Chapter 767 is about to begin
Yu Dong and Jimmy stayed in Yuyu's office until the early ten o'clock, when Jimmy suddenly received a phone call, said "um" and "ah" to the phone, and then said calmly, "Suddenly there is something wrong with the hotel." thing, I'm going back."

"Well, it's getting late, let's break up, and you don't need to overtime for a while." Yu Dong said.

Jimmy nodded, "That's right, even if the capitalists exploit the working people, they must pay attention to sustainable development, and you can't kill the chicken to get the eggs. You still have to pay attention to your health, so that we can exploit for a few more years."

Yu Yu laughed, "Don't worry, the two bosses, I will definitely maintain my health and let you exploit me for a few more years. I will dedicate all my loyalty and enthusiasm to Deep Space Corporation, and assist the two bosses to achieve brilliant careers. "

"Okay, okay, you can have a good aftertaste until you flatter, so let's go."

Just as Yu Dong got up on his knees, Jimmy was almost at the door.

Seeing that Jimmy was in such a hurry, Yu Dong was not surprised at all. When Jimmy answered the phone just now, he already felt that something was wrong.

Although Jimmy tried his best to keep his face as usual, but just now he didn't look like he was answering the phone normally.

When Yu Dong came here in the afternoon, he heard that Jimmy did not ask his assistant to help him buy a plane ticket, nor did he stay in the Jinling Hotel with other people when he came from the United States. Yu Dong felt very strange at that time.

Now that I think about it, Jimmy probably didn't come here alone this time. He probably brought his mysterious girlfriend along. The call just now was from his girlfriend.

Seeing Jimmy running so fast now, Yu Dong became more sure.

Walking out of the office, Yu Dong joked to Jimmy who was walking fast, "It seems that the matter over there at the hotel is quite urgent."

"Well, it's urgent, I'm going first."

After finishing speaking, Jimmy left before he could reply.


It was almost eleven o'clock when we returned to Luoyuan. Yu Dong was going to sleep after washing up, but he couldn't fall asleep again, so he ran to the small study next to him and sat for a while.

Originally, he didn't want to start writing, but after thinking about it, he still started to make a list of the elements of "WALL-E".

The biggest difference between copying things and writing things yourself is that copying things can be reversed. Yu Dong only needs to list the elements of the movie and then connect them together.

The most important thing is of course the image of WALL-E. Yu Dong tried hard to recall the details of WALL-E, and then tried to draw the image of WALL-E on paper with a pen, but he gave up after a while.

For him, drawing is a very difficult thing, even if he just draws the general appearance of Wall-E, he can't do it.

Since he couldn't draw, he could only try to describe Wall-E's appearance and characteristics in words.

"Short, with the lower half of an excavator, yellow, rough paint, two tracks, two arms..."

This writing, I wrote until more than one o'clock in the middle of the night.

Yu Dong, who was originally immersed in writing, was awakened by a gust of cold wind.

The desk in the study room is right next to the window. Yu Dong opened a gap in the wooden window for ventilation. Originally, the cold air came in at a very slow speed. The speed was just right, not too cold. It also kept the room from being too stuffy, but just now there was a sudden gust of cold wind that blew directly on Yu Dong's face like a knife, making his face painful.

Yu Dong stretched out his head to listen, and there was a whirring sound of treetops being blown outside, followed by a small snowflake being forced into the room by the cold wind.

Before the snowflake had time to show its graceful dance in the room, it landed on the table and turned into a drop of water that seemed to exist but disappeared.

"Oh, it's snowing."

Yu Dong tightened the coat he was wearing, and remembered that the weather forecast during the day did say that it would snow.

There had actually been a snowfall some time ago, but that snow was overheated and lacked stamina. The feather-like snowflakes cleared up after only four or five hours, and the snow on the ground did not last even a day.

Yu Dong looked at the time again, it was past one o'clock, he hurriedly closed the window tightly, then ran back to the bedroom, carefully tucking himself into the bed.


The next morning, Luoyuan was completely white, and the snow did not continue to fall. When Yu Dong woke up, the sun had just risen. It was dark yellow, but it illuminated the snow on the ground very brightly, which was very dazzling.

On the way to the Deep Space Park, Cheng Yanqiu looked at the snow scene outside the window and said with a smile: "This year, the snow is like a guerrilla war. You can run after one fight. It's not very cold. I'm afraid the snow on the ground won't last too long. time."

Yu Dong nodded, "Fortunately, it stopped, otherwise the tourists who went to the Deep Space Park today would suffer."

"Isn't today's game indoors? It won't affect much."

"It was really small when the event started, but there was a queue before entering. Although all four gates of the park are open, only two gates are highly utilized. There are too many people here today, and queuing is unavoidable."

There are twelve gates, large and small, in the Deep Space Park, of which there are four gates, seven of which are normally accessible, but the other three gates are only accessible to deep space employees and do not have the ticket checking function.

These four gates are located in the four directions of east, west, north, south, but most of the buses coming to the deep space park stop near the east gate and north gate, and few go to the west gate and south gate.

"I came here today mainly to watch Director Zhang's opening ceremony." Cheng Yanqiu smiled, "This is an opening ceremony worth millions of dollars."

"I haven't seen the rehearsal, but the effect should be very good. You may have an impression of the screens in our sci-fi theme hall. The screens they used this time are better than the screens in the sci-fi theme hall."

"That said, I'm looking forward to it even more. But having said that, display technology seems to have developed very fast in recent years. When we went to the mall two days ago, basically no black and white TVs were sold, and the size of color TVs is getting bigger and bigger. Big and cheap, a 29-inch TV costs just over [-], I can’t believe it.”

Cheng Yanqiu's emotion was from the bottom of her heart. She clearly remembered that when they got married a few years ago, they bought a 29-inch TV. It cost more than 1 yuan, and it was not in stock and needed to be ordered.

It has only been five or six years, and 29-inch TVs are not only everywhere, but they are definitely not a rare thing.

In addition, compared to a few years ago, everyone's wages are much higher. This makes TVs cheaper.

In the past, if anyone wanted to buy a 29-inch large color TV, it was a big deal, but now, it is not easy for ordinary families in the city to buy it, at least it is not difficult. After working for a year A little saving can save one.

Yu Dong has the most say in the iteration speed of electronic products. The current iteration speed is nothing, but it will be really fast in the next ten years or so.

Computers, TVs, mobile phones... Most of the electronic products will go through an iteration in a few months. It may be that blue-screen mobile phones become popular on a large scale in spring, and color-screen mobile phones will be all over the market in autumn.

Last month, the memory of mobile phones was more than 500 megabytes, and next month everyone will be pursuing [-]GB of memory.

If the Walkman becomes popular for a few more years, it will be quickly eliminated by mp3, and then everyone will replace it with mp4.

When smart phones come out, not many people are willing to buy mp4.

Smartphones with resistive screens have not been in the hands of ordinary people for two years, and capacitive screens have become the mainstream of the market. Step by step, when most people have not realized it, the times have quietly changed.

The sci-fi themed pavilion in the Deep Space Park, in order to keep at the forefront of technology, will replace a batch of equipment every once in a while. The display screens they use have been replaced three times.

These replaced display screens are not wasted, and will be moved to other venues for continued use.

But no matter how often you change it, you can’t keep up with the technological change. You may finish the order today, and the goods will arrive tomorrow. Install the machine in the evening, and a new model will come out in the evening.

Jimmy evaluated the electronic display industry before, and finally decided to give up. It doesn’t mean that the prospect of this industry is not good, but it needs too much capital and high risk to do this industry, which is not affordable by the current deep space.

To put it bluntly, there is still a lack of money. If Deep Space Corporation can now spend tens of billions of dollars and is not afraid of losing money, it will naturally do what it wants. As long as it believes that a certain industry has potential, it will not hesitate at all.

Including the pc and mobile phone industries, everyone knows that there is potential, and the company also has a clear idea. It is also because there is not enough money on hand, so they dare not be willful and enter the factory at will.

Therefore, Yu Dong pays more attention to the game industry now. If it can develop according to the plan, Blizzard and Xueleshan can bring a lot of funds to Deep Space.


Looking at the crowds of people in front of him, Ren Hongfei couldn't help but let out a sigh, "There are too many people here, and it's more lively than the Confucius Temple. We've already come out ahead of time."

His cousin Liu Qing said with a smile, "I told you before that today's scene must be very big, I didn't lie to you."

"I was mentally prepared, but I didn't expect the scene to be so big. How big the venue is, it's impossible for so many people to have tickets, right? How big is the venue to be able to sit?"

According to Ren Hongfei's estimate, there must be thousands of people entering the park at this moment, and there are still a lot of people behind them.

"The Deep Space Building has two large conference halls. The larger one can accommodate more than 3000 spectators, which is similar to the configuration of the Jinling Great Hall of the People. There is also a smaller one that can accommodate 500 people. Except for the final In addition, the previous games will be divided into these two places, that is to say, more than 500 people can watch the game before the final.”

Liu Qing has a good understanding of the situation in the deep space park, even the situation in their conference hall.

Ren Hongfei couldn't help but gasped and said, "Hey, then there are basically no activities they can't do."

"Of course, in addition to these two auditoriums, the Deep Space Park also has some ordinary conference halls and multi-functional halls. In addition, several theme buildings next to it can hold events, and each building can accommodate thousands of people. There must be no problem with people. I read a piece of news before, saying that the maximum capacity of the deep space park can reach one million people at the same time.”

Ren Hongfei looked disbelieving: "This is impossible, what is the concept of a million people, we don't know if there are so many people in our city."

Liu Qing said with a smile: "If you still don't believe it, just say that the Deep Space Building has a total of 40 floors, and the area of ​​each floor is not small. It can accommodate thousands of people, and the 40 floors can accommodate 30 to [-] people."

"In the buildings next to it, there are tens of thousands of people in each building, and there are so many empty spaces underneath... Of course, more than 100 million people is definitely the ideal state. However, it should not be too difficult to accommodate [-] people in the deep space park at the same time. .”

Ren Hongfei nodded, he agreed with this.

The deep space park has a large area and a very high building. It can accommodate [-] tourists. There will be no problems in terms of space. I am afraid that the biggest problem is how to solve the food for these people.

Ren Hongfei looked at the back of the line, finally there were more people behind the line than the front, he couldn't help showing a smile.

Queuing is a very painful thing, but it is a good thing to have more people behind you in line.

In fact, queuing is not very difficult. The efficiency of Deep Space Company is still good, but there are too many people, so it takes a little time.

After about 10 minutes, Ren Hongfei and Liu Qing finally entered the park.

After entering the park, they can move around freely.

"The opening ceremony starts at nine o'clock, and there is still more than an hour. Should we go there first to get a good seat, or should I show you around?"

Ren Hongfei looked at the admission ticket in his hand, "Isn't there a seat number on it? Are you afraid that your seat will be robbed?"

Liu Qing laughed and said: "That's not true, I just thought, will there be other programs before the opening ceremony, forget it, I'll take you shopping first, otherwise I don't have time today, which museum do you want to go to first?" ?”

Ren Hongfei thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the Science Fiction Museum. I really want to see how beautiful the Tianwen you mentioned last time is."

"I knew it." Liu Qing laughed, "The Science Fiction Museum is right in front, let's go, maybe if we're lucky, we can get a game console to play two games."

Ren Hongfei pursed his lips. He is not too interested in playing games, or he is not very interested in all electronic games. The reason why he came to watch the game this time is because his cousin Liu Qing got two tickets. He followed along to join in the fun.

In fact, what Ren Hongfei wants to see most now is the office area of ​​Deep Space Corporation. If he has the opportunity, he hopes to go and see how the employees of Deep Space Corporation work.

He wanted to work in Jinling, and the best place to work in Jinling was undoubtedly Deep Space Company.

It's a pity that Deep Space Company has been busy with the annual meeting and game competitions from top to bottom recently. The Human Resources Department has almost stopped working. It didn't arrange any interviews at all before the year. Ren Hongfei needs to wait until the beginning of spring if he wants to go to Deep Space Company for an interview.

(End of this chapter)

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