Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 766 One opening ceremony, let them spend ten thousand dollars more for me

Chapter 766 An Opening Ceremony, Asking them to Spend Millions of Dollars for Me
"Maybe he thought the rehearsal was good, so he asked people to go back and rest." Jimmy guessed.

Yu Dong shook his head, not quite agreeing with Jimmy's guess, "Lao Mouzi won't be so easy to be satisfied in this respect, since he said that the rehearsal will last until twelve o'clock, it will not end until twelve o'clock at least, and generally Under normal circumstances, it can’t be finished at twelve o’clock, and it’s normal to be one or two hours late.”

"The boss is right. In the past few days, their rehearsals have not ended before twelve o'clock. The night before yesterday, they rehearsed until two or three o'clock in the night."

"How did you know he rehearsed until two or three o'clock? Could it be that you also worked overtime until then?"

"That's not true. They told me the next day. Anyway, Director Zhang is a desperate man. Most people can't stand him."

Jimmy glanced at Yu Dong and said with a smile: "If everyone works as hard as Zhang Yimou, then our work will be easy to carry out. Readers say that a certain prolific, but they don't know that this person can write a book a week, but a week It’s a waste of efficiency to write only a few weeks a year.”

Yu Dong ignored him, and asked Yu Liang again: "I heard you said "Flower and Grass Lover", is it a TV series?"

"Well, it's a TV series that the company is preparing recently. The script is written by Li Hong, and the style is relatively relaxed. The heroine is tentatively scheduled to be played by Qian Xiuyan."

"Qian Xiuyan, is that the Korean girl that Yu Dongrang signed before?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes, she has been practicing singing and dancing and acting skills throughout this year. The little girl has worked very hard. Although it is only one year, her level has improved a lot. However, Li Hong and the others feel that Qian Xiuyan is not suitable for acting in such a bitter situation. TV series, so I wrote a relatively easy script for her." Yu Yu said.

"It's good to have some new attempts."

Since the release of "The Love Song of the Stars and the Moon", there have been one after another domestic TV dramas of the same type, and the audience is still willing to pay for it.

However, Deep Space Corporation is not willing to eat this type of bonus all the time, and they have been making some new attempts recently.

"Flower and Grass Lover" is one of the attempts. The style of this TV series is relatively relaxed, and there is no plot of bitterness and hatred. The male protagonist is a wealthy second generation who is not stingy.

The hero's grandfather feels that the hero is hard to become a master, if the family property is handed over to him, it will definitely be ruined in the end.

But the male protagonist is the only son, so he can only inherit the family property.

It may be precisely because he will inherit the family property, so the male protagonist has no aggressiveness and sense of crisis, and just waits to inherit the family property in the future to continue eating, drinking and having fun.

In order to hone the male protagonist, Grandpa created the illusion of bankruptcy in the family, not only bought the TV station to broadcast the news of their bankruptcy, but also hired a bunch of people pretending to be creditors to collect debts in his house.

The debt collectors were very ruthless and directly kidnapped the male protagonist. When they arrived in a certain mountain village in the countryside, the debt collectors "accidentally" let the male protagonist go away.

After escaping, the male protagonist ran to live in a family. Because he was penniless and afraid of being chased by the creditor, he worked in that family, and the female protagonist was the daughter of that family.

The following story is easy to guess. The hero and heroine fell in love for a long time, and finally the hero changed himself in the process of living with the heroine. He is no longer a playboy who only knows how to eat, drink and have fun.

At this time, he completed his training, inherited the family property, and lived happily with the heroine.

In fact, this is essentially a story of a wandering prince meeting Cinderella. Although it is not the most popular terminally ill or car accident drama nowadays, this routine is definitely loved by female audiences.

Yu Dong hadn't read the script, but he had heard about this TV series beforehand. The female lead was Qian Xiuyan appointed by the company, while the male lead was chosen by Li Hong herself, who was also Yu Dong's student, Tong Dawei.

Tong Dawei is in the third grade this year, and he is also the monitor of their class. However, although he is the monitor, his development is a bit worse than that of the rest of the class. In the past two and a half years, he has only taken one play, and he is still There are not many shots of the supporting role of the supporting role.

However, this kid's basic skills are still solid, and his looks are not bad. This time, he performed very well in the audition for "Flower and Grass Lover", so he was selected by Li Hong.

Now that the company is making TV dramas, Yu Dong seldom interferes. Li Hong originally wanted to show the script to Yu Dong this time, but Yu Dong refused.

On the one hand, Yu Dong didn't want to make himself too tired. If the company's screenwriters and directors came to him for advice every time, he would be exhausted.In addition, he also believed in Li Hong's level and thought that they should be given a little room to play freely.

Deep Space has always produced high-quality products, but it doesn't mind trial and error, because only by trial and error can it often produce high-quality products.

"Is the advertisement for this TV series ready?" Yu Dong asked.

Yu Yu smiled and said, "Not yet, but Li Youcan, the vice president of Samsung's planning department, asked me before if there were any TV dramas recently, and they wanted to invest in some sponsorship. It just so happened that there was an advertisement for mobile phones in "Flower and Grass Lover". Let’s talk. They have increased their investment in the mobile phone business in the past few years and continued to open up the market. This "Flower and Grass Lover" also focuses on the Asian market, which is very suitable for them."

"If Colvin knew about this, he would have to find you," Jimmy said.

Colvin is the representative of Motorola, and now he is mainly responsible for the business in Asia. In addition, all business related to deep space is also connected by Colvin.

Deep Space has worked closely with Motorola. In the past, as long as mobile phones were involved in the film and television dramas shot by Deep Space, Motorola would basically cast them.

Yu Yu rubbed his hands together and said, "Kervin wants to advertise, and that requires real money. I can't just give them the advertising space unconditionally just because we have a good relationship. Don't worry, Mr. Ji, I will let Colvin compete with Samsung, and whoever offers the best conditions will give the advertising space of this TV series to whoever."

Neither Yu Dong nor Jimmy had any objection to the margin.

They don't necessarily have to cooperate closely with Samsung, but at least they must give Motorola a sense of urgency. Maybe as the two parties have cooperated more and more in the past few years, and Motorola is now leading the mobile phone market, They're getting less and less interested in the Deep Space Corporation.

The last time Motorola promised to sponsor a total of 3000 million US dollars for Xiaowanzi's animated film, something has happened recently, and there have been some voices of opposition within Motorola.

These opponents believe that Motorola can develop to this point because Motorola's own brand is strong enough, and the things provided by Deep Space are just auxiliary.

Besides, they also gave Deep Space Corporation a lot of patent fees and service fees, so there is no need to pay endlessly. 3000 million US dollars, that's all cash, even for Motorola, that's not a small amount.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and Jimmy and the others have heard some of the internal voices of Motorola.

In view of this, Deep Space naturally wants to express its position to Motorola, which of the two of them needs it more.

Compared with Motorola, Samsung's mobile phone has just started, and its overall strength is much worse.But because of this, Samsung, which is ready to develop the mobile phone business, is naturally willing to spend money on it, and will definitely be able to offer higher conditions.

Some inside Motorola may think that their success is mainly due to themselves and has nothing to do with Deep Space, but in the eyes of Samsung and other manufacturers, Motorola's ability to stay on the top of the mountain for so long is inseparable from the help of Deep Space.

After a little research, it can be seen that the mobile phones that Motorola has released in recent years are all related to the design of Deep Space Corporation. Dial.

And whenever some places are imitated by other mobile phone manufacturers, Motorola can always play some new tricks immediately. In recent years, this kind of rapid iterative update has greatly suppressed its opponents.

Just imagine, other companies managed to imitate some of the appearance and functions of Motorola mobile phones. At that time, Motorola’s previous generation mobile phones were almost sold out, and then they would release mobile phones with updated functions and better operation. Who would buy other brands of mobile phones? ?

Because they deeply understand the importance of Deep Space Corporation, Samsung really wants to cooperate with Deep Space, so they are also very active in the World Electronic Game Competition this time, and the price is higher than others when they open their mouths.

Although the purpose of sponsoring the World Electronic Game Competition this time is to promote their screens, this is just an opportunity. They hope to use this opportunity to open a hole and extend their cooperation to the mobile phone business.

Facts have proved that Samsung's strategy is useful, at least now Yuyu has begun to consider handing over the advertising space of "Flower and Grass Lover" to Samsung.

"You can figure it out, no matter what, try to maximize the interests of our company." Jimmy said.

Yu Dong glanced at Jimmy, curled his lips and smiled, if it was in the past, Jimmy must be full of energy when he hears such things, even if he doesn't roll up his sleeves to go to battle in person, he still has to talk about it and teach him how to do it face to face.

But now, Jimmy simply asked, and said nothing else.

The reason why Jimmy is like this, Yu Dong fully understands, is because Jimmy has been thinking about entering the mobile phone market recently. If Deep Space Corporation really gets a deep space electronics to operate the mobile phone business, it will be a rival to Motorola.

The two of them will change from a close cooperative relationship to a naked competitive relationship. Even if Deep Space Corporation wants to make money in peace, Motorola will definitely not agree.

So getting more sponsorship money from someone is no longer important to Jimmy. What he is thinking about now is how to resist Motorola's wave of "hate because of love" if his company enters the mobile phone market later.

Yu Dong didn't continue to chat on the phone, but smiled and said, "Speaking of sponsorship fees, I have to say something about the old man. This guy cost Samsung an extra $100 million in sponsorship fees for an opening ceremony."

Jimmy nodded, feeling very emotional, "At that time they said that Zhang Yimou was going to hold an opening ceremony, and I disagreed in my heart. After all, the time is too tight. Don't expect the opening ceremony to be messed up by then. It has that effect. No matter how the opening ceremony ends up, at least now he has helped us make an extra million dollars."

Yu Dong didn't expect Samsung to increase the sponsorship fee.

Considering that the time is relatively tight, Zhang Yimou changed his style when designing the opening ceremony, deliberately excluding proposals that required the cooperation of many people.

The preparation time required for an event is positively related to the number of people involved. The larger the number of people, the longer it will take, especially for the opening ceremony. When the number of people doubles, the increased preparation time is far more than double.

The opening ceremony designed by Zhang Yimou this time did not use many people, and most of it was completed by machines. He planned to splice dozens of screens into one super-large screen, and then use the controller to control multiple screens to complete multiple tasks. Screen cooperation, play a set of game screens cut from the game.

At the end of the screen, use borrowing to combine the game screen with reality, so that cos character actors "jump" out of the screen and appear on the stage to perform.

The reason why Zhang Yimou had this idea was also because when he was chatting with Yu Dong before, Yu Dong told him about the latest large-screen LCD splicing screen on the market.

After hearing Yu Dong talk about this gadget at that time, Zhang Yimou showed a strong interest, and he used it to design the opening ceremony this time.

This opening ceremony is just in line with Samsung's intentions. Their main purpose of sponsoring the World Video Game Competition this time is to promote their company's screens.

It is a good way to promote their screens through computer screens, but if it can be designed like Zhang Yimou's, it will perfectly show the advantages of their company's screens.

The most important thing is that Zhang Yimou's plan has a characteristic, that is - big.

That's right, it's big. Dozens of screens are spliced ​​together, and the picture is very large. The shocking power is great, and the later publicity is even more gimmick.

Therefore, without further ado, Samsung added another US$100 million in sponsorship fees, and stated that all the equipment needed for the opening ceremony would be provided by their company, and they only had one request, which was to play the Samsung logo when the screen was on. Three seconds minimum.

However, this request was rejected by Deep Space Corporation, because after the screen was turned on, the logo screen of the World Electronic Game Competition was first lit up, followed by the animation of Deep Space Corporation.

If Samsung wants to appear on the big screen, it can only rank third.

In the end, Samsung compromised, and they were willing to rank third, and they would not lose a penny of US$100 million.

Dell originally wanted to get involved, and expressed his willingness to pay 50 yuan, but was directly rejected by Deep Space Company. It is okay to make one or two of this kind of thing, but if it is too much, the nature will change.

Besides, if more logos are broadcast, the attention received by other logos will also be divided, which cannot be compensated by 50 US dollars.




Thank you [Kite of Bodhi Tree Mountain] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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