Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 753 The rescue is coming

After hanging up Spielberg's phone, Yu Dong looked at a document on the table in front of him.

This was sent by Hu Hao early in the morning, and the document contained information related to Lenovo Group.

Just in October of this year, Lenovo Group held a press conference and announced their company's new product, the Millennium Computer.

The Millennium PC is also called the Internet PC, because Lenovo designed it to make it easier for customers to go online.

Through the integrated design of the built-in Internet account and the unique Internet keyboard, Tianxi Computer realizes the convenient and simple "one-key Internet access" function, which saves the previous users from the cumbersome purchase of Internet accounts and network software settings.

Everything is almost a fool's operation. After the user buys the computer home, he can directly surf the Internet without going to another network access provider.

This document also mentioned that Lenovo revealed at the press conference that they will fully enter the network, but they did not announce what to do next.

However, this cannot escape the eyes of deep space. Through investigation, Lenovo has established a website called Lenovo FM 365 more than a month ago, but this website has not yet been officially launched.

Yu Dong still has a little understanding of Lenovo's next move. According to his memory, Lenovo's next move will revolve around the fm365 website, and they will vigorously promote this website.

fm365 is a portal website integrating news, search, games, mail, software and other channels, which is similar to the deep space network after the separation of the deep space Chinese network.

Millennium PC will be seamlessly integrated with fm365, and the first stop for Millennium PC users to turn on their computers will be fm365.

This is Lenovo's strategy. They believe that computers are the first gateway to the Internet, so they want to take advantage of their own network equipment suppliers to become Internet service access providers and Internet content providers.

It is said that at Lenovo’s swearing-in meeting, Liu Chuanzhi told the employees that they would catch up with Deep Space Network within three years.

In fact, Yu Dong knows that Lenovo's fm365 can't do it. For sprinters like Lenovo, they like to chase the wind, but they always can't catch up.

Lenovo's strategy is of course good, and Millennium Computer will definitely bring a lot of traffic to fm365, but the problem is that Lenovo didn't think long-term from the beginning.

They only saw that companies such as Deep Space and Yahoo have developed very well in the past two years, so they want to follow suit and think that they can continue to have an advantage in this track. In fact, they have not really figured out what is needed for the development of the Internet.

After the wave, Lenovo always advertises that they do not follow the trend, but in fact they have followed the trend countless times, but many times they failed to follow the trend.The so-called non-following is nothing but self-deception.

The second half of the document sent by Hu Hao contains content related to America Online.

It is reported that AOL has contacted Lenovo more than once at the beginning of this year.

Deep Space has no idea what the two sides have discussed in these few contacts, but it can be guessed that Lenovo probably wants to cooperate with AOL and use AOL's extensive business system to expand their own business. business.

There is no doubt that if you choose between Deep Space and America Online, Lenovo will definitely choose America Online.

From a business point of view, it seems understandable for Lenovo to make such a choice. Although Deep Space has developed very well in recent years, it cannot be compared with AOL in terms of volume or business coverage.

Moreover, America Online has also made a big move recently, they are acquiring Time Warner.

If America Online can successfully acquire Time Warner, it will undoubtedly be a major earthquake in the Internet world.

The transaction volume of the merger between AOL and Time Warner will definitely reach more than 1000 billion U.S. dollars. When the two parties merge successfully, the value of the new company will be around 3000 billion U.S. dollars at least.

By that time, Lenovo will most likely choose to cooperate with AOL.

Yu Dong knew the fate of AOL and Time Warner, and also knew about the cooperation between Lenovo and AOL, so he was still not optimistic about Lenovo's future in the Internet.

What Lenovo should do now is not to enter the Internet in an all-round way, but to do a good job in two aspects of business. First, it must be their old line of business-Internet equipment suppliers, and then develop Internet access services based on this.

Do a good job in these two aspects, and then cooperate with Shenkong to provide Internet content to Shenkong. The two companies will join forces, and the future will definitely be very easy.

Yu Yu had called Yang Qing many times, hoping that the two companies, Shenkong and Lenovo, could join forces, but Lenovo didn’t like Shenkong, so they never responded.

Now that the Millennium Computer has come out, and Lenovo's strategy of fully entering the Internet has been made public, and it is very likely to cooperate with AOL in the future, then there is no possibility for Deep Space to win over Lenovo.

Next, what they think should not be how the two sides cooperate, but how to deal with the possible competitive pressure.

If Lenovo really reaches a cooperation with AOL, it will definitely be a big challenge for Deep Space.

At the end of the file is a special report made by the margin.

It can be seen that Yu Yu attaches great importance to Lenovo's series of actions during this period. What he means is that if there is no way to be friends with Lenovo, he can only be an opponent, and he must find a way to counter Lenovo as soon as possible.

From Yu Yu’s point of view, Lenovo’s rhetoric that “computers are Internet portals” still makes sense. If Lenovo is allowed to develop like this, sooner or later Deep Space will be stuck by them.

Yu Yu also gave suggestions to solve the problem in this report. He believes that he can cooperate with Founder Computer, which has been developing rapidly in the past two years, or seek cooperation with Acer in Baodao.

In addition to cooperating with these PC manufacturers, Yu Yu also made another bold proposal, that is, the company directly enters the competition of PC manufacturers and establishes its own computer brand belonging to Deep Space.

I have to say that after so many years, I have been staying in the position of general manager, and my courage is getting bigger and bigger.

If this was a few years ago, it would be absolutely impossible for the margin to propose such a large step.

Yu Dong couldn't help but shook his head. Jimmy wanted to make a mobile phone, and Yu Yu wanted to make a computer. Everyone's hearts became more and more wild.

However, after their constant teasing, Yu Dong also felt a little itchy. With the current foundation of their company, it might not be impossible to give it a try.

Of course, whether or not he can try does not depend on Yu Dong, but on Jimmy and his margin.

If they are just a simple proposal without a complete and feasible plan, it is better not to try, because if you try, you will try in vain, and in the end, just like Lenovo, you will keep chasing after the wind, keep failing, and gradually get lost in the pursuit of failure after failure. self.

On the contrary, if they already have a complete plan, they may not be able to give it a try.

Yu Dong called Yu Yu again, "All the suggestions you mentioned in the report will be planned out."

The margin on the other end of the phone said pleasantly, "Boss, when do you want this plan?"

"Give it to me when you finish it."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then the voice said firmly: "Okay, boss, I will definitely make it for you soon."

Yu Dong reminded: "As for the plan, I want to see something in the long term."

"I see."

"By the way, about the box office of "Infernal Affairs", ask Hu Hao to report to me once a day."

"Okay, I'll talk to him later."


"Infernal Affairs" was released in mainland China simultaneously with Xiangjiang, which was won by Deep Space Company.

Although "Infernal Affairs" was filmed by Deep Space Company, for the sake of easy operation, it took the route of co-production.

According to previous policies, co-productions need to be shot in the mainland, and there are requirements for the proportion of mainland actors.

For these two points, "Infernal Affairs" can only satisfy the second point, but not the first point.

However, because of the special circumstances this time, Radio and Television has adopted a special policy for Deep Space. Not only can the shooting location not be in the mainland, but also made concessions on the release time.

This is not entirely the radio and television's preference for the deep space company, but also the fact that the policy has become more and more loose in the past two years. Even if there is no deep space company, this situation will appear in a few years.

The times are moving forward step by step, and it can only be said that Deep Space Corporation has pushed this step forward a little bit.

Before the film was released, it was already very famous in Xiangjiang, thanks to the overwhelming publicity of the Deep Space Company.

Two months in advance, the news that "Infernal Affairs" will be released has been bombarded in the Deep Space Tribe. Every Xiangjiang person who logs in to the Deep Space Tribe will definitely have news related to "Infernal Affairs" pushed to them.

One week before the release of "Infernal Affairs", Deep Space Corporation announced that it will launch the international version of Dongdong in the Xiangjiang area. As long as you buy a movie ticket for "Infernal Affairs", you can get a quota for the public beta of Dongdong.

In addition, if you buy a "Infernal Affairs" movie ticket, you will also have the opportunity to draw a free membership for one month.

This means that if you buy a movie ticket for "Infernal Affairs", you can become the first batch of users of the international version of Dongdong, and you will also have the opportunity to get a one-month free membership.

According to the official announcement of Deep Space, after the international version of Dongdong is launched, it will be accompanied by Dongdong Space, and members can unlock more content and gameplay, which is very attractive.

The international version of Dongdong was launched in Xiangjiang two days earlier than "Infernal Affairs", so the pre-sale of "Infernal Affairs" immediately exploded.

Later, in less than two weeks, the box office of "Infernal Affairs" reached 500 million Hong Kong dollars.

The two-week box office has exceeded 500 million Hong Kong dollars. What is this concept?
The last time a movie that performed so well at the Xiangjiang box office was "Titanic" released at the end of the year before last. It is very far away from No.2.

But there has never been a Chinese film that has achieved such results.

Xiangjiang's best-selling Chinese-language movie is "Police Story 1996: Simple Missions" starring Jackie Chan, which was released in 4. At that time, the final box office of this movie was 700 million Xiangjiang dollars.

The performance of "Infernal Affairs" in the first two weeks is even better than that of "Police Story 4".

Therefore, everyone is speculating whether "Infernal Affairs" can break the record of "Police Story 4" and become the best-selling Chinese film in Xiangjiang.

But there is no suspense about one thing, and that is this year's annual box office champion, whether it is Chinese or foreign language, it is undoubtedly "Infernal Affairs".

The overall box office of Xiangjiang this year is mediocre. Before the release of "Infernal Affairs", the best box office was the horror movie "Midnight Ring" released in April, which finally won 100 million Hong Kong dollars at the box office.

"Midnight Ring" is also the only movie this year before "Infernal Affairs" with a box office of more than 3000 million Hong Kong dollars. No.2 is Zhou Xingchi's "King of Comedy", with a box office of 980 million, which is [-] million yuan away from "Midnight". The box office of "The Ring" is only one step away.

Several other films, such as "The Mummy", "Glass Bottle", and "Chinese Heroes" performed well at the box office, all of which were more than 2000 million Hong Kong dollars.

"Infernal Affairs" is constantly moving towards the record on the Xiangjiang side, and on the other hand, it is also making great strides all the way in the mainland.

In just two weeks, "Infernal Affairs" also directly won the box office title this year, and "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace", which was released at the same time as it, did not pose any threat to it at all.

In the past two weeks, "Star Wars Episode 1" only won a box office of less than 500 million yuan, while "Infernal Affairs" has already won a box office of 600 million yuan.

The box office performance of several blockbuster films introduced in China this year is mediocre. The result of "Star Wars Episode 1" has not yet been determined, but the previous releases basically all rushed.

"The Trap" released in April only got 900 million yuan at the box office, and "Rush Hour" released in September only got 500 million at the box office.

As for "Enemy of the State", which will be released in a while, the industry is generally not optimistic, thinking that its box office is even lower than that of "Rush Hour".

If it weren't for the appearance of "Infernal Affairs", this year would be the worst year with box office records.

A comparison with last year will be very obvious. Not to mention the "Titanic" that swept the film last year, the No.2 "Butterfly Effect" also exceeded [-] million.

In addition to these two films with over 8000 million yuan, "Saving Private Ryan" has a box office of 8000 and 5000 million, "Who Am I" has a box office of [-] million, and "Clash of Heaven and Earth" has a box office of [-] million.

Until the No.7 "Home Alone 3", the box office also has 4000 million.

It can be said that compared with last year, this year's domestic box office has fallen off a cliff, and the appearance of "Infernal Affairs" can cover up the shame.

However, "Infernal Affairs" is not considered a dark horse in China. As early as August, someone predicted that this movie is likely to become this year's box office champion, and it also gave a precise box office - 500 million RMB.

Now it seems that this prediction is still conservative, because "Infernal Affairs" won the box office of more than 600 million yuan in just two weeks, and it can be said that the final box office will exceed 500 million. It can be said that it is a certainty.

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