Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 758 I 1 must go to the scene

Yu Dong's money is certainly enough to buy Blizzard, but he can't do it.

After so many years, he and Jimmy have been closely tied to each other in their careers, and it is difficult to separate them.

Without him, Jimmy might have had a career, but there is a high probability that he has been a middleman for so many years, making a little money in the entertainment industry.

If there is no Jimmy, Yu Dong can naturally make money with the advantage of rebirth, but the Deep Space Group will never develop to the scale it is today.

The Deep Space Group has grown to where it is today in less than ten years, thanks to Jimmy's contribution.

Seeing that Dong Zhenger wanted to win Blizzard, Jimmy also became serious, "I don't have much research on Blizzard's business, but according to my feeling, their company's business is probably worth a small ten million dollars. For a normal acquisition, it will definitely not exceed 5000 million US dollars. The reason why I said [-] million US dollars just now is to scare you on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is also based on my understanding of the company Vivendi. Vivendi has money in hand , has been expanding rapidly in the past two years, and they have prospects for their company to enter the game industry."

Yu Dong nodded, expressing understanding, "Meaning, if we want to acquire Blizzard, we must pay a premium."

"Yes, Vivendi is a hyena with a mouth full of fangs, ready to bite at any time. If they bite, a piece of meat will definitely fall off. From an emotional point of view, I also hope to acquire Blizzard, Because I know that at Vivendi, Blizzard will definitely not be healthy."

"Do it as soon as possible. If you can't pull it down, it's not that they have to." Yu Dong said.

"As soon as possible, my idea is to finalize this matter before the Chinese New Year, and then take advantage of the annual meeting to test the waters of the game competition. If possible, next year's World Electronic Game Competition can be completed. It's done."

"If the annual meeting starts, is it a little nervous in the middle?"

"It doesn't matter, there is no audition, just make an invitation directly. Set the bonus to a high point to ensure that no one can refuse." Jimmy smiled, "Speaking of which, now is the time to engage in this, our deep space game hall. It was only opened to the public this year, and there are two halls and a small hall in the game hall, which can be used for competitions.”

"Well, since it is the first year and it will be held at the annual meeting, there will be no charge for this year's tickets. Let's send it out as a benefit of the annual meeting."

"I think so too. We need to start the gimmick first, and when we do it next year, we can collect the tickets generously."


At the end of November, Vivendi received an offer from Deep Space to Blizzard, with a total price of 800 million US dollars.

If this offer came from some small companies, Vivendi would probably not have taken a look at it, but it came from a hot company like Deep Space.

A few days ago, there was a wave of lottery draws on the Deep Space Tribe. A lot of companies and celebrities participated. It can be said that it was a social network carnival. They also followed the trend on the official account of the Deep Space Tribe. A draw.

Although the quotation of 800 million US dollars was a bit outrageous, Vivendi responded to Deep Space Company immediately, expressing its willingness to negotiate further.


Vivendi acquired Hawass and got Blizzard and Snow Leshan under Hawass. It was indeed for them to enter the game industry, but if they could sell these companies to make a lot of money, why would they not be happy?

Although Vivendi buys companies everywhere, they know their own business. Today's Vivendi has been growing in debt, and it will be finished if they can't stand up.

After the first contact between the top management of the two companies, Vivendi expressed very generously that he was willing to transfer Blizzard to Deep Space, and not only that, they also wanted good people to do the job and transfer the entire game division to Deep Space.

However, the price after packaging is a bit high, requiring $[-] million.

Jimmy almost scolded when he heard the price.

This price is even more outrageous than the 800 million US dollars he quoted.

Vivendi is indeed rich, and they have bought and sold everywhere these years, but the size of their entire company is there. In June of this year, Vivendi merged with EMI Films, and the merger exchange ratio was 3 Vivendi 2 EMI shares , and after that, the Wall Street Journal valued them at $26 billion.

But now, Vivendi wants to package their game division and sell it to Deep Space for $[-] million.

After receiving this price, Deep Space said that it doesn’t need anything else, just Blizzard, and is willing to raise the price to 1000 million US dollars.

Seeing the second offer from Deep Space, Vivendi was not only not disappointed, but even more interested, and sent a five-person team to fly from Europe to the United States to meet with the executives of Deep Space America.

After two days of negotiation, although the two sides still did not reach an agreement, it is getting closer and closer to the deal.

Deep space has basically probed the psychological price of Vivendi.

Vivendi hopes to package the game business department directly, because they think that they can't make much money just by selling a Blizzard, so they want to give all the other messy things to Deep Space.

Especially Snow Mountain.

Since it was taken over by Vivendi last year, the business of Xueleshan Company began to decline crazily. In the past year, Xueleshan headquarters decided to close most of the development studios, and the main business changed from making games to publishing games. As a result, a large number of employees were dismissed. It is reported that over the past year, Xuele Mountain has laid off nearly 300 people in total.

From Vivendi's point of view, Xue Leshan is a bit like a dragging oil bottle. Except for some IPs that have been saved before, there is no development potential at all.

If Blizzard were to be sold at this time, then Xuele Mountain would have no meaning to exist.

Therefore, Vivendi wants to package and sell Xue Leshan to Deep Space together with Blizzard. Their psychological price should be between US$[-] million and US$[-] million.

Last year, Xue Leshan’s previous parent company, Shengteng, had to sell the software departments of four companies including Xue Leshan and Blizzard to Havas for $[-] million due to a financial scandal. Di M&A.

Speaking of which, Vivendi spent less than US$[-] million on several companies such as Xue Leshan and Blizzard, and was also forgiven some debts.

If they can really sell these companies to Deep Space for more than $[-] million this year, it will undoubtedly be a huge commercial victory.


Jimmy wanted to lower the price to less than [-] million US dollars, but he failed to negotiate several times. In the end, he had to make a deal for [-] million US dollars, and Vivendi also said that it must be cash, not any other equivalent. Paid within forty days.

After the contract was signed, Jimmy called Yu Dong and complained to Yu Dong for 10 minutes.

"Dong, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be mad at me. You didn't see how happy the person in charge was when they signed the contract. This can be said to be the most useless deal I've ever done in my life. It's not that you said that as soon as possible, I must take them down with [-] million US dollars. What kind of waste is Xueleshan for them? This is good, not only did they not lose money, but it took less than a year for them to earn twice. , How can there be such a profitable business in the world."

Hearing Jimmy's complaint, Yu Dong said it was understandable. If he hadn't known about Blizzard's development, everyone would have thought that the Deep Space Company had been taken advantage of this time.

What people got for less than 8000 million US dollars, was bought by Deep Space for [-] million US dollars, how stupid it looks, and Xuele Mountain has been quickly played by Vivendi.

However, Yu Dong is very happy that Xue Leshan was packaged together. If nothing else, at least Xue Leshan helped V to release "Counter-Strike". This alone can make deep space earn back the cost.

"Okay, isn't it just [-] billion? We are not short of this money. Since the contract has been finalized, let's handle the handover as soon as possible, and start the World Series as soon as possible. There is not much time left before the Chinese New Year."

"Well, I'll soon... do we want to form a game club ourselves at the World Series?" Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "No, let others do it. As long as Li Lan is found, someone will naturally invest in it."

"Haha, I was thinking that I could win the first championship."

"When did you care about this kind of stupid thing? I don't care if we can win the championship, I only care if we can take the initiative in the World Series. To make money, it doesn't matter if the champion is a champion or not."

To put it bluntly, what Yu Dong wants is to be able to produce and export more good games. As for whether China can produce a champion team, that is secondary.

"That's true." Jimmy laughed. "Well, the acquisition will be announced soon, and the World Series will be announced at the same time."


Since the last time I listened to the song "Dad, I'm Back" at the Werewolf Club, Hakorn has been madly infatuated with the Chinese singer named jaychou.

Although I can't understand the lyrics because I don't understand Chinese, Hakoen feels particularly strong when he hears Jay's voice.

Later, Hakorn also bought the entire "Fantasy" album. After listening to it, I found that this jay is really talented. There are many songs in the album that are strange at first, but they are good to listen to. .

In addition to "Dad, I'm Back", he also prefers three songs "William Castle", "Ninja" and "Nunchuck".

During this time, he only listened to two albums, one is "Fantasy", and the other is Jay's previous album "jay".


"Mars, you must listen to this song, it will definitely make you feel like the sky is about to be lifted."

Hakorn took off one earphone and talked to his good friend Mars Amway, his newfound singer.

Mars was surfing the Internet, and he couldn't help laughing when he heard Hakorn's words, "You have told me many times, in addition, I want to remind you again, I listened to jay's songs before you, I I have a copy of 'jay' at home, and it's been in my bookcase for almost a year."

Hakorn pouted, "But you never told me before, otherwise, I would have listened to his songs long ago."

Mars shrugged.

In fact, he said jay to Ha Cohen before, he said that he had listened to a good Chinese singer during that time, but Ha Cohen just raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, is it?"

But Mars didn't want to argue with Hakorn, because he knew that Hakorn must have forgotten about it.

"You've been in front of the computer all morning, Mars, aren't you afraid your eyes will break?"

"You spend more time in front of the computer than me every day." Mars replied, and then said, "The logo of the Deep Space Tribe has turned red. Generally, this means that there will be major official announcements. I Seeing if anyone knows what the news is."

"Oh, is that so?" Hakorn also sat up, "It should be dong dong fully online."

Mars shook his head, "I don't know, I walked around and didn't see any definite news."

"It may also be news related to the deep space annual meeting. It will be the deep space annual meeting in more than a month."

"Really?" Mars felt that this guess was not reliable, but he was not sure, "Maybe Yu has a new book?"

"This is important news, but the logo of the Deep Space Tribe didn't turn red before the release of The Da Vinci Code last time."

"It doesn't seem like... Hey, here it is."

The official Deep Space Tribe suddenly sent a message, and Mars who clicked it saw it immediately.

"Two important pieces of news have been announced. The first is that yu's new book "Snowman" will be officially released on January [-]th... Let me just say, yu is going to publish a new book."

Hakorn also raised his eyebrows, "There is really a new book called "Snowman", which is quite suitable for this season. Isn't it said that there are two news? What is the other news?"

"Well, secondly, our company will hold the first World E-Sports Competition. The competition time is January 2000, 1. The venue is the Game Hall of Jinling Deep Space Park, China. The competition is open to the public. Friends who are interested in watching the competition can visit the The application is made at the bottom of this post, and the application format is as follows…”

By the end of the reading, Mars was so excited that he was almost speechless.

He is a full game fan. Unlike Hakorn who only likes to play Werewolf, Mars plays all kinds of games, whether it is a PC game or a console game, as long as it is a fun game, he is involved in it, and he plays several games. It was pretty good.

The World Electronic Game Competition, the name of this competition makes people feel very powerful.

Moreover, there is an introduction in the competition details that more than 30 contestants from more than 400 countries will be invited to participate in the competition.

No matter which event it is, the first prize is USD 8000, the runner-up is USD 3000, and the third place is USD [-]. In addition, each contestant can get a star card with [-] points.

Seeing the scale of the game, Mars couldn't help clenching his fists, "I must go to the scene."

Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

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