Yu Dong can probably guess that Yang Qing called him directly, and he should have had a closed door on the margin.

Yang Qing looked for Yu Yu, and the result is conceivable. Since the last time he talked to Yu Dong, Yu Yu was probably thinking about killing Lenovo, how could he possibly cooperate with them.

Of course, Yu Dong didn't want to cooperate with Lenovo. On the one hand, it was naturally because Lenovo cooperated with AOL, but the most important thing was that Yu Dong also didn't like Lenovo's comprehensive strength.

Since we are going to hold a world e-sports competition, even if we don’t need the best equipment, we must at least choose from the first-tier manufacturers. Lenovo has no way to enter the list of competition equipment suppliers.

Before Lenovo, there were actually many manufacturers who came to contact and cooperate. Among them, there were well-known brands such as Hewlett-Packard, Dell, and Samsung. In front of several of them, Lenovo was not competitive in terms of technology and reputation.

Without thinking too much, Yu Dong said, "Mr. Yang, I basically don't care about the company's affairs. I'm afraid you have to communicate more with Margin. Of course, if conditions permit, I definitely hope to be able to communicate more with the domestic After all, they are all Chinese companies and need to support each other. If we want to compete with foreign companies in the domestic market every day, we Chinese companies can’t go out, don’t you think?”

This sentence with a gun and a stick made Yang Qing on the other end of the phone stunned. He didn't expect Yu Dong to look like a literati from the outside, but he turned out to be a person with a needle hidden in the cotton.

Yu Dong's words are satirizing them Lenovo and AOL cooperate to fight with the deep space company.Yang Qing had expected this situation before making the call, but he still made the call because he believed that business activities, as long as the benefits were enough, if Lenovo could offer a condition that would satisfy Deep Space, Deep Space would be fine. Sora will definitely abandon his previous hatred and cooperate with them.

"Mr. Yu, don't you want to hear our quotation first? I heard that you spent close to 1000 million US dollars to acquire the Vivendi business unit, and spent more than [-] million US dollars to prepare for WCG. In addition to your Several films are being filmed, and the recent financial pressure should be quite serious. I also heard that you have recently started to attract investment in the country to make films."

Yu Dongyang raised his eyebrows, it seems that Yang Qing has done some investigations on their company, but the investigation is not enough.

This can't blame Yang Qing. After all, Deep Space's finances are very opaque, and the company has a lot of income that outsiders don't know.

As for the previous cooperation between Motorola and Deep Space, the new mobile phone comes with a small pendant, but the pendant is not free. Motorola needs to pay Deep Space two dollars for every one sold.

This cooperation, in addition to the high-level inside the two companies, no one knows about it.

So far, this cooperation alone has settled more than 2000 million US dollars with Deep Space Corporation, and this is only a part of it. There will be a steady stream of funds that will be transferred to Deep Space Corporation's account in the future.

In addition, the copyright library of Deep Space has accumulated to a certain scale, and outsiders cannot make specific statistics on the income that these copyrights bring to Deep Space Corporation each year.

A-line writers like George Martin, jk Rowling, and Mark Li Wei, maybe someone will do some research to sort out the profits they bring to Deep Space.


However, the group of writers under Deep Space who are not as famous as them have a very considerable income. The number of these people is too large to be counted, and some IP transactions are not disclosed.

For example, Liu Cixin's "Whale Song" did not ask for a one-time payment, but chose [-]% of the box office.

If the final box office can reach 150 million U.S. dollars, Liu Cixin can get a remuneration of 150 million U.S. dollars. The 12 million U.S. dollars in remuneration needs to be drawn by Deep Space Company with an [-]% commission, which is [-] U.S. dollars.Even if the box office of "Whale Song" is not so high, if half of it is deducted, the commission will still be [-] US dollars.

It doesn't sound like a lot, and it's only $[-], but "Whale Song" is just a very inconspicuous one of the deep space company's many IPs.

What is really transparent is basically the revenue of Deep Space at the movie box office. Although this part of the revenue is high, it only accounts for a small part of the overall revenue of Deep Space.

Yang Qing probably heard that their company was borrowing China Film to raise funds for filming, so he thought that Deep Space was short of money now, so he thought about using money to impress Yudong.

Although he definitely won't cooperate with Lenovo, Yu Dong still wants to hear Yang Qing's offer and learn about Lenovo's current situation, "Well, Mr. Yang, please tell me your offer, I think it's suitable."

"1000 million, as long as your company is willing to use Lenovo's computers in the World Video Game Economic Competition, and cooperate with us to make appropriate publicity, we are willing to pay 1000 million for advertising."

"Proper publicity?" Yu Dong expressed his doubts: "For example?"

"The content is very simple. We hope to set up a special booth for our Lenovo in your company's campus. There are posters and banners of our company at the competition site, and your company's website can also announce our sponsorship."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Mr. Yang, could it be that I misunderstood that the 1000 million you mentioned is not RMB, but US dollars?"

Yang Qing could hear something wrong in Yu Dong's tone, and knew that Yu Dong should be too little, "Mr. Yu, in addition to cash sponsorship, we will also help you promote wcg on fm365, and at the same time provide some equipment for the competition Prizes, calculated in this way, 1000 million is definitely not a lot. We do have cooperation with America Online, but our cooperation with them is not exclusive, and we will definitely expand cooperation partners. Deep Space Corporation is also within our consideration .”

On the other end of the phone, Yu Dong couldn't help shaking his head, Yang Qing's pattern was still a little smaller.Yang Qing wanted to impress him with money, but the money he gave was too little, and he didn't have a clear understanding of their opponents.

If it was Yanagawa who called today, the price given should be higher than this figure, but probably not much higher.

Samsung sent people to talk about advertising investment before. They hoped that all the screens used in the whole process of wcg would be theirs, including some live TV broadcasts. Attitude, this price can still be negotiated upwards, and it should be no problem to talk about 300 million US dollars.

HP offered less, but at the beginning it also directly called the price of 200 million U.S. dollars, and did not ask Deep Space to help promote it.


Yang Qing used the equipment and fm365 as a bargaining chip, which made Yu Dong very interesting. Perhaps in Yang Qing's opinion, the publicity power of fm365 is very strong.

The reason why he has such confidence is because the Millennium Computer is highly bound to fm365. The fm365 website is the first thing that Millennium Computer users open their browsers. After the Millennium Computer went on the market, it did sell well, so this The website received a lot of traffic as soon as it was launched.

But in fact, the first thing that even millennium computer users open after turning on the computer is not the browser, but the thump.

They won't open their browsers until they log in with dong dong, and then a large number of people will go directly to a website in the deep space series.

So, deep space doesn't care about the traffic of fm365 at all.

Yu Dong probably knew about Lenovo's conditions, so he didn't want to talk to Yang Qing any more, he said with a smile, "Mr. Yang, you'd better go and talk to Yu Li, he has been discussing this matter recently. I'm sorry."

After speaking, Yu Dong hung up the phone directly, and then called Yu Yi again to ask about Lenovo's situation.

Yu Li heard that Yang Qing had called Yu Dong, and said through gritted teeth, "It is rumored that Yang Qing is an honest and down-to-earth person, and he is not good at words. I think it is actually difficult. He has called three times about sponsorship. Call me, but I didn't perfunctory, I talked with him every time, but their brand strength is really not enough, plus the conditions they gave are relatively poor, so there is no hope of cooperation at all. I guess it is because I am not interested, so I deliberately Find your boss's contact information, and hope that the curve will save the country. But this call should also be called by their chairman Yana Chuan. What qualifications does Yang Qing have to call you directly?"

Yu Dong smiled and said: "I don't have any qualifications or qualifications. I'm not a king of heaven, I'm above others, but this kind of thing will happen less often in the future. I just coaxed Yu Yi to fall asleep and he called, almost Wake up Yu Yi."

"Mr. Cheng, aren't they at home?"

"Well, I'm going to the mall, I'll take her at home."

Yu Li laughed: "To be honest, I really want to go and see now, boss, what is it like for you to bring your children, will you be in a hurry."

Yu Dong said boldly, "Of course, it's easy to handle."

"Boss, I advise you to be humble and careful. If you miss anything, you won't be able to walk around when Teacher Cheng comes back."

"Don't question me..." Halfway through the sentence, Yu Dong suddenly patted his head, "Broken!"

Immediately, Yu Dong hung up the phone. Before Cheng Yanqiu left, he instructed him to boil a pot of hot water, then pour a cup into the incubator, and wait until Yu wake up next time to make milk for her, but after Yu Dong received a call from Yang Qing just now I called Yu Yu again and forgot about it.

Yu Yu heard the beeping busy tone on the other end of the phone and laughed.


Ge Hongwei drove to the largest bookstore in town early in the morning. The owner of the bookstore, Harry Kane, saw him coming, smiled and pointed to the bookshelf in the front row, "The new book has arrived."

"Very punctual." Ge Hongwei smiled, walked over to the bookshelf and picked up a copy of "Snowman", then walked to the cashier, "Am I the first to buy a book?"


The boss shook his head, "Chrissy is."

Ge Hongwei pouted, "It took me a while to build a snowman in the morning, otherwise I would definitely be the first."

Harry Kane shrugged his shoulders, he witnessed the whole story between Ge Hongwei and Chrissy.

Both of them are loyal readers of Yu, living in the south and north of the town respectively. The first time they met was in his bookstore.

At that time, it was when "Old Books" was released. Ge Hongwei was very busy during the day, so he came very late that day. The store had already lost all customers, and there happened to be only the last "Old Books" in the bookstore.

In a small town like theirs, the boss is very cautious in purchasing goods. He did not expect that "used books" would sell so fast that day.

Ge Hongwei wanted to buy the last book, but that book had already been reserved.

Rejected by Harry Kane, Ge Hongwei did not give up, and suggested that the boss sell the book to him first, wait until tomorrow to buy it, or buy it from another bookstore tomorrow and return it to the bookstore.Because he thought that, so late, the person who pre-ordered the new book would definitely not come.

But no matter which proposal, the boss did not accept it.

During the stalemate, Chris, who ordered the book, came and took the book.

Because of this, the two had an intersection. Later, they often met in bookstores, but every time they met, they would quarrel. When yu's new book was released, they would compare who came earlier and bought the first book. a book.

What's more, Ge Hongwei's real name is actually Thomas Knight, just to show that he likes yu more than Chrissy, he changed his name to a genuine Chinese name like Ge Hongwei, and let Harry Kane definitely To call him by that name—especially in front of Chris.

After paying the bill, Harry Kane asked with a smile, "Are you going to read in the bookstore today? I'll make you a cup of coffee later, it's free."

Ge Hongwei looked at the bookstore that had no one, and shook his head, "Forget it, I'll go back. Didn't I say, in order to read this book, I deliberately got up early and built a snowman, which makes reading more interesting. ."

"Chrissy also built a snowman." Harry Kane said casually.

Hearing that Chris also built a snowman, Ge Hongwei pouted: "It has nothing to do with me."

Ge Hongwei walked out of the bookstore and started the car. The car first went south for a short distance, and then suddenly turned around and headed north.

This scene was clearly seen by Harry Kane, and then he showed a smile. He guessed that it would be like this. Thomas must be going to see if Chrissy made a snowman and how it was made.

This guy is just too competitive, otherwise, he and Chris would have been together long ago.


Ge Hongwei drove to the door of Chrissy's house and walked around. Seeing that the snowman in front of Chrissy's house was only a few tens of centimeters tall, and had no nose or eyes, it was very different from the snowman he built, so he went home satisfied. .

Although he wasn't the first to buy the new book, at least he won over Chris when it came to building a snowman.

After returning home, Ge Hongwei poured himself a cup of tea, nestled comfortably in the sofa, glanced at the tall snowman with nose and eyes outside, and opened "Snowman" very comfortably.

But it didn't take long, when Ge Hongwei looked at the snowman outside the house again, he suddenly had a cold fight.

He regretted it a little, he shouldn't have built the snowman, at least he shouldn't have put his eyes on it.




Thank you [Shangguan Luojun] for the 1500 reward
Thank you for the 2000 reward from [Da Mo]

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