Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 763 You also call burning money?

Chapter 763 You also call burning money?

"23, sticky melon; 24, cleaning the house; 25, making tofu; 26, cutting the meat; 27, slaughtering the chicken; 28, making white noodles; 29, filling the incense bucket; [-] days, sitting all night in the dark; New Year's Eve On the first day of junior high school, come out and twist around."

In Luoyuan, in front of the small building where Yu Dong and the others lived, Chen Yuqing hugged Yu Yi and basked in the sun, teasing her and singing nursery rhymes to her in Jinling dialect.

Three-month-old Yu Yi lay in his grandmother's arms, giggling and giggling.

After a while, she suddenly stopped smirking, her smiling face became very serious, and she stared blankly at her grandma.

"She's going to pee," her grandma cried, "or shit."

Chen Yuqing was quite familiar with this expression of her granddaughter. Whenever Yu Yi was about to pee or shit, she would put on a serious expression, as if she was taking something very seriously.

Yu Hua joked before, "It's the same as her father when he wrote the book."

If Yu Hua hadn't been exercising very diligently recently and had good legs, he would have been hit by Yu Dong's sample booklet of essays "Death Inside".

Because of the presence of diapers, Yu Yi's performance did not cause everyone to panic.

Chen Yuqing took a look at the diaper, and immediately breathed a sigh of relief. There was no poop, which meant that there was no need to change the diaper for the time being.

Cheng Liye at the side glanced at Yu Yi, smiled and said to Dong: "Are you going to be busy tomorrow?"

Tomorrow is the first day of the World Video Game Competition. The whole competition is only two days long, and the week-long Deep Space Annual Conference will be seamlessly connected two days later.

"There's nothing for me to do, but I'm definitely going to the scene tomorrow." Yu Dong laughed.

"Well, the game you guys played this time is quite famous. I have heard colleagues talking about it in the office. Of course, what they discussed has nothing to do with the game itself, and their focus is on the generous bonuses. .”

"I also heard that the prize money of this competition is very generous." Chen Yuqing said.

Yu Dong smiled, it's normal for outsiders to pay attention to bonuses.

In fact, the prize money of this World Video Game Competition is really high, it is hard not to attract people's attention.

The team or individual that wins the championship can get a bonus of [-] US dollars. Such a generous bonus is attractive enough even in Europe and the United States.Not to mention, in addition to bonuses, there are various equipment as prizes.

"Are you planning to hold this competition every year in the future?" Cheng Liye asked.

Yu Dong nodded: "If the response of this session is not bad, then we will hold it every year in the future."

"Put it together with the Deep Space Annual Meeting every year?" Cheng Liye asked again.

"That's not true. What we think is that in the future, this competition will be just like the Olympic Games. Every place will bid to host it, and it will be held wherever the conditions are good."

Cheng Liye nodded in agreement, "I also want to say this. Since it is a world competition, it is natural to hold it in other countries. Anyway, the initiative is in your hands, and it is a matter of saying who will do it Is it?"

In fact, what Cheng Liye said was already done by Deep Space Corporation.

The first World Electronic Game Competition held now is held in the name of Deep Space Corporation, but the next one will be different. Jimmy has already established a WCG association and a WCG marketing company.

Starting from the next session, wcg will be hosted by wcg marketing company, and everything will be handled by this company, such as selecting the venue, recruiting sponsors, and organizing the competition process.

The plan between Yu Dong and Jimmy is to make this competition look more like a worldwide competition, rather than a deep space company's own competition.

In other words, what they want is a worldwide race controlled by the Deep Space Corporation.

The first competition was rather hasty, all teams were directly invited from various countries, but from next year, wcg will divide the competition area, each competition area has a fixed number of places, and then all registered teams in the competition area will compete for a fixed number of competitions. quota.

In this way, the preparation time for the next competition will be much longer.

If there are enough teams to sign up, the preliminary audition is very time-consuming. Some relatively large competition areas have to be divided into small competition areas, such as city divisions, Jinling District, Shanghu District, Yanjing District... from This time, the teams from the city will compete for the competition places in the region.

Everything is just beginning, everything is in its infancy, not only in China, but also in e-sports all over the world.

Many of the individuals and teams who came to participate in the competition this time were wild and had no concept of professional players at all, and some of them didn't even have their own competition uniforms.

Participating players need to wear a uniform and have a fixed logo. If the participating individuals and teams do not have their own clothing, they can apply to Deep Space, which will issue clothing with the logo of the World Electronic Game Competition.

There is only one professional team in the country—the AG team founded in October. This team was formed by four or five young people, but it has always been small and troublesome.

After Deep Space Corporation announced that it would hold the World Electronic Game Competition, this team has entered the public's field of vision, because they are the Chinese team most likely to be invited to participate in the World Electronic Game Competition.

After several competitions, Yunchi Sports finally became the new owner of AG, and the club name became Yunchi AG.

After acquiring the team, Yunchi Company designed a set of team uniforms for the team members from top to bottom, directly making AG a regular army-at least it looks like this on the outside.

It is worth mentioning that the decision to acquire the team was neither made by Yu Dong nor Jimmy, but by Hu Hao, who just became the CEO of Yunchi not long ago.

For more than a year in the middle, Hu Hao has been integrating Yunchi Sports, and now that the initial integration is completed, he has naturally become the company's CEO.

As a CEO, Hu Hao has much less experience, but Hu Hao has a flexible mind and dares to do things. These characteristics of him are exactly what Yunchi, a new company, needs.

Besides, although he has been Yu Dong's assistant for the past few years, he has been in contact with the company's business from top to bottom.

Acquiring the AG team was the first honest decision Hu Hao made after taking office... Although Yunchi only spent less than 20 RMB to acquire this club, it is definitely not a small decision, because the real investment is still in the later stage.

Since they bought the club, they naturally want to develop it well. In Hu Hao's plan, the Yunchi AG club will set up at least four teams in the next step to deal with "Thor's Hammer", "StarCraft", "Escape" and "fifa" four competitions.

For Yunchi, it doesn't really matter whether the club itself is profitable or not. Their original intention of buying the team is to do brand promotion.

When Yu Dong learned that Yunchi bought the AG team, he was quite surprised. He didn't expect that Hu Hao would take aim at the e-sports club.

It has to be said that for the current Yunchi Sports, it is indeed a good choice to find another way to take the path of e-sports.

Throughout the world, there are not many well-established e-sports clubs, and even none with a mature system. These clubs may have their own team uniforms, but they are basically ordinary T-shirts or popular jackets.

At this time, Yunchi can easily come up with some new tricks on the e-sports combat uniform.


Yu Dong saw the team uniform of Yunchi AG that night. The night before the competition, all contestants had to attend a pre-competition reading meeting, and the person in charge of the competition committee read the rules and regulations and precautions of the competition.

The other players are all wearing ordinary clothes, only Yunchi AG is wearing their new season team uniform, which can be seen at a glance in the crowd.

The team logo of Yunchi AG is black and white, so their team uniform this season is also black and white, with a white T-shirt inside, sweat-absorbent material, a bit like a football jersey, but more casual, the jacket is a black The slim fit jacket with the club's logo printed on it looks very cool overall.

The charm of this suit is that it fits very well with video games, but it can also be used as everyday wear.

Seeing Yunchi AG's team uniforms, the other contestants were surprised and envious. They actually had team uniforms, but compared with Yunchi AG's team uniforms, they were far behind.

"Do you know that team?" Li Minche, the captain of the Raptors team, poked his teammate's arm.

His teammate, Lee Seung-chan, shook his head distractedly, "I don't know, but I guess they're a Chinese team."

"Of course, what I'm curious about is where they got this suit from. Maybe we can get one too."

Li Chengcan curled his lips, "This suit is not cheap at first glance. Does our club have so much money now? Or, KT has already decided to sponsor us?"

Their team has been seeking KT's sponsorship for the past few months. KT actually has this intention, but the competition is too urgent, and they haven't reached an agreement yet.

If they had been able to negotiate earlier, they would not be called the Raptors now, but the KTRaptors.

Without the funds provided by KT, with the current financial strength of their club, it is still a bit difficult to get a set of combat uniforms of their own. For example, the clothes of the Chinese team look like they are specially customized.

Jin Shibin on the other side looked in the direction of Yunchi AG and said enviously, "This is what I think the e-sports combat uniform looks like. Our own team uniform is not good-looking at all, and it is not even as good as the clothes issued by Deep Space Company. "

"Captain, maybe after the meeting is over for a while, you should ask them which brand these clothes are from. After KT's sponsorship is settled, we can also go to that brand to make a set for us." Li Chengcan suggested road.

Li Minche raised his eyebrows. He felt that Li Chengcan's suggestion was good. The team's clothes were really good-looking. He just carefully looked at them to see what brand the clothes were, but he couldn't find any familiar logos.

There was only a strange three-headed harpoon on the chest—maybe it wasn't a harpoon, because it was so far away that he couldn't be sure.

Ma Tianyuan sat in his seat, with his back straight, his eyes fixed on the head of the organizing committee who was speaking on the stage, but he could feel the gazes from around him.

He knew that these gazes were all because of the clothes he and his teammates were wearing.

Since being acquired by Yunchi, their club has changed from shot to shot.

The first is the expansion of personnel. When their club first started, there were only four people in total, only two of them were players, one was Chj who played Q3, and the other was Ma Tianyuan who played StarCraft.

At that time, Ma Tianyuan and others believed that their model was already a relatively advanced and avant-garde professional e-sports.

But after becoming Yunchi AG, their number of players increased several times, and the equipment became the best and most advanced. Even the clothes were specially designed by Yunchi Company for them.

When they got this suit, none of the team members were dissatisfied.No matter the style or the material, it has greatly exceeded Ma Tianyuan's expectations.

Although Ma Tianyuan has always believed that things other than technology are not important, but the moment he put on this suit and walked into the auditorium today, he had to admit that wearing such a set of e-sports combat uniforms has psychologically occupied him from the very beginning. Without an advantage, there will be an idea that they are the regular army and everyone else is a miscellaneous army.

After the meeting ended, Ma Tianyuan led his team members out, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

There were two teams standing in front of him, one was Korea's Raptors team, and the other was Canada's EG team.

Li Minche gestured with his hands and said a lot of Korean. Although Ma Tianyuan didn't understand, he understood Li Minche's meaning.

But he didn't know how to answer, so he pointed to the three swords on his chest and said, "Yunchi."

"How much?" Feng Te of Team EG asked.

Feng Te used English, and the team leader Hu Hai spoke good English. He said with a smile: "This is a Chinese sports brand, Yunchi, and it is also our parent company. This suit is specially designed and has not yet been launched. If you have If you are interested, I can help you contact the person in charge of the company."

Hu Hai was in business before, so he is very good at sales.

But this matter is not that simple. Although these teams are not particularly formal now, they are a team anyway, so brand sponsorship will definitely be taken into consideration when choosing team uniforms.

It's not that these players can wear whatever they want.


Yu Dong looked at the members of Yunchi AG who were surrounded by other team members from a distance, smiled and said to Hu Hao who was next to him, "This suit is well designed, and it looks good for everyday wear."

After being praised by Yu Dong, Hu Hao was very happy, "I was going to get them a set of down jackets, but after thinking about it, I decided to give up. This one is pretty good. After this competition is over, this set of clothes will be ready." It happened to be in spring clothes. It’s just a pity that this game cannot be broadcast in China.”

Before, Jimmy proposed to cooperate with a domestic TV station to create a video game program that could broadcast wcg, but this proposal was rejected by Yu Dong.

In fact, holding wcg is already a bit of a fringe feeling. If we cooperate with a TV station to report video game shows, it will definitely attract attention, and maybe it will cause trouble.

This time WCG was broadcasted on TV in several countries, but considering the cost, there was no live broadcast. Players who were not at the scene could only follow the graphic broadcasts released on the major websites and clients of Deep Space to experience the game.

"Although it is not broadcast on TV, you can ask the newspapers to post more photos of the team members... If your team can get the ranking this time, the publicity will increase immediately. Besides, Yunchi's current clothes are very important to the Chinese people. It’s still a little expensive, if you have the ability to sell it abroad, you should still sell it abroad.”

"Foreign markets need to be explored, and the domestic market must not be lost. Our company's monthly deficit is getting bigger and bigger, and I'm also anxious."

"You're also called a deficit?" Yu Dong smiled and patted Hu Hao's shoulder: "Go and talk to your brother Jiang when you're free, and after you talk to him, you'll know that your deficit is not counted. what."

Hu Hao curled his lips, "Yunchi can't compare with them."

In terms of deficit, among the companies under Deep Space China, Jiang Jie’s Deep Space Computer must be second to none. Their company burns the most money, and it has been burning faster and faster in the past two years.

Yunchi burns tens of millions of money, but the deep space computer burns hundreds of millions, and it is the kind that has no end in sight.

This year, Deep Space Corporation formed a data center research and development team to specialize in data center technology. The speed at which this thing burns money is outrageous, and it cannot be supported by an ordinary company.

Of course, if you change to another company, you will definitely not be tempted to focus on data center technology at this time. Now the data centers of domestic IT companies rely on the operator's rack lease model, because this is enough for them up.

(End of this chapter)

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