Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 773 There Are Better Scripts

Ma Tianyuan won, but his series of actions after winning the game caused some controversy.

According to the normal process of WCG, after the game, under the arrangement of the referee, the winner will go to the loser to shake hands with the loser to show friendship.

But Ma Tianyuan didn't wait for the referee's arrangement at all. As soon as the game was over, he flicked the mouse on the table, ran directly in front of his opponent Story, patted Story's shoulder with Story's surprised expression, said "Come on in the future", and then He turned and returned to his seat.

The referees at the scene were inexperienced and watched the whole process from the sidelines. They didn't take any action to stop Ma Tianyuan, and watched Ma Tianyuan complete a series of actions.

After Ma Tianyuan returned to his seat, the referee didn't know what to do. It stands to reason that they would go through the normal process at this moment, but the referee always felt that it was too strange to bring Ma Tianyuan in front of Story again.

In the end, the referee directly announced the end of the game, and the handshake ceremony did not take place.

Regarding the series of actions of Ma Tianyuan, the audiences present have different opinions. Some people think that although Ma Tianyuan is a little excited, he did not do anything out of the ordinary, but some people think that Ma Tianyuan lacks the overall situation, lacks sportsmanship, and even Some people have risen to the national level, thinking that they have lost China's face in front of many countries.

Goryeo is also protesting. They think that Ma Tianyuan lacks sportsmanship and disrespects his opponents. They must cancel his results and declare Story to win the game.

Moreover, Goryeo's protest was not raised by the contestants themselves, but by representatives sent by their country's Ministry of Culture... I have to say that Goryeo really attaches great importance to this competition. Apart from them, there is no culture of any country The ministry will send a representative.

Since there was a protest, Deep Space Company, as the organizer, must conduct an investigation. After several hours of investigation and research, the competition committee finally gave the result: Ma Tianyuan was fined 20000 RMB for failing to follow the competition procedures, but His behavior did not affect the result of the game, so the result of the game remains unchanged.

In this way, Ma Tianyuan became the first player to be fined by wcg.Of course Korea is not satisfied with this result, but it is hard to say anything, after all, this punishment is already quite heavy. 2 yuan, no matter which country it is placed in, it cannot be said to be less.

But for Ma Tianyuan, this punishment is not painful, because the fine is all paid by the Yunchi AG club, and he does not need to pay a dime.

When Yu Dong heard the news of Ma Tianyuan's "offence", the results of the treatment had already come out. What's even more outrageous was that Ma Tianyuan was directly on the headlines of the Deep Space Tribe, and the title was enough to make people vomit blood—StarCraft: After the game, the Chinese player rushed to the opponent and smashed the mouse angrily.

The first half of this news headline is true, and the second half is also true, but the sum is false.

Ma Tianyuan obviously smashed his own mouse, and rushed to Story after smashing the mouse, but looking at the title, normal people would think that Ma Tianyuan smashed the opponent's mouse.

Regarding this news, the Deep Space Tribe directly issued an announcement to refute the rumors.

And amidst this pull and pull, the StarCraft competition remains high.

Originally, this competition was more popular among game enthusiasts, but as soon as the news came out, ordinary audiences also became curious, wanting to find out what was going on with this competition. …

[Fuerwen: Is the scene so crazy?Isn't it just a game. 】

[King of keyboards: What game, this is called e-sports, do you understand e-sports? 】

[Hakuin: 24 to [-] are so fierce in this game, this Chinese player is really ashamed. 】

[Erwen Grassland: I think this MA is very genuine. Besides, he didn't do anything, but walked to the opponent's area in advance to show his friendship. The pat on the shoulder is obviously to encourage the opponent. 】

【Porter 123: I'm going to buy a "StarCraft" to play, what should I pay attention to? 】

[King of Cernaga: Congratulations, you have entered a world full of miracles. 】

[Lent Ethnicity: Novices can go to the official account of Yunchi AG. Their account has not been established for a long time, but they will release some game skills guides every day. 】

[Flying Wings: Haha, yes, MA is a player from their club. They just posted a tribal message. Every time a player from their club wins, there will be a lottery draw. 】

[Tissue: I declare that starting today, I am a supporter of MA. 】

[November: It's a pity, China is too far away, otherwise I really want to see it. 】

[Memo Pad: I heard that the venue is not limited to China, and any place can bid for the next one, just like the Olympic Games. 】

[Boston Rabbit: This news is true, our Boston E-sports Association is already preparing to bid. 】

[The Flying Dutchman: There is an e-sports association in Boston, but Amsterdam doesn't seem to have one. 】

[Group A: I haven't heard of it in Paris either. Does the e-sports association have to be able to bid for this?If I personally want to bid for Paris, is it possible to succeed? 】

[Sword of Judgment: I don’t know, you can contact the Deep Space official, they will release the news after a while.But even if you need an organization, as long as you have money, wouldn't it be enough to form an association yourself? 】

[Group A: But I have no money. 】

[Sword of Judgment: ... But what is certain is that the next session will not be an invitation system, but an audition system. At that time, they will divide the contest areas, and players can participate in the audition competitions in each area and break through in each area. After that, you can represent the region to participate in the competition. 】

[The Flying Dutchman: I also want to participate, can I participate individually? 】

[Sword of Judgment: I don’t know if individuals can participate. If you really want to participate in the competition, there are many newly established clubs that are recruiting people. You can try it. If you can be selected into the club, you can not only Participate in the competition, but also get the support of the club.There is a newly established Cliff Club here in Boston. If you become an official player of their club, you can get a subsidy of at least two thousand dollars a month. 】

[The Flying Dutchman: Too bad I'm in the Netherlands. 】


Yu Dong watched the news of the Deep Space Tribe for a while, and looked up at Jimmy who was sitting in front of him with his legs crossed and a relaxed face. No need to ask, just by looking at this guy's expression, he knew that he was behind this matter.

The onion news on the headlines should not be written by Deep Space Corporation, but if Deep Space Corporation wants to block that news, it is too simple, they only need to directly remove the news from the shelf or use technical means to reduce the popularity. …

But Deep Space did not do this, and immediately issued an announcement to refute the rumors, which directly pushed the popularity of the news one step forward. This rumor refusing news was basically inspired by Jimmy.

"I even doubt it."

"Suspect what?" Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong stared at Jimmy, "I suspect that Ma Tianyuan smashed the mouse and ran over to pat his opponent's shoulder. Did you instruct him to do so?"

Their first World Electronic Game Competition was really good, and the popularity was not bad, but the popularity did not meet Jimmy's expectations. What he hoped was that only through this competition, wcg would become a world-renowned official event. .

Therefore, Jimmy must do something topical - such as Chinese players provoking Korean players after the game.

Jimmy smiled and shook his head, "I really didn't do this."

Before Dong responded, Jimmy said again: "If it was my design, Ma Tianyuan shouldn't have patted Story on the shoulder, he should have brought the keyboard to smash Story's desk, and the punishment given by the competition committee should be higher. , it’s better to pay 2 U.S. dollars instead of [-] RMB. In fact, there is a better script. Let the other Chinese players have some problems when they compete with the Korean players, such as the keyboard does not work, the screen flickers and so on. Yes, and let Ma Tianyuan bear the burden of the Chinese players in the hope that in the end, he will step on a group of Korean players to become the champion."


Yu Dong took up the conversation: "In this way, Ma Tianyuan can be portrayed as a national e-sports hero who 'resists foreign invasion', and it can also arouse the hatred of e-sports between the two countries, and hatred is the most story-like. An event As long as it has a story like 'feud', it will definitely gain topicality and ratings, because the audience likes to watch this kind of stuff."

Jimmy laughed, nodded and said, "Those who know me, Dongya, I really thought about doing this before."

"Then why didn't you do it later?"

"I don't think it is necessary. Although conspiracies and tricks are useful, they are easy to be exposed, which is not good for our reputation."

Regarding Jimmy's explanation, Yu Dong shook his head, "This explanation doesn't convince me."

Jimmy curled his lips, "Actually, I saw that the emotions of both parties have been mobilized. There is no need for us to provoke such things as enmity. It will happen naturally. Ma Tianyuan's behavior has confirmed my thoughts."

Yu Dong nodded, which made sense.

In fact, Ma Tianyuan's performance was beyond Yu Dong's expectations. Ma Tianyuan, who is usually quiet, turned out to be so irritable on the field.

Yu Dong also watched today's 24 to [-] match. Although Ma Tianyuan's behavior was not particularly out of line overall, the action of patting Story on the shoulder seemed to be encouraging the opponent, but his facial expression was really fierce, like It's like eating people.

Just now Yu Dong saw it in the deep space, some netizens jokingly called Ma Tianyun the number one villain in e-sports.

"Actually, the level of Chinese players is much higher than I imagined." Jimmy said with a smile again, "Obviously the conditions are not very good in all aspects, but there are masters like Ma Tianyuan. I studied it specially, in fact, the main hero It’s still BattleNet.”…

"Asian Alliance Battle Network?"

"Well, is a battle platform that started to operate for free this year. After the launch of Blizzard, there have been many StarCraft battle platforms similar to in China. I guess there are hundreds of them. But these Most of the platforms are restricted by software and hardware, and the scale is not large. Some of them are relatively influential, such as Yanjing 263, Yalian, etc... Asialian Battlenet has rich capital and is equipped with high-configuration servers , purchased fsgs advanced version is not restricted by linux version 999..."

Jimmy introduced the Asian League Battle Network, and finally concluded, "It won't take long for the Asian League Battle Network to unify China's Star Battle Network."

Yu Dong immediately understood Jimmy's meaning, "You mean, it's time for us to do something?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

Yu Dong frowned. He didn't know much about the Asian League because he was relatively late in the game. He had never used the Asian League platform, but as a platform that almost unified China's Star Wars Network , Yu Dong also heard something about the Asian League

The Asian Union was really popular for a while, but later, because of the intervention of Xiangjiang Capital, it began to force fees, causing the players to disperse overnight.

It can be said that the Asian Union is a failure of Internet operations.

A successful case is Tencent QQ. They relied on the Monternet service launched by China Mobile in 2001 to open the mobile QQ business, develop fee-paying members, and develop more value-added services, so as to cultivate users' payment habits.

But this matter, deep space has already done it now.

Without the help of China Mobile, Deep Space Company still managed to do this, which is entirely due to the Star Card. According to statistics, more than 70.00% of five members use deep space points to redeem members.

There is no other reason, deep space points do not cost money, even if you don’t have points to spend money to buy points and then redeem members, it is cheaper than buying members directly.

Dongdong membership costs ten yuan per month, but if you use deep space points to exchange, you only need 120 points. In some areas, you can buy [-] points for at least three or four yuan. Under normal circumstances, [-] points are only [-] yuan. Right or left, no matter how you calculate it, it is more cost-effective to buy points and then exchange them for Dongdong membership.

The reason why the "exchange rate" of deep space points is different in different regions is because of the difficulty of obtaining points and the gap between the frequency of use.

Take Shanghai as an example, the number of netizens in Shanghai is growing very fast, and there are many stores like Sony franchise stores that cooperate with Deep Space Corporation, so it is very easy to use points in Shanghai.

However, there are not enough places in Shanghai to obtain points, and it is difficult for locals to obtain points, and there are many channels to use points, which makes deep space points more expensive in Shanghai.

On the contrary, like Rongcheng, there are many channels for people to obtain points, but there are few places to use points, which makes the local deep space points cheaper.

The Deep Space Company has cultivated users' payment habits in this way of "transferring flowers and trees", but this method can only be done by Deep Space, and other companies cannot follow suit.

Although the Asian League ended disastrously in the previous time and space, Yu Dong did not despise them, and nodded very seriously, "Not to mention whether to compete with the Asian League, it is time for Blizzard to consider the domestic layout , The world-wide battle platform should be in our hands."

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