When Jimmy proposed a plan, he expected that Han Shanping would say so, so he was already prepared.

"Mr. Han, it's what we should do to make suggestions, but we are a private company in Deep Space, so it's not easy to convey opinions."

Han Shanping understood what Jimmy meant, and said with a smile, "If you really have this heart, I will come back and recommend it. If this opinion can be finally adopted, it will be a good thing for both of you and me. After the theater chain is established , the existing cinemas are definitely not enough, they need to be built and improved, I heard that your company is very researched in this area, and when new cinemas are built, can you give some technical support."

Having said that, it's almost the same. Yu Dong held up the teacup and signaled to Han Shanping, "Mr. Han, I have other guests here, so I can only excuse myself. I will replace the wine with tea and toast you in advance. , I wish us a happy cooperation."

Han Shanping also touched Yu Dong with his teacup and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, you are really busy today. Our business will take a long time to come, so you can go first."

"Well, don't rush to go, let Jimmy accompany you to have a good drink in the evening."


After Yu Dong left, Han Shanping said to Jimmy, "Yu Dong is really a model worker. I heard that he wrote another script some time ago, right?"

"Well, for a science fiction movie, the plan has already started, and the actors are almost all found. It is estimated that we can meet you at the end of next year or the beginning of the following year."

"Then next year, your company's movies are a bit crowded. "The Martian" should also be released next year. It will not be easy to allocate this time slot."

"There are indeed a few movies, but we can't talk about getting together. According to our plan, there will definitely be many movies to be released every year in the future, not only abroad, but also domestically. Box office diversion is inevitable and cannot be prevented."

Han Shanping blew the foam on the teacup and asked again, "I heard that Lenovo made a battle with you some time ago?"

Jimmy laughed, "Mr. Han usually pays attention to this news?"

"The key is that your company appeared in the news. I took a second look. You have to grasp the scale of this matter. Lenovo is still somewhat different from ordinary companies. Of course, you should not have any concerns about the development, but on the bright side. Save a little face for others, don't be too ugly."

Jimmy nodded gratefully, "Thank you Mr. Han for reminding me, don't worry, our company is still doing things in a measured way. Besides, we also welcome the emergence of a company like Lenovo. The domestic Internet industry needs not only the deep space company, but also the deep space company. More energy needs to be injected into it. Lenovo is a giant among PC manufacturers, and it is better for them to enter the Internet industry than other messy companies.”

"Hey, I'm also worrying about it. You and Yu Dong must know something."


After coming out of the tea room where Han Shanping was, Yu Dong originally wanted to go back to the small building where he and Cheng Yanqiu lived, but met Liu Cixin and the others on the way.

Liu Cixin and the others gathered in a slightly larger tea room. There were about [-] or [-] people. In addition to a few science fiction writers, there were also a few young writers who had just emerged in the past two years, such as Li Qiuhao, Zhao Yan, Wei Peng et al.

Yu Dong stopped and walked in, "What are you talking about?"

Seeing Yu Dong come in, Liu Cixin said with a smile: "Nothing to talk about, Hu Tian talked about it, and there was no theme."

Zhao Yan said with a smile: "It's mainly our seniors who asked for advice."

"It's too foreign to ask for advice, let's communicate with each other." Liu Cixin said modestly.

Yu Dong nodded, "It's a good thing to communicate more. Although you guys don't write sci-fi, the themes you are good at have a lot in common with sci-fi. Deep Space Chinese Network may start to open an overseas version early next year. It is hoped that the work will be seen by readers in other countries as soon as possible, so you have to work harder and create more works.”

The news of the overseas version of Deep Space Chinese Network came from Yu Dongkou, and everyone sitting was a little surprised. Before that, they hadn't heard any news.

However, they all knew about Yu Dong's temperament, and it was impossible for him to joke with them about this kind of thing.

"Then will the overseas version of our novel be serialized simultaneously?" Wei Peng asked.

"I'm afraid it won't be possible to achieve complete synchronization, but if the response is good, you can try to synchronize as much as possible. There will definitely be fewer works on the overseas version of the website in the early stage, and the cost of translating a work is not low, so only the works with better response will be translated. into other languages." Yu Dong briefly explained two sentences, and then said, "You guys have gained a lot of popularity on the deep space Chinese website in China, but these popularity in the overseas version will be useless later, you need to prove yourself again. . But I want to remind you in advance, don't change your style in order to please foreign readers, so you will lose more than your gains."

Li Qiuhao smiled, "I'm afraid it's not easy to change my style."

Yu Dong nodded, Li Qiuhao is telling the truth, since his debut, he has been writing mythology, and he has never been exposed to other types.

However, Li Qiuhao is the most relaxed among them, because his works have already been translated into English, and later will be the IP works mainly promoted by Deep Space.

As for Zhao Yan and Wei Peng, they weren't particularly nervous.

They really want their works to go to the world, but their mentality is that I will be lucky, and I will lose my life, and success or not is not so important.

"Do you guys have any recent works?"

All three shook their heads, and then Wei Peng suddenly turned to look at Liu Cixin: "Mr. Liu just said that he has a new work in the works."

"Really?" Yu Dong turned to look at Liu Cixin, "Liu, do you have a new work to write?"

Liu Cixin pushed up his glasses and said with a smile, "Well, it's almost written, it's just a short story."

"Look at what you said, when did novels judge the pros and cons in terms of length? What is the theme of the new work?"

"The theme is also very old-fashioned, apocalypse, disaster, escape."

Hearing the keywords of apocalypse, disaster and escape, Yu Dong suddenly thought of Liu Cixin's short story "The Wandering Earth".

"Can you briefly explain the background of the story?" Yu Dong asked.

"Of course there is no problem. One day in the future, due to some special reasons, the earth will be destroyed. At this time, human beings will face a choice in order to survive..."

"The earth is about to be destroyed, so what else should we choose?" Wei Peng asked curiously.

Liu Cixin said with a smile: "In the sci-fi world, the destruction of the earth is a trivial matter. Under the background I set, humans have two choices, one is to run away on their own, and the other is to run away with the earth."

Zhao Yan raised his hand and said: "Mr. Liu, I can understand running on my own, but in a spaceship... But what about running with the earth? Is there any special science and technology that can change the orbit of the earth? Where does the earth go? Is the earth still useful if it is not next to the sun?"

Liu Cixin did not answer Zhao Yan's question, but instead asked: "If you were given a choice, would you choose to run with the earth or in a spaceship?"

Zhao Yan rested his chin in his hand and thought seriously, and everyone else in the room followed suit. This seems to be a scientific question, but it also seems to be a philosophical question.

At first glance, this question sounds like a woman asking "I fell into the water at the same time as your mother, who will you save?"

"I chose to take a spaceship. Although I don't know much about science, no matter how I think about it, compared to taking the earth, I travel lightly in a spaceship, and I have a better chance of escaping."

Li Qiuhao raised a different opinion, "It's really suitable to run lightly, but humans are not only thinking about escape at this time, but also the continuation of civilization. Bringing the earth is equivalent to bringing civilization and supplies, regardless of escape. Wherever you go, the earth is by your side, and your heart is always at peace."

"If you need supplies, you can put what you need in the spacecraft. There are not only supplies on earth, but also a bunch of useless things."

"A lot of seemingly useless things are an important part of the formation of life on Earth."

At first, it was just Li Qiuhao and Zhao Yan arguing, and later Yang Peng and He Hongwei joined in.

As soon as science fiction writers get on board, things become completely different.

Yang Peng did not say his choice, but was discussing the possibility of taking the earth, "Let me make a guess, to take the earth, we need to transform the earth into a super-large aircraft. In this way, we The first problem to be solved is that we need some engines to propel this aircraft. After we have engines, we need to find fuel. Before talking about fuel, let's talk about engines. Of course, let me state beforehand that I am not interested in geology. I know too much, so I don't know if the engine's thrust is too large, it will cause huge damage to the earth itself, all the speculations I make below are based on the earth's ability to withstand such a huge thrust..."

Zhao Yan and the others listened in a daze. Before that, they thought that writing science fiction was mainly fantasy, and of course scientific knowledge was also needed, but it didn't need to be too deep, just a little understanding.

But Yang Peng and He Hongwei taught them a lesson. It turns out that science fiction writers need to understand so much.

Before Yang Peng and the others did not speak, Zhao Yan also felt that wanting to take the earth away was not like science fiction, but a fantasy.

But after listening to Yang Peng's guess, Zhao Yan and the others even felt that it was not impossible to take the earth away, as long as science and technology developed a little bit further.

For Yang Peng and He Hongwei's analysis, Liu Cixin couldn't stop nodding, "Your analysis is very reasonable."

Yu Dong, who had not spoken at this time, suddenly said, "Write it down quickly, I'll wait and see."

Liu Cixin laughed: "Don't rush me, now a bunch of readers are writing to me, asking me to help urge you to write science fiction quickly, if you don't plan to write science fiction in the future, right?"

Yu Dong smiled, "It depends on the situation."

There are indeed many readers who urged him to write science fiction novels. Not only Liu Cixin had received such letters, but anyone who had something to do with Yu Dong had received them, and basically none of those present were spared.

Of course, Yu Dong himself has received the most letters of this kind.

More than letters, the internet is full of posts urging him to write science fiction.

Hearing Liu Cixin talk about this, Yang Peng and He Hongwei both sighed secretly. For them, Yu Dong is a mountain in the sci-fi world.

When they first entered the sci-fi world, the mountain of Yudong was already soaring into the clouds. At that time, they regarded Yudong as a role model, a benchmark, and a leader.

But in the past two years, Yu Dong seems to be withdrawing from the sci-fi world. Although he is still highly productive, he has no sci-fi themed works.

Now there are a lot of sci-fi fans in China who have been fond of sci-fi since Yu Dong's rise. They look forward to Yu Dong's ability to write more sci-fi novels day and night.

Every time the news of Yu Dong's new book came out, these people would immediately check to see if the new book was a science fiction novel. When they found out that it was not, they cried out again.

This phenomenon is not only unique in China, there are also a large number of readers abroad, just waiting to read Yu Dong's science fiction.

There is a lot of speculation about why he suddenly stopped writing science fiction.

Some people say that Yu Dong has passed his creative peak, and now Jiang Lang is exhausted, but most people do not agree with this statement, because Yu Dong's current output is still very high, and he even publishes several novels every year, with millions of words. output.

No matter the number, every book he publishes has received very enthusiastic response. This year, just one copy of "The Da Vinci Code" has detonated the world, and the sales volume has greatly broken the momentum of "Old Books".

To say that such a writer Jiang Lang is exhausted, he wouldn't believe it.

There is also a saying that Yu Dong has always wanted to cultivate domestic science fiction writers, but now that all the domestic science fiction writers are up, he is unwilling to write science fiction novels again, and compete with these science fiction writers for readers.

This statement makes Yu Dong too noble, but it is not completely unreasonable. It is true that Yu Dong has no motivation to write science fiction because of the large number of talents in the domestic science fiction industry.

Yu Dong didn't talk about the new book, but mentioned another thing to Liu Cixin, "Since you are in Jinling, just stay for two more days and go to the Deep Space Park to hold a book signing for readers. "Whale Song" novel You haven't met your readers since the episode came out."

In order to cooperate with the later release of the "Whale Song" movie, the company put together a short and medium story by Liu Cixin and made it into a novel collection, called "Whale Song".

The fact that "Whale Song" is going to be made into a movie was announced by Yu Dong at the Galaxy Awards last year, and the movie plan had already started at that time.

The movie is scheduled for February in the United States, while the Chinese side will not be able to see it until April or May.

Hearing that Yu Dong had arranged for him to work, Liu Cixin said with a bitter face, "I knew it would be bad to see you."

Yu Dong laughed, patted Liu Cixin's shoulder and said, "Isn't it a good thing to let you make money? I think you are living too well."

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