Chapter 765 Robots

In fact, the financial pressure of deep space is still to come. Whether it is the mobile phone that Jimmy wants to build, or the personal computer that the rest wants to build, as long as one of them is really started, the required funds must be huge.

"How is "Harry Potter" now?" Yu Dong asked.

The filming plan for "Harry Potter" started last year, but Yu Dong has not heard anything during this time.

If the IP of "Harry Potter" can develop smoothly, it can bring a considerable amount of cash to Deep Space. Although the meat will be shared with Warner and Rowling, it will not be able to reach Deep Space in the end. few.

"I'm really not sure." Jimmy shook his head. "About two months ago, I asked about the progress once. It seems that I'm still in the stage of selecting actors and it's not going well. Rowling asked to use British actors, and we respected that." Her choice, but it also makes casting difficult, the scope is too small."

Hearing that the cast was still being cast, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. In fact, he was more curious about whether the previous batch of actors would still be selected for this cast.

I have to say that the casting of "Harry Potter" is pretty good, but Yu Dong doesn't think those actors are indispensable.

In Yudong's view, only the "story" itself is irreplaceable, and neither the director nor the actors are irreplaceable. The so-called irreplaceable is just a later marketing statement.

"When the casting is completed, remember to tell me."

Jimmy smiled and said, "Don't worry about this. You don't have to wait until the casting is completed. As long as there are preliminary candidates, they will report them. They may ask you for reference at that time. Chris is your loyal reader."

"Chris Columbus?"

"Of course, anyone else."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. Chris Columbus is the director of "Harry Potter". In addition to the "Harry Potter" series, he also has many out-of-the-box movies, such as "Home Alone", "Museum Wonderful Night" and so on.

The last time we met with Spielberg, Spielberg also mentioned Chris Columbus, the two had co-written "Raiders of the Goonies."

"Did he direct the "Robot Butler" released last month?" Yu Dong asked.

"You still pay attention to this movie." Jimmy smiled, "The director is indeed him, and this movie is very good, but to be honest, I am not optimistic about the box office of this movie."

Yu Dong was not surprised. Although "Robot Butler" is a sci-fi movie, it is not a movie that can attract the audience's attention on the screen.

The whole film is more than two hours long, and the rhythm is very slow, and as a robot movie, the robots in it don't look particularly sci-fi, and the special effects are certainly not particularly good.

This kind of soft sci-fi ethical film is unlikely to be a big hit in any region, and the final result may be a good reputation and a mediocre box office.

The reason why Yu Dong pays attention to this movie is because it is adapted from Asimov's novel of the same name. Hundreds of people".

Many of Asimov's novels are related to robots. Before the film was released, "Two Hundred" was not well-known among readers, at least not as good as "Ring Dance".

But Asimov himself said that of all the robot stories he wrote, his favorite is this "Two Hundred".

"Do you know where the copyright of Asimov's collection of short stories "I, Robot" is?" Yu Dong asked suddenly.

Jimmy raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, then shook his head and said, "I don't know about this, are you interested in it?"

"A little bit." Yu Dong laughed, "Which science fiction fan isn't interested in it?"

"Haha, you know what I mean, you want to make this into a movie?"

"Just a little idea."

Jimmy pondered: "I'm curious, what kind of movie should this collection of novels be adapted into? Which one of them are you interested in?"

"I, Robot" is a collection of short stories, which contains a total of nine short stories, and these nine short stories are basically written by Asimov in the 40s.

Yu Dong shook his head, "I'm not interested in the story, I'm just interested in the three laws of robots."

Jimmy thought for a while, then nodded with a smile, "I probably understand what you mean, how about it, I will ask later to see who owns the copyright and what the price is. If the price is okay, we will buy it." Come down. Not to mention the three rules, the name "I, Robot" alone is worth buying."

"Well, let's buy it first."

"Okay." Jimmy nodded, and suddenly laughed again, "You are so interested in robots, why don't you write an article? You know, during this time, your sci-fi readers are calling you to continue writing sci-fi on Deep Space Tribe, Even the senior management of the YU Umbrella Association participated."

Yu Dong looked at Jimmy with a smile, "You didn't participate in this matter?"

Jimmy chuckled, "Those who know me are mine! In fact, it's not called participation. Those sci-fi readers really want to see you continue to write sci-fi, but I just gave a little help later."

"Hey, the YU Umbrella Association has always been sponsored by our company. It is basically an organization under our company's name. Without your approval, can these high-level leaders take the lead in doing things?"

"That's true."

Of course, Jimmy did this to keep Yu Dong popular... It stands to reason that Yu Dong's current fame doesn't need to use this method to keep popular, he can always appear in the news headlines in various ways.

But Jimmy thinks differently. Yu Dong started his career in science fiction, and has been No.1 in science fiction for a few years.

In the past few years, Yu Dong has not written much about science fiction. In addition, there are more and more rising stars in the science fiction world. Naturally, Yu Dong's popularity in the science fiction world is not as good as before. In order for Yu Dong to maintain his status in the science fiction world, Jimmy often asks Take readers to recall the grand scene of previous years.

"In terms of science fiction... I have a little idea--"

Just as Yu Dong was halfway through speaking, Jimmy grabbed Yu Dong's arm excitedly: "Are you going to write science fiction?"

"Don't move." Yu Dong shook his arm in disgust and shook Jimmy's hand away.

Jimmy laughed and said, "It's a gaffe, it's a gaffe, you continue to say, are you going to write science fiction?"

"It's just an idea, and I don't know whether to write it or not. I've been busy recently, and the "Pounding Heart" that I promised before has not yet come out. If I want to write, I have to wait until "Pounding Heart" is finished."

Jimmy curled his lips and said: "I want to finish the script of "Pounding Heart". Writing a novel is not a matter of minutes. I believe you can write the novel in a week at most. I don't think it's better for you not to think about "" Regarding the novel of "Pounding Heart", first think about the science fiction novel, and then write "Pounding Heart" after the science fiction novel is finished. Anyway, the movie "Pounding Heart" will not be released for a while. By then When the novel is published, the movie will be released immediately, and it is the time when the popularity is the highest, and it can also boost the box office performance, you are right."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "Director Reiner has urged me many times, both openly and secretly, and he is very concerned about this matter. He will come in a few days, and he will definitely come to ask about this matter at that time. Great."

"Of course he is concerned. After all, this directly affects the movie's box office. Tell me, what do you think... You suddenly mentioned "I, Robot" for no reason. Is your new idea related to the robot? Does it matter? Robots are good, although robots are traditional, there are many people who love to watch them, and they last for a long time.”

Yu Dong did not deny it: "It is indeed related to robots."

In fact, the idea was a temporary one. Just now when we talked about "Robot Butler", the first movie that popped up in Yu Dong's mind was "Mechanical Enemy", and then he thought of the original novel "I, Robot".

After thinking of "I, Robot", he thought of a cartoon called "Robot Story".

Yu Dong doesn't watch many animated movies, but "Robot Story" can definitely be ranked in the forefront for him, maybe he can write "Robot Story" out.

To be honest, when I saw the name "Robot Story" at first, Yu Dong didn't want to read it, because the name didn't seem to be anything special, just like "Finding Nemo" and "Toy Story".

Of course, this is not to say that "Finding Nemo" or "Toy Story" is not good, but in the east, no matter what it is, it is an ordinary, at best, good animation for all ages.

However, the performance of "Robot Story" was beyond Yudong's expectations. This movie, which basically has no lines, has the power to touch people's hearts.However, the name of this movie is actually a fault of the translation. Although Yu Dong took into account the brand power of the "General Mobilization" series when he translated the name, he still thinks that the literal translation of "Wall-E" is better.

At this moment, the entire conference room was deserted, only Yu Dong and Jimmy were left. The staff responsible for turning off the lights was supposed to stay and turn off the lights, but when he saw the two bosses talking about something, he thoughtfully left.

Looking at the empty conference room, Jimmy said, "Let's go and sit in the remaining office. This is not a place to talk."

Yu Dong nodded: "OK."

The reason why you go to Yuyu Office is because only Yuyu Office has good tea.

In the past, Yu Dong and Jimmy always had good tea in their office. Not only good tea, but also all kinds of drinks are fully equipped and replaced regularly.

Later, Yu Dong felt that it was a waste, so he asked them not to prepare any more. If necessary, they can just go and get it temporarily. Usually, they only need to clean his and Jimmy's offices.

Because the World Electronic Game Competition will start tomorrow, followed by the week-long Deep Space Annual Meeting. During this time, the company's employees are busier than each other. Although it is almost nine o'clock, most of the offices are still lit.Many employees are constantly on the move. They didn't have a rest in the first week, and they couldn't rest in the next week.

Working in the deep space company, there will be generous overtime wages for overtime work, but it is not just that they can work overtime if they want to. If employees want to work overtime, they need to submit an overtime application to the immediate leader, and they can only work overtime after the approval of the leader.

When Yu Dong and Jimmy arrived at Yu Liang's office, Yu Liang was immersed in processing documents. When he heard footsteps, he thought it was an assistant, and said without raising his head: "Help me prepare the materials of "Flower and Plant Lover". I want to see."

Jimmy pinched his nose and said in a very strange tone: "Okay, Mr. Yu, I'll go and prepare it for you now."

Hearing this voice, Yu Yue frowned, "Your throat..."

As soon as he raised his head, Yu Yue saw Jimmy and Yu Dong, and immediately laughed, "I just said, when did Xiao Wu become a eunuch?"

After speaking, he got up to pour tea for Yu Dong and the others.

But as soon as he stood up, Jimmy stopped him, "Don't move, we will pour whatever we drink. If you want to drink, I will pour it for you."

Yu Yue smiled and said, "How can a boss pour tea for his employees?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Yu Yu, what you said is wrong. You are working overtime to create benefits for the company. It is too late to be happy as the boss. How can you stop working and pour tea for us? We not only want to give you Pour tea, but also pour you the strongest tea, so that you can't sleep at night, so you can only work overtime."

Jimmy, who was pouring tea, gave a thumbs up, "Look, this is the face of a capitalist."

Although Yu Dong said that, but at night, Jimmy did not make green tea, but made some black tea.

Yu Yu also stopped what he was doing, and the three of them sat around the coffee table with a cup of black tea in their hands. Yu Yu rubbed the space between his brows and asked, "The two bosses are here at this time, what are your orders? "

Jimmy waved his hand, "No, we came from the conference room. I just came here, so I called him to come over and sit down. Compared with our two offices, your office is more popular."

"How was the reading? I didn't go to see it either."

"It's a normal reading meeting, nothing special happened. The main thing is the opening ceremony and debut ceremony tomorrow morning, when the audience and reporters will be there."

"Speaking of the opening ceremony, how are Zhang Yimou's preparations going? Have you gone to see it?" Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong shook his head to express that he was not sure, he had only read Zhang Yimou's proposal, and as for the rehearsal, he had never read it once.

"It's pretty good. I went to see it twice during the rehearsal. Although time was tight, the whole rehearsal process was orderly. Director Zhang didn't seem to be in a hurry."

"This kind of small opening ceremony is not difficult for him...does he have rehearsals tonight?"

"Yes, didn't you hear any movement from the conference hall when you came here?"

Both Yu Dong and Jimmy shook their heads. The small conference room is actually not far from the conference hall, but they did not hear any movement from the conference hall.

Seeing the two shaking their heads, the margin was a bit strange, "I heard from Xiao Wu that tonight is the last rehearsal, and it seems to be scheduled until twelve o'clock."

(End of this chapter)

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