Before Lucas and the others spoke, Yu Dong already guessed that it was Jimmy and the two of them who released the satellite.

Jimmy is not a brat, and he must have leaked this to Lucas and Spielberg on purpose. As for the reason, it is also very simple, just to whet their appetites.

Facing Dong's denial, Lucas and Spielberg certainly didn't believe it.

Spielberg said with a smile: "If there is no such thing, you should show a puzzled expression instead of so eager to refute this matter. Besides, let's just say that Jimmy told us that you have been studying robots recently, and there is no You don’t need to be so excited about what you want to do. And you just raised your voice and looked to the upper right corner, which is a typical lying performance.”

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "Steven, when did you start studying psychology as an international director?"

"Watched two episodes of "Don't Lie to Me" and learned a lot. Speaking of which, I would like to thank you, you made this TV series."

"This Jimmy." Yu Dong complained, then shook his head, "I'm really interested in robots recently, and I really want to write a novel about robots, but I haven't written this novel yet."

"If you haven't written it, it means you've already started writing it," Spielberg said.

"It's true that I've started writing." Yu Dong nodded.

Lucas looked at Spielberg and smiled, and the latter said, "Jimmy must have revealed this news to us because he hoped that we would be interested in your new book. I have to say that he succeeded. You have been writing for a long time. I haven’t written a science fiction novel, and since I can start writing this time, it proves that the story is attractive enough. If possible, I would like to start negotiations for the adaptation rights before the novel is published.”

Yu Dong said very bluntly, "No problem, I guarantee that you will be able to read the novel before it hits the shelves. If you are still interested in film and television adaptation rights after reading the novel, you can talk to Jimmy at any time. But you still have Do you have time to make other movies? You already have a lot of plans on hand, and people's energy is limited, so you are not afraid of being overwhelmed?"

Spielberg said with a smile: "In fact, I can be more busy. The work before "The Martian" has almost been completed. Although the follow-up work is also very important, I can relax a little bit."

Hearing what Spielberg said, Yu Dong was also very emotional. He found that these directors were really one by one, and he didn't want to stop at all.

Spielberg was not as relaxed as he said. During this period of time, he was so busy that his feet didn't touch the ground. In the past two months, although he was busy filming "The Martian" on the other side of the mountain most of the time , but he will fly back to the United States every three to five times, because besides "The Martian", he still has many plans on hand.

As far as Yu Dong knows, Spielberg's recently written script "Artificial Intelligence" is planning to shoot, and the production company is their DreamWorks.There is also "Jurassic Park 3", which will start filming soon.

In addition, "Shrek", which Deep Space took over before, is now in production, and Spielberg, as the producer, certainly cannot ignore it.


That is to say, in the short term, he has at least four plans in his hands, and each plan is a big plan. Among these four films, the production cost of "Shrek" is probably the lowest, but it also exceeds 6000 million US dollars.

Except for "Shrek", the production cost of the other three films is about 9000 million U.S. dollars, and the total production cost of the four films is more than 3 million U.S. dollars.

Thinking of Spielberg running between different projects every day and having no time to rest, Yu Dong felt very tired, but the key point is that Spielberg could still hold on, without feeling tired at all.

Spielberg's state reminded Yudong of Zhang Yimou. Under normal circumstances, when the Chinese New Year is approaching, everyone has already rested. Who will take care of him?But Zhang Yimou came back, and within a few days, he managed to come up with an opening ceremony.

Thinking of "Shrek", Yu Dong asked casually, "By the way, how is the production of "Shrek" going? I heard from Jimmy that it went well? But he didn't say the specific progress."

"That's right, it went very smoothly." Spielberg nodded, "After your company took over, the capital investment was very fast, and after pdi was acquired by you, you devoted all your energy to producing "Shrek", which greatly improved the production process of the movie. Speeding up, the speed is a bit beyond my expectation. Now the production of the whole movie is coming to an end. If it goes well, we hope to see it in the cinema in the second half of this year. Even if it is slower, it will be in the first half of next year at the latest See."

"So soon? Karl told me that it won't be released until next year at least." Yu Dong said unexpectedly.

The Carl Yu Dong mentioned was Carl Rosendahl, the founder of pdi. After Deep Space acquired the pdi company, Yu Dong had a face-to-face chat with Carl Rosendahl. At that time, Yu Dong asked about "Shrek" progress issues.

At that time, Carl Rosendahl told Dong that their PDI staff was too small, and "Shrek" would not be released until at least next year, that is, in 2001. Carl was speaking a little conservatively.

"Actually, Karl is right. If PDI didn't expand its manpower, "Shrek" would indeed not be released until at least the first half of next year. But after you acquired PDI, you increased their manpower by more than half. , of course the efficiency has improved a lot.”

Lucas smiled from the side, "But you have to think about it, after the production of "Shrek" is completed, these people in PDI will have nothing to do, and the operating cost will be too high, which is terrible for your company. It's not a good thing. You wouldn't tell me that you bought pdi just for the movie "Shrek". The production level is also top-notch in the industry, and it would be a waste to leave it alone. Not to mention, you paid a lot of cash for the acquisition of pdi at that time."

"Lucas, don't worry about this. I have my own plans for pdi, and they won't be idle."

Lucas raised his eyebrows, "Oh? What are you going to ask them to do next?"

Facing Lucas' inquiry, Yu Dong said, "This is a commercial secret, so it's inconvenient to tell you, unless you sell your Industrial Light & Magic to us."


As soon as Yu Dong mentioned the matter of Industrial Light and Magic again, Lucas couldn't help curling his lips, "It's no problem if you want Industrial Light and Magic, as long as you are willing to exchange your deep space computer with me, or It’s to exchange your shares in Amazon with me.”

"Even if I hand over the deep space computer to you, you won't be able to play it. Do you have experience in running an Internet company?" Yu Dong teased.

Lucas said with a smile, "I didn't say I want to operate it. As long as you are willing to change it, I can sell the deep space computer to America Online. I think Steven Case will definitely be willing to pay a good price for it. , now America Online is being burned by your company. I saw the tribal website they made, which completely imitated you, but it is far from your deep space tribe. Even though they spent a lot of money, the traffic of their website Not even a tenth of yours."

"You're really good at planning."

Lucas is right, what Steven Case wants to do most now is probably to acquire the deep space computer, or to defeat the deep space computer.In order to compete with the deep space company, they spent tens of millions of dollars at least.

Your problem is that after spending so much money, not only did they fail to do the Deep Space Tribe, but ICQ's business was gradually eroded by Deep Space.

Lenovo wanted to cooperate with AOL. Why did the negotiation go so smoothly? Isn't it because AOL hopes to form an alliance with Lenovo to do things behind the deep space computer in China?
If Deep Space is now willing to package and sell the Deep Space Computer to America Online, Steven Case may be able to wake up laughing.

As for the price, let’s not say too much, if there is no one billion, there will be seven or eight billion U.S. dollars. If you press it hard, it will be no problem to exceed one billion U.S. dollars.

It is certainly not a lie that Yu Dong wants Industrial Light and Magic. There are many plans after deep space that need to rely on Industrial Light and Magic to provide services.

Now Deep Space and Lucas are bound together because of imax, so it is only a matter of one sentence for Deep Space to use Industrial Light and Magic, but the world is bustling, and it is all for profit, and the world is crowded, and it is all for profit. How reliable and how long the partnership will last is anyone's guess.

If one day their cooperative relationship is broken, it will not be easy to find a company to replace Industrial Light and Magic, so Yu Dong really wants to sell Industrial Light and Magic.No matter what, it is best to hold the sharp weapon in your own hands.

Of course, Industrial Light and Magic is now the backbone of Lucasfilm, and Lucas is of course unwilling to transfer to Deep Space.

Although Lucasfilm has a big business and a super IP like "Star Wars" in hand, the company that can really make money now may be Industrial Light and Magic, and the income from other aspects is not impressive.

"Star Wars" has a very strong ability to attract money from peripherals, but these incomes have little to do with Lucasfilm.

For the incubation of ip, Lucasfilm and Deep Space have taken a completely different route.

As long as the conditions are met, Deep Space Corporation is willing to incubate the ip owned by Deep Space Corporation. Even if the conditions are not enough, it will try its best to participate in the investment. In this way, it can not only ensure that the direction of IP incubation is correct, but also ensure that Deep Space Corporation Get enough Lilan in ip incubation.


Take "The Martian" as an example. Deep Space Corporation itself accounted for half of the investment in the entire film. It contributed both money and effort, and used all its energy to promote it. Naturally, it will get more than half of the money when it is divided in the future.

But Lucasfilm is completely different. They are only responsible for producing and publicizing the IP. After authorizing it to others, they basically do not invest, take risks, pay costs, and spend a lot of energy on creation and management. Maintain these ips for them.

In this way, they really have no risk, but at the same time, the harvest is much less. Most of the things they authorize can only get a little authorization share.

Which of these two business ideas is good and which is bad needs to be analyzed in detail. Relatively speaking, Lucas's way of doing business is definitely safer. Even if he can't make a lot of money, he won't stumble, and direct authorization can also speed up the incubation of IP.

But even if Lucas is now willing to sell Industrial Light & Magic to Deep Space, I am afraid that Deep Space will not be able to spend so much money. Their recent series of operations have almost bottomed out their pockets.


When the three of them finished talking, it was past eleven o'clock, and it was time for lunch, but he did not invite Spielberg to have lunch with Lucas.

After seeing them off, Yu Dong took Cheng Yanqiu to the cafeteria for dinner. As soon as the two got out of the elevator, they heard shouts coming from the direction of the auditorium upstairs.

The sound insulation of the Deep Space Building is already very good, but the screams from the auditorium can still be heard, which shows the huge momentum of the scene.

Cheng Yanqiu looked up at the ceiling, as if he wanted to see through it, and then said with a smile, "At this point in time, with such a big commotion, do you think Ma Tianyuan won?"

"It's hard to say." Yu Dong shook his head, "At this stage, it is also possible that a few other Chinese players won. After all, it is the early stage, and the level is not high. The level of the few players in China is good. If you don't meet Seed players, they should be fine if they want to win."

"But this voice is too strong. Is it really just the early stage of the game? Maybe their game is very fast, and they are already in the late stage?"

"No matter how fast it is, it won't be as fast as this. After all, there are so many participating teams." Yu Dong smiled, and pulled Cheng Yanqiu forward, "Let's go, let's go to eat quickly, and we will know the specific situation after a while." .”


"Ma Tianyuan, awesome!"

In the small conference hall, a StarCraft match had just ended. The Terran from China Ma Tianyuan defeated the Protoss from Goryeo Story with a score of [-] to [-], and advanced to the top [-]. He is also the number one in today's StarCraft match A player who is determined to enter the top twelve.

Although it was only a 24-to-[-] game, the scene was very intense and far more exciting than all other long games before, and Goryeo's story is also a player that has attracted much attention in this world video game competition.

Relevant people predicted before that Story is a very promising one among the contenders for the StarCraft title in this competition.

But it was such a seeded player who fell in the hands of Ma Tianyuan, a Chinese player, when he entered the 24th at [-]. Of course, the audience's emotions were high.

Since Ma Tianyuan can beat Story, he can also hit the championship.

Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

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