Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 759 Flexibility and Stretch

The idea that the Deep Space Company was going to host the World Electronic Game Competition quickly caused a sensation.

Of course, e-sports competitions are nothing new. There have been e-sports competitions as early as the early 70s. The "Spacewar" competition held by Stanford University in 1972 is regarded as the earliest e-sports competition.

Later, major game manufacturers have held similar competitions, such as the "Space Invaders" tournament held by Atari, which attracted more than [-] players to participate.

Nintendo is hosting world championships in nearly [-] cities.

But there has never been an e-sports competition with the momentum of the deep space company this time. According to the deep space company, in order to hold this world e-sports competition, they have prepared a fund of 1000 million US dollars.

And unlike the previous competitions, the competition held by Deep Space this time included the most popular games nowadays, not like the previous ones, which were held by manufacturers to promote their own games.

Although there is also a deep space game such as "Escape", no one has raised any objection, because "Escape" is not less popular than other games, and it ranks at the forefront in terms of sales. Qualify as a project.

In addition, this game Deep Space will give away all the tickets, and directly give up the ticket revenue.

Under the tribe in deep space, tens of thousands of comments were received in just one day.

Although many of them are duplicate comments, the number of people who signed up is still large.

In fact, for most Americans, the admission fee waived by Deep Space is nothing, because the cost of a trip to China far exceeds the cost of the ticket itself.


Unlike most people, Hakorn and Mars were busy applying for visas and air tickets the day after the Deep Space announcement.

They don't care whether they can get free tickets from Deep Space Corporation, no matter what, they have to go to the scene.

Even if there is no way to enter the stadium to watch the game, Hakorn is going to participate in the deep space annual meeting. He has already made up his mind to get a signed album of jay, and if he is lucky, he can also get a signed book of yu .

Besides, even if they don't get free tickets, they can buy them from others.

Mars believes that not everyone who submits applications in the post will be able to go to China to watch the game, and the tickets in their hands are likely to eventually be sold.

As long as someone sells it, Mars is confident that he can grab it. He doesn't believe that no one is willing to sell a ticket even if he spends hundreds or thousands of dollars.


The reality is similar to what Mars predicted. After the Deep Space Company gave away the tickets, there were merchants on Amazon who listed the tickets for sale.

Deep Space has long known that such a situation would occur, so when selecting the candidates for the ticket, it deliberately selected those users with better economic conditions and usually more games.

But even so, there are still a lot of votes out.

Some people are indeed unable to go to China because their plans have changed, and they have no choice but to transfer their tickets, and some people originally sold them to grab free tickets.

When the tickets were first listed, the price was very expensive, and the cheapest one cost more than 200 US dollars.


Later, those "scalpers" found that the market was very good, so they began to raise prices. The most expensive ticket in the market reached more than 800 US dollars, but that was when they met local tyrants with good money. Under normal circumstances, in the resale market On the Internet, the price of a ticket is stable between [-] and [-] US dollars.


Deep Space originally planned to announce the acquisition of the Vivendi game division after a while, but within a few days, Vivendi took the initiative to promote this matter.

On the same day, the news that Deep Space Corporation spent 8000 million US dollars to acquire Vivendi's game division made headlines on the economic pages of major newspapers.

A $8000 million takeover would grab headlines no matter which company it was, let alone Deep Space Corporation.

In the past one or two years, Deep Space has always been the focus of major financial media. Now every step of Deep Space, whether it is a big move or a small move, will affect the hearts of countless people.

If it is another company that spends 8000 million US dollars to acquire Vivendi's game business department, those investment analysts will definitely jump out and ridicule them immediately, saying that they are being taken advantage of. The combined value of the two companies is now at most [-] million US dollars, and Deep Space spent nearly twice the price.

Just look at Vivendi's attitude, because of this deal, they are going crazy.It's normal for Vivendi to be happy, and whoever puts this on his head will laugh wildly.

However, this investment was made by Deep Space Corporation, and those investment analysts should be cautious and dare not shoot at will, for fear of making a wrong judgment and being backlashed later.

Microsoft was the first major company to jump out to comment, and its executive Ed Friesen congratulated Deep Space, which he thought made a very good investment.

Although Ed Friesen’s post is congratulations, it still sounds a bit sour, because Ed Friesen tried to acquire Blizzard twice, but each time ended in failure, and the reason Failure, for no other reason, is the lack of money.

Vivendi took over companies such as Xue Leshan and spent [-] million US dollars. Microsoft lost to Vivendi, proving that they were unwilling to give even [-] million US dollars last year.

Frith's meaning is obvious, that is, companies like Blizzard and Sierra Mountain are really good, but they are definitely more than 8000 million US dollars.

But in any case, the acquisition of Deep Space has directly increased the reputation of several companies such as Blizzard, and many investors have begun to pay more attention to the game market.

At the same time, the heads of several companies are also relieved. Compared with Vivendi, they obviously prefer the new owner of Deep Space.

Jimmy's comment on Vivendi is just three words: shit stick.

This is not Jimmy's prejudice, but the consensus of the industry. From the beginning, Vivendi thought about how to operate capital, not to develop the game business.

Otherwise, Xue Leshan would not have resigned two or three hundred employees in more than a year.

Compared with Vivendi, Deep Space has a much better reputation.


In a small office, Mike Mohan, Alan Yadham, and Frank Pierce sat around a small table.


Although the company has grown to a scale of nearly [-] people, Mike Mohan's office is still very simple, and the three founders of the company often get together to discuss the future development of the company.

Since the company was acquired by Vivendi, this kind of meeting has become more and more, but the atmosphere of the meeting has changed from the surging before to the later complaining.

For more than a year, every time he was in the small house, Mike Mohan had to complain a few words about Vivendi first.

In the past two years, their company has changed several owners. Although it has not actually affected the company's business, the company is panicking.

News of layoffs can be heard every day in Xue Leshan, and many employees here at Blizzard are not in the mood to work.

As for the acquisition of Blizzard by Deep Space, Mike Mohan and the others were the last to know, and Vivendi never asked their opinion from the beginning to the end, just like they were sold to Vivendi before.

When they learned that Deep Space Company spent [-] million dollars to buy the Vivendi Game Division, Mike Mohan and the three were both happy and uncomfortable. They were happy that Deep Space Company was willing to spend so much money to buy a few of them. This company must be very optimistic about them. The sad thing is that Vivendi has earned all this money.

If Deep Space can spend less money on acquisitions, can it also invest more money in the company's game production in the follow-up?

More than half a month has passed, and the deep space company has only come here once, and they have met with them about some details of wcg.

"StarCraft" is one of the competition projects, and Blizzard will definitely assist the Deep Space Company at that time.

Other than that, Deep Space didn't care about them, and left them like this.

"Frank, why do you think Deep Space ignored us for so long?" Mike Mohan asked.

Frank Pierce glanced at Mike Mohan and said with a smile: "They don't care about us, shouldn't we be happy? Now Blizzard's development doesn't require much financial support from the parent company."

"I don't want financial support anymore, but I'm a little worried that I haven't been looking for us."

Alan Yadham scratched his head and said, "Maybe it's because the Deep Space Company has been busy recently. WCG is the first time to do it, and there are a lot of things to deal with. And wcg is just in time for the annual meeting of Deep Space. , there are a lot of things to be busy with.”

Speaking of the Deep Space Annual Meeting, Mike Mohan held his chin and said, "This year's Deep Space Annual Meeting, do the three of us need to go? We haven't received an invitation letter yet. I heard that the guests who went to previous years will be invited. letter."

"Do you want to go?" Frank Pierce asked.

Mike Mohan nodded and said: "I really want to go and have a look. If there is no problem, we will all be under the Deep Space banner for a long time in the future. To tell you the truth, when I heard that our company was acquired by Deep Space. , I'm very happy, no matter what, Deep Space at least has its own game development team. Moreover, their art level is very high, if they want, they can definitely help us."

"From the point of view of wcg, Deep Space really attaches great importance to the business of video games, and Yu himself is also a game designer."

Although no one regards Yu Dong as a game designer, he did participate in the design of several games.


Not to mention "Resident Evil", he is only the original author and did not participate in the production of the game, but Yu Dong, several other popular games in Deep Space, participated in the design, and even the main creator.

Frank Pierce smiled happily, "Maybe we will also make a game designed by yu in the future."

Alan Yadham shrugged and said, "Who said no? The most important thing for us now is to figure out how Deep Space treats us as soon as possible, how they want to deal with us, and whether they will interfere in our work."

Mike Mohan nodded and said: "Well, no matter whether the annual meeting invites us or not, we have to go to wcg. When the time comes, Frank, you will stay in the company, and I will go with Alan. Then we will directly find yu and follow up with you. He talks about the future of Blizzard."

"Okay, no problem. With me on the company's side, everything will go well."


In late December, Yu Dong had just put his daughter to sleep when the phone in the living room rang, so frightened that he hurriedly covered Yu Yi's ears.

Seeing that Yu Yi was not awakened by the phone ringing, Yu Dong breathed a sigh of relief, closed the door gently, and ran to answer the call.


Although the door of the house is well insulated, Yu Dong habitually kept his voice down.Since Yu was born, their family has been accustomed to speaking in a low voice.

But the person on the other side was obviously not used to such a volume, so he couldn't help raising his voice, "Hello, is this Mr. Yu Dongyu?"

The voice was quite unfamiliar, and it was still called President Yu. Yu Dong couldn't think of who the other party was for a while.

"you are?"

The other side laughed, "Hello, Mr. Yu, I'm Yang Qing from Lenovo Group. I called you suddenly. Please forgive me for any inconsistencies."

Hearing that it was Yang Qing, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. Under normal circumstances, people like Yang Qing should have contacted Maru, why would they call home directly?

Because Deep Space had contacted Yang Qing several times before, Yang Qing liked to ignore him, so Yu Dong didn't have a good impression of Yang Qing.

But what should be said on the scene is still to say, "Oh, it's Mr. Yang. I don't know if Mr. Yang called me. What's the order?"

Yang Qing said quickly, "Don't dare, don't dare, Mr. Yu's words are serious. Yu Dong has always been a person I admire. This time I took the liberty of calling, and I wanted to take advantage of the years ago to say hello to you."

Yu Dong smiled, "Thank you Mr. Yang for your concern."

"Mr. Yu should be very busy during this time. After all, this year will be together with the World Electronic Game Competition. Although some people are busy, you must also coordinate..."

"Cough, Mr. Yang, I'm really busy right now, I'm afraid I don't have much time to chat with you, so if you have anything, just talk."

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then Yang Qing said again, "Yu is always a cheerful person, in this case, I won't go around in circles. I'm making this call, in fact, I want to ask if your company has confirmed the use of wcg. computer brand?"

As soon as Yang Qing said this, Yu Dong immediately understood his intention.

If wcg is the most suitable for advertising, it must be computer equipment.

Hosts, screens, keyboards, mice, headphones... these are all places to advertise.

Lenovo certainly does not want to miss such a publicity opportunity.

Yu Dong couldn't help laughing. Yang Qing was at least a businessman who could bend and stretch. Not long ago, he marked the Deep Space Company as a target. He refused to cooperate with Deep Space several times, but now he came to seek cooperation with a face.

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