China Film Group, after listening to the data report of "Infernal Affairs", Han Shanping leaned back with a smile, and leaned back on the sofa comfortably, "Unexpectedly, the momentum of "Infernal Affairs" is even stronger than I imagined." More aggressive."

It is none other than Han Shanping, who has just been transferred to the vice chairman and deputy general manager of China Film Group, who predicted the box office of "Infernal Affairs" at 500 million.

Lin Xiaogang, Minister of Commerce who was in charge of the report, said with a smile, "The performance of "Infernal Affairs" exceeded everyone's expectations, and everyone still underestimated this movie."

Han Shanping shook his head with a smile, "The performance of "Infernal Affairs" exceeded many people's expectations, but I believe it did not exceed the expectations of Yu Dong and Jimmy. In addition, what we underestimated was not this movie, but Deep Space Corporation's Propaganda ability. If another company produces and distributes the product, not to mention a [-]% discount, at least a [-]% discount.”

"That's right." Lin Xiaogang agreed, "Not to mention the strength of the publicity, the strength of the brand itself alone is extraordinary, and I have a personal experience of this."

Han Shanping smiled, "Oh, what should I say?"

"Last weekend, my sister's family came to my house as guests. During the meal, we chatted about the latest movie released. My nephew hadn't watched "Infernal Affairs." The movies produced by the company must be good, and his classmates will definitely watch them, so he also wants to watch them. And this sentence has also been recognized by my wife, brother-in-law and my mother."

Hearing Lin Xiaogang's words, Han Shanping couldn't help feeling, "In just a few years, the brand of Shenkong has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Don't say that ordinary audiences recognize them, and those bosses who hold money also recognize Shenkong. "

Also, Han Shanping didn’t tell Lin Xiaogang that a friend introduced another friend to Han Shanping some time ago. That friend was doing business in the coastal area and made some money. I don’t know whose advice he wanted to invest in the film and television industry. .

That person identified Deep Space Corporation, and said in a very loud tone that as long as Deep Space Corporation is willing, it can pay as much as it wants.

Han Shanping doesn't despise these rich bosses, but it is still difficult to invest money in Shenkong, because Shenkong is not short of money at all.

The boss of the local tycoon is really loud, and he opens his mouth to hundreds of millions, but are millions of dollars also called money for the current Deep Space Company?
Deep Space is currently filming "The Martian", and it is said that the total investment has reached 9000 million US dollars, and the Deep Space Company paid nearly half of the 9000 million US dollars.

I heard that after the launch of the "Martian" project, a large number of investors squeezed their heads with banknotes and wanted to get in, but Deep Space refused.

Those who can invest are those companies related to publicity, and ordinary people are not qualified at all.

Han Shanping is also considering recently whether to deepen the cooperation between China Film and Deep Space Corporation.The previous cooperation between Deep Space and China Film was relatively simple, similar to the tribute made by Deep Space Corporation.

And now Han Shanping hopes to directly participate in the investment of Deep Space Movies, so that they can also rely on Deep Space Company to absorb funds from other parties and accelerate the development of the group.


That night, Han Shanping called Jimmy.

Jimmy, who was in New York, had just woken up. He was quite surprised to receive a call from Han Shanping. Under normal circumstances, Han Shanping would not take the initiative to call him.

After a few simple greetings, Han Shanping began to get down to business, "Jimmy, you have recently launched a lot of projects in deep space, and the financial pressure is quite high."

Jimmy is a smart person, and he has been in China for so many years. As soon as Han Shanping said this, he probably understood what it meant.

Deep Space Corporation is actually not short of money at this stage. They have cashed out from Amazon and Apple, and there is still a lot of money that has not been spent.

But of course Jimmy can't say that he doesn't lack money.

"Hey, Mr. Han, you said that in this world, there is no shortage of money. Our company has saved some property in the past few years, and this year it will be almost given away. You probably know how to spend it. We only The investment in Mangya is worth hundreds of millions, and the roads there are still being repaired."

Han Shanping squinted his eyes, and couldn't help sighing, this guy Jimmy is a monkey spirit with his hair sticky, his brain is really alive.

Jimmy's words seem to be selling miserably, but he is actually telling Han Shanping that they are not short of money in deep space, and at the same time telling Han Shanping: Our company has made great contributions to the country, so don't cheat us.

Han Shanping said with a smile, "Your deep space performance in the past few years is really good. Not only road construction, but also investment in education and charity is also admirable."

"Mr. Han is overrated. These are what our companies should do."

"Your words will embarrass many companies." Han Shanping laughed, and then changed the subject, "The domestic film and television industry has developed rapidly in the past two years, and once it develops rapidly, people will be targeted. In the past two years, many film and television companies have been established in China, large and small. In addition to these film and television companies, there are also money from all walks of life wanting to pour into the film and television industry."

Jimmy smiled and said, "This is a good thing. It shows that the domestic film and television industry is thriving under the leadership of Mr. Han."

"Jimmy, we are old friends. Don't be too high-profile and high-profile with me. I can see the development of the film and television industry, but I can also see the chaos that the film and television industry continues to produce. The money is pouring in. After that, without regulation, there will inevitably be a bunch of shoddy works.”

"Then, what does Boss Han mean?"

"What I mean is that you need money in deep space, so it's better to control this part of the money. You use this money to produce high-quality works, so I can rest assured."

Hearing Han Shanping's words, Jimmy couldn't help giving a thumbs up. This leader speaks with a level.

He obviously wanted to promote some investment for the Deep Space Corporation, but he was able to tell Han Shanping so much.

Han Shanping said this, on the one hand, it sounds good, on the other hand, it is also a "moral kidnapping" of Deep Space Corporation.

This is also based on Han Shanping's understanding of deep space and Dong. He knows that what Yu Dong has always wanted to do is to maintain the order of the domestic film and television industry.

Jimmy said very bluntly: "Yes, I don't think it's better than this. Let your China Film Group save the funds and solve the funds. Our company is responsible for selecting the plan. When it comes to each project, let's talk in detail. Do you think it will work?"

The words reached Han Shanping's heart, and he said with a smile: "Jimmy, I still didn't misunderstand you. Don't worry, this matter will be hard for you, but I won't let you suffer. Let's work hard together. Win. When we have time, let's sit down and talk?"

"No problem, I will go to China in a few days, and I will visit you then."

Han Shanping smiled and said, "Yes, yes, I know, you are going to Jinling, so don't come to me when the time comes, let's see you in Jinling."

"Oh, yes, yes, see you in Jinling."


After hanging up the phone, Jimmy smiled and shook his head. He had expected this situation a long time ago.

In fact, this is not a bad thing for the deep space company, as long as the deep space company grasps the general direction and has more capital inflows, it can accelerate the company's development.

Deep Space doesn't want to accept other people's investment because it doesn't want to lose the initiative, doesn't want to argue, and doesn't want to share the profits.

But now that China Film Group is in the middle, things are different.

No matter whose money it is, if Deep Space cooperates with China Film Group, the initiative and the right to speak must belong to their two companies. Gossiping?

Their model is like raising chickens. Deep Space has chicken seedlings in its hands, and China Film Group pulls another funder to buy feed for them. When the chickens eat the feed and grow up, everyone kills the chickens and makes a dish. Deep Space Taking the middle shadow to share the meat, the gold master who was pulled over gnawed the bones.

China Film has taken a fancy to the chicks in Shen Kong's hands and the chicken raising technology, and Shen Kong now has too many chickens in hand. It is true that they cannot raise them all by themselves. It is also good to rely on China Film.

China Film Group can not only help them attract financial backers and control profit sharing, but also run a deep space company to mobilize various resources.

Jimmy is going to visit China these few days. After Yu Yi was born, Jimmy has never seen him once. This time he just took advantage of the full moon wine to see.


When Han Shanping was on the phone with Jimmy, Yu Dong was busy with the full moon wine.

According to Yu Dong's idea, for the full moon wine, just call some relatives and friends who are close to the house to have a meal, but Yu Yi's grandma and grandma firmly disagree, and they must be handled by Yu Yi. A full moon wine.

More than half a month in advance, Qin Fang and Chen Yuqing sent two lists to Yu Dong and asked him to write invitations based on the lists.

Qin Fang's list has 76 names in total, and Chen Yuqing's list has even more, with 89 names.

After finishing the two lists, Yu Dong started to write invitations to his friends.

Originally, if you just invite some friends nearby, others don't need to call, but now that the two families have invited so many people, and the momentum has become so big, some people are embarrassed to stop calling.

For example, Yang Xiao has said several times before that she must be invited to drink after the baby is born, and she must be given an invitation card.

If Yang Xiao is invited, it is impossible for Tan Kai not to call, and if Tan Kai is called, it is impossible for Niu Erfang not to call.

All three of them called, Liu Cixin and Wang Jingkang should also be called, and then He Hongwei and Yang Peng.

Friends from the sci-fi world have called out, and friends from the Shanghai Writers Association naturally have to call out, Wang Anyi, Ge Fei, Zhao Lihong...

Some friends, Yu Dong, didn't send invitations, so they came over to ask.

For example, Han Shanping, he heard from Zhang Yimou that Yu Dong's family was going to have a full moon, so he came here to ask.

Since everyone has come to ask, Yu Dong can only offer an invitation.

So as soon as Jimmy said he was going to China, Han Shanping knew that Jimmy was going to drink the full moon wine.

In the end, Yu Dong found that there were more guests on the list than when he married Cheng Yanqiu.


On the day of November 21st, Luoyuan Garden became lively. Apart from the endless stream of guests, neighbors also came to join in the fun.

When Luoyuan was first built, Yu Dong was not as famous as he is now, and the people living around only knew that a rich man lived in it, but they didn't know who it was.

As time went by, Yu Dong became more and more famous, and his family had more and more contacts with the surrounding people. Basically, everyone within three miles knew that Yu Dong's family lived here.

Such a big commotion in Luoyuan today quickly attracted the neighbors nearby, and as long as they came, they would all receive a beautiful candy box.

Yu Yi, who was half a month old, was placed in a crib on the second floor. Since eight o'clock in the morning, the people who came to see her have not stopped.

The little girl who usually cries a lot, today she is quite generous. Not only does she not cry, but she often laughs.

When Yu Dong walked around the lobby of the reception building and went back, he found that the crib had been stuffed with red envelopes under the quilt.

Cheng Yanqiu smiled wryly: "They stuffed the red envelopes one by one and left. They couldn't be stopped. No matter how many there are, I can't tell who belongs to whom."

Yu Dong stroked his forehead lightly. This was what he was most afraid of. Favors, no matter how big or small, had to be paid back. With so many red envelopes, he needed to remember them all now, and return them one by one when he had the opportunity in the future.

Human relations are a tradition, but once there are too many, it will be a headache. This is really a waste of energy.

Yu Dong roughly counted, and in just a short while, Yu Yi received more than 3000 red envelopes.

This is not a small sum. You must know that the per capita disposable income of Jinling’s urban population increased a lot last year, but it was only less than [-].

And this was just the beginning, before Yu Dongdu had finished packing up the previous red envelopes, other people came over from behind.

Generally, guests don’t get many red envelopes, basically stable between [-] and [-], but there are some exceptions who give a little more.

One of the most exaggerated is Jimmy.

Jimmy was very eye-catching when he came, wearing a black wool coat and carrying a red backpack.

Yu Dong still knows this backpack. It is a sports backpack co-branded by Yunchi Company and the Milan football team. It has a red tone with black stripes.

It stands to reason that AC Milan should not be willing to co-brand with an unknown brand, but their situation is quite special recently.

This year is Milan's centenary celebration, but their performance in the past two years has not been very good. In the first two seasons, they were No.10 once and No.11 once, which seems to have entered the team's trough.

At this time, Deep Space Company brought Yunchi to find Milan, expressing their hope to cooperate with them, and willing to give a lot of money to help them out of the predicament.

Because they have been really struggling recently, and the Deep Space Company is famous, and the co-branding fee is indeed quite a lot, so they readily agreed.

This bag has only just been designed, not mass-produced, and the one Jimmy is carrying is a sample.

He walked to the crib with the bag on his back, took off the bag, and said with a smile, "Yu Yi, uncle gave you a super super big red envelope."

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