Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 762 Do you want to practice again?

Chapter 762 Do you want to practice again?
Yu Dong took a sip of tea, then asked with a smile, "Have you ever thought about making "Warcraft" into an online game?"

Mike Mohan and Allen Adham showed strange expressions, because they are indeed preparing for this matter recently.

It may not be right to say that it is a preparation, but it is just an idea in this regard. This idea almost came out together with the idea of ​​"Warcraft 3".

Of course, there is only a rough idea for the whole game now, not even a detailed plan.

They don't understand why YU mentioned online games, because even in their own opinion, the idea of ​​online games is still somewhat unrealistic.

"Uh... It would be great if it could be made into an online game, but our company is currently quite nervous about technology, and we still have to make "Warcraft 3". I'm afraid we don't have time to do it for the time being. "Is it suitable for online games?" Allen Adham said.

His words were a little tentative, and Yu Dong was noncommittal, "I'm just asking casually, I'm still looking forward to the new version of "Warcraft". If it can make changes, it can enter the world video game competition and become A separate competition event."

In fact, Yu Dong also wants to talk about DOTA. After all, this gameplay is a very important thing in Warcraft, and the things derived from it later have great potential.

But thinking that "Warcraft 3" hasn't come out yet, I just give up, at least I have to wait until the new mode comes out before I have the opportunity to mention DOTA.

Anyway, now that Blizzard is in the bag, the initiative is in their hands, and they can start related projects at any time.

Yu Dong didn't keep Mike Mohan and Alan Adham, and it could be seen that these two people didn't intend to have a long talk with him.

As soon as Mike Mohan and the others left, Zhang Yimou chatted.

As soon as he arrived at Yu Dong's office, Zhang Yimou sighed deeply, then sat down on the sofa with a tired look on his face.

It was the first time Yu Dong had seen Zhang Yimou look so cowardly. Although he didn't talk much, he was always in good spirits.

"What's wrong?" Yu Dong asked, "What happened to the post-work of "Golden Dreamland"?"

The filming of "Golden Dreamland" has already been completed, but the post-production work has not been particularly smooth. Zhang Yimou has never been satisfied with the cuts.

So seeing Zhang Yimou like this, Yu Dong thought it was because of the later stage again.

Zhang Yimou shook his head, "The post-production work of "Golden Dreamland" is almost done, and I have been thinking about the Olympic bid for the past two days. They want me to make a promotional video, you know that?"

"Well, I know." Yu Dong nodded: "The Olympic bid committee means that we want Deep Space to assist Yanjing Studio to shoot a promotional film, and they did mention that they want you to direct it. But it's still early, and we are sure to be selected. The city will have to wait until the middle of next year. If you really want to shoot a promotional video, you have to wait until at least the second half of next year, and it’s useless to shoot early.”

"Now that I'm saying this, it should be in the middle of this year, it's already January 2000."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "That's not too early. As for starting to worry about it so early? Besides, you have managed a tens of millions of dollars project like "Golden Dreamland" from beginning to end. Can a film make you bald in a hurry?"


Zhang Yimou didn't say why it was different, but Yu Dong expressed his understanding.

No matter how much it costs, "Golden Dreamland" is a commercial operation. If it is done poorly, the loss is also commercial.

But if the promotional film is not shot well, it will lose the face of the country. This pressure is much greater than that of filming.

"Any thoughts now?" Yu Dong asked.

Zhang Yimou shook his head, "Now my head is a mess."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Then don't think about it for now. Since the post-production work of "Golden Dreamland" is almost done, let's take advantage of this time to have a good rest. Before the annual meeting, there will be a World Video Game Competition , you can go and have a look, relax, the next few days will be the same as last year. Maybe you can have some ideas after playing around."

"It's not that simple... You think everyone is like you, I read "Snowman", it's really well written."

"I don't think you are anxious enough, otherwise how would you still have time to read novels?"

"I took time to watch it."

Zhang Yimou fell asleep with his back on the sofa, but Yu Dong ignored him and continued to do his work.

After about twenty minutes, Zhang Yimou opened his eyes leisurely, and suddenly asked, "Do you have an opening ceremony for the World Video Game Competition?"

"Yes, but it's very simple, there is no program."

"Why don't you leave the opening ceremony to me?"

Hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Yu Dong couldn't help but rolled his eyes, "You want to use the opening ceremony of the World Video Game Competition as a practice? Are you addicted to practice?"

"It can't be called practice..." Zhang Yimou wanted to find a word to justify himself, but after thinking for a long time, he didn't think of it, so he simply gave up the excuse, "It's just practice, anyway, you don't have any opening ceremony."

"Because there is no need for a grand opening ceremony, the audience is all for the competition. The schedule is already quite tight, and it is really inappropriate to allocate time for the opening ceremony."

"I don't agree with what you said. That's right, the audience must go for the game competition, just as everyone in the Olympic Games goes to watch various sports, but isn't the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games also very important? The opening ceremony The opening ceremony can be said to be the facade of an event, if the opening ceremony is not done well, it means that the facade is not done well, you have always attached great importance to this, why did you make it so sloppy this time?"

With a big wave of Yu Dong's hand, he didn't accept Zhang Yimou's tricks at all.

"It's only a few days before the competition, even if you want to do it, you can't do it."

"That's enough. There's definitely enough time. Let's hold an opening ceremony for about 10 minutes. What do you think?"

Before Yu Dong could reply, Zhang Yimou said again: "Three days, no, I will show you the plan for the opening ceremony within two days. If you are satisfied, then I will start to arrange it. If you are not satisfied, then I will not do it." , just do it as usual.”

Seeing Zhang Yimou being so active, Yu Dong sighed slightly, and said, "In this case, you can try it, but you have to do it as soon as possible, and you also know that even if our company organizes activities, all the procedures in the early stage must be reported. Get ready, there can be no mistakes. If you suddenly increase the program, we need to report again. It takes time in the middle, and you must set aside this time."

Zhang Yimou smiled and said, "Hey, isn't it easy for your company to file a report? It's just a one-sentence matter. Is there any reason not to let you pass it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, we have always followed the formal process."

"Okay, okay, I'm talking nonsense." Zhang Yimou stood up straight while supporting his knees.

Yu Dong looked up at him, "Where are you going?"

Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "I have to hurry up and figure out the plan. Is it possible that sitting here with you, the plan can be figured out by itself?"

"Okay, you go." Yu Dong waved his hand at Zhang Yimou, seeing off the guests.

After Zhang Yimou left, Yu Dong called Yu Liang and briefly told Yu Yu what Zhang Yimou was going to do with the opening ceremony.

There was not much reaction to this margin. After all, the event did not have a grand opening ceremony. Now Zhang Yimou wants to make one. If it is done well, it can add color to the competition; One item was cut and proceeded according to the original plan.

As for reporting, as Zhang Yimou said, it is nothing to Deep Space Corporation. As long as it is reported by them, almost no one is rejected, and the response is very fast.

This World Video Game Contest has received official attention from the very beginning, especially the Jinling government, they sent people to watch this matter from beginning to end.

If there are any decisions on the deep space side, they will actively report to the government.

Although this is just a game competition, it can be crowned with the word "world" and is an international event. While it can bring glory to Jinling and China, it also requires them to treat it with caution.

In addition, compared with last year's Deep Space Annual Conference, this year there is an additional world video game competition. Jinling will welcome more tourists from all over the world, and the pressure on relevant units will become greater.

Of course, more pressure is self-imposed.

Although there are a lot of these tourists, if they are carefully managed, there will be no major disturbances, but the Jinling government must be thinking more than this.

With so many tourists coming to Jinling, they are all gold owners. If they can't find a way to get some money out of their pockets, it will be a failure for the Jinling government.

Therefore, when the World Electronic Game Competition is approaching, the entire tourism industry in Jinling has been mobilized.


As soon as Ren Hongfei stepped out of the train station, he felt a special and lively atmosphere.

The Jinling Railway Station was much more grand and spacious than the last time he came. Speaking of which, he hadn't been to Jinling for five or six years.

Ren Hongfei is from Qingzhou, and he came to Jinling to see his aunt.

His younger uncle is a native of Jinling, and his younger aunt is a college classmate. After graduation, the two went to Jinling to work, get married, and settle down.

Ren Hongfei often came to Jinling when he was a child, but he hasn't been here since he entered high school.

"Hongfei, here."

There was a tall man waving to this side outside the fence, and Ren Hongfei recognized his cousin Liu Qing at a glance.

Ren Hongfei walked over quickly, Liu Qing took the bag in his hand, and said with a smile, "Is everything safe on the road?"

"Well, Anwen, it didn't take long... Jinling has changed a lot in the past few years. It's much more lively than before. The train station has been rebuilt."

Liu Qing nodded, "Well, the previous station building is not enough, and a new station building has been built, which only started to be used this year. How about it, isn't it grand?"

"It's grand, it's bigger than before, and there are more people than before, but it's not as chaotic as before."

"Haha, of course, especially during this time, the on-site order management is very good."

"During this time, why? Because it's almost Chinese New Year?"

Liu Qing clicked his tongue, "The annual meeting of the deep space, you don't know about it."

In Liu Qing's view, Ren Hongfei is also a college student, so he probably knows about the Deep Space Annual Meeting.

"I've heard of the deep space annual meeting, but can their annual meeting have such a big battle? Can it affect the train station?"

"Haha." Liu Qing laughed loudly, "What's this? After two days, WCG will start. I'll take you to see the world. I'm sure you'll be dazzled by the time. Let's go, let's go home first."

Liu Qing took Ren Hongfei back by bus. Along the way, Ren Hongfei opened his mouth in surprise as he watched the scenery outside the window. He didn't expect that Jinling would change drastically after five or six years.

On the phone before, my uncle always told his parents that Jinling had developed rapidly in recent years, and the family thought it was bragging. Although it was reform and opening up, Jinling was not in the limelight, so how could there be such a fast development speed.

But when he came to Jinling to see it today, Ren Hongfei found out that his little uncle really wasn't bragging.

What has changed is not only the houses and buildings on the side of the road, but also wider and flatter roads and more and more beautiful cars. For example, the bus he is riding now is much better looking than a few years ago.

The most frequently heard terms from the passengers are the Deep Space Company and the Deep Space Annual Meeting, as if this annual meeting is not the annual meeting of the Deep Space Company, but a grand festival in the city of Jinling, where everyone in Jinling participates in.

Young people are talking about going to the annual meeting, those who love to read books will go to the signing, those who love movies will go to the film festival, and those who love music will go to the concert... Some people probably want to play games , but I am too embarrassed to speak out in public.

Middle-aged and elderly people are also talking about the deep space annual meeting. They don’t love music or movies, but just want to join in the fun. For Jinling people, the deep space annual meeting has become a special event before New Year’s Eve.

Just like you have to go to a barbershop before the Chinese New Year, people in Jinling have to go to the Deep Space Park before the Chinese New Year. It is best for a family to freshen up and go there together, which is equivalent to going to a temple fair.

"Liu Qing, are my aunt and uncle going to the Deep Space Park?"

Liu Qing nodded: "Of course, I'm definitely going to see it. My parents are planning to go there on the day of the literary theme meeting. If we still have time, we would like to go to the film festival and the like. I heard that this year's film festival will give away a lot of money." A gift. Last time a child was given a heavenly question in it."

"God asks what?"

Ren Hongfei pursed his lips, and after chatting with Liu Qing for a while, he felt that he had become very ignorant, and he had never heard of many things.

"Tianwen is the round-trip spaceship traveling in Earth-Fire orbit in "The Martian"."

Ren Hongfei suddenly realized that he had watched "The Martian", but he had forgotten the name of the spaceship in it, "Did you make a model of that spaceship?"

"Well, it's already made. It's very beautiful. It's a pity that it's not for sale, otherwise I really want to buy one."

Liu Qing smiled and said, "I never heard that you have a hobby of collecting these things before."

"You'll know it after you've seen Tianwen. It's really good-looking. Even if you're not a sci-fi fan or an aerospace fan, you'll like it."

Ren Hongfei smiled and was about to say something when he suddenly heard the sound of drums and gongs beating outside the window. He turned his head and saw a group of people surrounded by the entrance of a large shopping mall, with lion dancers among them.

Seeing the lion dance, Ren Hongfei was stunned for a moment, "Since when did you guys start doing this in Jinling?"

"In the past two years, it's not too busy. There are more and more people in Jinling now, and there are more and more tourists. The merchants can think of any tricks to attract customers. This lion dance is quite lively. I saw it yesterday. I also saw one. The shopping mall held a large-scale enlightenment event. A bunch of children of a few years old wore ancient clothes, making a big show...Let’s watch it lively, mainly because foreigners really like to watch it. A foreigner saw children. Kaimeng is also clamoring for Kaimeng, so he has to kneel on the ground and ask someone to put cinnabar on his forehead."

"Did you order it for him in the end?" Ren Hongfei asked.

"No point, no way."

It was not Liu Qing who answered, but a middle-aged man sitting in front of them. When he heard Ren Hongfei chatting with Liu Qing, he couldn't help but argue, "You are talking about Xinbai, I was there yesterday. That foreigner He is tall and tall, with blond hair and blue eyes, begging Teacher Ren to give him some cinnabar, but in the end the teacher was so begged that he had no choice but to find a suit for him, and ordered cinnabar on the spot, which made everyone laugh to death."

Ren Hongfei did not expect to meet such a familiar big brother, and happened to go to a shopping mall with Liu Qing yesterday, he asked with a smile, "Brother, you know foreign languages, can you hear what he said?"

"I don't want to understand. The foreigner speaks Chinese himself, which is much better than me in Mandarin. I found that these foreigners are very talented in learning Chinese. I have seen quite a few people who speak Mandarin well in this period of time."

"It's not surprising. Most of the foreigners who come to Jinling now come for the deep space. Many of them have learned Chinese by themselves, and it's normal for a few of them to speak Chinese well." Liu Qing said with a smile: Foreign language students don’t need to go outside to work, they can digest it in Jinling. But in my opinion, these foreigners’ Mandarin is getting better and better, and learning foreign languages ​​will not be popular in the future, so they don’t want to translate.”

Ren Hongfei smiled. He knew that his cousin was joking. The speed at which foreigners learn Chinese cannot keep up with the speed at which foreigners enter the country, so those who learn foreign languages ​​will only become more and more popular, until more and more people learn foreign languages ​​later.

Through the window, he looked at the receding street scene and the ever-shrinking lion dance, with infinite emotion in his heart.

Perhaps, Jinling's situation is just a microcosm of Deep Space's influence. Although Gyeongju, where Ren Hongfei is located, is not like Jinling where Deep Space Corporation is everywhere, the name of Deep Space can always be heard.

Just what Ren Hongfei heard, at least two schools in his county have received funding from the Deep Space Corporation.

In fact, when he came to Jinling this time, besides bringing some souvenirs to his aunt and the others, Ren Hongfei also planned to do a field trip to see how the job opportunities in Jinling were. If they were good, he planned to find a job in Jinling after graduating from university next year.

Compared with Yanjing and some coastal cities, Jinling is at least a little closer to Gyeongju, and he has relatives here, which can be regarded as a support.




Today is [-], and tomorrow it will probably exceed [-]
(End of this chapter)

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