When Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu arrived at the conference hall, less than 10 minutes before the opening ceremony, Zhang Yimou was leading the actors backstage to make final preparations.

The two of them entered through the side door, and they were seen by some spectators as soon as they entered the door.

When the audience saw the two of them, they were about to scream, but Yu Dong pressed his hands on them, motioning them to keep quiet.

Many people quickly covered their mouths to prevent themselves from making a sound.

Seeing the audience's cooperation, Yu Dong nodded with a smile, and then led Cheng Yanqiu to find their seats in the front row and sit down.

"YU, you're really here."

As soon as Yu Dong sat down, Michael Mohan who was sitting next to him said in surprise.

"Something happened just now, so I came a little late." Yu Dong smiled and asked again, "Mr. Mohan, how are you doing in Jinling these days? Are you still used to it?"

"Very good. I have been staying in the deep space park during this period of time. I have experienced a lot of fun here. I dare say that there is no better place in the world than the deep space park. This is the place for people like me. Paradise." Michael Mohan said with a smile.

Yu Dong curled his lips, "There are many places worth seeing in Jinling, it would be a pity if I didn't go there."

"It doesn't matter, I think I will definitely come to Jinling often in the future, and I still have many opportunities to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Jinling. But the deep space park in front of me makes me impatient."

Yu Dong nodded, then turned to look at the stage.

At this time, there was only one red curtain hanging down on the stage, and the back could not be seen. Because their seats were close together, they could hear some indistinct whispers coming from behind the curtain. busy.

Although the lcd screen technology has developed very well in the past two years, it is still not interesting in the use stage.

To achieve the effect Zhang Yimou wanted, ordinary finished products simply couldn't do it.

In order to cooperate with Zhang Yimou, Samsung sent a technical team over this time to temporarily modify the screen of their home to minimize the joints of the combined screen.

Moreover, their existing technology cannot perfectly control dozens of 30-inch screens at the same time, so in order to make it look smoother, they actually adopted editing and pre-setting methods, using different controllers to control different screens. The screens cut into pieces will be played on each screen separately.

That is to say, what they played at the opening ceremony this time is actually specific. If you temporarily replace it with something else, it will not be able to achieve the effect. You need to edit it in advance and set the playback time. Moreover, the set of screens used for the playback Also very bulky and not easy to disassemble.

This design is tantamount to using the lcd board as a led module for splicing. This may have a miraculous effect, but it will also sacrifice a lot of things, which is very costly and very wasteful.

Samsung had already paid an extra $100 million for the opening ceremony, and later, in order to make the screen effect meet Zhang Yimou's requirements, they sent people and materials, and they spent more than [-] U.S. dollars.

"I'm looking forward to the opening ceremony. I heard that this opening ceremony was arranged by a very powerful director in China." Michael Mohan said. …

"Well, yes, you'll be able to see his movie soon."

"Is it?"

"I have a novel called "Golden Dreamland", this..."

Before Dong could finish speaking, Michael Mohan said with a look of surprise: "You mean "Golden Dreamland" will be made into a movie?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Do you know this book?"

"Of course," exclaimed Michael Mohan, "don't I look like a man who can read?"

"Haha, that's not true."

"Actually, I don't read many books, but "Golden Dreamland" is so popular, I can see it on the front shelf every time I go to a bookstore... For a while, I heard people discussing it every day. I just confirmed that we The company can find ten copies... No, at least twenty copies of "Golden Dreamland". Of course, there must be more "Old Books", at least thirty copies."

Yu Dong didn't quite believe Michael Mohan's words, because Blizzard now only has more than 100 employees, and it would be too scary if they could find more than [-] "Old Books".

However, the sales of "Golden Dreamland" and "Old Book" are indeed very high. The combined global sales of these two novels exceed [-] million copies.

"Then I must go to Blizzard to have a look when I have time."

"My pleasure."

The two chatted briefly, and suddenly the lights in the entire conference hall went out, and the entire conference hall was plunged into darkness. Yu Dong even heard the exclamation of some female audience members.

After a brief period of chaos, the conference hall became very quiet, and the frightened audience members realized that this was a sign that the opening ceremony was about to begin.

About 20 seconds later, there was a gleam of light in the conference hall, and this ray of light came from behind the red curtain.

It’s not clear what the bright light originally looked like, but it turned into a faint red light after passing through the curtain. One thing is certain, that is, the light source is very large, and the light source can be seen in a large area on this side of the curtain.


A loud drum sounded, and then a gap appeared in the middle of the curtain, and colorful lights came out from the gap.

As if fiddled with by the light, the curtain slowly opened to both sides, and the light source behind gradually appeared in the audience's sight.

A very big eye appeared on the stage in front of the audience. The audience sitting in the front row felt it most directly. A female audience covered her eyes in fright.

Michael Mohan looked at the huge eye that appeared between the two screens, his eyes were full of curiosity, he couldn't figure out how such a big eye suddenly appeared, and such a strong light source didn't look like a projection screen .

As the curtain is pulled to both sides, the scene behind the curtain is also revealed to the audience.

It turns out that behind the curtain, there is a huge screen...

Most people think it is a screen, and they have no time to carefully observe the small gaps on the screen, because all their attention is attracted by the pictures played on the screen.

A super macho man with a fierce face, with a cigar in his mouth and a Gatling in his hand, was constantly shooting around.

The muzzle of Gatling's gun turned, flames gushed out, and the fierce gunshots echoed throughout the conference hall. …

It's Thor's Hammer!
Audiences who are familiar with this game have already recognized it, and this is the promotional video of "Quake 3 Arena".

After experiencing the initial surprise, everyone began to calm down, because this in itself is nothing to be surprised about.

In their view, this is no different from watching a movie in a movie theater, and the screen on the stage is not as big as the curtain of an ordinary big theater.

But after a while, the audience found something different again. As the curtains of the conference hall were opened and the lights were turned on, the screen on the stage still looked very clear. arrived.

Some attentive audiences have already seen that what is on the stage is not one screen, but a combination of many screens.There are some patchwork seams in the middle that are not very clear, but you can still see it if you look closely.

Seeing this, Michael Mohan couldn't help shouting: "Could it be that the development of LED technology has advanced by leaps and bounds?"

Yu Dong, who was sitting next to him, heard Michael Mohan's whisper, and he couldn't help laughing. It's no wonder that Mohan thought it was an LED, because most people's first reaction when they see this kind of large screen is LED.

Compared with LCD screens, people nowadays have more opportunities to see LED screens. With the development of LED technology, in recent years, many big cities have been fashionable to install such super large LED screens on the outer walls of buildings. advertise.

This kind of screen has a huge area and high brightness, and it can be seen from a long distance, which is very eye-catching.

But today’s LED technology is not good enough, and the distance between the lamp beads cannot be made too small, so it can basically only be used outdoors. Those LED screens installed on the outer walls of buildings can’t see the picture clearly when they are a little closer. Lamp beads one by one.

But this time, Zhang Yimou's opening ceremony is to use LCD to simulate the effect of LED, and it can be viewed at a close distance.

At this moment, the first paragraph is over, and the screen suddenly goes black, and then a starry sky representing the Deep Space Company appears on the screen. After the deep space animation technology, the letter logo of Samsung appears and stops on the screen for three seconds. bell.

Yu Dong looked at the Samsung logo on the screen and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. For the three-second appearance, Samsung spent more than 120 million U.S. dollars. Calculated, more than 40 U.S. dollars per second, it's all money.

After the Samsung logo disappeared, there was an interview. This interview was not long, only more than a minute, and it was all taken temporarily by Zhang Yimou and others a few days ago.

Each team was filmed, but the time of each team's appearance is different. In addition to interviews, the director team also recorded some ordinary players playing games or passers-by watching the masters playing games.

Although the short film is only over a minute long, the pace is quite fast and the blood boils.

After the short film is over, it will be a section of game screens spliced ​​together by several games.

The first is the picture of Fifa. On the green field, Zidane's iconic Marseilles maneuvers, and then dribbles into the penalty area, shoots furiously, and the ball flies into the net.

The ball kept spinning in the net, suddenly changed its shape, and finally turned into a cannonball and flew directly towards a small building, smashing a big hole in the small building. Behind the hole, a woman holding a musket Tossing and turning among the ruins, every bullet can destroy an enemy. …

When the woman broke through the siege and escaped from the sky, on the opposite side of the broken wall, rows of spaceships flew towards this side with flames.

A fully formed fleet condescended to cover the ground with firepower, blasting the original ruins into ruins. At this moment, a red figure jumped out of the ruins and fled forward at top speed.

"Little playboy!"

Someone in the audience exclaimed.

That's right, the last game to play was "Escape", and the woman in red was the representative character in the game, Xiaowanzi.

This section is not a synthetic cg, but the staff spent many days and nights playing it in the game.

The staff kept playing the game, trying to simulate the picture that Zhang Yimou wanted. After the picture came out, Zhang Yimou edited these pictures together, so that the pictures of the four games looked like they were originally together.

This is also the first time Yu Dong has seen this. I have to say that the idea is still very good, and it is amazing to be able to play such tricks in such a short period of time.

In Zhang Yimou’s plan before, it was only written that one would be put together. At that time, Yu Dong didn’t expect the effect to be so good, especially in the last paragraph. "StarCraft" and "Runaway" seem to be from the same game.

The first clip where the football turns into a cannonball is actually quite interesting, at least it makes the connection between FIFA and "Thor's Hammer" not so abrupt.

[In other words, reading aloud and listening to books is currently the best, Yeguo Reading, .yeguoyuedu. Install the latest version. 】

Still going on.

Xiaowanzi still ran forward at full speed. At first, her back was facing the audience, but then the camera slowly turned around, and she turned to face the audience, as if she was about to run from the screen——

Just when the audience felt that Xiaowanzi was about to run out of the screen, the screen seemed to be torn apart by two big hands, and suddenly a woman in red clothes and a mask jumped out of the screen.

Seeing a living person jumping out of the screen, the audience at the scene let out bursts of exclamation.

In fact, this is not a magical thing, it is just a very simple trick to cover up the eyes. There is actually a second-level stage under the screen. Although it is not big, it is not a problem to hide a few people inside.

When the audience focused on Xiaowanzi just now, the actor in the box popped up directly with the picture on the screen, which would give people the illusion that this person jumped out of the screen.

Next, someone pushed away the screen group along with the second stage, leaving the big stage for the cosplayers.

The rest of the show was nothing special, the actors went down after they finished their performances.

When the opening ceremony was over, Michael Mohan couldn't help applauding, "Sure enough, he's a great director, and he didn't disappoint me. However, wasn't that screen just an LED screen?"

"Of course not. Those are LCD screens... It's just that some special processing has been done. Although it shows a better effect, it can't last. If you want to buy a few pieces and use them back, you don't have to."

"Unfortunately, I thought that screen technology had made a qualitative leap...Of course, this advertisement has achieved its purpose. People will think that Samsung's LCD is so good."

Yu Dong shrugged, this is the significance of Samsung's payment of more than 120 million US dollars.

It is estimated that Samsung will not be disappointed with this sponsorship. The effect of the screen is really good. Although this thing cannot be sold, at least it can make people remember Samsung's screen.

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