Chapter 768

"Look at this."

As soon as the two entered the sci-fi themed pavilion, Liu Qing pointed to the set of screens hanging in midair.

Ren Hongfei looked up, and there were four screens in total, three of which were displaying dynamic information. If you look carefully, you can see clearly that they are all the flight information of the spaceship, making him feel as if he is in the interstellar age, ready to board the ship at any time to other planets.

The fourth screen is playing a video. A reporter-like person is holding a microphone in his hand. The background is a vast and boundless weathered soil forest, which looks especially like Mars.

As soon as the elevator comes out, you can hear the video sound coming from your ears.

"Hi everyone, the place where we are now is the base where Mr. Mark lived alone 50 years ago. This base was abandoned more than 40 years ago. But because of Mr. Mark's glorious deeds, the relevant departments decided to put this base Save it for everyone to visit..."

Seeing the serious introduction of the reporter in the video, Ren Hongfei was greatly moved. This is not like those shoddy and funny videos, and the screen actually gives people the feeling of a Hollywood blockbuster.

"Is this a movie?" Ren Hongfei couldn't help asking.

Liu Qing smiled and shook his head, "Strictly speaking, it's a part of the movie. This is the lead film of "The Martian". It's not too long, only less than 10 minutes. The lead film cost several million RMB."

Ren Hongfei was not surprised to hear that the lead film cost several million RMB. Although he didn't know much about filming, he also heard that the cost of shooting "The Martian" was as high as nearly one billion RMB.

In contrast, several million yuan is less than one percent of the budget.

In terms of the results, the pilot film was a success. Ren Hongfei noticed that many people would stop and watch the pilot film for a while, and they would exclaim high or low while watching.

These people are probably the same as Ren Hongfei, and they haven't seen this video before.

If it wasn't for the large enough area around the elevator entrance, so many people gathering together would definitely cause congestion.

"Do you want to finish watching the video, or go to other areas to see it first."

Ren Hongfei thought for a while and made a decision, "Let's go to Tianwen first."

"Okay, let's go to Tianwen."

Liu Qing led Ren Hongfei directly towards Tianwen's exhibition area.

Because it is so popular and the size is not small, Tianwen now has its own independent exhibition area, covering an area of ​​[-] to [-] square meters.

When Liu Qing and Ren Hongfei arrived at the exhibition area, there were already people standing around. It is now clearly the king of deep space peripheral products.

Ren Hongfei looked at Tianwen in the big glass cabinet, slightly startled.

Liu Qing told him before that the model of Tianwen was very big, but in fact he didn't think it was very big when he saw Tianwen at first glance. The length of the model was only about one meter according to his visual inspection.

What really surprised Ren Hongfei was that the model actually gave him a dynamic feeling—but it obviously didn't move.

He quickly noticed that the mystery was on the glass display case. Although it was daytime, the nearby light was not strong, and he could faintly see a galaxy in the glass case. The galaxy was moving slowly, which gave people an illusion. The spaceship is also moving.

Ordinary models are placed directly on the platform when they are displayed, or are supported by a special support, but Tianwen does not have any support, just hanging in the glass cabinet, hanging in the galaxy.

It should be hung with a transparent thread. Ren Hongfei guessed, but he couldn't see where the thread was after looking for a long time. The design of the showcase is very clever, and the thread is hidden.

"It looks good!"

Liu Qing patted Ren Hongfei on the shoulder and said, like a child showing off a toy.

Ren Hongfei nodded, "It's really pretty."

Even though he is not a loyal sci-fi fan, he was still attracted by Tianwen at the first sight. It is indeed beautiful, and it has broken away from the category of peripheral toys. It is as beautiful as a work of art, and every detail is impeccable. picky.

Liu Qing is right, even if he is not a fan of model airplanes, he still wants to take Tianwen home, nothing else but handsome.

According to Liu Qing, this one is not for sale, but if it is really for sale, I am afraid it will not be cheap.

When Ren Hongfei was staring at Tianwen's ass, suddenly there was a burst of cheers from a distance, and before he could look up, he heard Liu Qing yelling next to him: "Da Liu is here."

When Ren Hongfei looked up, Liu Qing had already run towards the crowd.

In the middle of the crowd, there was a man above average in stature, wearing a pair of eyes with thick lenses, who was smiling and greeting the people around him.

Someone had already handed the book to Liu Cixin, but Liu Cixin did not refuse. He generously took the book and pen, signed and returned the book.

Someone started, and others followed suit. Those who had books passed them to Liu Cixin, and those who didn't have books either rushed to buy them, or handed over something else—Ren Hongfei saw his cousin Liu Qing Handed over a tissue.

Ren Hongfei had the impression that this paper towel was taken by Liu Qing from the table after dinner in the morning. He didn't expect it to come in handy at this moment. The most amazing thing is that Liu Cixin actually signed himself on that paper towel. name.

Ren Hongfei touched himself, but he couldn't find anything that could be signed. When it comes to where to buy a book, it was his first time in the Deep Space Park, and he didn't know where books were sold. Liu Cixin was about to leave.

When Liu Qing came back, Ren Hongfei stood still.

Liu Qing excitedly showed off the napkin in his hand to Ren Hongfei, "Look, I'm going to frame it when I go back. As a paper towel, it has reached the pinnacle of paper, at least it won't be used to wipe buttocks or Blow your nose."

Ren Hongfei made a gesture to grab the paper in Liu Qing's hand, which startled Liu Qing, and Ren Hongfei said with a smile, "If I tear this piece of paper—"

"Then I'll tear you apart!" Liu Qing said viciously.

"I suggest you go buy something now, maybe buy a book, and put this piece of paper in it, otherwise it will rot without me tearing it up."

Liu Qing nodded, "You wait for me here, I'll go buy some oranges... buy a book and come back."

Ren Hongfei knew that Liu Qing was joking with him and made a gesture to kick him, but Liu Qing had already run away first.

After Liu Qing left, Ren Hongfei didn't just stay where he was and waited, but went shopping by himself.

There are many showcases in the Science Fiction Theme Pavilion. Apart from Tianwen, there are many other good peripherals. Unlike Tianwen, most of the peripherals are for sale, and many peripherals are directly pasted with price tags in the showcases. .

If you fancy a certain peripheral, you can go to the service center to report the serial number of that peripheral and buy it directly.Of course, if you want to buy, you can not only use real money, but you can also use deep space points to exchange.

Even some peripherals cannot be purchased with cash at all, and can only be exchanged with deep space points.

Ren Hongfei also has a star card, which he got when he was in college.He studied in Xi'an at university, and there are relatively few bookstores and stores opened by Deep Space Company in Xi'an, and the most used points are probably exchanged for Dongdong members, so there is no special feeling for using Star Card in Xi'an.

But after coming to Jinling, he found that the star card has too many uses, and the popularity rate is very high. Basically, people in Jinling between the ages of 40 and [-] will apply for a star card.

Even if some people don't need the points, they will not refuse the star card, because they will always buy something to get points, and the points can be exchanged for cash.

According to Liu Qing, some people even use star points to pay for convenience when they trade on the deep space second-hand trading website, because the payment of deep space points can be directly operated online, which is very safe.

There are also some relatively small newspapers or magazines that accept manuscripts on the website. If they use other people’s manuscripts, they will also offer to pay with deep space points. As long as the author agrees, it is very convenient for both parties.

Of course, under normal circumstances, those who are willing to accept this payment method are big cities such as Yanjing, Shanghai, and Yangcheng, because apart from Jinling, these first-tier cities are the most convenient to use Star Card.

Ren Hongfei had a good experience yesterday. He bought books and tapes with star points and went to an Internet cafe.

The most expensive thing that can be exchanged for deep space points is Sony's game console, but when Liu Qing said this, Ren Hongfei opened his mouth in surprise.

Later, he went to the Sony franchise store in Jinling to see that it was indeed possible to use deep space points to exchange for game consoles.

This shows how good the security technology of Deep Space Corporation is, otherwise, their point system would have been messed up long ago. In addition, this also demonstrates the strong integration capabilities of Deep Space Corporation.

Redeeming points for game consoles is actually a win-win situation. Customers save money, Sony sells the products, and Deep Space consolidates the points system while also stimulating the sales of its products.

The cooperation model is also very simple, as long as Sony regularly takes points to go to Deep Space Company to settle the payment, and for such a cooperation, Sony will definitely give Deep Space Company a very cheap price.

However, after experiencing yesterday's experience, Ren Hongfei couldn't help feeling that something like the Starry Sky Card would really stimulate cardholders to spend.

When he ran out of points yesterday, he even thought about going to the bookstore to buy a few books from the Deep Space Company to get some points, so that he could continue to take advantage of it.

This kind of thought is terrible. It is obvious that I have spent money, but I still feel that I have taken advantage of it.

Starting from the facts, is it taking advantage of it?In fact, yes, because the books under Deep Space are not more expensive than other books, they are all about the same price.

Including the consumption in Internet cafes and book bars of Deep Space Company, there will be no additional costs, which means that if consumers consume rationally, points can be exchanged for additional benefits.

However, Ren Hongfei believes that most people will not be able to achieve "rational consumption" when they get such a card, and they will spend more or less.

Of course, although the star card is suspected of stimulating consumer consumption, Ren Hongfei still believes that the star card is a thing that can promote the development of the times. It can really make citizens feel happy, and feel double happiness while spending money.

And there is another thing that has to be mentioned, that is, even if you don't spend money, you can still get points. There are many ways, and Ren Hongfei alone knows several of them.

For example, the usual official lottery draws, essay contests, game competitions, and if you write a letter or email to the official to give your opinion, once the opinion is adopted by the official, you will get points.

Ren Hongfei watched as he walked. He originally walked in the direction Liu Qing was walking, but he didn't see Liu Qing at the end of the walk. He thought that maybe Liu Qing would go to the game hall if he didn't find him. to play games.

Thinking of this, Ren Hongfei stopped a tourist casually, and when he was about to ask the other party where the game hall was, he stopped suddenly, because the person he stopped was a foreigner.

It is obviously not a wise decision to ask a foreigner for directions in China.

But the other party just looked at him like this, Ren Hongfei could only ask in not-so-fluent English: "Excuse me, do you know where the game hall is?"

The foreigner in front of him frowned, and when Ren Hongfei guessed that he didn't know, or couldn't understand English, the other party said in English: "If you are talking about the old building, just take the stairs to the fourth floor. Yes. If you are talking about the new hall, you need to go out, then go south, pass the music hall, and you will see a slightly shorter building. But what I want to tell you is that the World Electronic Games Competition It is not held in the game hall."

Hearing the foreigner's words, Ren Hongfei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the foreigner to be so familiar with the Deep Space Park.

Ren Hongfei decided to take a look at the old museum first, it was closer after all.

"Thank you, I'll go to the old museum."

The foreigner nodded, "I'm going to the old museum too, you can come with me."

"Uh, well, thank you then."

It is obviously not a good idea to wait for the elevator on only one floor, so the two of them were going to take the elevator. Halfway through, Ren Hongfei asked with a smile, "Brother, did you also come to watch the World Video Game Competition?"

"No." The foreigner shook his head, "I'm mainly here to talk about things, of course, it's also related to games."

Ren Hongfei nodded and didn't speak any more. He was not a talkative person, and his spoken English was not very good, so he stopped talking altogether.

When we arrived at the game hall, there happened to be someone who was challenging for the highest score in "Escape". It was already at the final stage, and many people were watching.

Ren Hongfei and the foreigner also came together to watch the performance of the passer-by carefully.

Although it has reached a critical stage, it will take some time before the record is broken. As the launch time gets longer and longer, the classic map of this game has become a kind of rally battle, and it will take a long time to break the record.

After watching for a few minutes, the foreigner turned to Ren Hongfei and asked, "What do you think of this game?"

Ren Hongfei didn't expect foreigners to ask questions, so he raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said, "It's a very good game, but it's only suitable for pastime, so it's really good for competition..."

He originally wanted to find a more advanced vocabulary, but after thinking for a long time, he chose the simplest word: "boring."

(End of this chapter)

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