's eyes are different His eyes are two big."

"It's YU's wife's younger brother."

"That's even more unbelievable. I've seen Yu's wife too. Her eyes are two and a half times bigger than his."

Charles shrugged: "It's normal for brothers and sisters to look different."

That's too big of a gap. Hakohn scratched his head and looked at the TV again. At this time, the song hadn't finished playing yet, and there were still lyrics scrolling on the screen.

Looking at the lyrics, Hakoun wondered: "If it is said that Jay and YU or Cheng are in the same family, doesn't this lyrics prove that there is domestic violence in YU or Cheng's family?"

Charles rolled his eyes, "Who told you that the lyrics must be written about the things in your own family? This song was specially written by Jay after seeing a news about domestic violence in New York a while ago. "

"Is it?"

"Of course." Charles took out a newspaper from the counter drawer, and pointed to a piece of news about domestic violence on it, "Take a look, I still keep this newspaper."

"There is really such news." Huckon glanced at it and asked again: "How do you know this so clearly?"

"Our club is also owned by Deep Space Corporation, so we have a group called Dongdong, and I heard people talking about it in the group," said Charles.

"Dongdong group?" Hakoen raised his eyebrows, "Is that the chat software from your company?"


"Your company's chat software is already available?"

"No, it's an internal test now, and only our internal employees and the management can use it. I have to say that our company's chat software is much easier to use than icq."

"Are there more functions?"

"It's not that it has more functions, it's just, it's just... anyway, you'll know when you use it later."

Seeing that Charles couldn't explain why, Hakohn curled his lips, "Then when will we ordinary people be able to use it?"

"It depends on the company's news, but as far as I know, the public beta will be in one or two months."

"Public beta? Is it very difficult to get places for the public beta?"

Charles laughed and said, "Don't worry, if you really want a public beta, I'll get you a spot just based on your points in our club."

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Hackon looked at the newspaper on the table again. The content of the report was very simple. It said that a middle school principal lived in Manhattan, New York. He had been violent to his wife for a long time. In March, his son couldn't stand his mother being raped Hit him, rose up to resist, and missed his right eye.

Because the assailant was a middle school principal, this matter caused quite a stir, and the news made it to the first page of the newspaper.

I have to say, watching the news and then thinking about the lyrics is indeed very suitable for the occasion, and it is easier to mobilize emotions.

At this moment, "Dad, I'm Back" on TV had finished playing, and Hackon asked Shire: "Can you play this song in your store? I want to listen to it again."

Charles smiled and shook his head, "This is a song in the new album, and the new album won't be released until November. "Dad, I'm Back" is the first title song of the new album, and today is its first song. The first time it was broadcast on TV, you were the first listeners to hear it."

Hakohn couldn't help sighing, "It's a pity, I really want to listen to it a few more times."

"There is still a chance." Charles picked up the remote control and tuned to another station, "Wait a minute, there will be a program on this station in 15 minutes, and it will also play "Dad, I'm Back". You have heard it, If you still want to listen, I'll change the channel for you again, there should be seven or eight TV stations broadcasting it today, and more than once."

Hackon looked surprised, "Your company's propaganda is really strong. Now I kind of believe that this jay is YU or Cheng's younger brother."


The introduction of "Dad, I'm Back" on the second program Hackon saw mentioned the news of domestic violence in Manhattan.

In fact, Jay Chou’s writing of "Dad, I'm Back" has nothing to do with the news of domestic violence in Manhattan, nor is it his own experience, but he heard what happened to a friend, so he made this song out of feeling Song lyrics.

As for why it was linked to the Manhattan domestic violence incident, it was entirely Jimmy's idea.

Jimmy believes that in order to arouse the audience's emotions, the quality of the song is not enough, but the story behind the song is also needed.

Compared to Jay Chou who wrote this song after hearing a story from a friend of his, obviously linking the song with social practices such as domestic violence in Manhattan can attract more attention.

At that time, when Cheng Yanqiu named the first wave of the title song "Dad, I'm Back", Jimmy raised his hands and feet in agreement.

For the first wave of the title song, it is important to listen well, but the most important thing is to be topical. Jimmy even made a set of super large posters for the new album, and the posters have been placed outside the Bear Bookstore one day in advance.

On the poster, there is a cool Jay Chou in a red sweater and a hat, next to a dazzling line of characters: Stop Domestic Violence.

The reason why it is placed outside the Bear Bookstore instead of the Amazon Bookstore is simple, because the Bear Bookstore is next to Manhattan.

Jimmy's strategy was correct. The attitude and emotions shown in the song "Dad, I'm Back" quickly attracted a young audience.

Previously, Jay Chou’s Chapter 1 album "Jay Chou" sold well in Europe and the United States, but the song spread was not wide enough. In the European and American music circles, he was a niche singer, and most of the album buyers were Chinese.

In addition, even though some Europeans and Americans have heard Jay Chou's songs many times, they have no impression of Jay Chou as a singer.

Take "The Roof" as an example. This song is actually quite popular in Europe and America. It was sung by Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu before, and then it was covered by two American singers, a male and a female.

But even so, the vast majority of audiences don't know who Jay Chou, the creator of "The Roof", is.

But this time is different. This time, Deep Space Company’s promotion of Jay Chou is not limited to songs, but has begun to promote him. When the TV station pushes the title song, it will either put his photo on it, or simply follow the previous one. The song MV was played together, allowing more European and American audiences to see what Jay Chou looks like.


The promotion of Jay Chou's new album is in full swing. At the same time, Jennifer Aniston and Gu Tianlei's audition has also been completed, and the result surprised both parties.

Although the two sides don't understand the language well, it feels quite harmonious when Gu Tianle and Jennifer acted opposite each other.

In fact, when he saw Gu Tianle so dark at first, Kevin Huowen was a little worried, but after looking at him, he found that Gu Tianle, who had a dark complexion, was quite pleasing to the eye.

After someone showed Kevin Huowen the photos of Gu Tianle before, Kevin couldn't help but feel that good-looking people are still good-looking even if they are tanned.

After the audition, the two sides had a general discussion on the relevant conditions and reached a preliminary cooperation intention.

After Jennifer Aniston and the others left, Jimmy called and told Yu Dong about it.

Yu Dong had no opinion on the choice of actors. He heard that Jimmy was willing to use Jennifer, so he said no problem.

After confirming the actors, Jimmy asked Yu Dong again: "Who are you going to direct this movie? Are you using someone who has worked with you or not?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Use the ones you have worked with."

"Cooperated...Steven, Romero, Schumacher..." Jimmy listed the names of several friends.

"Neither, I want to use Nolan Christopher."

"Nolan Christopher..." Jimmy frowned and thought for a moment before he remembered the name.

Nolan Christopher, the winner of the International Award in the last Deep Space Short Film Contest, and later Deep Space also invested in him to shoot a film.

It's just that the investment in this movie was only a few million dollars, and Jimmy didn't take it too seriously.

Hearing Yu Dong mention Nolan Christopher again, Jimmy realized that Yu Dong was really optimistic about this young director.

If Jimmy remembers correctly, Nolan Christopher is only less than 30 years old this year, and he has no directing experience in major movies before.

The film that Deep Space invested in for them did not know the situation yet, yet they entrusted them with a heavy responsibility, which is not an ordinary degree of importance.

But on this kind of matter, Jimmy never disagreed with Yu Dong, as long as Yu Dong made a decision, he would strongly support it, "Okay, no problem, I will contact him later and ask what he means."

"Well, you ask. Has the movie that our company invested in them started shooting now?"

"Eh... I really don't know about this, let me ask later."

Yu Dong nodded to express his understanding. After all, it was only a small project with several million dollars, and it was unrealistic to expect Jimmy to stare at it every day.

"Okay, you can ask him what he means first. If he agrees, hand it over to him. If not, let's find someone else."


After Jimmy finished talking with Yu Dong on the phone, he called Nolan Christopher.

Nolan Christopher didn't expect Jimmy to call him, so he said in surprise, "Mr. James, why are you calling me at this time?"

Jimmy smiled and said, "Nolan, our company has invested millions of dollars in you. Of course I have to pay attention to the progress of the film. How is it? Has the film started?"

"The filming is over, Mr. James, and now we are doing some post-production work." Nolan Christopher replied.

Jimmy on the other end of the phone was stunned. He didn't expect the shooting of the film to be so fast. If he remembered correctly, it didn't take long for the company to invest in them.

"How long have you been shooting this movie?"

"About twenty days, less than a month anyway."

Less than a month... Jimmy blinked and asked again: "How long is this movie?"

"Not sure yet, it should be cut to about 110 minutes."

Hearing the time length, Jimmy twitched the corner of his mouth and said nothing.

It's not like he's never seen a movie shot so fast. Yu Dong's "Sniper Phone Booth" was shot in just over ten days. In comparison, Nolan and the others took a long time to shoot this movie.

But the problem is that the script of "Telephone Booth Sniper" is quite special. All the stories basically take place around a telephone booth, and it is really simple to shoot.

Moreover, George Schumacher is a great director after all, with rich experience.

Although the length of shooting time cannot be used as the main basis for judging the quality of a director, it definitely has some reference significance.

In most cases, shooting fast means that the director has a finer control over the entire movie.

But it's too early to say anything, Jimmy needs to see the finished film before he can judge.

"After the film is cut out, show it to me."

"Of course it's okay. It shouldn't take long for the rough sample to come out. Do you want to see the rough sample?"

"Of course, if it's convenient for you."

Nolan smiled and said, "There is no inconvenience. I will show it to you after the rough sample comes out."

"Well, then I'll wait." Jimmy smiled and changed the topic, "I called you, but there is actually another matter. The company has a movie here, and I hope to invite you to shoot it. I was worried Your own movie needs to be shot, and there will be time conflicts, but now it seems that the time should be fine."

Nolan didn't rush to respond, but asked, "What movie?"

"A sci-fi movie."

Hearing that it was a sci-fi movie, Nolan raised his eyebrows, "I personally really like sci-fi themes, but the scripts of sci-fi movies in the past two years have not been good. This time..."

Before he finished speaking, Jimmy laughed and said, "YU wrote the script."

Nolan didn't say anything after that.

Holding the phone, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

Is YU's script necessarily good?Rationally speaking, of course not necessarily, no matter how great the creator is, there are times when his performance is mediocre. This is human nature.

However, YU is an exception. Over the years, he has never been mediocre, at least in science fiction themes.

After a long while, Nolan managed to squeeze out a sentence: "Can I read the script?"

Jimmy smiled and said: "Of course, this is a reasonable request. After you have read the script, you will decide whether to shoot or not. If you come to the company to read the script, come if you have time. Remember to call me before you come."

"I'll be there today."

"Actually, there's no need to rush."

"I happen to be fine. I'll be there before evening."

 Thank you [this uncle is a little embarrassing] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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