Usually, when a book is being promoted, even if it does not disclose the specific content of the book, it will tell readers what type of book it is, suspense reasoning, science fiction, fantasy, love...

But YU's books are very different. Starting from "Old Books", Deep Space Company has maintained a sense of mystery in the promotion of YU's new books, making readers unable to guess what the new books are about.

When Ge Hongwei saw the title of "Snowman" for the first time, the first image that popped up in his mind was a couple walking hand in hand in the heavy snow.

Given that YU has written "Old Book", it is not impossible to write another tender novel.

Of course, it is very likely that it is not this kind of novel... But Ge Hongwei never thought that "The Snowman" would be a very frightening novel.

And the cover of the novel also looks very normal, just an ordinary house with a normal-looking snowman piled up next to it.

The first snow has come, the snowman is about to reappear, and when the snow melts, he will take a person.

Just reading this sentence, Ge Hongwei didn't feel anything, but after reading the novel, when he read this sentence again, he felt a chill down his back.

Obviously, the heating inside the room was sufficient and very warm, but the coolness penetrated into his body.

The tall snowman in the yard - in order to make the snowman more conspicuous, Ge Hongwei piled up the snowman to a height of 1.6 meters. At this time, its two dark eyes stared at Ge Hongwei through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Although it was daytime, the light outside was very weak. A gust of wind rolled up a piece of snow on the ground and landed at the snowman's feet. In a trance, it seemed that the snowman moved.

Ge Hongwei shrank his neck. He was going to pour himself a cup of coffee, but he didn't dare to turn around, he was afraid of turning his back on the snowman.

His feet moved, and there was a creaking sound from the floor. He had never noticed that the floor of his house could make such an obvious sound, as if there was a person hidden under the floor.

Ge Hongwei wanted to finish the novel, but he didn't dare to bow his head for a long time. He was afraid that if he bowed his head for a long time, the snowman in the yard would disappear and appear behind him.

The description of the details in this novel is very good, especially the part where the snowman chases and kills the victim, which makes Ge Hongwei's bones stand on end and his hairs stand on end.

Many things that are usually seen everywhere will become very scary in this novel. He dare not even look up, for fear that if he looks up, he will find something special on the ceiling, because there is also a description related to the ceiling in the novel .

As for the snowman, he was afraid to stare at it and dare not stop staring at him, which was very contradictory anyway.

Just when Ge Hongwen was about to finish the book enduring his fear, the phone next to the sofa rang.


The extremely ordinary ringtone of the phone startled Ge Hongwei, and he almost threw the book in his hand.

He coughed lightly, and after he stabilized his mind, he gently picked up the phone and asked, "Hello, who is it?"

There was only a rustling sound on the other end of the phone, and it was quiet, no one spoke.

Ge Hongwei thought that the signal was not good, or that the other party didn't realize that the call was connected. This is a normal situation, and it often happened before, so he asked again, "Hello, who can I call?"

This time, there was a sharp rubbing sound from the other end of the phone, as if someone was scratching the microphone with a fingernail. This high-frequency, chaotic sound made Ge Hongwei feel uncomfortable.

The point is that he was reading a very scary novel, and the sudden call made him feel a little uncomfortable.

It was as if a few needles had been inserted from his temples and stirred around in his head, turning his brain into a pile of paste and making him unable to concentrate.

"If you don't talk, I'm going to hang up."

Maybe someone made the wrong call, or maybe it was some kid's prank, and he was about to hang up.

When he was about to hang up the phone, a very strange voice sounded from the opposite side, "Don't look up...the ceiling...there is a face there, he is smiling at you..."

This is the sound of Ge Hongwei throwing the microphone.

He swallowed and looked at the phone that fell on the ground with horror on his face. He didn't understand who was on the other end of the phone and why he did this.

The other party's voice was very special, a little low, a little hoarse, but not deep enough, and it was hard to distinguish whether it was a man or a woman. Coupled with the sound of a trace of electricity, it made people feel very horrified.

Moreover, what the other party said was related to "The Snowman". Ge Hongwei subconsciously wanted to look up at the ceiling, but he didn't dare to lift it up 45 degrees just after he raised his head. looking at his smiling face.

Just when Ge Hongwei looked at the microphone at a loss, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter coming from the microphone.

"Hahaha, Knight, I knew it, it must have scared you, hahaha."

Hearing this voice, fear was like the tide receding from Ge Hongwei, but then, the shame and anger of being teased surged up again, and he blushed and shouted to the microphone on the ground: "Chris, I'm with you!" That being said, I wasn't intimidated at all."

As he spoke, as if he was worried that the other party might not hear him, he bent down and picked up the microphone and said again fiercely: "Chris, let me tell you, I'm not scared at all, no!"

Chris laughed on the other end of the phone: "Really, what happened to that voice just now? Didn't you throw the microphone away in fright?"

"Not at all, you heard wrong."

Chris didn't believe him at all, "You must have watched "The Snowman", right, and there was a rut in front of my house that didn't belong to my car, it probably belonged to a blue Ford, the owner of the car was a guy who liked to wear A man in black clothes, who cares about every detail. But we will talk about this matter later, I want to call you to ask you, is the new book good?"

Ge Hongwei wanted to deny Chris's guess about the rut, but bit his tongue and talked about the new book, "I haven't finished it yet, but the performance of the new book did not disappoint me. Although it is a thriller and suspense novel, its style is very In particular, the description of details is at YU's usual level..."

Hearing Ge Hongwei's words, Chris seemed very happy, "I also like the new book very much. Although in the reasoning part, the protagonist is not strong enough, but the development of the case is satisfactory, and as a thriller and suspense novel, "Snowman" has Literary beyond expectations, it shows enough attention to some social issues..."

Although Ge Hongwei and Chris are always noisy when they meet, they can always reach a consensus every time they talk about novels.


On the day "Snowman" was released, the major bookstores were of course bustling.

In order to attract readers to enter the bookstore, many bookstores even build a lifelike snowman at the door. Of course, this is a privilege exclusive to the north.

In order to make the snowman more human-like, the bookstore will put glasses, noses, ears, and even clothes on the snowman, and some snowmen will have special smiles on their faces.

It's just that these somewhat human-like snowmen have become a catalyst for fear, allowing readers to experience real horror while reading the book.

But on the Deep Space Tribe that day, a strange thing happened.

The cause of the incident was that a reader posted a new article, which read: The snowman at my door just smiled at me.

What was originally an unremarkable tribe soon became a hot topic, and many tribes with similar people followed suit.

[My snowman has been staring at me. 】

[The snowman on the opposite side opened his mouth to me just now, as if saying, everyone must die. 】

【The snowman next door...】

At the beginning, the tribes posted by netizens were all one or two sentences, which was similar to the original tribe, but gradually, these netizens were not satisfied with just one or two sentences, and they began to make up more things, adding details become richer.

Many people directly wrote short stories, basically all snowmen are killing people, one is more thriller than the other, and the other is more perverted.

Seeing the enthusiastic response from everyone, the Deep Space Tribe official directly launched a second creation event. Netizens are welcome to make second creations for "Snowman". If the quality of the second creation is high, it may be selected into the "Snowman Special".

All the articles selected into "Snowman Special" can get a lot of remuneration.

This action once again stimulated the enthusiasm of netizens for secondary creation.

In fact, this is a short story essay competition. It just borrows the wind from "Snowman" and uses "Snowman" as the theme. If the activity is well done, it can create momentum for "Snowman". It can be sold for money, and making full use of the popularity of "Snowman" can be said to serve multiple purposes.


When Yu Dong met Mike Mohan and Alan Adham, it was just three days after the release of "The Snowman". The two of them each held a copy of "The Snowman" and asked Yu Dong to sign for them.

When Yu Dong finished signing the two books, Alan Adhan held the signed book and said with a smile: "YU, to be honest, when I saw the tribe officially released by Deep Space, I was very happy, because I feel like Snowman was written just for us at Blizzard."

Yu Dong was drinking water from a cup. He glanced at Alan Adhan over the rim of the cup and couldn't help showing a smile.

Allen Adham's statement is a bit far-fetched. Although Snowman has snow, Blizzard also has snow, but in English, the two words have little to do with each other.

Yu Dong could understand why Allen Adham said that. Now that Deep Space Corporation has become the parent company of Blizzard, how Blizzard will develop in the future depends on the attitude of Deep Space.

Even if they didn't know the specific relationship between Yu Dong and Deep Space America, they knew that it was right to curry favor with him.

Yu Dong didn't pick on Alan Adham, but instead talked about their schedule, "There are still a few days before the World Video Game Competition, I thought you guys would come late."

Mike Mohan said with a smile: "It happens that there is nothing to do recently, so I came here with Allen. I heard that the deep space park is doing very well. We also want to come and have a look in advance."

"Have you seen it yet?" Yu Dong asked with a smile.

"No, we came to visit you as soon as we arrived in Jinling." Mike Mohan shook his head with a smile, and then asked tentatively: "We heard..."

Yu Dong knew what he was going to ask, so he laughed, "You heard that Shenkong is going to acquire Blizzard, does it have anything to do with me?"

The two didn't speak, just nodded and looked at Yu Dong.

"The news you heard is correct." Yu Dong gave an affirmative answer, "It is indeed my proposal to acquire your company, because I am very optimistic about the development of your company, especially the theme of Warcraft."

Alan Adham and Mike Mohan glanced at each other, both of them were a little surprised, on the one hand, the accidental acquisition was actually promoted by YU, on the other hand, it was surprising that YU actually took a fancy to them Warcraft theme, not StarCraft.

Compared with "StarCraft", which is popular all over the world, the appeal of "Warcraft" is much smaller, because there is no essential difference between the gameplay of "Warcraft" and StarCraft.

In the eyes of most people, there is no need to play "Warcraft" after "StarCraft", unless the player prefers the style and characters in "Warcraft".

Seeing the doubts of the two, Yu Dong didn't explain much to them, but said with a smile: "Although I am more optimistic about "Warcraft", I didn't add it to the World Electronic Game Competition, because there is still no It’s not the time. If “Warcraft” wants to differentiate itself from “StarCraft”, it needs to make some breakthroughs, otherwise, as long as “StarCraft” exists, “Warcraft” will not be able to rise.”

Mike Mohan said with a look of surprise, "We did think about this problem some time ago, and we also thought of a solution, as long as we add heroes to this game..."

Hearing Mike Mohan mentioning the hero, Allen Adham coughed lightly, "Ahem."

Mike Mohan also reacted, stopped in time and did not continue.

Yu Dong glanced at the two with a smile and understood their thoughts. Although Deep Space Company is Blizzard's parent company, the two still wanted to guard against him.

Yu Dong expressed his understanding of this. As for what Mike Mohan didn't finish, Yu Dong could probably guess what it was.

"Warcraft" became popular because of the appearance of "Warcraft 3", and the biggest difference between "Warcraft 3" and "Warcraft 2" is the importance of the added heroes in the game.

Because the role of the hero is enriched, there is an essential difference between "Warcraft" and "StarCraft", and it really becomes two kinds of games.

Because of this, wcg later added "Warcraft 3".

Later, the emergence of dota can also be said to be due to this change in "Warcraft 3".

But since Mike Mohan and the others didn't talk about it, Yu Dong didn't bring it up. He just needs to know that Mike Mohan and the others thought about it.

As long as Mike Mohan and the others thought of it, there shouldn't be any surprises in "Warcraft 3".




Thank you [o Xiaopang o] for the 5000 reward, and we will make more arrangements tomorrow

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