After Nolan Christopher came to Jimmy's office, he only sat down and read the movie script for 5 minutes, and couldn't help patting his thigh and decided to shoot "Source Code".

"When will this movie be shot?" Nolan asked directly.

Jimmy had just taken two sips of the coffee in his hand, and when he heard Nolan's words, he raised his eyebrows in surprise. He thought that Nolan would have to wait at least a while before making a decision.

"Ahem, Nolan, do you want to read more?"

Nolan smiled and waved his hands, and said, "Mr. James, I don't think this is necessary anymore. The content in the front of this script is enough for me to make up my mind."

Jimmy nodded, "Try to try to be able to shoot at the beginning of next year, oh, yes, there is something I want to tell you in advance, the hero and heroine of this movie have been decided."

"Really?" Nolan narrowed his eyes, "Who is the protagonist?"

"You should know the heroine, Jennifer Aniston who plays Rachel in "Friends", the heroine is Chinese, his name is Gu Tianle."

Nolan was a little silent when Jimmy finished talking about the hero and heroine. In fact, he was not very surprised that the hero is Chinese. After all, the script is in his hands, and the identity of the hero is clearly written on it. He is a Chinese.

He was a little disappointed with the choice of the heroine.

Of course he knows the actress Jennifer Aniston, the heroine in "Friends", a typical American sweetheart, but Nolan is a British.

However, he was not in a hurry to express his opinion. After all, he only read the first part of the script, and now he is not even sure who the heroine of this movie is. Of course, he thinks that it is most likely the woman sitting opposite the hero.

Nolan looked back for a while, and after confirming the heroine, he looked up at Jimmy, "Mr. James, may I change the heroine?"

Jimmy shook his head, "If it's not for some reason that must be changed, it won't work. I've already talked about it with Jennifer Aniston."

Nolan sighed slightly, there was no reason for him to change, it was just his personal preference.

After a moment of silence, Nolan nodded and said, "It's okay to let this Miss Aniston play the heroine, but in order for the filming to go smoothly, she needs to ensure that she has enough cooperation during the filming process."

Jimmy smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about this, as long as it is a reasonable request, she will definitely cooperate. If she doesn't cooperate, you can replace it at any time."

Hearing Jimmy's domineering words, Nolan suddenly felt a lot more at ease in his heart.

Although he is very confident in his talent, he also understands that he is just a little-known little director, and Jennifer Aniston is already a well-known star. If the company does not give him enough support, he will It may not be able to control the other party.

If the director cannot be sure that he can control the actors, it will be a very terrible time, and it may lead to the collapse of the entire movie, which is what Nolan does not want to see.

Nolan is still very efficient. After deciding on the next film, he began to look for other actors besides the hero and heroine, thinking about completing the preliminary work as soon as possible, and quickly entering the shooting process.

And Jimmy also strongly supports Nolan. As long as it is within a reasonable range, Nolan will give money if he wants it, and he will give it to someone he wants.

The reason why Jimmy gave Nolan such a strong support is not only because Nolan was selected by Yu Dong, but also because he also hopes to speed up the filming speed.

In the past two years, the company has been investing outwards, and the shooting time span of many films is too large.

For example, "The Martian", the money for this movie has been invested a long time ago, but the filming has been delayed for a long time, so the money has been outside without producing benefits.


Cheng Yanqiu is about to give birth, and she basically stays in the hospital for a while.

However, Cheng Yanqiu's condition is not bad, and the indicators in all aspects are also quite good, so Yu Dong and the others are in a relatively stable mood and are not particularly anxious.

As for the child's name, Yu Dong never cared about it from the beginning to the end. Cheng Yanqiu's grandparents had the full authority to choose the name.

According to Grandma Cheng Yanqiu, the child's name has already been chosen, but they have to keep it a secret until after the child is born.

On the one hand, it is to determine the gender, and on the other hand, it is also not to return the goods to Yu Dong and the others.Of course, this was just a joke, since it was the name given by his grandparents, of course Yu Dong and the others couldn't return the product.

On the contrary, Cheng Yanqiu has been muttering for a while, for fear that the name her grandparents gave to the child will not sound good.When Cheng Yanqiu still remembered her nickname, she complained every time the word Luoluo was mentioned.

Days passed.

The due date of October [-]th is coming soon, but there is no big movement of the baby in Cheng Yanqiu's stomach. I went to ask the doctor, and the doctor told me to wait.

At this time, they are still not in a hurry, because it is normal for the expected date of delivery to be a few days later.Some of their mothers in the same period, many delayed for two or three days, some delayed for a week, and even delayed for more than ten days.

Until three days after the due date of delivery, Yu Dong and the others also became anxious and asked the doctor every day.

That is to say, when Yu Dong went to ask, the doctor would explain to him kindly every time, comfort him, and tell him not to worry. If other people asked, the doctor would probably be impatient.

At this moment, no matter how calm Yu Dong was, his heart began to become irritable.In fact, Yu Dong also knew that it was not good to ask too much about this kind of thing, and it would cause trouble for others, but he couldn't stop asking.

It wasn't until the sixth day after the due date that the doctor gave Cheng Yanqiu oxytocin, and after a day and a night of urging, the little guy was finally urged out.

After the baby was born, the doctor pushed the baby out for Yu Dong to sign.

"October 58th, [-]:[-] am, girl, six catties and four taels."

Before Dong took another look, the doctor pushed the child in again.

Shi Shidong went out from the waiting room, and his parents on both sides, as well as Cheng Yanqiu's grandparents, surrounded him.

"What's the situation now?"

Yu Dong waited in the waiting room for a day and a night. During this day and night, he slept very little and was in a state of being on call at any time. He was still in a daze until now, so he simply reported the situation, "Mother and daughter are safe, Six catties and four taels."

Hearing that the mother and daughter were safe, the elders all heaved a sigh of relief.

It is said that giving birth is a journey from the gate of hell. Although the medical conditions are much better than before, the old people still think that giving birth is risky.

Of course, this worry is not superfluous.

Although the medical conditions are much better than before, dystocia still happens from time to time. Even in the Gulou Hospital where they are located, there was one case of dystocia a few days ago, and neither the big nor the small ones were kept.

This incident caused quite a stir in the hospital, and many patients knew about it, causing panic, and some even decided to change hospitals because of this incident.

After confirming that both adults and children were safe, everyone started talking about the gender of the child.

"Hi girl, have you seen my son, does he look more like you or Luoluo?" Qin Fang asked.

Yu Dong shook his head, "I didn't see clearly."

The six elders rolled their eyes at the same time, obviously very dissatisfied with his performance, Yu Hansheng scolded directly: "What's the use of your eyes?"

Yu Dong yelled: "I just signed it. The child was pushed out and pushed in. I saw that the skin was quite fair, and I couldn't see anything else clearly."

"You're still young and inexperienced." Cheng Liye shook his head, and then looked at Cheng Mingde: "Dad, now that the baby is born, you can say the name you gave it, it's been too long .”

Cheng Mingde said with a smile, "Yes, yes, girls, their first name is Yu Yi, the one of one, two, three, and their nickname is Zhenzhen, and the real and false are true."

Hearing the name, before Yu Dong said anything, his mother-in-law Chen Yuqing complained, "Dad, isn't this name too casual? You and Mom are mathematicians, and the name has something to do with mathematics. We can all understand. But isn’t it too perfunctory for a single name?”

Cheng Mingde said with a smile: "This is not simple. According to the "Tao Te Ching", Dao produces one, one produces two, two produces three, and three produces all things. The one here is not just a simple number one, but also represents A certain process of the evolution of the universe. From a mathematical point of view, one is also a very special number, it is the smallest positive odd number, neither a prime number nor a composite number, and its reciprocal is itself. The absolute value of one The sum and any power are one..."

Although Cheng Mingde talked about a lot of high school knowledge, Cheng Liye and the others were really persuaded. Even Yu Hansheng and Qin Fang felt that their granddaughter's name Yu Yi seemed good.

Simple is simple, but there is quite a lot to say.

And the name depends on who came up with it.

If a child from another family uses "one" as the name, then that's normal, but this name was given by Cheng Mingde.Although Yu Hansheng and his wife don't know much about the academic circle, they also know that Cheng Mingde is a great mathematician, and one of the top in the industry.

The "one" in the mouth of great mathematicians has been endowed with a special meaning.

"Then why is the nickname Zhenzhen and not Yiyi?" Chen Yuqing asked again.

"Really, let's start with this one. In computer science, one is used to represent the truth value of a Boolean value. The simplest and most mundane expectation for a child is that she can grow into a beautiful woman."

"How do you say that?" Qin Fang asked strangely, "Isn't it good to call me Meimei?"

Cheng Liye said with a smile on the side, "I probably guessed it. There is a story in Tang Dynasty poet Du Xunhe's "Songchuang Miscellaneous Notes", which said that Zhao Yan, a Jinshi, got a picture of a beauty. The name of Shangmeiren is Zhenzhen, she is a goddess, as long as you call her name, she in the painting will respond after a hundred days, and she will be resurrected. From then on, Zhenzhen represents beauty, and many poems have been borrowed This allusion. For example, in Nalan Xingde's song "Poppy", there is a line, "Being a dreamer for Yipan, Changxiang Huatu Qingye calls Zhenzhen", which directly uses this allusion."

Qin Fang showed an expression of incomprehension, "There are quite a lot to say about this name."

Yu Dong also thought the name was pretty good.

His requirement for the name is very simple, that is, it is easy to read and write, easy to remember, and on this basis, it should be a little special, not follow the crowd, and it is best to have some meaning behind it.

Cheng Mingde's first name and nickname met Yu Dong's requirements.

"Are you satisfied with the name? Don't return the product?" Cheng Mingde looked at Yu Dong with a smile.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "No return."


It was not until noon that the doctor pushed Cheng Yanqiu and the child out.

Cheng Yanqiu's condition is better than Yu Dong expected. Except for her slightly messy hair, her complexion is quite good. Compared with the other pregnant women in the same period, she is much better. The doctor also said that she is in good condition, and she will recover soon. Can be discharged.

At this time, Yu Dong also saw his daughter again.

The six-pound little girl was wrapped in swaddling clothes, a small ball, her skin was very white, but her face was wrinkled and huddled, her eyes were closed, but they seemed to be open, there was a gap, and she was confused. Dimly also does not spotlight.

They say that babies cannot see clearly when they are born.

The child's head is also long and pointed.

Yu Dong stared at his daughter's head and muttered, "Like an alien."

Cheng Yanqiu let out a chuckle, "During delivery, I was caught like this, and it will gradually become normal later on."

Yu Dong smiled, stared at his sleeping daughter again, and said, "It's pretty good."

Before Yu Yi was born, he was already prepared to jump around, but he didn't expect the baby to be quite quiet, not crying much.

Cheng Yanqiu smiled, didn't say anything, just muttered in his heart, you will suffer from behind.

In less than 10 minutes after Yu Dong said that, Yu Yi started crying. The couple hurriedly started feeding and comforting her, but they couldn't stop crying no matter what.

In the end, Yu Yi's grandma and grandma came, and the two worked together to coax her well.

Yu Dong, who was sweating profusely from exhaustion, looked at Yu Yi who fell asleep again, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Sure enough, there is a specialization in surgery."


After Yu Yi was born, Yu Dong experienced the most exhausting period since his rebirth.

Although Qin Fang and Chen Yuqing were there to help, he and Cheng Yanqiu had to take care of the children at night.

Yu wakes up once in an hour or two. After waking up, she either feeds her milk or changes her diaper. She cries all the time. By the time she stops crying, more than half an hour has passed.

Then before Dong and the others fell asleep, she burst into tears again.The process just now has to be repeated again and again, so that people can't get a rest at all.

After more than half a month of this kind of life, the situation is not much better, but Yu Dong has gradually gotten used to this kind of life. He can even urinate her urine with half-closed eyes after crying in the middle of the night. After the wet change, she can still feed her while sleeping.

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