Jimmy's backpack was bulging, Yu Dong thought it was full of money, and was about to push the bag back when Jimmy had already opened the zipper.

"Come, Yu Yi, and take a look at the generous gift uncle gave you."

Jimmy first took out a small notebook from his bag, "This is the brochure for the Hexi Swimming Pool. This swimming pool is already under construction. We will try to build it before your first birthday, so that you can learn to swim as soon as possible."

"And this." Jimmy took out another small notebook, "The foreign curriculum plan of the Deep Space Music Museum, when you are three years old, let your parents take you to learn piano, cello, violin... Tailor your course."

"Tennis at the age of four, dance at the age of five, and dance at the age of six..."

"There is also a kindergarten. When the time comes, you will go to the kindergarten with the children of Shenkong..."

Looking at the pile of small notebooks that Jimmy took out, Yu Dong felt his scalp tingle.

"Ahem, Jimmy, this gift you gave means that when I grow up, I will describe it to her truthfully, so that she can understand how much you care about her."

"Haha, I'm sure she can understand my good intentions. I didn't see that you are so rich, and you wouldn't be happy to give you money, so give it something different."

Yu Dong curled his lips, "It's better to give money. Have you ever heard of anyone in this world who thinks too much money?"

Cheng Yanqiu took the backpack and said with a smile, "Jimmy, don't listen to his nonsense, I think this gift is very good and practical."

In fact, Jimmy's gift is not so much for Yu Yi, but for the deep space employees and the people in the HX area.

Every manual in the schoolbag is a convenience plan. These plans will revolve around the deep space park to build Hexi into a large community integrating literature, art and sports.

There are some things that Jimmy didn't mention, such as the hospital. Deep Space Corporation plans to build a general hospital near the park.Apart from food, clothing, housing and transportation, the most important things for the people are education and medical care, and Deep Space will help them solve all these problems.

Before that, Jimmy joked that when Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu had their second child, they could have it in their own hospital.

"The quality of this bag is not bad."

Yu Dong took the backpack and looked it inside out. The quality of the backpack is undeniable, and it has complete functions, which is very suitable for going out for sports.And the design of this red and black stripe was born out of AC Milan's jersey, which looks very beautiful.

Jimmy nodded quite complacently, "I followed this package personally from the initial negotiation, to the mid-term design, and to the later production promotion. Of course, there will be no problems. And this package is just the beginning. Follow-up Yunchi I will also work with many teams.”

Yunchi wants to go out, but the first thing he focuses on is the backpack, and this is also a helpless choice.

Although relying on the deep space visual design team, Yunchi has produced two very well-designed shoes, but it is still far behind Nike and Adidas in terms of technology.

Deep Space is also constantly investing in technology research and development, but this thing will not be able to catch up in a short while, so Yunchi can only go on the track of backpacks and clothing first, and first make the brand famous. As for sports shoes The technology can slowly catch up later.

Whether it's Yu Dong or Jimmy, they actually have one thing in common when doing business, that is, as long as they look for the direction, they will definitely not only look at the immediate interests, but put their eyes on the long-term future.

The same is true for Yunchi. According to Yunchi's publicity and investment in technology research and development, it is impossible to make a profit within three to five years.Their requirement for Yunchi is that as long as the balance of payments can be achieved within five years, the goal will be considered achieved.

Wang Jin made a suggestion before, that is to learn from certain companies and bind Yunchi's products with Deep Space.

For example, as long as the employees of Shenkong Company must buy Yunchi clothes and shoes, the companies that cooperate with Shenkong must also buy a certain amount of Yunchi products.

When he heard Wang Jin's proposal at that time, Yu Dong criticized Wang Jin, criticizing him for forgetting the conscience and original intention of being an enterprise, and he was already dazzled when he wanted to sell products.

That's right, if you really follow Wang Jin's suggestion, you can indeed bring a large number of orders to Yunchi in a short period of time, because there are too many companies that cooperate with Deep Space, and they will definitely buy it in order to please Deep Space. .

But in this way, it will definitely damage the image of the Yunchi brand, and it will also affect the image of the Deep Space Group, which is the worst of the worst.

Not only will Yu Dong not force employees and cooperative companies to buy Yunchi products, but he will also regularly distribute benefits and give employees the qualifications to purchase at internal prices, and it is a free choice, never forced.

"When will this bag go on sale and how much does it cost?"

"It will be sold next month, and the price of each bag is 59 euros."

"What about the country?"

"Domestic 390."

"That's quite expensive." Yu Dong couldn't help sighing, "It's worth a month's salary for many people."

But with emotion, Yu Dong doesn't think there is any problem with this price. This bag is a joint name with Milan, and it is not appropriate to sell it too cheap.And the main market of this bag is Europe and the United States, not domestic.

Jimmy didn't discuss the price of the bag with Yu Dongduo, but said with a smile, "Before I came, I have arranged for people to draw a lottery on the Deep Space Tribe today. This lottery will draw a total of [-] people, and each winner will have a backpack." .”

Yu Dong was surprised, "Hey, this lottery is so powerful."

Jimmy chuckled and said, "The ancient emperor gave birth to a princess, and he wanted to pardon the world. Our deep space princess was born, and I think it's too low to draw [-] backpacks."

Yu Dong gave Jimmy a thumbs up, "If you want to talk about the skill of flattering, you are still proficient... just draw a lottery, but don't publicize Yu Yi's birth."

"Don't worry about that, it won't happen at all."


In fact, not only the Deep Space Tribe is drawing a lottery, but several websites and software of the Deep Space series in China are also drawing a lottery today, and there are more types of prizes.

Each website or software draws different things, such as Dongdong, a total of [-] monthly members of Dongdong are drawn.

Deep Space Film and Television Network gave away [-] movie tickets of "Infernal Affairs".

Deep Space Chinese Network, donated [-] books by authors under the Deep Space banner.

The official website of Deep Space Games gave away [-] copies of genuine games under Deep Space, [-] Nintendo game consoles and [-] Sony game consoles, all of which are the latest models.

Such a large-scale and super-intensive lottery draw made netizens a little confused. Many people opened the website or software in the morning and saw the lottery news, and once suspected it was fake.

There are indeed a lot of fake lottery news recently, such as the one that was popular on Dongdong some time ago, because of Yu Dong's son's birthday, if you retweet the news, you can get a Dongdong member.

It is only after seeing the official news that everyone is sure that the lottery news is true.

[Hongyuan: Is today a special day? 】

【On the paper, I finally feel shallow: I took a look, and it wasn't a special day. Could it be because of Thanksgiving a few days ago? 】

[Hard-tipped pen calligraphy: Fart, how could the Deep Space Company promote Thanksgiving. 】

[No. [-] in the world Jinmailang: Indeed, it can’t be Thanksgiving, could it really be Teacher Yu’s son’s birthday? 】

[Why is there no chance: Teacher Yu has a child? 】

[Chinese Style Junior High School: I heard that there is a son. 】

[Milk over the knee: I also heard that there is a daughter. 】

[King Jie and Zhou: Brothers, I will smoke first as a respect. 】

[Liu Jinfa: ps, go! 】

[Fierke: God bless, I don't want a game console, I just want a Dongdong member. 】


Just as netizens were discussing today's lottery, many companies showed up and participated in the event.

The first one to come forward was Motorola. They posted a message on the official account of Deep Space Chinese Online, saying that they would draw twenty mobile phones, five of which were the latest models, and the other fifteen were best-selling ones on sale. payment.

Someone roughly calculated that according to the market price, the total value of these twenty mobile phones is 18 yuan.

Sony and Nintendo are not far behind, and each said that they will double the amount of the deep space lottery. In this way, there will be a total of [-] Sony game consoles and [-] Nintendo game consoles.

Bookstores began to draw books, and record companies began to draw records...

In the beginning, some companies drew prizes because they knew that today was the full moon of Yu Dong's daughter, but then the nature of the matter changed.

The organizations and individuals who joined later didn't actually know about Yu Dong's affairs, but they saw so many lottery draws, and thought it was a good opportunity to gain popularity, and they all followed suit and joined in.

In this way, unconsciously, the lottery activity was fully launched on the Internet, and many netizens were even too busy because of the lottery.


While the netizens were busy drawing prizes, Yu Dong and Jimmy chatted with Han Shanping.

Han Shanping told Yu Dong again what he said to Jimmy before, and after listening, Yu Dong nodded, "No problem, Boss Han's proposal is also for our consideration."

In fact, Jimmy had discussed this matter with Yu Dong before, and the two had already reached an agreement.

Hearing that Yu Dong agreed, Han Shanping smiled, "Since you also agreed, let's not delay. You guys have a movie plan in the near future, and then I will use the plan to organize funds. Of course, when giving us a plan, You can also write down the amount of funds you need and the percentage you are willing to release, so that we also have a number here."

"No problem, we will give a plan within a month."

Han Shanping nodded with a smile, obviously very satisfied with this time.

In fact, this cooperation with China Film Group does not need Dong Duo to worry about it, let alone write the script himself.

Deep Space Corporation has held a lot of copyrights on hand over the years, and if they randomly select some from the middle, they are enough for China Film and the like.

After talking about the cooperation, Han Shanping also began to complain to Yu Dong and the others, talking about the current difficulties of China Film Group and the chaos in domestic theaters.

After 93, China Film Corporation's exclusive management rights were suspended, and then the studio could directly terminate the film with the provincial film companies that represented cinemas across the country.

However, the provincial-level film companies have not changed their business ideas locally, and they still maintain an exclusive monopoly on broadcasting rights, and the profit distribution system is very deformed.

At the same time, the film industry is now under the impact of TV, pirated audio and video, etc., and the market has begun to shrink. The behavior of movie theaters all over the world to steal and conceal box office revenue has contributed to the disgusting fantasy.

This year, the domestic box office has experienced a cliff-like decline. If it weren't for the appearance of "Infernal Affairs", it would have been even uglier.

According to Han Shanping's prediction, it is not a peak or valley yet, and the situation in the next two or three years may be even worse.

"There are some objective facts that we cannot change, and we have no ability to change... As people have more and more TVs and VCDs in their homes, the film market will indeed face a phased decline. But there are still some problems. It can be solved, but we haven't solved it."

Yu Dong and Jimmy glanced at each other, they both understood what Han Shanping said could be solved.

Under the current domestic theater system, it is difficult to guarantee how good the box office of movies is. Therefore, if you want to solve the box office problem and activate the domestic film industry, the best way is to carry out system reforms.

"Ahem." Jimmy coughed lightly, "Actually, I don't think this problem is difficult to solve."

Han Shanping was about to pick up his teacup to drink tea, but when he heard Jimmy's words, he quickly put down the teacup and asked, "Jimmy, what do you say? Do you have a solution to the cinema's problem?"

"I have some ideas." Jimmy said with a smile, "I think that the current domestic theater system is too loose and not market-oriented enough. It is entirely possible to establish a new system, with funds and film supply as the link, distributed by a film The main body and several movie theaters are combined to implement a distribution reflection system of unified brand, unified filming, unified operation and unified management.”

Before Han Shanping could ask, Jimmy went on to say, "Let me give you an example. Now you, China Film Group, are leading the way to form an operation line with several theaters in various places. The film studio will negotiate with you on the share, and then you will be responsible for the unified filming."

Han Shanping squinted his eyes. In fact, what Jimmy said is not new, it is the theater system in the United States.

Of course, Han Shanping understands the advantages of the theater chain system, but he also understands the resistance to implementing the theater chain system in China.

However, the example Jimmy gave made him a little moved. If the theater chain system is implemented, it will indeed be a good opportunity for China Film Group.

Han Shanping knocked on the table with his hand, and suddenly said, "Actually, there have been discussions on this aspect, and there was indeed a mention of this kind of theater system, but the voice was not firm enough, and everyone's opinions were scattered. The development of your deep space company Come on, look far, if you have any ideas, you can mention them to the higher-ups. Your opinions will be considered by the higher-ups."

Jimmy and Yu Dong understood what Han Shanping meant, and he hoped that their Deep Space Company would come forward.

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