Although there was no simultaneous live broadcast of the first World Video Game Competition, game commentary was arranged on the spot.

There is only Chinese commentary at the scene, but when it is broadcast on TV stations in other countries, it will be accompanied by commentary in other languages.

No matter what kind of competition it is, there are professional competitions first, and then there are professional commentators. Football, basketball, tennis, racing, etc., of course, e-sports competitions are no exception. There are no professional competitions yet. How can there be a profession? What about commentary?
The commentary team this time was seconded from major TV stations. As early as the day of preparation for the competition, Deep Space Company had already started to solve the problem of commentary.

Their strategy is very simple, that is to find the slicker first, and put aside their understanding of the game for the time being.

Where are the most slick people?There is no doubt that it must be a TV station.

Deep Space first looked for the kind of hosts who usually like to play these games in major TV stations, and then selected a few outstanding performers among these people.

This is not over yet, during the period before the start of the competition, these seconded reporters are all receiving special training from Deep Space Corporation.

Every day, they will spend one-third of their time playing games, one-third of their time learning game expertise, and finally spending three to 10 minutes on actual combat simulations.

The actual combat simulation is very simple, it is to pull players to actual combat, and then let these hosts give real-time commentary.

Although a month is not a long time, the commentary that was temporarily pulled over is still making rapid progress. Yu Dong went to listen to them once during the actual combat commentary, and they are already in good shape.

Even if there is any accident, these people's on-the-spot ability is still good, and there will be no cold silence.

Moreover, professional e-sports is still in the groping stage, and no one is clear about the commentary industry. It would be good to have a commentator to introduce the game to the audience during the game.

As for the commentary in other languages, it is easy to solve. Anyway, it is post-dubbing, just write the commentary and find someone to read it.

After the official game started, Michael Mohan shook his head regretfully, "This is the first time I have seen this kind of game with a formal commentary. Unfortunately, there is no English commentary. I can't feel the charm of the game commentary."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Unfortunately, you can't speak Chinese."

"Haha, yes, maybe I can try to learn Chinese, but Chinese is too difficult, I don't have the confidence to learn it."

"Believe in yourself." Yu Dong looked at Michael Mohan with a smile: "Maybe one day you will be able to absorb something useful to you from Chinese culture and add it to your game. Taking a step back, China is With rapid development, the e-sports market here is huge and deserves to be taken seriously by Blizzard.”

Michael nodded: "Anyway, Deep Space is our parent company, and we must attach great importance to the Chinese market. In fact, I am still very optimistic about the development of e-sports in China. I met a person in the park today , Some of the words he said taught me a lot.”

"Oh, is that so?" Yu Dong was a little surprised, "Who did you meet?"

"A young man surnamed Ren, although he doesn't usually play games very much, but he has a lot of ideas. He told me that in the future, the development of video games must focus on e-sports."…

Yu Dong nodded, this idea is correct.It’s really good to be able to think of this, but it’s not very powerful. Many people can think of it, otherwise there would be no other companies that want to engage in e-sports competitions before.

But the problem is that it is not easy to take the road of e-sports well.Blizzard did not grasp the right to speak in the era of e-sports, not because they did not do e-sports, on the contrary, they have worked very hard to make the game e-sports.

But no matter how hard Blizzard tries, their game e-sports has failed very much-maybe they were synonymous with e-sports for a while, but in fact, that is not the same thing as the real e-sports era.

In fact, Blizzard did not grasp the right to speak in the e-sports era later, and it had something to do with Michael Mohan.

Compared with the other two partners, Michael Mohan is more arrogant in his bones, and he doesn't pay enough attention to players.

To put it bluntly, he has no distractions, and strives to make the game well. To put it bluntly, he is stubborn, working behind closed doors, and because of Vivendi's nonsense, in the end, a good hand of cards is smashed.

So when Michael Mohan praised an ordinary Chinese player, Yu Dong was very surprised. He had even developed a strong interest in the person Michael had met.

"What else did he say?"

Michael Mohan thought for a while and said, "He also said that the game "Runaway" can only be played in spare time and is not suitable for e-sports."

After speaking, Michael Mohan stared at Yu Dong's face, wondering if Yu Dong would be angry because of this, but Yu Dong's expression didn't change at all, and he couldn't tell if he was angry.

"anything else?"

"He said that "StarCraft" is too difficult to get started, and it is not suitable for e-sports."

"Too difficult?" Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Did he say anything specific?"

"He said that when a novice plays "StarCraft", they don't get timely feedback and it is easy to give up. In addition, if a game wants to do well, it also needs to pay attention to the construction of the world view. He mentioned "Escape" and said that even if deep space It is the development of this type of casual game, and it also pays great attention to the construction of the world view.”

Yu Dong pouted, the young man Michael met really had some ideas.

These things, after 20 years, any ordinary person can realize, but it can be said that it is very rare to have such an understanding in this era.

"Are you sure he's not traveling with you?"

Michael Mohan shrugged his shoulders, "I'm not sure, but if I'm really traveling with me, it's probably someone from deep space... His English is not particularly fluent, so he shouldn't be working abroad, and he himself said He's still half a year away from graduating from college."

Yu Dong sighed slightly, the masters are among the people.

In fact, after being reborn, Yu Dong discovered that there are many talented people who just lack a chance.

The most typical one is Lao Hu.

Lao Hu is now a leading figure in the Chinese science fiction world, and he still maintains his enthusiasm for creation, with more than 30 words of works published every year.

But if Yu Dong hadn't become famous for writing science fiction, I'm afraid Lao Hu would never let him appear in the world.

Or maybe, in the previous time and space, Lao Hu also secretly published his own science fiction, but because of the wrong timing, he missed the best time and was not famous. …

As for the person Michael mentioned, if he doesn't work for a well-known game company, I'm afraid his talent in this area will also be wasted.

"Do you have his contact information?"

Michael shook his head, "No."

Yu Dong said with some regret: "It's a pity."


Yu Dong didn't stay at the scene for too long. Before the game was over, he left the auditorium with Cheng Yanqiu.

After walking out of the auditorium, Cheng Yanqiu rubbed his temples, "The audience was so enthusiastic, my head almost exploded when they shouted at me."

Yu Dong laughed and said, "After all, there are more than 3000 people, so it's a bit noisy."

In fact, from Yudong's point of view, there are still many deficiencies in the game scene, the most obvious one is the broadcast.

In order to let the audience watch the live game, the auditorium installed a lot of TVs, but these TV screens are still too small, and it always seems a little bit interesting.

However, the audience at the scene was not like Yu Dong who had seen "the world" at a glance, and they felt that this was already very good.

Hu Ge also belongs to the kind of people who have never seen it. Although he often goes to and from the TV station, he has never seen such a display screen, let alone an e-sports game with commentary—he has never even watched an e-sports game. Not only did I not see it live, I did not see it on TV.

When Yu Dong sent Hu Ge the tickets, Hu Ge didn't hesitate much, and after asking his parents' permission, he went directly to Jinling by car.

After watching the opening ceremony of the competition, Hu Ge knew that his trip was not in vain.

Although he hadn't touched three of the four games, one opening ceremony caught his attention.

The game scene was much more interesting than he had imagined. The e-sports players were on the stage, separated from the audience by only a computer screen, and their game images were transmitted to the TVs in every corner of the auditorium.

The visual effect of a large TV over [-] inches made him feel very satisfied.

Although he doesn't understand the game very well, the commentators are very caring, and they will introduce some game knowledge to the audience when they have time, and they explain it in a simple way, which is very easy to understand.

The only pity is that the opening match is a British club against an American club, and Hu Ge doesn't know who to support, otherwise, it must be more interesting.

But it doesn't matter, after the opening game, the second game will be a French team against China's Yunchi Ag, and he will have the home team by then.


"You don't care about the game at all?"

After returning to the office, seeing Yu Dong turning on the computer, Cheng Yanqiu asked with a smile.

"The result of the game is not important to me."


Yu Dong smiled, "It's not at all unimportant. This time, all the goals that wcg wanted to achieve have been achieved. After this period of training, Yunchi ag's level is not bad. Strong should be fine."

In fact, in Yudong's opinion, it is very easy for Yunchi ag to win the championship, especially in the interstellar project, Ma Tianyuan's personal strength is very strong.

The most important thing is that Ma Tianyuan has gone through a period of targeted training, and he has been separated from ordinary players, and the most threatening Korean players have been thoroughly studied by Yunchi. …

Ever since they decided to buy an e-sports club, Yunchi has started to make plans. While they are strengthening their club's players, they are also generally studying their competitors.

It is actually very simple to study opponents. Nowadays, even some professional clubs usually play games in places like Internet cafes, and the players in Korea are no exception.

This means that their playing style can be easily detected.

In fact, apart from Ma Tianyuan, the other invited players in China are not bad, but they usually play games in Internet cafes. These two maps of hunters are not familiar with other maps at all, and it is definitely not just these two maps during the competition, so they are at a disadvantage.

"You have confidence in them." Cheng Yanqiu smiled, and then said a little strangely: "I haven't seen you play games before, but you seem to know "StarCraft" quite well. When I watched the game just now , Even if there is an explanation, I was confused, and you seemed to be able to understand it at the time."

"It's not that I haven't watched it at all. I've known about this game before, otherwise I wouldn't be able to let Jimmy buy Blizzard."

"I heard from Jimmy that in order to help you buy Blizzard, he spent tens of millions more..."

Before Cheng Yanqiu finished speaking, there was a knock on the door suddenly.

The two looked towards the door, only to see Spielberg and Lucas standing at the door.

"Didn't bother you two?" Spielberg said with a smile.

Cheng Yanqiu pursed her lips and said, "Mr. Spielberg, you are coming to snatch my husband away again."

Spielberg raised his hands and said with an innocent face: "Lucas asked me to find Yu, and it has nothing to do with me."

George Lucas laughed and said: "Cheng, we are definitely not robbing, but borrowing, and we will return your husband to you soon."

"Okay, I'll ask someone to pour you some tea." Cheng Yanqiu shrugged, and then said to Dong, "I'll go inside and read."

After Cheng Yanqiu left, Lucas walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down, "You guys did a great job in this competition. I'm glad I came two days earlier, otherwise I wouldn't have seen such a wonderful game."

Spielberg also nodded and said: "Indeed, this competition is very good. The "Space Invaders" tournament held by Atari before attracted more than 1 players. The scene was very lively, but compared to your The competition held this time, they can’t be regarded as e-sports at all. I thought that your competition this time was held very hastily, and the preparations would definitely not be sufficient. I didn’t expect it to be so good, even with commentary. And the commentary is very professional.”

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Steven, can you understand Chinese? Let's just talk about the interpretation profession?"

"Because I brought an interpreter...he definitely understands the level of commentary. In fact, even if the level of commentary is not good, as long as the commentary is arranged, it is already a very remarkable thing, and it will make people feel normal all at once."

Yu Dong looked at Spielberg and Lucas with a smile, "Why are you two looking for me all of a sudden?"

He didn't think that Spielberg and Lucas came here to find him without watching the game, just to praise him for the good game.

Lucas said, "When we were watching the game just now, we sat with Jimmy and he said something to us."

Yu Dong suddenly had a bad premonition, raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter?"

"He said you started working on robots recently."

Yu Dong waved his hand: "He's talking nonsense."

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