Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 769 You Are Very Talented

Chapter 769 You Are Very Talented

Hearing the word "boring", the foreigner raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and then asked, "What games do you usually like to play?"

Ren Hongfei shook his head, "I seldom play games. If I have to say it, I probably play "Super Mario" or "Contra" the most."

The foreigner raised the corner of his mouth, Ren Hongfei's answer was unexpected, but reasonable.

The two games "Mario" and "Contra" can be said to represent the entire era of red and white machines, and the video games in China lag behind those in Europe and the United States, so even now, these two games are in China. Still very hot.

Whether it is Nintendo or Sony, their shipments of genuine machines in China are very average. That is to say, in the past two years, China's economic development has improved somewhat. Coupled with the bridge built by Deep Space Company, the video game culture in China is just now. Got some development.

"Have you played this "Escape"?"

"Played it a few times." Ren Hongfei nodded, "I have a roommate who really likes this game. I tried to play it a few times. I have to say that it is definitely a good thing to kill time in leisure time, but it is less competitive. Son."

"Do you think the competitive nature of the game is important?"

"Uh..." Ren Hongfei pondered, "How should I put it? I don't know much about video games, but I think that, whether it's video games or other games, if they are not competitive, it is difficult to have a long life." , let alone being welcomed by the majority of the masses. For me, the purpose of playing games is very simple, that is to win. If a game does not give me a strong desire to win, then I will soon lose interest in it.”

Ren Hongfei became more and more willing to chat with the foreigner in front of him, because he found that his oral English level had improved a lot after chatting for a while, and the fluency of the passage just now even exceeded his own expectation.

Hearing Ren Hongfei's words, the foreigner bowed his head and muttered. After a while, he suddenly raised his head and put his palm on Ren Hongfei, "Hi, can you meet me? My name is Michael Mohan."

Ren Hongfei smiled and shook Michael Mohan's hand, "Mr. Mohan, hello, my name is Ren Hongfei, and Ren is my surname."

"Hello, Mr. Ren." After letting go of Ren Hongfei's hand, Michael Mohan asked again: "Do you think the key to a game is to improve competitiveness?"

"That's right, you have also seen this World Video Game Competition. The audience's enthusiasm for this kind of competition is very high. I don't know if you have noticed that many of the audience who came to watch the game today I don’t play games—for example, I am a living example. But the enthusiasm of many ordinary audiences is not much less than that of real players. I believe that there must be many ordinary audiences who do not usually play games, and finally like a certain game because of a game. game."

Michael Mohan nodded. He really felt the enthusiasm of the players this time, and he also thought about the significance of e-sports to video games, so he was so interested in Ren Hongfei's words.

Although Ren Hongfei claims to be ignorant of video games, his views on video games are quite insightful.

"So, do you think e-sports is the main outlet for video games in the future?"

"Although I know it's a bit arbitrary to say this, I just think so. At the same time, I think that while developing e-sports, we should also start with the game itself. A game should not only quickly attract ordinary players, but also be able to play an important role in e-sports. Brilliant in competition.”

"what do you mean?"

"It's very simple, that is, it is easy to start and difficult to advance. For example, let's say "Escape". This game is very popular because it is easy to start and can kill time. There is no difficulty in the level, and this game is more about patience than skill."

"So what do you think of StarCraft?"

Ren Hongfei smiled embarrassingly, "It's too difficult, I have no clue after playing it a few times. Judging from the degree of addiction of one of my roommates, it must be an excellent game, but such a game can't attract me This kind of ordinary person who is more disheveled."

"So, the shortcoming of this game is that it's not easy to get started?"

"In general, it is true. Of course, in detail, the feedback is still not good enough. For example, as a novice, after playing a game and learning something, playing the previous game does not give me any feedback. Obvious progress. Without such feedback, I would be lost in the confusion of when to learn to win. To put it bluntly, no matter how difficult a game is, positive feedback must be given to players in the early stage, so that players can feel it immediately Make your own progress, so it won’t be too difficult to get started.”

"Besides the competitive nature, what else do you think is more important in a game?"

Ren Hongfei thought for a while and said, "I think the world view of a game is equally important, which can be seen from the operation of Deep Space Corporation in the past few years."

"Deep Space Company? They mainly produce casual games such as "Escape" and "Match"." Michael Mohan wondered.

"That's right, they are all casual games." Ren Hongfei laughed: "However, even if they only have casual games, they still try to build a relatively complete world view. Let's say "Escape", every map of this game , each character has its own story, and each story is related to each other. Deep Space even organized an essay call for this game. I have read the award-winning novel "The End of the Great Wall"... Let's talk about "Lianliankan", They also put a lot of effort into each image, trying to connect the game to other games or movies..."

Hearing Ren Hongfei's eloquent talk, Michael Mohan asked in surprise, "Do you really not play games?"

"Rarely, my lack of interest in video games."

Michael Mohan shook his head regretfully and said, "It's a pity, you are very talented in this area."

Ren Hongfei shrugged his shoulders: "Really, my classmates said that I am good at playing games, but you are the first one to say that I have a talent for games."

Michael Mohan smiled. What he wanted to talk about was not the talent for playing games, but the talent for game operation and development. No one stipulated that a game developer must be a game master.

"Are you still in school?"

"Well, but I will be graduating in half a year." Ren Hongfei sighed and said with a smile: "I will soon face the pressure of finding a job."

"what's your major?"

"Information management and information system."

"What do you mainly learn?"

Ren Hongfei held his chin and said, "The things we learn are very complicated, and we have to learn all kinds of knowledge, such as data, information system analysis, database and data structure, e-commerce..."

Listening to the nouns that Ren Hongfei reported, Michael Mohan nodded. They really learned a lot.

"Actually, I came to deep space this time to find a job..."

Ren Hongfei was about to talk about finding a job when his cousin Liu Qing hurried over, "Hongfei, you came here."

"This is my cousin." Ren Hongfei introduced to Michael Mohan, and then said to Liu Qing, "I waited for you upstairs for a long time, and I ran to the game area before I waited for you. Didn't you say you were going to play a game?"

"Didn't I tell you to wait for me at the same place?" Liu Qing complained after approaching, and then looked at Michael Mohan next to him.

Just as Ren Hongfei was about to introduce Liu Qing, Michael Mohan said with a smile: "Ren, I still have something to do, so let's go first, you guys can play."

"Okay, bye."


After Michael Mohan left, Liu Qing asked Ren Hongfei, "Who is this foreigner?"

"Said it was Michael Mohan."

"What are you doing?"

"Then I don't know, but he seems to be very interested in games."

"Oh, it should be game lovers who came to watch the game." Liu Qing looked at his watch, "It's getting late, let's go there too, don't miss anything in a while."


When the opening ceremony was about to start, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were about to get up and go to the auditorium when Ke Wen came to visit unexpectedly.

Seeing Kervin, Yu Dong was a little surprised, but he still smiled and said, "Kervin, I haven't seen you for a while."

"Haha, blame me, I should visit more often."

Yu Dong looked at his watch, "Kervin, we are old acquaintances, just talk about it if you have anything to say, I will go to the opening ceremony of the competition in a while, and the time is almost up."

Colvin smiled and said, "Actually, there is nothing special. I heard that there is a TV series in Deep Space that is planning to seek sponsorship from other brands?"

Yu Dong didn't expect that Kervin's news came so quickly. He only talked about this with Yu Yu last night. Of course, Yu Yu may have taken the initiative to disclose it to Kervin.

But he still pretended to be confused and said: "Other brands? Which TV series are you talking about, Colvin, I can't ask everything about the company, maybe you can ask other people about this kind of thing."

Colvin also couldn't figure out whether Yu Dong knew or didn't know. After all, he also knew how busy Yu Dong was. It was just a sponsorship of a TV series, and it was normal for Yu Dong not to ask.

Moreover, Colvin suddenly realized that he had made a mistake. He shouldn't have directly approached Yu Dong for such a trivial matter. After all, the matter of sponsorship had not yet been finalized, and it was just a normal business practice.

He just came here directly because he got the news suddenly and felt that he was very familiar with Shenkong.

To put it bluntly, he was also influenced by some people in the headquarters. When looking at the relationship between the two companies, his mentality changed a little.

But now it seems that Yu Dong's attitude towards them seems to be changing.

Thinking of this, Colvin made amends for himself: "YU, I have no other intentions, just want to tell you that Motorola attaches great importance to Deep Space Company, and will definitely try our best to maintain the cooperative relationship between us. Please Don't doubt our sincerity, if there is anything you are not satisfied with, just bring it up, and we will try our best to correct it."

Yu Dong looked at Ke Wen with a smile. Anyway, Ke Wen has been doing well between the two companies, and the problem between them is not because of Ke Wen, and he can't solve it.

"Korvin, there are some things that are tacit to each other. I still say the same thing. The friendship between Deep Space and Motorola will always be determined by Motorola. Whether Motorola's development in the past few years has something to do with Deep Space, and how much Relationship, we don’t count on this, you need to measure it yourself. In addition, as an ally, I would like to remind you in good faith that there is an old saying in China, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, there are tall buildings, even if you are not careful When it collapsed."

"Yes, yes, thank you. We will remember the help that Deep Space Corporation has given us over the years."

This sentence is what Colvin said in his heart, but he doesn't believe that Motorola will decline.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Motorola will always be strong. It's just that they have such a scale that there will be no problems in 30 years. He can't figure out which company can beat Motorola in the mobile phone market.

But he definitely wouldn't tell Yu Dong this, he just kept nodding.

"Okay, the opening ceremony is about to start, do you want to come with us?" Yu Dong got up directly, "It's really because of something, otherwise since you are here, I will definitely pour you a cup of tea. Let's have a good chat. Otherwise, wait until the opening ceremony is over before you come over."

"You're welcome. My sudden visit is really abrupt. I just hope you don't mind it. Keep busy, and I won't bother you two."

Although I didn't get any specific information related to the TV series, Ke Wen found out Yu Dong's attitude, so this trip was not in vain.Now he needs to find Yu Yu to find out about the sponsorship as soon as possible. As far as he knows, Li Youcan, the vice president of Samsung's planning department, is also here. If Li Youcan and Yu Yu can finalize the matter, it will be too late.

Of course, Motorola doesn't care about the gain or loss of a TV drama's advertising sponsorship, but if Samsung snatches the sponsorship this time, it will be tantamount to showing other manufacturers the gap between Motorola and Deep Space.

Colvin believes that it won't be long before those manufacturers will go crazy to grab Deep Space.

No matter how the high-level men think about the relationship with Deep Space, anyway, Colvin believes that Motorola should not give up Deep Space, and should tightly tie Deep Space to Motorola.

Earlier, Deep Space actually held a part of Motorola shares, but it was slowly sold off some time ago.

At that time, they didn't take it seriously. After all, the shares sold by Deep Space were not only theirs, but also companies such as Apple, and even Amazon, which they controlled, was on the sell-off list.

But now it seems that after Deep Space no longer holds shares in Motorola, the relationship between the two parties is not as strong as before. Perhaps at that time, Deep Space had already thought about not cooperating with Motorola.

In fact, Colvin was completely overthinking. Deep Space sold Motorola's stock because it wanted to cash out before the Internet bubble, and it was just a short wave. It never thought of cutting off cooperation with Motorola.

Of course, even if Yu Dong knew that Colvin thought so, he wouldn't point it out. Letting Colvin and the others think about it would not do any harm to Deep Space Corporation.

 Thank you [Xuefeng Weiyu] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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