Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 751 Steven, let's go to the movies

At the end of October, Cheng Yanqiu and his wife stayed in Luoyuan, while Yu Dong went to Jinyi to work alone.

Yu Dong is also considering housing issues recently.

Luoyuan is of course very good, Cheng Yanqiu and the others have a lot of people waiting on them in the garden, but after the two of them both go to work, it will become a problem to take care of the children.

Whether it is to let the elders come to help take care of the children, or to ask the babysitter to stay at home, the faculty and staff dormitory where they live now seems small.

But Jin Yi's conditions are like this. The dormitory building they live in is the best dormitory in the school, which was built just a few years ago.

Now the space in the school is relatively tight, and there is no way to build more dormitory buildings for faculty and staff.

After much deliberation, Yu Dong decided to build a detached house in the Shen Kong Talent Apartment. From now on, he and Cheng Yanqiu would run between the apartment and the school every day, which is not very far anyway.

However, there is still some time before the completion of the Deep Space Talent Apartment, so Yu Dong first wants to buy a house near Jinyi to make the transition.


As soon as Yu Dong's car arrived at the school, it was stopped by Uncle Zhou with someone.

Uncle Zhou approached with a smile, and stretched out his hand towards Yu Dong, "Mr. Yu, if you want to enter the door, you must be sincere."

Yu Dong laughed, and took a few candy boxes for Uncle Zhou and the others: "How many people are there in your concierge room?"

"Including me, there are sixteen, and now a small half of the security office is counted in our reception room."

Hearing that there were sixteen, Yu Dong got out of the car and counted sixteen boxes of candy from the trunk, "Uncle Zhou, you are a prosperous official now, and you have so many people under your control."

Uncle Zhou asked Xiaofang and the others to take the candy box, and rubbed his head pretendingly, "Oh, Mr. Yu, it's not easy to be a grassroots leader. Although Jinyi's place is small, we have high security requirements. With you big writers and stars, there can be no mistakes. Some time ago, Lao Li from the communication office of Jinling University came to communicate with me. The security level of their school is not as high as ours. I told them that it should not be Is it? A teacher Yu in our school is worth more than your school."

Although Uncle Zhou's words were somewhat funny, they did reveal the fact that Jin Yi's security arrangement was originally higher than that of other schools.

In addition to these obvious things, there are also some invisible ones arranged by Deep Space Corporation.

"Those who can do more work, uncle, you are the pillar of our school's security department, you should show more enthusiasm. Although Xiaofang and the others are young, they are not experienced enough, and you need to show more."

Uncle Zhou was overjoyed by Yu Dong's praise, and he said with a smile, "I see that you have so much sugar in your trunk, and you have to spread it out. It just so happens that the messenger room is relatively free now, so I'll ask two people to go with you." Help you spread the sugar."

After saying that, Uncle Zhou greeted Xiao Fang and the others followed the car into the school.

They first entered the government affairs building, and started from the first floor, going in from office to office to distribute candy, and gave out candy to anyone they saw, whether it was a teacher or a student, whoever saw it had a share.

There is also no shortage of sugar, except that the car that Yu Dong was riding in was stuffed with candy, and there was a small truck behind it, which was also full of sugar.

Even with the help of Uncle Zhou and the others, it took a long time to distribute the candies.

Uncle Zhou and the others have been busy for a long time, but they are very happy. They have never seen such a big battle for giving birth to a baby before.

Although Uncle Zhou doesn't know much about candy, the candy box is not light and the packaging is exquisite, so it's not cheap at first glance.

They sent more than 1000 copies, and there were still some left in the van. A copy of 20 yuan cost nearly 4 yuan. How can ordinary families be so busy.

When saying goodbye to Uncle Zhou and the others, Yu Dong took some candy out of the truck and gave them each a portion.


Yu Dong turned around and went to the cafeteria to have a meal, and then returned to the staff apartment. Yu Haiguo and Feng Changdi were gathering downstairs to eat candy. However, it was almost eaten.

As soon as Yu Dong came back, Yu Haiguo smiled and said, "Uncle Dong, this candy is really delicious."

Hearing what Yu Haiguo said, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing. If other children said this, he would probably think that the child simply said that candy is delicious, but Yu Haiguo is different.

He said that sugar is delicious, but what he really meant was: Is there any more?

Yu Dong spread his hands, "It's gone today, let's go to Luoyuan to eat again in a few days."

"Shall we go to Luoyuan to see my sister in a while?"

Yu Dong nodded: "Yeah."

Feng Changdi suddenly said in a childish voice beside him, "Uncle Dong, you will have more children in the future, okay?"

Before Dong could react, he heard Feng Changdi say, "In this way, I can eat more candies."

Yu Dong was amused by this little guy and laughed straight away: "Go back and tell your father to let him give birth to a few younger brothers and sisters for you, so that you can also eat candy."

Hearing this, Feng Changdi nodded thoughtfully.


Not long after Yu Dong got home, he heard movement from Feng Ming's house, and Feng Changdi was kicked out by his father so he ran straight away.

As the instigator, Yu Dong started his afternoon work with a chuckle.

He has been taking care of the baby at home these days, and things in the courses and writing center have fallen behind a lot, and he has to make up for it as soon as possible.

The courses are easy to get, because there are not many classes in total, and there will be an extra class every week, and it will be made up in two or three weeks.

The key is the matter of the writing center. The writing center has just been established this semester, and there are a lot of messy things. Some things he can delegate to others, but some things must be done by himself.

The writing class will start in early November, and the list of students has not been fully finalized yet.

A total of 26 students were enrolled in the first writing class, and the members of the writing center had nine places in their hands, and all nine places were used up, which meant that they still needed to recruit seventeen students from various colleges and universities in Jinling.

After the news of the writing class was announced, as of October 3000th, the writing center had received a total of more than 860, [-] applications, of which [-] were valid applications.

Yu Dong was not surprised that there were so many invalid applications, because many people just came here to join in the fun, and it is estimated that they didn't even read the introduction of the admissions clearly.

Among the invalid applications, the most are applications submitted by non-local students in Jinling.

Most people saw this requirement, but still submitted their application with the intention of giving it a try.

Some of them are in the wrong format. The writing center has announced the format of the application form. The submitted application must follow the format, otherwise it will be regarded as an invalid application.

In addition, those who apply must attach an original article to the application form, which is less than [-] words, and many invalid applications do not attach an article.

In addition to those who did not attach articles, some people attached articles that were not their own original articles, but plagiarized articles from others.

This kind of plagiarized articles generally undergoes some revisions, some minor revisions and some major revisions. The minor revisions are easy to identify, but if the major revisions are not familiar with the original article, you may not be able to see it.

Of course, there are also some people who regard the people in the writing center as idiots, and just copy the articles without changing a word.

The most outrageous thing is that the writing center has received a copy of Zhu Ziqing's "Back View".

Of course, this kind of copying of articles is usually copying some less popular niche articles.

In this era of high difficulty in plagiarism, it is a test of the reading volume of everyone in the writing center, but they all read a lot, and with so many people together, it is rare that they have not read it and it is very exciting. article.

Even if there are such fish that slip through the net, there is actually no need to be afraid, because the application form is only a preliminary screening. Even if this step is muddled, there are still a few more hurdles to pass.

After identifying more than 800 valid applications, the Writing Center screened out [-] applicants with high-quality essays.

The rest is the re-examination and launch, because all the recruits are local college students in Jinling, so the launch and re-examination are very convenient.

After the retest, there are still 30 people left.

When it came time for the interview, these three people had to bring their school certificates. On the one hand, no matter which school, students need the support of the school to participate in the writing class. On the other hand, their identities must be verified to prevent unauthorized Jinling local students mixed in.

Yu Dong looked at the list of 30 people who finally entered the re-examination, and Xu Zechen's name was indeed on the list.

Of course, Yu Dong was not surprised that Xu Zechen was included in the final list. Xu Zechen was his student, and he knew better about his writing skills than anyone else.

It has to be said that Xu Zechen's learning ability is indeed very strong.

Earlier, Xu Zechen could only be regarded as a literature lover with some research. Later, his knowledge of literature became more and more solid, but he was still at the level of an ordinary literature student.

But since studying with Yu Dong, his writing level has skyrocketed.

It was also Yu Dong's student, but Xu Zechen's progress during this period was much faster than Ruan Xiaohu's back then.

Of course, this kind of comparison is not appropriate. After all, Xu Zechen has a higher education background and a more solid foundation. Before he met Yu Dong, he had already shown part of his literary talent.

Yu Dong directly took out a red pen and circled Xu Zechen's name. Since he was included in the final release list, he also entered the writing class.

There are 29 people left, sixteen places.

Next, Yu Dong took the time to read the articles of these 29 people.

Not to mention, I really found several excellent articles for Yu Dong.

Among them, there is a novel that impressed Yu Dong the most. The story is actually very simple. It is four friends who have grown up together since childhood, eating, drinking, having fun and making jokes together every day.

Reading this novel, people will have a strong sense of fragmentation, and will feel the daily boredom, the sadness of life, the struggle and swing, the distress and emptiness of the human heart, and these things are mixed with a kind of interest, Humorous.

However, the applicant's style was not stable enough. In the short novel of a few thousand words, Yu Dong could actually see the shadows of several people, Wang Xiaobo, Han Dong, Gu Qian, and Yu Dong himself.

Yu Dong looked at the author's name again, Zhao Changxi, a name that sounded familiar, but couldn't remember whose name it was.

However, the style of the article and the names of the two characters "Wang Kui" and "Zhang Liang" in the novel reminded Yu Dong of a person.

Before Yu Dong was reborn, someone said that Jinling was the center of writing.

This statement must be exaggerated, but there are indeed many writers in Jinling, among the younger generation, Cao Kou is the best.

Cao Kou's works are mainly short novels, and many of his novels contain two extremely common names, "Wang Kui" and "Zhang Liang".

The characters in Cao Kou's works are usually the most ordinary little people from remote areas. The wretchedness of these characters is very upright and righteous in Cao Kou's works.

This sounds a bit like Wang Shuo, but there is still a big difference between Cao Kou and Wang Shuo, and this difference seems to be related to the place where they grew up.

Yu Dong wasn't sure if this Zhao Changxi was Cao Kou, but judging from this novel alone, he should enter the writing class.

Then Yu Dong picked up a pen and drew a triangle on Cao Kou's name. The triangle means that as long as Cao Kou comes out and can bring the school's proof documents, he will be admitted.

About two students were identified, and Yu Dong circled some more people, who were the focus of observation.


"Steven, do you want to go to the movies today?"

Located in the Mars base in Mangya, just after a scene was over, Lu Xi, one of the assistant directors, ran to Spielberg and asked him if he wanted to watch a movie.

Steven narrowed his eyes and asked, "What movie are you watching?"

""Infernal Affairs", filmed by Deep Space Company, is released on the first day today."

Hearing that it was a deep space movie, Spielberg became a little interested, but after thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "I'm not going to go, this should be a Chinese movie, my Chinese is too bad, I can't watch it at all." Understand."

Lu Xi smiled and said: "It's okay, "Infernal Affairs" is bilingual, with English letters, you must understand it."

"So good?" Spielberg was a little surprised.

"It's so good. I bought some tickets and I'm going to call other staff members together. The filming during this period is really hard, and everyone needs to rest."

Spielberg pondered for a while, nodded and said: "Then take a day off tomorrow, everyone have a good rest, don't be in a hurry to come back tonight."

He felt that what Lu Xi said made sense. Recently, everyone was too tired. In the past two days, he could clearly feel that everyone's state was not right.

Although the Deep Space Company has tried its best to make the Mars base perfect, it is too remote after all, and the surroundings are barren. Let alone working every day, it is unbearable to stay here for a while without doing anything.

Just take advantage of going to the movies tonight, everyone relax.

Seeing that Spielberg nodded in agreement, Lu Xi shook his fist towards Matt Damon who was not far away. The latter immediately smiled and almost jumped up.

Without Spielberg's notice, the news of the holiday spread quickly, and everyone on the crew was preparing to go to the movies at night.

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