Chapter 764 is an opportunity

Although the speed at which Yunchi Company burns money is not as fast as that of Deep Space Computer, it is still very scary. Last month, their company's deficit even reached more than 2000 million yuan.

The one-month deficit of a sporting goods company that has just been rebuilt is equivalent to the annual sales of many companies. I am afraid that not many people will believe it.

You know, last year, Adidas' domestic turnover in China was less than 2 million yuan. Even Adidas' rival, Nike, which has a very successful marketing in China, had a turnover of just over [-] million yuan in China last year. That's all.

Yunchi has a monthly deficit of 2000 million. Even if this figure is placed on Nike, it is quite scary.

The reason why the deficit is so high is that during this period of time, Yunchi is expanding production and increasing the number of exclusive stores in first-tier cities. In addition, their cooperation with AC Milan has recently required a large sum of money every month.

"I heard that there are some specialty stores, are you going to confirm them yourself?" Yu Dong asked.

Hu Hao nodded with a smile: "It is true that there are two specialty stores that I inspected, and Yunchi is facing young customers, so in addition to the bustling city center, some university towns are also our focus area."

"Have you decided on your new office location?" Yu Dong asked again.

Hu Hao shook his head, "Not yet, but it's not in a hurry. The company doesn't have high requirements for the office location, and the business is mainly outside... There may be investment in Hexi next year, and we will pay attention to it then."

Although the big bosses of Yunchi are also Yu Dong and Jimmy, they are still very clear about their division with Shenkong Company. At least it is impossible for Shenkong to give them an office area in the park.

However, relying on the relationship between Yu Dong and Jimmy, it is still very easy for Yun Chi to obtain good conditions in attracting investment.

"Boss Ji is here."

Hu Hao was about to say something, when he suddenly saw Jimmy walking in from the door, he smiled and waved to Jimmy.

Jimmy saw Yu Dong and Hu Hao, nodded to them, and walked over quickly.

As soon as he came over, Jimmy patted Hu Hao on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Not bad, mouse, the team uniform designed by Yunchi this time is very beautiful. When I came in just now, I heard the British team discussing this suit , It sounds like they are very envious, to be honest, I want to get one and wear it."

Hu Hao laughed, "Haha, I'll keep it for you all."

"That's a good idea. By the way, during this period of time, you have a chat with Liu Changmin, Teacher Liu, to see if you can design a football uniform for their Jinyi's faculty football team. Old Bi hinted at me before."

"Okay, then I'll talk to Teacher Liu later." Hu Hao nodded.

Jimmy patted Hu Hao on the shoulder, "You should pay attention to this matter and design the football uniforms better. Think about who they are in Jinyi's teaching staff. These people wear Yunchi's clothes, which are equivalent to It’s a walking advertisement, and most importantly, these people won’t charge you for advertising.”

Hu Hao rubbed his head: "Actually, I thought about designing a set of cultural shirts for their International Writing Center before, so that they can wear our brand cultural shirts when they attend activities."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "There's no need for that. Now Yu Hua and the others are attending the event, and there are already many Yunchi."

Yu Hua and the others all have Yunchi's cards, so it's more cost-effective to buy their clothes and shoes, and Yunchi's clothes and shoes are really good-looking, so they usually buy a lot.

Since Yunchi's advertisement was broadcast on TV, the brand's popularity has risen all of a sudden, especially in Jinling, where Yunchi's advertisement is broadcast every day on Jinling TV station.

Fortunately, there are many types of Yunchi's advertisements, and many of them have plots, so it is not very boring to watch, otherwise it may really arouse the disgust of everyone.

Yunchi is well-known in Jinling. On the one hand, Jinling Satellite TV broadcasts their advertisements more, and on the other hand, because Yunchi has many specialty stores in Jinling.

In the absence of Yunchi stores in many provincial capital cities, there are four large-scale stores in Jinling, and each of them is more stylish than the other. Except for the one near the deep space park, the other three are in the most prosperous area. lot.

Yunchi store has a characteristic, no matter how big the store is, the signboard of the store must be very big, which belongs to the kind of existence that can be seen from a long distance.

Moreover, Yunchi's signboard is very simple, usually on a white ground, and on it is a three-handled sword, which looks a bit like a trident from a distance, which attracts people's attention very much.

Jimmy glanced at the contestants who were still walking out, and said with a smile: "I was planning to come to listen to the reading, but I was stopped by Acer's vice president Li Mingtang on the way.

"He has something to do with you?"

"No or..."

Just as Jimmy opened his mouth, Hu Hao suddenly said: "Boss, Mr. Ji, you guys talk, I'll go talk to the boys in the club, the game will start tomorrow, give them a bloodbath."

"Well, go ahead." Yu Dong nodded.

After Hu Hao left, Jimmy said with a smile: "This guy, the mouse, still avoids suspicion."

"He really wants to talk to the boys in the club. Whether Yunchi AG can win the championship this time is still very important to Yunchi. If they can win the championship, their operation this time is not worth it 2000 million, at least worth 200 million." Yu Dong said.

"Indeed." Jimmy nodded in agreement, and then said back to Acer Vice President Li Mingtang: "Li Mingtang came to me because of sponsorship."

"The game starts tomorrow, what kind of sponsorship is he talking about now?"

Jimmy explained, "He came to talk about the sponsorship of the next year. I can see that this year they failed to compete with Dell and Samsung. They have a lot of grievances. Just now they chatted with me for a long time, saying that we have too much sponsorship. They were in a hurry and didn’t give them enough time. If we gave them enough time and enough mental preparation, they would definitely win against Samsung and Dell.”

Yu Dong smiled. In fact, it’s not to blame for Li Mingtang’s complaint. This time they got sponsorship for the World Video Game Competition really quickly, and it could even be said hastily. Basically, they didn’t make many comparisons. Whoever bids the highest.

Dell and Samsung are much higher than Acer, so Deep Space didn’t consider Acer, and went directly to Samsung and Dell.

When the matter was a foregone conclusion, Acer found that they could actually afford the price offered by Samsung and Dell. Of course, they felt a little dissatisfied.They feel that the time is too hasty, so they will lose in the competition.

But in fact, Acer can't blame others, who told them to be too conservative in asking prices at the beginning.If it wasn't for the big gap between their first asking price and Dell and Samsung, they at least have the opportunity to continue to compete.

Of course, the reason why Acer was not selected is not only because of the bid, but also because Acer's current strength cannot be compared with other big companies.

As for the fact that they are going to sponsor the next competition now, Yu Dong couldn't help shaking his head, "It's too early to sponsor the next competition now."

Jimmy nodded: "That's what I told Li Mingtang too. He must have said it sooner, and he will help us organize the audition for the next competition. According to their intentions, they will provide computer equipment starting from the regional competition. "

"Then what do you say?" Yu Dong asked.

"What can I say, I told him that now we are not sure whether there will be a next session, and even if there is a next session, it will not be under our deep space management, and other organizations will take care of it at that time... What I said Everything is true."

"Well, the truth." Yu Dong gave Jimmy a thumbs up, "Who doesn't know that Jimmy is nicknamed Honest Man."

"I'll take it as if you're telling the truth... I'm not very interested in Acer's sponsorship, but I've benefited a lot from talking with Li Mingtang for a while. They seem to be buying a small PC manufacturer recently. Can you see It can be seen that their layout is quite large. This makes me admire, after all, the internal situation of Acer is not very optimistic."

Yu Dong doesn't know much about Acer, let alone what their plans are, but Acer's ability to achieve the later stage naturally has merits, and there is no harm in learning more from them in Deep Space.

"The vice president of Acer came here this time to ask you to sponsor WCG?" Yu Dong asked.

Acer is not a partner of Deep Space Corporation, and they were not invited to the Deep Space Annual Meeting. It is intriguing that their vice president suddenly appeared in Deep Space Corporation at this time. Yu Dong did not believe that he came here just to sponsor WCG.

Jimmy said with a smile: "You really came here for the sponsorship, but not only sponsoring wcg, but also other sponsorships. Acer has invested a lot in sports sponsorship in recent years. At the beginning, it was a small matter. Since last year, their investment has become more generous. Last year they signed a contract with the Asian Committee to sponsor the Asian Games in Bangkok. The value of the software and hardware provided alone exceeded 1000 million US dollars. Recently, they are talking about sponsoring Chinese football. It should be It will also cost several million dollars. According to Li Mingtang, they are also planning to sponsor the Chinese Olympic Bidding Committee. Originally, they wanted to send someone to come over, but Li Mingtang took the initiative to invite Ying to come here in person. He also wanted to take this opportunity to come and see See if there is any chance of cooperation with us."

"Did he say how much money he would sponsor the Olympic Bidding Committee?" Yu Dong asked.

"No, it shouldn't be much. Although the Olympic bid is important, it can't cost too much, and the country can't accept high funding. I also asked about this before. The Olympic bid committee probably only accepts a few million yuan at most. "

Yu Dong couldn't help being dumbfounded. Jimmy said it lightly, as if millions of RMB were not money in his mouth, but in fact, for the Olympic bid, several million RMB was already a great help.

"Acer's plate is already very big, and the cooperation between us may not be too deep."

Jimmy shook his head, "It's really hard to say. Acer is going through a very big rectification this year, and the company's situation has changed a lot. At this juncture, Acer's instability may not be our opportunity."

Acer's recent life is indeed not particularly good. Their stocks have been falling all the way, their internal organization is expanding day by day, and the disadvantages of the family business are gradually emerging.

At this time, most companies will choose internal integration, but Acer's current situation is impossible to rely on internal integration to recover blood, and they need to make some bigger changes.

Jimmy heard some news that Acer wants to implement spin-off measures and spin off some of its subsidiaries.

At this time, if Deep Space chooses to intervene, it may be an opportunity.

But everything depends on the attitude of Shi Zhengrong, the helm of the Acer Group. No matter which company is divided into, Acer is the single largest shareholder of these branches. As long as Shi Zhengrong is unwilling to let go, these branches will still be firmly controlled by Acer. hands, not to be touched by outsiders.

Outsiders naturally include Deep Space Corporation. In fact, Jimmy has taken a fancy to BenQ Dentsu, a subsidiary of Acer Group. As an OEM company of Acer, BenQ Dentsu has a solid foundation, but it is not easy to get involved.

"During this period of time, I will spend more time researching Acer Group, maybe this time we have a chance."

Yu Dong nodded, he didn't want to worry about this kind of thing, he could only leave it to Jimmy and the others.

"Is there any problem with funding?"

"There is no problem for the time being. Our money is still enough. During this period of time, the publishing house, booksellers and some bookstores have paid us a lot of money."

In fact, the money that publishers, booksellers, and bookstores paid to Deep Space Corporation does not belong to Deep Space Corporation, or in other words, not all of it belongs to Deep Space Corporation. Most of the money will eventually flow into the pockets of writers. Will leave 5.00% to 20.00% of it.

But in between, there is a time difference.

Under normal circumstances, Deep Space Corporation will only pay part of the author's royalties first, and most of the remaining royalties will be settled after three months or even half a year.

The money stayed in the account of Deep Space Corporation for three months or even half a year, bringing considerable profits to Deep Space Corporation. Such a huge cash flow has kept Deep Space Corporation's financial operations very healthy.

It is true that money makes money. As long as you have money on hand, you are not afraid of not making money.

The reason why Amazon can still be favored by investors despite continuous losses is because they have a good cash flow.

"It's good if you have money. If you don't have money, my royalty company can pay me later. Anyway, I don't need money now."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Don't worry about that. If the company is really short of money, not only your book money, but also Yu Hua's book money, I will not let go."

This is not a joke. If the company is really short of money, Jimmy will definitely be able to do such a thing.

The royalties paid by Yu Dong and the others are not a small amount. For Yu Dong alone, if the Deep Space Company suppresses his royalties for a year and does not pay them, it will be able to retain at least several hundred million yuan.

If Yu Dong's other copyright income is also retained, the unit must be changed to US dollars.

Motorola's copyright share to Yu Dong alone is tens of millions of dollars a year, and Universal and Warner also regularly pay copyright fees to Deep Space.

(End of this chapter)

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